Scripter d3adlyc0d3c Retires From PN Griefing Group

by Alphaville Herald on 06/01/08 at 6:24 pm

PN griefers issue security alert for d3adlyc0d3c’s version of SL client
Does LL’s open source GPL license require publishing exploits?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

Even the most jaded metaverse resident may raise an eyebrow at the idea that Linden Lab’s open source software license could compel sharing exploits among griefers. But this is the legal theory being advanced by members of the notorious PN griefing group – who would benefit from a peek under the covers of d3adlyc0d3c’s modified version of the ShoopedLife client. The PN has also issued a security alert warning against using the modified SL client until they inspect it’s inner workings. It is unlikely that the irony of the PN issuing security warnings and invoking GPL legal arguments is lost on anyone – except PN members.

Why is there such a high level of interest in a 3rd party SL client? Until retiring recently, Mr. Cod3c was one of the main scripters for the PN, and his latest work holds out the possibility of taking advantage of a number of exploits to evade various parcel bans – shifting the balance of power from the landowner to the griefer. Thus far Mr. Cod3c has resisted calls to publish his exploits – explaining in a series of exclusive interviews with the Herald that he wants to go straight and rejoin mainstream SL society. This may place him on shaky legal ground with respect to the GPL-licensed SL client from which the griefer-friendly ShoopedLife client is derived. Most Internet lawyers agree that under the GPL derivative works must publish source code – but what happens when the modified source may illustrate serious exploits in SL itself?

the retirement announcement

Our story begins before Christmas as Mr. Cod3c explained to the Herald that much of the charm of griefing was gone, saying “I have decided to call it quits due to many many personal reasons, including but not limited to, our legal grey area and the fact that we may be vulnerable to civil or even criminal prosecution. Another reason for my retirement is that during my ‘career’ as a griefer I actually became a very skilled scripter. I intend to use those skills to profit in second life”.

According to Mr. Cod3c, shortly after his retirement one Linden governance staffer reactivated his main account, but then another Linden staffer deactivated the account after 3 days – upsetting Mr. Cod3c’s plans to become an SL security consultant – and tempting him to continue griefing until the Lindens reactivate his account. Of course, with unlimited free SL accounts and the ShoopedLife client it is possible to evade hardware and IP address bans, but Mr. Cod3c hopes to pursue a mainstream SL role, and this is difficult given the ever-present threat of another account ban.

“the only reason I was PN was because I got to create or change things like this. If I hadn’t of been a scripter and had the challenge of finding new ways around stuff and creating new things then I would never have stayed on. It would have been too boring” – d3adlyc0d3c

Resigning from the PN has also cast a pall over his latest work in the griefing community, as a PN security alert warns that the without inspecting the code the writer “can therefore not gaurantee that it is AIDSfree, especially since Cod3c supposedly stopped griefing and left the PN, leaving the aim of this software in doubt. Until someone can link me to the code, I will ask everyone using this software to uninstall it immediately. In addition, he is currently violating the GPL license, which asks that he distributes ShoopedLife’s original code along with his modification”

As might be expected, the potential promise of a parcel ban exploit has created a certain amount of drama in the PN community.

PN forum – where griefing tools are serious business

To those hopeful the PN’s weapons will stagnate without the presence of Mr. Cod3c, his words are cold comfort. When I asked who will take over scripting for the PN, he told me ” relic likely, both relic and machinecode are superb scripters. relic I’m positive is more skilled than I am and has been for awhile. machinecode rivalled me at the very least. I learned a lot from both of them”.

Fact is SL is boring… I read about griefer attacks was on SLH and was about the screaming griefer balls at that concert and maybe the WU stuff. Back then I didn’t know shit about LSL. In fact I didn’t learn LSL until I became PN. But back then I would go to events hoping an attack would occur just because i thought it’d be fun. I wasn’t making any money anyway so if someone griefed my land it didn’t matter much. When I founded my fake little mafia the idea was to grief for profit… We needed notoriety in order to be taken seriously. I have openly admitted to the PN where I came from and what I was doing. Its no secret and It’s widely known that I’m not ashamed of it. We aren’t bad guys, we’re just kids making the best out of a crappy game. - d3adlyc0d3c

Will d3adlyc0d3c go straight? It is hard to say. If what Mr. Cod3c told me is true, he has certainly contributed his share of chaos to the metaverse, and habits can be hard to break. On the other hand, it is hard to find any heros in this particular morality play.

The PN appear to be primarily motivated by a desire to get their hands on more exploits rather than a love of the open source free software principles behind the GPL license – the PN’s idea of gameplay is to create more chaos.

The inconsistent behavior of Linden staff with respect to troublemakers is worrying, and raises questions about the lack of due process and clearly defined punishment for crimes in the fictional entertainment known as Second Life.

Many of the problems at the Lab are of its own making – combining an open source client and anonymous unverified free accounts led to a situation where troublemakers join forces to work around the Lab’s punishments – punishments that do not deter the bad actors but act as a hurdle for those who would like to come in from the cold. Perhaps the best explanation for why this situation continues is it creates the in-world drama which helps keep SL from getting too boring.

96 Responses to “Scripter d3adlyc0d3c Retires From PN Griefing Group”

  1. Whatever

    Jan 8th, 2008

    @d3adlyc0d3c: Despite your astounding observation of timestamps, I’m not Trudewhatever nor am I Angel. If I were, would my point be any more or less valid?

    I see lots of coverage here on SLH about the PN, but no one likes to mention the homophobia, racism, and antisemitism that is so much a part of their identity. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re just doing this to tweak people – it looks the same to outside observers like me. And I’m willing bet that most of the PN are exactly as most people picture them: young white males, but it makes no difference, it’s their actions that are offensive, not their identities.

