Same Offender, Different Alt
by Alphaville Herald on 01/11/07 at 4:00 pm
There is nothing quite like being abused for writing a news report on an assault
by Katrina Eales
So, at the risk of raising the ire of the misogynists who criticised me for having the temerity to write about having been virtually assaulted and shot in my most recent report, I now feel bound to report yet another attack by the same individual, this time on my neighbour in Caledon.
The latest offence took place at around 12.30 pm tuesday in Stormhold. The offender was an avatar named Blak Hax who just happens to share an SL birthday, a year apart, with one Jerome Nitschke, the man who attacked me.
Nitschke was born on 6/22/2006. Hax arrived on 6/22/2007. It would be stretching the bounds of credibilty to believe that two different sex offenders sharing the same birthday turned up in the same place two days in a row and assaulted women neighbours.
My neighbour described her experience.
“He was on my plot but I didn’t think anything of it until he popped in through the wall with an animation ball that he’d attached to my head…it was called “fuck this head.
“I told him to leave my house and he refused. it was really quite strange and jolting – my first time being griefed in that way.”
She immediately deleted the attached object and banned the offender. But she was shaken and upset by the attack. It goes without saying that many other residents of Caledon are outraged and that the Governor of Caledon, Desmond Shang, has taken appropriate action.
[12:31] (Neighbour) excuse me
[12:32] Blak Hax: LEAVE MY HOUSE
[12:32] Blak Hax: why are you in my house
[12:33] (Neighbour): You need to leave
[12:33] (Neighbour): This is my home
[12:33] (Neighbour): I am reporting you
[12:33] Blak Hax: if this was your home you could just kick my out
[12:33] Blak Hax: its obviously my home
[12:33] (Neighbour): I am about to.
My neighbour was appreciative of the support offered to her following the assault.
“I am very touched that everyone is so up in arms….I hope he does not bother anyone else, as Blak Hax, or as an alt.”
A colleague who read the comments following my story yesterday observed that some critics may be in need of help.
“You know katrina, by the looks of those posts, you really get the sense of how many sick people there are in sl…. these folks are warped beyond belief. Many of them grew up on a lot of video violence and they lack grace and respect.
“The psychology of these spaces are really something….. a new world, almost.”
There seems to be a body of opinion which suggests that women avatars should just grin and bear it. However, I have no intention of being driven away from Second Life by those who believe it should be a “free for all” in terms of causing grief to other people.
The more these assaults occur the more the eye of legislators will be focused on virtual worlds. If Second Life can’t manage its own affairs appropriately there will be a real world intervention. Blind Freddie can see that.
There’s an old Australian saying that describes the attitude of my critics very well. That is “piss on the fire, Jack. My steak’s cooked.”
If you’re not careful your goose will be cooked too.
Persephone Kirkorian
Nov 1st, 2007
How’s that persecution complex workin’ for ya?
Ryker Beck
Nov 1st, 2007
Is it wrong that I actually find this story really hysterical?
In the “oh my god, I can’t believe he did that” kind of way.
Rhaegar Aeghin
Nov 1st, 2007
Sometimes, all you have to do is take a deep breath, get your eyes off your screen, and realize there is a first life. One in which you are a quiet, solitary geek like me, that nobody’s molesting.
Rhaegar, rated R.
Nov 1st, 2007
Can you really attach something to someone else?
Nov 1st, 2007
“There seems to be a body of opinion which suggests that women avatars should just grin and bear it.” sounds like reverse sexism to me considering how many “female” avs are really guys in the first place. You’re just playing into the invalid stereotypes that women are seen as weak.
What I find entertaining is how the “fuck his head” anim is refered to as though it was a grenade or something. I guess I’ve just been too busy in real life and have forgotten how SLtards can get.
At least my vacation was fun!
Nov 1st, 2007
>”fuck his head”
I’m not sure whether this one or the fart gun is more embarassing.
