Brutally Pathetic Starfucking Cyberstalkers
by Alphaville Herald on 02/12/07 at 9:05 pm
Herald Paparazzi scores coveted shots of SL Fashionista, demands immediate payment
by Pixeleen Mistral, new media critic
Leading the race for dumbest fashionista in the metaverse is the Brutal Honesty blog, where “clever” Tina Travanti put a bounty out for anyone who produces “a real picture” of Tina’s favorite target to hate on – SL Herald staffer Tenshi Vielle. That was a really smart idea, Tina. Advocating cyberstalking inside SL – a TOS violation – or real life stalking – is your best shot at getting some fame. Try to be careful about the trail of slime you are trailing so you don’t slide backwards. Fashion climbing by celebrity starfucking and cyberstalkering is a tricky path to the top.
Of course, Tina has reason to be desperate about her place in the blog-o-sphere – currently ranked 5,594,681 according to We’ll make it easy for you this time Tina – take a look at this real picture of Tenshi – and pay up now. You wouldn’t want to get a reputation as someone who does not keep her word, would you? We kept the screenshots of your blog – in case you are tempted to change your mind. If you are having problems understanding any of this, get someone to explain in small words how Tenshi is the one person who can get a real picture of Tenshi – without being a total creep.
Tenshi stalkers herself, takes her own picture, wins lame contest
And Tina? We had a Herald staff meeting a couple hours ago — good luck for you! Uri, Tenshi, and I decided to help the less fortunate this holiday season, so we’ll give you a chance to buy a special discounted “starter ad for smalltimers” . It will be perfect for your little blog – you’ll get linked to from the most essential newspaper in the metaverse – and raise your traffic ranking. It’s not like it can get much lower, right?
You can even roleplay being successful like Celebrity Trollop and Stroker Serpentine – Herald advertisers that can afford our regular ad rates. But since you are so desperate – well – it just seems like a little bit of charity is in order. Who knows, maybe the babyfurs will decide they like your brand of brutally pathetic fashion coverage. You can talk to Tenshi about buying that ad when you pay her for her real picture.
If you cannot afford the starter ad, we can always take up a collection for you. I know plenty of people that would love to pay – if they get to decide what the ad says. That wouldn’t be a problem for you, would it? Advocating cyberstalking and real life stalking is not “broadly offensive to the community” or anything, right?
marilyn murphy
Dec 3rd, 2007
tenshi: you look nice.
Rose Farina
Dec 3rd, 2007
The whole thing is sort of silly… Tenshi posted a shot of herself ages ago… when she was hmmm.. acting in a manner she later said sorry for so not bringing it up again
Pablo Cruisemissile
Dec 3rd, 2007
“Tenshi posted a shot of herself ages ago… when she was hmmm.. acting in a manner she later said sorry for so not bringing it up again
Well, then I’ll say it. She based an entire attack piece article around someone’s RL pic. So it’s a bit ironic, her “defender” here calling OTHER people who engage in similar behaviour “stalkers”.
The wheel has come full circle…
Masaka is waking!
Dec 4th, 2007
Pablo: I’m siding with Tenshi on this one. The photo she used of that girl was published in a magazine and uploaded to the fashionista’s blog for all to see. What Brutal Honesty did was encourage people to go out and find her and take her picture, however retracted it is now. Even in SL, that’s creepy. I used to like their blog but they seem unhealthily obsessed now. I mean, Jesus, Tenshi’s just some random girl in a chat room. She’s only as special as people make her out to be, so if they wanted to take her down shouldn’t they just quit talking about her? I don’t know why everyone involved in these blog dramas take it so seriously. Also, Tenshi’s kinda hot and that makes her ok.
Lisbeth Darcy
Dec 4th, 2007
For those of you who are reading this ‘article’ and taking what it says at face value, I’d like to fill in the pieces of the story that were conveniently left out.
The original blog post being referenced is for a photo contest for our readers. You can check it out at if you like. If you do, please don’t miss the ‘prison rape’ comment…it’s a real scream!
The post that is there now is there as it was in its entirety on the day it was posted, with the exception of one sentence that was removed. That sentence was: “The whopper bonus point package will go to those photos that include a real picture of our favorite BH fan…if you read the last post, she’s the one with the most comments
” It went up originally on 12/1/07 @ 12:36pm and was posted by Tina.
On 12/2/07 @ 9:08am, Lothian posted an announcement that the prize pot had increased. You can view that post at Sasy Scarborough made a comment to this post @ 1:15pm questioning the aforementioned sentence in the original post and expressing her concerns over possible ramifications that could occur as a result. At 2:06pm, Tina responded to Sasy’s comment, agreed with her assessment, and explained that the comment itself was not meant in the manner in which Sasy pointed out it *could* have been meant. At that point Tina removed the comment from the blog, not because we were scared of ‘prison rape’, but because Sasy had made a well-explained, valid point that Tina had not previously considered.