    “Also I’m 22.” Yes, like I said, you’re a racist, homophobic, antisemitic script-kiddie.

  2. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 8th, 2008


    If a lame, predictable and wholly unoriginal crack about my weight is the best witticism *chuckles* that you can come up with for me you lose your big kid priveledges. Back to the kiddie table with you.

  3. DaveOner

    Jan 8th, 2008

    “The above statement is one of the most rediculous I have ever read. Not acknowledging someones existance will never cause them to be a threat if that person(s) is capable of being a threat in the first place.”

    The thing is you guys aren’t really a threat at all. What do I do when someone does one of those stupid spongebob cubes or the pool’s closed guy? If it’s on my property I ban the guy and delete the object. If it’s not then I go elsewhere.

    You guys are no more a threat to people with common sense than a guy with bad body odor and Terets (sp?). It’s just the fact that there are a lot of people in SL without any common sense makes you feel like you’re doing anything of consequence. You aren’t.

  4. Witness X

    Jan 8th, 2008

    >>”suffice it to say that most sensible people realize that the PN are not actually racist or anything like that. PN just simply says those things in order to troll you. It appears that they’ve succeeded.”

    I have to call bullshit on this one. PN and Chan types don’t do this to just troll, they talk like this amongst themselves as well (don’t give that meme stuff or similar arguments). Spout something enough and you start believing it yourself. See something enough to the point where it stops affecting you then you pretty much start agreeing with it.

    That time may not be now. So enjoy it while it lasts. But it’s coming.

    Channers are some of the most racist people out there. They hid behind the fact that they are Anonymous to do and say some of the things they would never say out in the real world. The PN are joke really, using an afroed black man for as their icon. Dressing like them. Doing the usual racist black jokes, like chicken jokes. Then they go and claim that anything done to them is racist. They get banned, they claim it’s because their black. No, you’re not black (though their might be black PN and chan members, majority of them aren’t). Really what the PN do is akin to old blackface comedy. It’s not a funny joke, it is to them, and they believe it’s funny that they offend people.

    Really though. I always see Anons say “We’re everywhere. We’re your boss. We’re the guy who bags your groceries.” It would be a fun experiment to actually out a lot of you Channers and PN in the real world and watch as you all lose your jobs, lose your family’s respect, and basically be shunned from society. But hey, it’s just the internet right and you just do it for the lulz, right? There will come a time as the digital age moves forward when it’s not “just the internet” anymore and you will no longer be “anonymous.” Then when one of you is standing before a jury for a hate crime and you state, “I just did it for the lulz.” The jury will laugh at you as you’re being read your jail sentence.

  5. BAAWW

    Jan 8th, 2008

    From article: “Many of the problems at the Lab are of its own making – combining an open source client and anonymous unverified free accounts led to a situation where troublemakers join forces to work around the Lab’s punishments – punishments that do not deter the bad actors but act as a hurdle for those who would like to come in from the cold.”

    LL probably doesn’t care. Greifers think they are so destructive to SL, but they aren’t. It’s the Herald and the PN themselves that make a big deal out of griefer attacks. (I’ve never seen an attack either.) Kind of like mosquitoes– sure they are annoying and you hate them, but are they enough to keep you from going outside? No.

  6. Tony Zadoq

    Jan 8th, 2008

    Lawl you people and you’re internets.

  7. Jabber39

    Jan 8th, 2008

    so, shooting flexi-dongs out of a popgun while wearing an afro is a hate crime now?

  8. Witness X

    Jan 8th, 2008

    >>”so, shooting flexi-dongs out of a popgun while wearing an afro is a hate crime now?”

    Once again you PNtards mess the point completely while trying to make a cute joke.

  9. Lao-Tzu

    Jan 8th, 2008

    @ RoFLKOPTr : Seriously? Posting the vids of a group of people getting griefed HAS to be a major source of motivation. If I were a griefer, I would do the same. The vids are hilarious actually. My favorites are when a mass of people standing around start simultaneously floating up-floundering their arms and legs. (that crazy animation that also happens all too often when a sit pose releases you too..very funny when one sees it occur at a “serious” event!) . Is this an invisible mega-prim?
    Another extremely funny video involves a harmless “attack” on an SL “police force”. Search ‘second life police force getting griefed’ to see it . To me, these silly “attacks” are very harmless. If I were the target of one of these attacks…I would not care at all.. (and in RL, I am in law enforcement). All of us on SL should realize that when we enter the metaverse, we are at risk for pranks. Sure its annoying…but laugh and move on. Even sim shut-downs are very temporary. I doubt anyone can prove they lost any RL money on a sim attack. A simple region re-start fixes it.
    I think there is a big difference between pranks and “terrorism” too. If a griefer is trying to steal lindens, defraud someone, trick them into meeting them in RL so they can commit a crime, retieve passwords etc… that is one thing. Those people will end up in jail. The PN do not do this…(I dont think?). What I see the PN do are harmless pranks. They are funny. Granted, the time and effort involved by the PN is amazing..and immature. The smart ones will grow tired of it and join the mainstream to live a productive life.

    Finally, the only issue I have with the PN is the childish , hate-filled rhetoric . They hurt their reputaion and cause by infusing their stunts with racism. Also,the ones that texture their self-replicating cubes with GRAPHIC sexual photos disgust me. Stick to inventive ways to pull pranks and ban your memebers that try to shock people with pornographic material.- Lao-Tzu (aka Razrcut Brooks)

  10. concerned

    Jan 9th, 2008

    @Witness X

    >>I have to call bullshit on this one. PN and Chan types don’t do this to just troll, they talk like this amongst themselves as well (don’t give that meme stuff or similar arguments). Spout something enough and you start believing it yourself. See something enough to the point where it stops affecting you then you pretty much start agreeing with it.