>”The more these assaults occur the more the eye of legislators will be focused on virtual worlds.”
Oh wow. I can’t wait for griefing to become a political hot topic. I can just see the ad campaigns! “VOTE YES ON MEASURE 83 IF YOU ARE TIRED OF BEING FOLLOWED AROUND BY WIGGLY PRIM DONGS”
Ari Blackthorne
Nov 1st, 2007
I think the issue with the feedback of your previous story has to do with how melodramatic it all was. It was definitely over the top. Now this story is considerably more in-line with a simple reporting of the incident and not so over the top. You did a much better job this time than last time.
I mean, in real life, sure. It’s serious business. But in SL, even though it was a griefer, and he was wrong for doing what he did – and even though SL is not a ‘game’ (yes, some might argue) – it *IS* still just a computer simulation.
Yet, you reported the original experience as horrifying! shocking! …as though you will be mentally affected for the rest of your life with nightmares and flashbacks.
Hey, SL home or not – just hit the teleport button or better yet – hit the power switch.
The whole ‘seriousness’ of your previous reporting just made the story entertaining. What makes a clown funny is that a clown experiences huge hurdles and foibles in trying to accomplish the simplest everyday tasks we don’t think about.
I don’t want to call you a clown. But that original story appears to have been written like an April fool’s piece.
That’s the point.
Mytwo Cents
Nov 1st, 2007
This article is simply beyond belief. I know it’s probably great for the SLH user stats, but giving this seriously disturbed person a public forum to publish her nonsense is almost unethical.
Could you, dear Katrina Eales, please stop spitting in the face of all the poor victims of real attacks, rape and murder? “You know katrina, by the looks of your articles, you really get the sense of how many sick people there are in sl”…
Leave SL. It’s not the right thing for you – and take this friend of yours with you.
/me shakes head sadly
Nov 1st, 2007
Prok, Katrina seems to be your just-as-neurotic-but-slightly-more-conservative offspring. Congratulations, it’s a girl!
Seriously, Katrina, no one cares about you or your soapbox. You make me sad to be a girl.
Martien Pontecorvo
Nov 1st, 2007
I think a lot of the scornful and downright despicable commentary – which is starting up again for this post, I note – is because, for the majority of the respondents, the virtual nature of Second Life trumps any sense of immersion or participation.
My SL avatar is, of course, at a certain remove from my real self, but there is still an emotional investment in his creation and nurturing; he is, in effect, a part of me. Idealised, undoubtedly, but a part of me.
And I bitterly resent any part of me being abused in any fashion, which the dissociated seem to think is just fine; “Awww, it’s just pixels.”
NO. There is a living, breathing human being animating those pixels, and who takes pride in them, and is naturally affronted when some imbecile, incapable of differentiating twixt regular computer game and MUSE, decides to frustrate their enjoyment of this environment.
“Sticks and stones will break my bones,” the old saw goes, but broken bones and flesh wounds heal over time. Well-chosen and well-timed words, on the other hand, can inflict far more enduring – and profound – wounds.
Second Life is no longer a protean chaos of do-as-you-please. There are rules of behaviour now, and Ms Eales’ detractors would do well to remember that. If they must go on sprees, there are better places for them to do so than some random victim’s private property.
I do not see why I should have to live my Second Life in fear. Nor do I see why anyone else should have to do so.
I will now grit my teeth and endure the probable storm of petty griefing that will ensure next time I log in.
Strato Habercom
Nov 1st, 2007
Sorry, don’t really get the point… when I was younger 3D on computers meant zombies with machineguns dropping through the roof and you are complaining because somebody don’t leave when asked?
Greefin Oh
Nov 1st, 2007
So that’s what we’re calling Griefers now? Sex Offenders? ROFLCOPTER!
Wait wait, take a step back from your computer, breath in deeply. Realize what you just typed. “Sex Offender”.. last time I checked, those people didn’t jump on top of your head with animation balls, while a sound clip of “fuck his head! fuck his head!” repeated over and over and over again.