I’d like to point out that nowhere in the comment itself did the words ‘Tenshi’, ‘Vielle’, or ‘bounty’ appear. Nowhere in the post, before or after altering, did Tina say there was some sort of ‘prize’ for sending in a picture (real world or otherwise) of Tenshi. The sentence said ‘bonus points’…it was added to the end of a list of things that would garner bonus points…and it was clearly meant to be tongue in cheek.
Despite all of the above, this article was posted by Tenshi or her Tenshibot on 12/2/07 @ 9:05pm. For those of you who are counting, that’s 7 hours AFTER Tina publicly admitted the questionable nature of the comment and voluntarily removed it.
I realize the SL Herald is pretty much subtabloid in its journalistic integrity, but I still thought there might be readers out there who’d be interested in the entire story. So there you have it.
As for the concept of ‘starfuckers’, anyone who reads our blog regularly is no doubt finding that particular slant laughable. We have no sacred cows at BH, and we (nor our readers) certainly don’t kowtow to any of the ‘SL Famous’ in expressing our opinions. Besides that, even if we *were* ‘starfuckers’, we’d need an actual ‘star’ to fuck. Tenshi doesn’t even begin to qualify. However, as I have done many times previously after one of her numerous comment/diatribes on our blog, I do thank her for playing!
Dec 4th, 2007
“The Babyfurs knew what they were getting into. It’s not like SLH just randomly swooped in, snapped photos, and ran. Hell, queen babyfur herself “verified” the reporter was real.”
yeah right.
What the babyfurs was told, was indeed that it was for an ‘intervieuw’ for a ‘newspaper’.
What was not told, was that it was actually a griefer scout looking for targets for the PN.
Of course one can argue that these ‘reporters’ are not intending to send griefers their way, but I can argue about the ratio of Bullshit that argument contains.
The SLH knows VERY well what kind of crowd they draw, and what the concequences are after a piece like that.
And I very much doubt that the people named in that article were warned about the attention they might get after this article was posted, else they wouldnt have given permission to post their full names with it.
Dec 4th, 2007
What a fucking shit-storm!
/me deletes from bookmarks, not that losing a reader would necessarily mean shit to you folk. And more fool you Lisbeth Darcy for rising to this diatribe.
nimrod Yaffle
Dec 4th, 2007
**** I am still waiting for the screen shots of the post that was said would be posted. ****
Why am I READING this shit?
Dec 4th, 2007
Wow. This place is worse than the Weekly World News. Second-rate tabloid reporting done by lunatics. But not in the good way.
Uri anus
Dec 4th, 2007
wow, more drama and who’s at the center of it? None other than the queen starfucker herself Tenshi!
Let’s recap. Tenshi makes fun of personal appearance ofthe original fashion blogger, and posts a picture of herself there. And now seemingly assumes that this tabloid blog is talking about her. I didn’t see her name posted, or referenced. but I guess that’s good enough for her. To assume that it’s all about her.
Yet another Tenshi trademark. She must love the spotlight, and feels this somehow is getting back at this dumb blog. The irony of it all is that their making fun of it, while promoting it at the same time.
Why buy ad space, when you give away for free?
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at this lack of thinking. So, since Tenshi ‘apologized’, she had Pixel do her dirty work. Hey pixel, how does Tenshi’s hand feel up your ass?
You all are a silly lot.
Dec 5th, 2007
Now that we see both sides of this ridiculous article, I vote for Lisbeth Darcy in ’08 and Sasy S. as her running mate. Unless they want to decide who the candidate is with a good mud wrestling match.
I can not stop laughing at the idea of Tenshi proclaiming herself as a fashionista when I look at that picture. She should have had her roommates take the picture, but be sure to clear all the pill bottles out of the background first. She does look better than they do, she must be proud to be the prettiest girl in the trailer park.
Sinclair Docherty
Dec 5th, 2007
There is no need for you to look down on BH in this fashion.
As a blog it definitely (no, not definatly, that is not correct spelling) has its place.
It gives the American Bimbo a face.
Dec 5th, 2007
Is that picture now cropped to be more close-up?? bwah!
Rene Erlanger
Dec 15th, 2007
Wow, i wasted 30 minutes reading this drama… a neutral with no axe to grind i still couldn’t work out what the topic or comments were supposed to cover!!
He said that, she said this….and something about a Photo contest..
Most of the contributors on this blog give people that choose to spend their leisure time on the Internet a very bad name!
Its hardly surprising that we repetitively have to put up with comments like “You need to get a RL”….from Joe Public.