    Oy. They talk like that because it’s funny. They do it to you because it’s funny. A large percent of channers are Black, because it’s funny to them. Christ, it’s funny to my (Black) girlfriend (also chan-folk), who frequently walks around IRL in a ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ t-shirt sporting the Stars & Bars because… it’s funny.

    Yes, they do it just to troll you, and you fall for it every time.

    The sad thing is, serious business wasn’t a part of SL when the people who looked upon it as an ‘environment’ were the majority. Now that all the WoW refugess who think it’s a game have come in, suddenly it’s something profoundly important. What? I thought *you* thought it was just a game! I thought *you* thought of every av you meet as some NPC without real brains & meat & feelings at the keyboard. So why are you, of all people, the ones who are all up-in-arms when someone interrupts your banal RP pablum with an SL equivalent of lastmeasure?

    What I’m saying here is that if you can’t take opinions and situations that are detestable to you (even and especially when they aren’t even real opinions, but only off-colour humour), then you need to get back to MySpace where you belong, and where such ‘horrors’ as free speech are carefully screened for you, so as not to sully your ‘user experience.’

  11. ^ban^

    Jan 9th, 2008

    Witness X:

    Wow, yours is the only comment I actually feel like responding to, congrats. Anyways, moving on:

    “” It would be a fun experiment to actually out a lot of you Channers and PN in the real world and watch as you all lose your jobs, lose your family’s respect, and basically be shunned from society.”

    If you think we would be shunned for it, you are surprisingly foolish. Many people around me in real life know what I do, and a large majority of them are laughing just as hard as I am every time we manage a swastiget with LL’s servers. If you want to ‘out’ me, do so. If you can. I wish you luck. I’ll even tell you I’ve been using this alias for a long, long, long time. It isn’t that it is impossible – it is difficult, but more so I would like to see you so bent on getting your e-revenge on a troll that you would spend the time and effort it would take to actually dig up any real info on me.


    Leader of the PN

  12. anon

    Jan 9th, 2008

    “Then when one of you is standing before a jury for a hate crime”

    Again. Nobody cares about Second Life. It can’t be explained more clearly than that.

  13. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 9th, 2008

    “Neither did your code on the Wiki Daddy’s Cock……” -quote by Intlibber aka Angel aka a half dozen other names he rages under

    Also its worth noting that the majority of my work isn’t on the wiki as I was too lazy to add it. I never added a single script to the wiki in actuality. Some other PN’s added a handful of my projects but I figure why post twice? thats what the forums were for.

    Anyway, I figure your ‘business’ must be in serious peril now for you to be so raged. I bet it’s because you tried to recruit me so many times to come into SL and script for you. I don’t work for anyone. If you thought you were going to capitalize off of my skills you were mistaken. Besides that your money is ill gotten. You’re like 40 and still living with your parents, and now you’re failing so hard that you’re borrowing money from your dying father to keep you SL business afloat instead of getting a real job. Even I have enough conscience to not want to take money from someone that pathetic.

    “The thing is you guys….”

    There is no ‘you guys’ here if you’re talking to me. I’m no longer PN, I’m no longer a griefer. End/of. It was fun while it lasted and I honestly learned alot but now it’s time to move on. I know there are people out there that want me to say ‘Griefing is bad, blah blah blah, I learned my lesson’ but I’m not going to lie like that. I didn’t quit because of morals or anything like that. I quit for legal reasons and also because it got boring and because it was time consuming,etc,etc and I’m gone for good. I honestly didn’t and to a degree, still don’t see it in the light many of you do. I saw alot of it as pranks but mainly it wasn’t the griefing I enjoyed…it was coming up with and/or implementing new ideas and experimenting with them. Many of you fault me for that, but I can’t change your opinion and obviously you can’t change mine.

    “Is this an invisible mega-prim?”

    Well it was a 256x256x256 physical megaprim. Because of it’s size those people inside it could not see it without the minimap and nor could I, though you could see another one on the sim next door on the horizon.

    Lastly I think alot of people here misunderstand PN and take this stuff way too seriously. I was glad that Pixeleen chose to publish some of those quotes because I had hoped that this would help some people understand what I was doing, and what the PN is. PN is not a political organization. I don’t remember ever saying a single thing thats anti semitic but even then who the fuck cares. It’s fucking words. Stop being such a pussy. I had my fucking throat slit in a failed robbery attempt in 2005, I been shot at, held up at gunpoint,arrested and a fuckload of other shit. If you get shot at or fired from your job for no reason or whatever then you have a reason to be upset. Not when some fag you don’t even know says something on the interbutts you don’t like. Take your fucking medication next time. Nonsensical randomness like ‘Jews did WTC’, referring to lindens as ‘jewgolds’ or calling youtube ‘jewtube’ are anti semitic to you? If you’re that sensitive you have no business on the internets and I would recommend that you smash your computer with a sledgehammer immediately.

    Im sure there are racists in the PN as there are everywhere but anyway who cares? It’s the fucking internet. I do honestly dislike black people sometimes. Who the fuck doesnt on a bady day when they run into some wanna be tough guy gangsta rapper on the street mugging people. I live in a nasty neighborhood in one of the larger cities in Georgia. There are robberies and shootings here all the time. I can honestly say that about 15 percent of the black populace is ok here. The rest are ignorant fucks and drug dealers, robbers and murderers. They are the bottom of the barrel and I can’t stand them. I carry a handgun with me regularly hoping one of them tries to rob me someday so I can stick a .40 hollowpoint in his face.