No my dear, I hate to break it to you and burst your little virtual bubble here, but Blak Hax is not a Sex Offender.. at least as far as we know in reality (you remember what that is right?). No I’m sorry, what happened to your friend was just a dimwit punk, using an animation that at least 50 of my friends have in their inventory… myself included. Ooh my wait I Guess I should call the police huh? I’m a sex offender.. OH NOOOES!
This is just sad.. and I hate to say it but your rants on this just brings more griefers in to peck at you. You and you’re friend sound like people who seriously need to get up from the computer and get some fresh air.
And before anyone says anything about me… I’m not the one going bonkers over what’s not even tangibly real.
PS.. I know what a real sex offender is because I had it happen to me in Real Life when I was 5. Yeah.. what you’re describing is no where near what I have experienced.
Buretin Peart
Nov 1st, 2007
The fact that you labeled everyone who criticized your last article as a “misogynist” is unbelievable.. Such audacity almost leaves me at loss of words. Did you actually read the comments they were trying to tell you?
I’ve already expatiated my thoughts on the issue in your last article, so I’m not going to bother repeating myself. I figure it won’t do any good.. you’ll probably choose to ignore all our points and just call us all woman-haters again.
P.S. That whole “eye of legislators” line though.. that gave me a nice chuckle. I actually contemplated not posting a reply because at that point I had to consider whether or not I was being trolled..
Gando Thurston
Nov 1st, 2007
Neither sexual assault nor sexual griefing should be tolerated in any form.
Finding this article “hysterical” is wrong and shameful, posting point and laugh encouragement is a very irresponsible action.
Gando Thurston
Nov 1st, 2007
Sexual assault should not be tolerated anywhere; so, yes pointing out that you found this article “hysterical” is wrong, childish, irresponsible and rude.
Nov 1st, 2007
Do you realise that by crying like this you are giving him Lulz. He will come back and back and back. He will keep creating alts he will start to enlist his “friends” very soon you will be under a plague of newbs with cages and 100′ eDongers.
If you know ANYTHING about the psychology of adolescent boys, that is who these people almost always are, you will know if you don’t feed them they will move on.
Either that… or send them to me… I love giving such adolescents a taste of man-on-man sex. I can turn them towards their obvious Gay side so that they are no longer interested in you.
Maria Leveaux
Nov 1st, 2007
Of Course he came Back, you Overreacted so marvelously last time, how could he resist. You gave him a veritable Goldmine of what he Seeks.
And now you’ve Posted Again, and Fed the griefer even More.
Mute, Boot, Ban, and AR and Leave it at that. anything else is just laying out Attractive bait for them.
Plot Tracer
Nov 1st, 2007
Actually, I agree with the sentiment of this article. A rl friend of mine logged into sl a few months back and was “assaulted” by someone on her first night. She decided SL was not all it was cooked up to be and has not been back. Which is a loss actually as she would have been a great addition to sl discussion groups, political groups and educational groups.
SL is getting the name of “sleazy” – as the recent BBC Jeremy Vine Show here in UK outlined. This place is going to sink if it is seen as just a place for pervs and virtual rapists.
Sexuality and sex is being totally abused in SL. Sexual freedom also means the freedom to express your own sexuality without hindrance or without being subjected to unwanted advances etc. And I agree that the unfortunate outcome will be the stepping in of real life legislators and law men/women.
Ledoof Constantineau wrote this article on our blog –
Cocoanut Koala
Nov 1st, 2007
I’m with ya on that, Katrina.
No reason why we should grin and bear it while others get to do whatever they want to us, is there.
Unless – of course – the space is theirs, not ours, and we have nothing to say with what goes on in it.
Which, of course, reduces it all to the lowest common denominator, until that is all there is left.