    Also as far as homophobia goes, you are dead wrong there. I’m a straight guy who is comfortable enough with himself to go into gay clubs periodically. Gay people are nice and there isn’t as much fighting in those clubs so I like to go there to chill. Plus I know many straight and bi chicks that go to gay clubs all the time. Just because I think fucking another dude in the ass is gross doesn’t mean I have to feel threatened because someone else does it. This is where some of you fail, what you see of the PN is an illusion. It is a troll. Its doesn’t matter how many times I say it though because a few of you will still get raged.

    I honestly don’t care if you think I’m a racist or a bigot or homophobic,etc,etc because I’m not a politician and this isn’t some kind of political campaign. But those comments about me being a bigot were both retarded and irrelevant. Get over it.

  14. Whatever

    Jan 9th, 2008


    “I don’t remember ever saying a single thing thats anti semitic but even then who the fuck cares.”

    See next quote. Also the “swastiget” comment doesn’t help your case either.

    “Nonsensical randomness like ‘Jews did WTC’, referring to lindens as ‘jewgolds’ or calling youtube ‘jewtube’ are anti semitic to you?”

    Yes. It is.

    “I do honestly dislike black people sometimes. Who the fuck doesnt on a bady day when they run into some wanna be tough guy gangsta rapper on the street mugging people.”

    I don’t. I dislike the actions of that person, not their race.

    “Gay people are nice and there isn’t as much fighting in those clubs so I like to go there to chill.”

    All gay people are nice, or just 15% of them?

    “But those comments about me being a bigot were both retarded and irrelevant.”

    You ARE a bigot, as your own comments illustrate.

    PN is racist, homophobic, and antisemitic. People need to call them on it. You can all it trolling if you want, but that doesn’t change what you’re putting out there.

  15. Fox Mulgrave

    Jan 9th, 2008

    It really makes me laugh when I see the comments from PN, infact.. PN makes me laugh anyway, the fact that they exist is fairly pathetic… PN think of themselves as a kind of Second Life Al Quieda, and they find it funny.. as an old PN comment so dearly pointed out ‘Piss in an ocean of piss, join the Patriotic Niagras today and ruin other people’s second lives’… What PN are infact, are a group of pre pubescent children with emotional issues. They know what they do harms people (Again, the old comment) ‘there is nothing better than raping someone insl and knowing that they r crying in RL about it’.. For christ’s sake get a life. And, Linden Labs.. if they want to make their own grid let them.. let the sods go and ruin their own creation and stop bothering those of that really, realoly couldn’t give a stuff if this pool is closed, or that their logo is a man with an afro, we just want to get on with our Second Lives.

  16. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 9th, 2008

    Like I said stop bing such a bitch. Get some fucking balls and learn not to whine about shit that doesn’t matter. People don’t give a shit because you’re offended by racism.

    “omg people need to call them on it”

    Whats that gonna do? Nothing. They don’t give a shit. Call them on it all fucking day. I don’t give a shit.I was half tempted to end this post with a large collection of slurs just to troll you for being so damn retarded. LOL @ Internets anti racism activist aka some fat black gay guy who sits on his computer and cries whenever someone posts something he considers racist.

  17. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 9th, 2008

    “LL probably doesn’t care. Greifers think they are so destructive to SL, but they aren’t”

    LL DOES care. When I actually got Socrates Linden to speak with me before banning me the one fucking time this is what he said:

    [11:16] Socrates Linden: Linden Lab has determined that you have used one of your Second Life accounts in violation of the Second Life Terms of Service. Global Attacks are actions that broadly interfere with or disrupt the Second Life community, the Second Life servers or other systems related to Second Life, and cannot be tolerated in any form. Such actions will result in the removal of your account from Second Life. The rules of conduct are interpreted with the broadest meaning possible. Discipline Your current account, alts, and all future alts, will be banned and removed from Second Life. Appeal Process: The decision to issue a warning or suspension for your Second Life account was reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. If you would like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact Second Life Support, in writing, at the address below: Second Life Support Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Sincerely, Linden Lab

    Just in case you are retarded and missing the gist of this I will go ahead and make it even easier for you

    “Global Attacks are actions that broadly interfere with or disrupt the Second Life community, the Second Life servers or other systems related to Second Life”

    Also its worth noting that other griefers in the past have been let back into SL. I’m the first that I know of that they didn’t let back in.

  18. harlequincheckered

    Jan 9th, 2008

    d3adlycod3c has done his duty to the nigra service i dont think we should question his motives still working a SL securit makes me wonder…
    also cocks

    patriotic nigra

  19. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 9th, 2008

    “Also the “swastiget” comment doesn’t help your case either”

    BTW that wasn’t my comment, fucktard.
    Also I can’t fucking stand bleeding heart liberals. You’re the same kind of fuck who cries out ‘racism!’ because we want to close our own borders to keep illegals and dope out. You’re also the same kind of fuck that gives minorities preferential treatment creating a climate that it unfair for white people everywhere. We are expected to be extra tolerant and be politically correct at all times. Well get this, political correctness doesn’t fly on the tubes, bub. So gtfo.

  20. Baaaaaaw

    Jan 9th, 2008

    You know my favorite part? The fact that c0d3c is leaving “only because of fear of legal consequences”.. you know, I bet a lot of these bastards would be doing shit like this in real life if they didn’t have worry about the law.. this quote from c0d3c really cracks me up: “I carry a handgun with me regularly hoping one of them tries to rob me someday so I can stick a .40 hollowpoint in his face.”

    Yes, this man hopes he gets robbed so he has an excuse to shoot a black man in the face.