It’s really just a spin on an old bit of chauvinism: You aren’t supposed to have any emotions at all.
padijun loll
Nov 1st, 2007
I was just beginning to forget why I fucking hate everyone who plays SL
Aetuneo Novi
Nov 1st, 2007
I am inclined to take this article as further proof that the internet has developed an intelligence (or multiple intelligences), that live in SL. As they have no experience of the world outside of the internet / SL, they are inclined to think that everything that happens inside of SL is real, and have no way to escape from SL.
If this theory is incorrect, please learn how to turn your computer off when you are “assaulted” in SL. Or at least get a sense of perspective! Learn to laugh this stuff off, and laugh at how scared you were after banning the offending Avatar from your land. Isn’t that why people watch scary movies – because they like being scared?
Nov 1st, 2007
Angel, I don’t think anyone will be up for that if they’ve seen your RL picture. Sometimes stereotypes of nerds DO pan out.
Nov 1st, 2007
u mean this
Penance Sautereau
Nov 2nd, 2007
What most posters forget so easily here is that while for YOU it’s “just a game” you play to fart around on and pass a few hours, most likely because you’re desensitized to everything and think feelings are for wussies, a LOT of people play themselves in a game like this, and that means there are real feelings involved. Katrina may not be aware that the eternally gross and irritating “Fuck His Head” anim doesn’t actually attatch anything to your av, but she IS fully able to have unpleasant feelings because of it. When you’re playing yourself then even in a virtual world it hurts when someone is treating you like an object for their amusement. Sure she can TP away or turn the game off, but she’ll still feel upset that someone treated her so poorly. How about instead of being anonymous, misogynest, insensitive macho jackoffs belittling her her for being capable of something you buried, you just say “Different strokes for different folks” and move on? Why is it so all-consuming a goal for YOU to prove your lack of a life by spending so much time attacking her column? At least I have an excuse to spend so much time online. I’m disabled, I have nowhere else to go. What’s your excuse?
The Grid Live
Nov 2nd, 2007
Second Life News for November 2, 2007
Tip of the Week #9: How to create and join a group ‘Tis a basic guide with newer Residents in mind who’re getting familiar with Second Life, but if you’ve never created a group before and want to see how the process works before shelling out L$…
Prokofy Neva
Nov 2nd, 2007
I’m glad you persist in writing these accounts, Katrina. I find it more than humorous — sick really — that the Herald wouldn’t stand for these principles when all of these things were happening to me and my tenants. I guess in Pixeleen’s world, when this happens to a girl, it’s worse than a guy, even a transgendered guy — and she concludes, as does Uri, “Be a man, suck it up.” And in fact, everyone’s telling you essentially the same thing — it’s virtual, so take it on the chin and shut up.
Why is it ok to be a fucktard online to other people? It’s not.
I had to take no end of abuse when I went to bat for my tenant who experienced rape from these thugs, and when I wrote very forthrightly on my blog, as you are doing, that rape in cyberspace is still rape. It’s still wrong. It still needs to be condemned by moral and thinking people, and it still has to be punished and the perpetrators removed. Not condemning it, making light of it, even letting emotional blackmailers from those purporting to preserve real-life rape as the greater crime (you don’t have to work so hard at preserving it, gang, it’s a RL crime and prosecuted as such) — none of them should dissuade you from denouncing this and trying to raise awareness of it.
It’s interesting that you should write about Blak Hax. Blak Hax is one of these evil fucktards from Woodbury University and the v-5/Prokofy Fan Club/PN/W-hat axis — which they feign is all separate, and “hates” each other but is really all a kind of continuum.
Send you columns to the dean of Woodbury University, and to any trustees you can, and ask them why the HELL they aren’t monitoring what is being done in their name.
Since Blak Hax hangs around with Tizzers Foxchase, and has done attacks frequently on Ravenglass, I’m thinking he’s likely to be Hazim Gazov’s new alt, or at least someone in that same group.
The kinds of attacks that Blak Hax would do in recent months would involve these Eddie Haskell “plausible deniability” sort of thuggish nasty behaviours, like dressing up as a Jew, wearing a pink t-shirt with a Star of David (a gay Jew?), and a haircut vaguely reminiscent of the Orthodox Jew, and a tag even from an authentic group called Jews of SL which is an open group, and pretending that this amplified hate wasn’t what it was — anti-Semitism. It was just “being Jewish”. Yeahhhhh right. Lovely dress you have there Mrs. Cleaver.
The way you could tell it wasn’t a celebration of Jewish culture spontaneously taking place in Ravenglass (*rolls eyes*) was that when banned, he would keep flitting back, taunting, flying around, and of course with Alyx Stoklitsky or Tizzers Foxchange in tandem, or never far behind, or arriving to feign fake dismay at a griefer attack by a group they claim they “control”. It is all as phony as a three-dollar bill.
And the task is to just keep abuse-reporting and exposing what these fucktards do assiduosly. Because they mess up — or deliberately at some point move from one level to the next, and then do stuff like make sexual attacks and even rape assaults.
Blak Hax was clearly who is he — and should have long ago been removed from the People list for the petty crimes he did repeatedly perpetrate. But the Lindens pretend each new alt is innocent until proven guilty and behave like lunatics, not realizing that anyone joining the Woodbury Group is indeed suspect, the group itself should be frozen and/or dismantled, as they now have racked up a huge thick dossier of crimes (which they fly aroud denying, and trying to get the Chronicle of Higher Education to claim is authentic education, and portray those who question it as Anne Coulters bent on destruction of academic freedom or something ROFL. I think it would take some of the writes at CHE — and for that matter, the Herald — to get one of these “fucked in the head” attacks before they “got it”.
Certainly Pixeleen is challenged on this, because she’s never been able to stand up and take a stance against Woodbury. This is what I fought for, for nearly a year, Katrina, connect up the dots, do the math here, you are not discovering America here.
And what you are writing about Katrina, is Woodbury. And it’s Woodbury that I began exposing months ago, and kept at it, despite all the harassment and vicious attacks I suffered here, and it’s what made me finally conclude that I simply didn’t wish to post articles here anymore, because the publisher and the editors simply refuse to take a stand against this morally, which they could be doing, and instead, prefer to let it fester and provide endless news copy and traffic hits as all these fucktards come and take hits at people like you and me.
And now you’re the latest shill for Pixeleen, Uri, and Wallace to set up, let you pour our your heart and soul, and be viciously attacked by these fucktards. So don’t let them do that. Either stand and fight, or get out of the Herald and have your own blog. The immoral publishers and editors of the Herald here are not your friends. This is not your home.
It’s men running this site, Katrina. You will not get justice here. That’s why I said in my first post: LOG OFF. Not forever. Just for five minutes. Deprive the goons of the attention while in world.
Just don’t give up. Don’t let even people who are victims of real-life rape attacks try to dissuade you that it’s wrong to care about rape in cyberspace. Keep caring. Keep writing. Keep exposing. People spend more and more time online. It matters what kind of world it is. Just because a rape in cyberspace is virtual, just because it cannot be compared to real-life rape, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a crime, and that there isn’t a victim.
I disagree with Maria that you “feed the griefer”. No. You need to keep exposing and publicizing and matching up information and running it to ground. Here, this idiot is flying around abusing people, when 3 months ago he was among those perpetrating racist and anti-Semitic attacks and palling around with those crashing the grid and spewing particles for days on end – had the Lindens not been spineless pools of jello, he’d be gone, and that rape wouldn’t have happened, see? And no, don’t tell me there’s another one ready to take his place. It matters to fight each one. It matters to the starfish…
SLCC was attended by the real-life typist of Hazim Gazov. So if you’re serious, go to FlipperPAY’s much-vaunted lawyer and serve him notice that you’d like him to reveal the identity of Hazim Gazov so he can be questioned in the matter of this rape and other crimes in SL. And get the trustees of Woodbury — this story is far from over.