    Whether or not the PN, or former PN, are racist is irrelevant. They’re sociopaths, plain and simple. They get their kicks being dicks, and the *only* thing stopping them is “the law”. And this bull about SL being “only a game” to them is just a way to make them appear to be less anti-social. It takes the focus off of them, and basically blames the victim for the shit they’re doing. Truth be told, they’d treat people the same way (like “puppets”) outside of SL, if they ever went outside.

  21. Danielle

    Jan 9th, 2008


    Get a fucking life. You have got to be the whiniest faggot I have ever seen. I aboslutely despise PN, but your weak and sorry whining makes me wanna join them and grief too.

  22. Anonymous

    Jan 9th, 2008

    Codec may be a fag for leaving the Pn but the fact that that fat fucking lesbian keeps reiterating in every single post that she’s laughing or giggling and OH NO U DON’T BOTHER ME,etc,etc really demonstrates that he trolled her properly. It sucks that he left because he’s the only person who has single handedly been able to bring LL to it’s knees. A few days ago he posted on LL blog taking credit for the attacks on the asset servers. I believe him since he bragged to me about if before the servers started shitting bricks about two weeks ago. Post was something along the lines of ‘If you guise dont leik teh asset servers going out like this then complain to Linden Labs because once they unban my account the attacks will stop happening,,etc,etc’ LOL

    Why the fuck he’d leave all this to go and be an SLFag is beyond me

  23. Jabber39

    Jan 9th, 2008

    That Danielle, is exactly how we manage to recruit straight from Second Life, and not through the Chans.

    Getting rid of people whose idea of fun differs from some overly opinionated asswad is what precipitated the formation of Voted 5 by Plastic Duck.

    Keep pissing and moaning folks, try to restrict the actions of the populace to eliminate griefing, ban anyone who distributes a megaprim for building, kick out every fucking black avatar who dares to wear a suit. You’ll only be increasing our numbers.

  24. Whatever

    Jan 10th, 2008

    “Also I can’t fucking stand bleeding heart liberals. You’re the same kind of fuck who cries out ‘racism!’ because we want to close our own borders to keep illegals and dope out.”

    So you’re you scared of Mexicans, too?

    “You’re also the same kind of fuck that gives minorities preferential treatment creating a climate that it unfair for white people everywhere. We are expected to be extra tolerant and be politically correct at all times. Well get this, political correctness doesn’t fly on the tubes, bub. So gtfo.”

    If I call you out on your racism, antisemitism, and homophobia, that’s “political correctness”? I thought it was just standing up for what’s right. And until you shoot me in the face with a .40 hollowpoint, I can do that on the tubes or wherever else I want.


    Jan 10th, 2008

    “Codec may be a fag for leaving the Pn but the fact that that fat fucking lesbian keeps reiterating…. ”

    Codec is nothing but a low life degenerate drug addict

  26. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 10th, 2008

    d3adlyc0d3c , sweetie, you’re completely retarded, I do hope you’re aware. You’re the only person griefing me with your little “spreading mah giant balls” messages, the exact same one you’ve repeated with no originality for over a month. I hardly think I’m all that important, but you clearly do, and are clearly in denial of it, but we both know you keep trolling me. Why I don’t know, it bores me to death, since you refuse to come up with a new line. You’re a sad little misanthrope AND a liar, and I feel sorry for you. Your Dad indirectly guest stars on South Park but the biggest claim to fame you have is shitty unoriginal SL griefing? Oh how proud he must be.

    Let’s refresh your tarded little memory shall we? I had never heard of you or the PN. I had thus never spoken to you or of you, or anyone else. I’d never heard of /b/tards or 4 chan or anything related. Then I read this -

    - And felt a need to comment. The gist of my comment was that real Christians don’t judge or preach hate, they live by “Judge not lest ye be judged” and have faith that their God will judge everyone. I said that on that logic, Evangelists and bible-thumping hatemongers aren’t true christians.

    Not one word directed at you, but at the original article, and mostly at the posters on the blog that article linked to.

    Unprovoked and undeserved, I got this from you.

    “@Penance Sautereau

    LOLWUT? So you are a ‘transgendered’ dike and then start talking about Christianity. God hates you bitch, got hates uglies. Also I believe I sent you a message recently. Did you enjoy? lulz. I bet you look like Dave Chappelle and became gay because you couldn’t get any cock, now you hate men because they all refused to fuck you.

    I be your crying right now too.

    Posted by: d3adlyc0d3c November 07, 2007 at 06:58 PM”

    At which point you’d already rezzed a scriptbox someplace, scripted solely to spam me with several hundred repeats of a badly spelled homophobic rape threat. (for which I could actually have called the FBI, as it could be construed as a threat to inflict bodily harm, but I digress).

    In the 2 months since, you’ve rezzed several more objects to brag about your giant balls and my lax security (on sims I don’t even own, heh), and how I’m so broke and fail. Objects I mute before they even get off 4 repeats. To the point where you got so desperate you’d start rezzing objects named after Prok or Candy Lemmon or Jenna Fairplay etc, and de-rez them right away so I wouldn’t have time to mute, just to make sure I’d see your silly troll spam, which you haven’t changed in over a month? And you expect anyone to believe you aren’t obsessed with me? Especially considering that

    A) You can’t get epic lulz from your PN buddies if no one sees your griefing but me, and
    B) I stopped getting angry after the first week and now the only reactions you get are boredom and pity, but still you troll.

    And you suddenly decide to talk and type like a normal person and swear you’ve retired. OH NOESSSS!!! Right Billy, no one believes it, not even you.