Nov 2nd, 2007
Gotta feel sorry for you guys in SL…I mean, really, having to wear a strap on must be such a drag.
Nov 2nd, 2007
Nuh I’m not Angel Fluffy guys.
Terra Ellison
Nov 2nd, 2007
Am I the only one who thinks this whole thing might be another attention seeking hoax?
Martien Pontecorvo
Nov 2nd, 2007
As I suspected, the jeering brigade have continued to point and laugh.
Assault exists even when it is only the internet-mediated meeting of minds, as I have said. There IS such a thing as psychological abuse, no physical violence required.
Why do the imbecilic think that because SL is one of them there intertube thangs, that violence is automagically impossible?
Nov 2nd, 2007
Just because someone happens to share the same birthday with a different year doesn’t mean it’s the same person.
actualy it doesn’t make any logical sense.
Griefers create accounts whenever they
A) get banned.
B) want to rig votes easier.
C) don’t want their main accounts banned when they grief.
D) want to grief someone without them knowing it was that person.
i could go on but i’m not gonna because i’ve already put too much time and effort into this. the birthday thing does share some relevance but is highly improbable.
Lucien Godenot
Nov 2nd, 2007
The moron(s) who do this sort of thing to other avatars need to be stopped. It’s very annoying. But to me, your being hurt and feeling grief because of their actions makes you as ridiculous as them.
Your horizon is too narrow. Widen it and you will see the insignificance of this experience.
Beathag McMahon
Nov 2nd, 2007
I think what needs to be remembered by some of the posters is that not everyone who comes into SL comes in with a background in violent video games. They’re NOT expecting to be attacked – they just want to have fun. And when one is not expecting attack, one can be taken off-guard, and not react as well as one should.
This is what happened to me. I was at an event at my favorite club, with plenty of my pals there. I was being my usual SL self – dancing and being bawdy – a little over the top. (Very unlike RL me.) A man in attendance who, in retrospect, obviously disapproved of my behavior, accused me of having a male typist running my av. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say – just muttered something inane. My friends leaped to my defense, and he apologized – but not very graciously. I accepted, said something about having to get dinner, and tp’d out. The closest of my friends there immediately IM’d me, to make sure that I was ok. We chatted – I IM’d another good friend and vented – and then logged off. The jerk was banned from that club.
Now – did I handle that well? Hard to tell. But, under the circumstances, that was all I could do. I was stunned – not expecting this at all.
Pushing a female av off a mountain with a large cock is not funny. Popping into her house with a gun and shooting her is not funny. This is not WoW, or any violent video game. Folks that want to do that sort of thing should find the RPGs within SL that allow it, and leave the rest of us alone.
I just want to chat, and dance, and have fun. I don’t think this is too much to ask.
Nov 2nd, 2007
Seriously, you honestly beleived that some random idiot greifer waited exactly one year to the day to create a new account?? Do you honestly think that ‘SL birthdays’ carry any significance whatsoever??
This better be this idiot’s last ever official SL herald ‘story’ or this site should be rebranded the SL whingers. Every ‘article’ this moron writes errodes the credibility of this whole site. It would make for some serious comedy though if it wern’t for the damage idiots like this do to SL.
shockwave yareach
Nov 2nd, 2007
So, now in addition to griefers being sex criminals, anyone who disagrees with you is a misogynist as well. Why not just call everyone who fails to sob along with you a nazi and get Godwin’s Law out of the way already? YOu were NOT raped; you were griefed. Almost nobody condones that you were griefed or hassled, but almost everyone agrees that it doesn’t rise to the level of a real life sex crime. Period. I’ve no use at all for the griefers or any of their escapades. But likewise, I’ve no interest in chatting with drama queens who can’t tell the difference between virtual and real, either.