    Of course you could always prove me wrong and go delete any old griefer boxes, and never again rez a new one, but I’m reasonably convinced you’re incapable. It’s not ego, just observation of the evidence.

    As for my mental problems? I never denied having any. Regardless, I’m still a better human being than you, and at least I’m not alone and uncared for. I’ll be remembered by dozens of people who genuinely care about me. If you’re remembered at all, it will be as a mild annoyance at best.

  27. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 10th, 2008

    Heh, fat fucking lesbian…. well at least I AM fucking. Every night. And I don’t have to pay for it either. And every post? No, just the ones on here. Cod3c’s attempts to act legit amuse me because the evidence proves otherwise. But of course the Anonymous throngs just lovwe to throw this loser bs out there, because they lack the IQ to come up with anything original.

    Throw me an insult I haven’t heard 6000 times before and maybe I’ll care bubbles. Til then? *YAWN*

    As for Codec’s horrible life? Stabbed? Been there. Shot? Done that. Been gaybashed 11 times since age 19, gang-raped in Juvey for 3 months straight, can’t shit without bleeding, beaten most of my childhood for not conforming, spine is permafucked thanks to my stepfather and an abusive ex gf, but guess what Billy? Nobody here gives a shit, and no one gives a shit about your traumas. Difference is, I don’t wish for a black man to try and rob me so I can murder him just because one hurt me. And I don’t harass strangers online to vent my misdirected anger or claim it’s all to challenge myself in coding skills.

    All your own words prove you a liar. You’re just plain full of it Billy. Go get some therapy. Did wonders for me.

    As for stalking you?

    *chokes on her soda laughing at the irony*

  28. Now for a word from our sponsors..

    Jan 10th, 2008

    This article and related comments are sponsored by epic fail and faggotry, inc.

    Continuing to fuel the internet every day at full steam.

  29. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 10th, 2008

    “Throw me an insult I haven’t heard 6000 times before”

    You are common.

  30. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 10th, 2008

    Ok firstly I never posted anything about ‘traumas’ for sympathy. I don’t need or want sympathy. I wouldn’t even be so dramatic as to call them trauma’s. Bad shit of varying degrees happens to everyone over the course of their lives, from the car breaking down to being mugged at knife point. Anyway I mentioned that shit to show that fag what an idiot he is for whining about racism on the intertubes. Just because you post about ‘traumas’, and lies about being gang raped, and you pretend to have seizures on SL when a griefer shows up etc,etc, for attention doesn’t mean everyone else is the same way. I doubt you have ever experienced anything significant like what you claim because if you had you wouldn’t be constantly whining and crying about bullshit that doesn’t matter.
    I commented on that first article to troll you for being a retard. Not because I actually gave a shit. I also never griefed in SL because I was ‘angry’.

    Look at this:

    *chokes on her soda laughing at the irony*

    It’s funny, because he’s right… in each and every post you feel the need to show everyone several times over how the griefing doesn’t bother you,etc,etc but you try too hard and only reveal to everyone that you are so trolled that you are on the brink of having a nervous breakdown. I mean look at yourself, you just left to consecutive raged posts up there.

    “for which I could actually have called the FBI, as it could be construed as a threat to inflict bodily harm, but I digress”

    Do it. Please do it. I’m begging you call them now. If you want I’ll even post their number for you.

    “but we both know you keep trolling me”

    No see, thats where you’re wrong. You are trolling yourself…over and over again. You respond to every comment I make, you stalked me to the PN blog (where N3X15 has now posted your IP address), and for some reason you seem desperate to convince yourself and everyone else that you are important enough for me to keep bothering you. There are two weapons on the PN wiki dedicated to harassing you


    All a PN member has todo is compile the objects and use them to attack someone else’s sim and they will still flood you with taunting messages.

    “the only reactions you get are boredom and pity”

    No I get posts filled with anger and rage. You attempt to disguise them as boredom and pity but its transparent to everyone that reads them. The strangest part is that I don’t even have to do anything to troll you. I can sit back and laugh while you gradually break down and become increasingly paranoid and psychotic. You were one of the best trolls anyone in the PN ever did. The problem is that you aren’t emotionally stable and it’s just too easy to troll you. No one has to even do anything so honestly we can say that no one in the PN ever trolled you, not me not anyone. You just trolled yourself. Just like no one else made you gain nine thousand pounds and start pretending you have a dick on the interbutts.

  31. anon

    Jan 10th, 2008

    “Stabbed? Been there. Shot? Done that. Been gaybashed 11 times since age 19, gang-raped in Juvey for 3 months straight, can’t shit without bleeding, beaten most of my childhood for not conforming, spine is permafucked thanks to my stepfather and an abusive ex gf”

    Awesome, now the only thing you have left to do is kill yourself. Everyone is excitedly waiting for that. We are all cheering for you. Go on, don’t be nervous. Well you know if you can’t shit without bleeding its not worth living anyway, right? Plus no one loves you,etc,etc and even codec has abandoned you. OHHHH! WHAT A WORLD!


  32. anon

    Jan 10th, 2008

    “Objects I mute before they even get off 4 repeats”

    I thought you said 3 repeats before. Geez, get your story straight LOL.
    Everyone knows thats a lie anyway though since the scripts on the PN wiki are for self replicating objects meaning you’d have to mute hundreds and even thousands of objects in order not to get spammed. Maybe you should learn more about how stuff works before you make retarded claims like this.

  33. Apollonia

    Jan 11th, 2008

    Good luck on the side of the light, d3adlyc0d3c. I believe in redemption, and I know you can make it.

  34. anon

    Jan 11th, 2008

    you know what I love about Second Life? this inability to step back for a second and think about what exactly is going on in context to the real world and the intertubes in general.

    you are exchanging real life money for virtual money. this virtual money is spent on virtual apartments and virtual houses and virtual land. that’s not too bad, I guess, unless you’re paying a lot of money for it.

    then you have the cybersex part of it (SL = cybersex + property), where people are paying virtual money for virtual sex. okay, that’s a little weird, and definitely some sort of prostitution deal, but it’s certainly something a lot of people might do if they weren’t getting any in the real world.

    then you have epic fucking shitstorms when someone throws a few dicks around or shoots a few doomsdays off on your sim. people in SL seem to be so invested in their world that they view it as something equivalent to a hate crime or a denial of service attack. they have fully bought into the bullshit Linden “metaverse” ideal that they refuse to understand that there is nothing in Second Life but sex and money (hint: look at traffic and most popular sims)

    then, they go even farther and expect to make real money investing in this virtual cybersex game. they ignore the fact that there’s no such thing as a Second Repo Man or Second FDIC so they’re at the banks’ whim. it’s as silly as someone going on Garry’s Mod and building a bank and inventing his own currency.

    the real point of PN, as I founded it, and what has been shown over and over as the absolute funniest tactic, is to poke fun at SL by being completely absurdist, just as a bunch of afro-toting blaxploitation carbon copies go dance in front of a pool while claiming it contains AIDS, all because someone composed some mythic made-up story. when you piss people off, it’s fun, but if you can piss them off *while* you continue distancing yourself from the serious business attitude, you’ve hit a gold mine. it’s like W-HAT with the gloves off.

    and so now what we see happening is a shift from having fun in SL by flying around in giant scaled-up moon landers and walking into gorean sex sims and playing the theme of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to more complex malicious attacks. which have their own charm, because institutions like the SLH absolutely eat this shit up. but unfortunately, the (vast majority of) people in PN eventually adopted the same attitude as the people they’re making fun of, and so we see stuff like this happening.

    advice: loosen the fuck up guys, you may not have fort longcat anymore, but keep finding the humor in SL rather than whacking it with a huge stick. manipulation is always superior to brute force. do more of that wheelchair-racing shit, but do it in the middle of furry sims or something. be creatively destructive. be intelligent about what you break. and don’t bitch when someone leaves because they had a different vision about PN than you did – we never had anyone leave back in the old days, because PN was not an organization but a freeform entity just like /b/ is, nobody really had authority to take anything one way, it was by consensus.

    also, I am a huge hypocrite for writing that much and then telling everyone to not take it as serious business, but who gives a shit.

  35. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 11th, 2008

    @Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nope. Nothing common about me except my upbringing and my income. Someone who’s attempt to brand me such that can’t get past 3 unimaginative words however…

  36. Whatever

    Jan 11th, 2008

    “Ok firstly I never posted anything about ‘traumas’ for sympathy. I don’t need or want sympathy.”

    Oh yes you do need our sympathy. You’re a damaged person, and you know it.

    “Anyway I mentioned that shit to show that fag what an idiot he is for whining about racism on the intertubes.”

    I’m not whining about racism on the internet – I’m specifically talking about you, and about the PN. At least take responsibility for your own actions.

    “I can sit back and laugh while you gradually break down and become increasingly paranoid and psychotic. You were one of the best trolls anyone in the PN ever did.”

    The only reason you’re quitting the PN and griefing is because you’re scared of being caught. You’re still the same anti-social bigot. I hope people will remember that when you’re trying to get work in SL as a script-kiddie.

  37. Lao-Tzu

    Jan 11th, 2008

    @ whatever : Relax. You seem so angry…over noting really. Deep breaths…count to 10.

  38. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 11th, 2008


    “I’m not whining about racism on the internet ”

    Yes you are. I’ll prove it. Where are we? On the internet. What’re you doing? Whining about racism.

    Stop crying because you’re a gay n/igger whose too easily offended by people on the interbutts he doesn’t know.

    “The only reason you’re quitting the PN and griefing is because you’re scared of being caught. You’re still the same anti-social bigot. I hope people will remember that when you’re trying to get work in SL as a script-kiddie.”

    LOL ok firstly in order to troll me you need some original material. You can call me a kiddie all day long but the fact is you tried to hire me for your own little fail company intlib. But it doesn’t matter….and see this is the part that is really gonna burn you…when I get back into SL no one will know who I am LOL. Don’t ya just hate that?

    “The only reason you’re quitting the PN and griefing is because you’re scared of being caught. You’re still the same anti-social bigot”

    lol yup Im still the same ‘anti social bigot’. But as I said earlier the legal GREY AREA, aka legality is unclear is one of many reasons why I quit. The biggest reason was boredom. Griefing got old. But of course you know that, you can read. You’re only trying to flip the script on me in order to troll me because you’re so enraged.

    “take responsibility for your own actions”

    Now if I were to do that then I wouldn’t be trolling you would I? I love that I can still get a handful of you to spend so much time raging at me and I don’t even have to grief to do it, lol. I just might make this my new hobbie.

    Oh and intlib, I won’t be working for anyone in SL. I’ll be working for me, designing/scripting my own products and selling them myself so cry moar.

  39. Whatever

    Jan 11th, 2008

    @Lao-Tzu: Actually, I’m not angry at all. Should I be?

    @d3adlyc0d3c: I’m still not Intlibber.

    And, yes, if you get back into SL without LL figuring it out, people will find out who you are. If you’ve really left PN, one of your buddies will probably out you for pussying out. Besides, I’m pretty sure LL knows enough about you for a private detective to find you in about half an hour. From before you joined the PN.