Nov 2nd, 2007
This is turning into quite the story. I think a feature on separation of SL and RL is perhaps in order?
Nov 2nd, 2007
I am a faggot
archie lukas
Nov 2nd, 2007
Lets just cut the bastards goolies off
(testicles, balls, ie castration)
I am qualified to perform this surgery and will do so gladly
Nov 2nd, 2007
>”The more these assaults occur the more the eye of legislators will be focused on virtual worlds.”
Bitch you got mental problems.No one will ever give a shit because you were ‘virtually head raped’. I bet you’re one of those bitches so starved for attention that you fantasize about being raped so you can tell everyone about it and be all leik ZOMG I WIZ RAEPD so people wil actually notice you exist. I bet you poison your children for the same reason too. Un fucking believable. Please hang yourself, kthx.
Nina A
Nov 2nd, 2007
OMG It’s nasty griefing. Yes it is serious as it disrupts your game, but to call it rape is unbelievably naive and quite frankly disgusting to people who have been raped.
Take time off from SL. It’s not doing you any favors.
Tizzers Foxchase
Nov 2nd, 2007
Ok Prokofy you win.
I really do control all griefing in Second Life. In November of 2006, I was hired by Linden Lab to head up an experimental program to measure resident response and reaction to virtual terrorism. Robin Harper (Linden) and MC Fizgig made arrangements for the experiment to be conducted by an educational institution that was small enough to be willing to risk their reputation in the academic community. The Woodbury University group was created to serve as a cover for the experiment.
Our original vision was to create a hub where the v-5/Prokofy Fan Club/PN/W-hat axis could converge and collaborate. Unfortunately part of our vision was foiled when you released the “Griefer U” article due to w-hat backing out (in their attempt to appear legitimate in the eyes of the community). After the PN started to fall apart in late June, Robin Linden decided it was time to end the experiment, and the Woodbury sim was no longer needed. Plastic Duck, Mudkips Acronym, and myself were flown to San Fransisco to meet with Michael Linden, Socrates Linden, and Chadrick Linden to review the data for future use by the NSA and Department of Homeland Security.
You were right this whole time Prok. How did you become such a genius?
Nov 2nd, 2007
I feel the urge: No one can attach *anything* to anyone against their will. Period. All they can do is target you with a follower. Like a pet, it follows you around.
No one can “steal” your Linden $ or your Avatar. Period. You would need to say “Yes” to the ORANGE menu asking for “Permission to Debit”.. just say NO! Unless you are a vendor using a scripted vending gadget, you will never see this menu.
And, the surest way to deal with the vilage idiots is to simply log out or teleport somewhere else and report them. Too bad you can’t do that so easily in RL.
Nov 2nd, 2007
To some of the feminist man hating dikes such as Penance Sautereau :
You are fucking retarded. Dont hate us because you are weak, or because your father abandoned you or your husband doesnt wanna fuck you. Gender doesnt have anything todo with anything. For those of you crying about men beating women and ZOMG, CAVEMEN and shit, the bitch you’re defending is sure doing you alot of favors. Reinforcing the image of women being weak fucking waifs. Only reason you hate us so vehemently is because you dont have the balls to mouth off IRL and let one of us know. Now, go do mah fucking laundry bitch *smacks you on the ass*
Katrina Eales
Nov 2nd, 2007
There are a few good minds at work on this thread making pertinent points and reviewing my reports objectively, some critically. That’s all to the good. There are others that would take human morality down to its lowest common denominator – bestial minds defending bestial acts whether virtual or otherwise. The sad part is that some of you even think your written reactions are funny.
Sick humour. There’s more than immaturity at work here. There is a love of virtual violence against women that virtually knows no bounds. These comments are not being made in SL and they’re not part of a game. These are real life minds at work, sick minds, and the incredibly abusive reactions to my report demonstrate clearly that the attitudes you display in SL translate to the real world.
Ugly little men with ugly little minds and souls, disordered, utterly unattractive and habitually abusive. You’re a burden on the collective spirit of humanity.
Witness X
Nov 2nd, 2007
Maybe someone should ask Tizzers when she is not bullshitting about using alts to do her dirty work to keep her main clean. Ask her about the time she lead a PN cell during one for their operations, of course it was with an alt. She will deny this of course and spin of on a usual stupid Chan retort comment.
I’ll give Tizzers one thing. She uses alts with the best of them to the point where it’s pretty hard to trace it back to her. It’s about the only thing she’s good at in the metaverse.
Mytwo Cents
Nov 2nd, 2007
Ok, let’s reiterate Katrina’s opinion in her thread post above on people that criticize her:
- Immature
- Love of virtual violence against women
- Ugly little minds and souls
- Utterly unattractive
- Habitually abusive
I don’t even bother to comment on this; you have simply disqualified yourself from being taken seriously ever again. In my eyes, you are just a whining attention seeker.
I actually feel quite relieved when I read most of the comments across the articles around this topic here. The amount of people that have a sensible view about the differences and similarities between SL and RL and are willing to stand up against your nonsense is much larger than I would have imagined. This gives me hope and keeps me enjoying SL.
Reverse Writer
Nov 2nd, 2007
Re: 5:10pm
You say “my report.” This implies you think you’re doing some sort of investigative journalism rather than just blogging in public about the crazy little flea circus of fears and phobias that lead you to write histrionic screeds like your last comment. Don’t misinterpret the Herald publishing two weirdo rambles as them saying they believe you, much less in you. It’s a freakshow, and when everyone is gathered around you, poking you with sticks, guess what that makes you?
Nov 2nd, 2007
oh do shut up lady.
Nov 2nd, 2007
First, there is really no need to resort to insulting anyone on either side of the debate. Second, I wholeheartedly agree that psychological trauma is very real, and sometimes much worse than physical trauma. With all that said, my take on the whole thing is this: Any perceived trauma, which you actually have 100% control over whether you have to put up with it or not, is not really traumatic. Being raped, I can assure you, as I have real life experience with this, is very traumatic. The difference between what I experienced in real life and what you experienced in Second Life is merely this: you could walk away. You could teleport. You could mute and ban, and make it as if this person that bothered you so much never existed to you.
You had many choices – all of them available to you at the touch of a button, or flip of a switch.
I, on the other hand, could not walk away. I had a choice, too – but my choice was comply or die.
You see Katrina, that’s the difference. Although I can accept that some people might be so sensitive as to be truly traumatized by what they might experience in SL – however far-fetched I might personally believe that to be – I accept that it’s possible. I do *not* believe that you have any reason or right to play the victim when you had every tool and ability available to you to not experience it.
Your melodramatic post sincerely does make light of every woman (or man) who has ever been sexually assaulted in the real world, and though I wish you no ill and believe you’re entitled to feel whatever you might feel, I am personally offended that you would toss around the words rape and sexual assault in the manner that you have.
Artemis Fate
Nov 2nd, 2007
Way to put a giant throbbing target on your head Katrina. You were so unbelievably butthurt over the last article you wrote, (I couldn’t believe it was serious), that you’ve now made yourself a lulz-worthy target, who will continue doing these things to you while you continue writing long whiny articles claiming you’ve been raped and assaulted.
You know why rape is so psychologically damaging? Because it tears away the illusion of control and safety in the world for the victim, that they suddenly realize that there is nothing keeping any particular person with mal-intent and the ability to do so from doing to them what they want. Now, in Second Life, you never lose control, and you never lose your safety, nothing anyone can do to you in Second Life (especially some stranger griefer) can harm you unless you let it harm you, and no one can do anything to you that you cannot escape from unless you don’t want too.
If you feel that you have been raped in Second Life, then it was you who raped yourself.