  40. Penny Sautereau

    Jan 12th, 2008

    *yawns* I type things like *giggles* etc, because I legitimately find your delusions funny Billy. And ask anyone (except another PN of course), and it’s plain to see nothing I’ve posted in your direction has been angry in the slightest for quite some time. Condescending perhaps, but you keep digging such holes for yourself it’s hard not to look down on you when you lay in them, heh.

    Everything else you put here I’ve calmly addressed on the thread for my second religion article, as always easily dissecting your delusional bs with a smile. It’d be fun doing so but you make it FAR too east Billy. So go read that if you like. Only further point that needs to be addressed here is, those lolcubes etc you keep swearing up and down MUST be someone else’s? No one else in the PN gives a rats ass about me Billy, they’re too busy crashing furry sims or mass griefing the JLU to waste time on one person. And the fact I keep pointing out that proves it is indeed still you Billy is that I’ve actually talked to you in IM, where you thought my saying “*YAWNS* Muted” was worthy of an epic lawl. And the spam message that day is the same one I keep getting, not counting your original bitch box, which is easily ignored after it runs out of steam.

    As for your claim that you only started griefing me because my comment on that Bush/Furry article was “so retarded” that it somehow made harassing me mandatory? How exactly? What’s retarded about having the opinion that evangelists and bible-thumpers who actively hatemonger and make the world worse don’t qualify as true Christians because TRUE Christians practice “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged”, and trust that God will do the judging? Instead of, like the evangelists and hatemongers, presuming it’s their task to do God’s job for him? That’s hardly retarded, it’s a damn valid point. Real Christians have agreed with me on this point.

    No Billy, you started trolling me because I made a good point and you were butthurt because you realized it applied to you.

    I laugh at you, yes, laugh, repeatedly. Not to say it to “prove I am”, but because it’s honestly funny that you actually believe your own shit sweetie. You really ought to consider therapy, seriously.

    All other laughable delusions dissected elsewhere. If anyone cares, (and I’ll bet you’re the only one Billy), they’re on “Religion In SL Part 2″. But really, who here actually cares? I don’t think anyone here cares about word one I say. So I tell the truth, with impunity. Half the readers won’t believe me and the other half don’t give a rat’s ass, and I don’t care if they don’t care, so I can happily say anything I bloody well please, same as you. Difference is Billy YOU obviously do still think anyone cares what you think. Give THAT delusion up and you’ll be much happier. It’s the net, only your true friends care. Everyone else is just bored or killing time.

    As Doctor Suess said sweetie…

    “Always be true to yourself, always be who you are, because those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.’

    Guess which category you’re in? Ta Ta!

    Oh and go ahead and have the last word now if you like. I’m satisfied that I’ve dissected your delusions and deflated your windbag lies, and there’s nothing left to say. There’s no BS you can invent now that isn’t already covered by my rebuttals already. Rant to your heart’s content Billy. You’re just a waste of good energy now, so I’m quite done with you now. Unlike you sweetie I have better things to do. I chose to finish up with you because sometimes a windbag just HAS to have the air let out. Now that you’re deflated and even the PN disavows you, there’s no gas in the tank, so it’s time to hop out and walk. Toodles and boodles you cute little noodle, the grown-ups are getting back to business. It was fun. Cheers!

  41. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 13th, 2008

    “And, yes, if you get back into SL without LL figuring it out, people will find out who you are. If you’ve really left PN, one of your buddies will probably out you for pussying out. Besides, I’m pretty sure LL knows enough about you for a private detective to find you in about half an hour. From before you joined the PN”

    I lol’d at this. I’ve actually had an account on there last me two weeks today so far. Awwwww. I bet that makes you cry, doesn’t it, Intlibber?

    “Oh and go ahead and have the last word now if you like. I’m satisfied that I’ve dissected your delusions and deflated your windbag lies, and there’s nothing left to say. There’s no BS you can invent now that isn’t already covered by my rebuttals already. Rant to your heart’s content Billy. You’re just a waste of good energy now, so I’m quite done with you now. Unlike you sweetie I have better things to do. I chose to finish up with you because sometimes a windbag just HAS to have the air let out. Now that you’re deflated and even the PN disavows you, there’s no gas in the tank, so it’s time to hop out and walk. Toodles and boodles you cute little noodle, the grown-ups are getting back to business. It was fun. Cheers!”

    Dickgirl got trolled so badly that she is no longer reading the comments,again. Cept’ she can’t resist so she’ll be back.

    I came home from partying the other day and found not one but two long winded twenty thousand character raged posts, LOL.

  42. Concerned Reader

    Jan 13th, 2008


    If the entire universe stopped and paid you a compliment would that finally get you to shut up?

  43. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jan 13th, 2008


    “Nope. Nothing common about me except my upbringing and my income.”

    I’ve just posted this on the Kalel/Cid story, but thanks for validating what I said in it.

    You are as common as your belief that you are not. Your belief that you are different. Your belief that you are special.

    Common. All common.

  44. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 13th, 2008

    @concerned reader

    “If the entire universe stopped and paid you a compliment would that finally get you to shut up?”

    Unfortunately it may never shut it’s fat mouth. I wonder how it even chews its food properly- it doesn’t appear to shut it’s mouth long enough for that even. It is pretty huge though so it probably just swallows it’s food whole. If you want it to shut it’s mouth try and rally all the herald commentors into trolling it some more. It can’t handle it when everyone begins to troll it at the same time.

  45. d3adlyc0d3c

    Jan 13th, 2008

    don’t blame me for that shit faggot. I wasn’t the only PN who knew how to use a computer. Fucking paranoid faggots start blaming it on me whenever someone does shit. There’s like over one hundred other people still griefing. Go talk to them.

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