Greta Ghia Is A Roaster
by wendell on 04/03/08 at 10:16 am
Dolcett Play in SL – the other other white meat
by Wendell Holmer
Meatgirls and a state-of-the-art Slutoaster
Greta Ghia stands proudly, shoulders back, chest puffed out, a brave smile on her face. This is the moment she has waited for all her life.
For years, she has kept a strict diet and exercise regimen, preparing as her mother taught her. This morning she cleaned herself inside and out, using special soaps and lotions. She knew she would be beautiful on her special day, and she is. I stand and watch, a guest at a dinner in her honor. But she will not be dining with us.
She is the meal.
Greta gets a sexual charge out of being killed and eaten. Always has. “When I was very young, about age six or so, I found alligators fascinating,” she told me. “The idea of them wanting to eat me fascinated me. As I got older, it became sexual somehow. I was ashamed and embarrassed.”
She played Dungeons and Dragons with her boyfriend. Sometimes the Orcs would capture her. “They wanted to eat me, but I was always rescued. I found myself getting so aroused by this game,” she recalls.
[what follows is definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK - proceed at your own risk - the Editrix]
“One night, my boyfriend decided to be mean. Instead of saving me, he had them prepare and eat me. I was so hot when we were done. I fucked him so well that night.”
When Greta visited Second Life, she learned about Dolcett. That is the pen name of an obscure, hack cartoonist who specializes in scenarios where women are cut up with meat saws or roasted on a spit. A cult has grown up around his work in Second Life. Greta and a couple of friends started a Dolcett group, which now has hundreds of members.
The chef, Italyan Cuttita, looks Greta over carefully. “I need to probe her,” he explains, “to see if there is any reason not to cook her.” He thinks she may make a roaster. This is high praise indeed. Girls who have imperfections are ground into hamburger. “Come here greta pig,” he says, not unkindly, attaching her to a rack. He slides a thick finger insider her. “Did you clean out?” he asks, “Or do I need to use the hose?”
The preparations began at Wicked World, where there is a cook’s kitchen, including a state-of-the-art Slutoaster. Meatgirls at Wicked World must follow the rules. “If you are going to be meat here you will be naked at all times,” owner Teri Bardeen explains to Greta. She turns to me. “It makes them stand out. Meat is nothing more than what a cow is. You wouldn’t dress up a cow would you?”
“You don’t have a name, since you’re just meat,” Terry’s assistant tells Greta. When Greta makes a comment, the assistant says to me, “It sure does talk a lot.”
Italyan is satisfied with Greta’s papers and final inspection, “She is definitely a roaster,” he says. “The roasters are particularly sexy. Their bodies are nearly perfect. Her tits could be bigger, but we will fill them with bastings.”
Greta Ghia stands proudly, knowing she made a roaster after all. “I was told I would be most beautiful on My Day,” she says, walking into an open shower in the prep area.
“The shower acts as a depilatory,” Italyan explains. “Her body hair will be removed—all of it—and she will be ready for butchering and hanging.” He turns to me and says, as an afterthought, “I forgot to ask. Do you prefer a live roast, Wendell, or a butchered roasting?”
And this is where things get really weird. Until now, I have been playing this for laughs, but with this question, it occurs to me that my friend is about to be slaughtered. She watches me intently. The length of her life is in my hands. And I can’t decide. “I hate to see her killed,” I say, “but I hate to see her suffer.”
Italyan nods. “Understood,” he says. “She won’t suffer. There are drugs induced into her that curb her pain to a manageable level, almost like a severe sunburn.”
Italyan directs the cow into the shower. He pokes her. “Come on.” She hurries to obey. “She is drenched in water. Then the dipilitory is introduced. Slowly her hair will dissolve until there is none.”
Greta closes her eyes and waits, she rubs the water on her skin, feeling the sensation for what she knows is the last time. I watch, stunned. Italyan continues in a matter-of-fact way. “It also works to moisturize and settles a thin glaze on her. He turns off the shower. Greta looks sadly at her red hair choking the drain. Italyan directs her out of the shower. “Does she look sexy now?” he asks mockingly.
Italyan has an outdoor barbecue in mind, so we meet at Animatum, where there is an open pit. Greta bites her lip as she sees flaming logs under a spit. “Follow me,” Italyan orders. “This is the place. Come cow….come kneel at the front.
“Wendell, help me slide this spit into her. One arm and one leg…..the point goes in her cunt. Then we slowly slide her down.”
I can’t do anything but look on in horror and breathe through clenched teeth. Greta Ghia trembles as she is lifted up. She whimpers as the point slides in. I look away. “There!” Italyan says with satisfaction. We will tie her into place and the roaster will do the rest.”
Italyan is able to insert the skewer in such a way that it misses the vital organs, leaving Greta alive and conscious as long as possible. She whimpers pitifully until the point emerges from her mouth.
Italyan hands me a steel bowl filled with butter and oil, a paintbrush handle sticking out. “Baste her as she comes around,” he says. “Keep her cunt wet.”
Greta’s eyes look into mine, her mouth working against the spit as she struggles. She blinks as she feels the heat drying her eyes. She smells herself beginning to cook.
“She can hear us?” I ask in a whisper. “She knows what’s happening?”
“Yes she does,” Italyan says, nodding. “She feels a burn and a sensation. When you brush her clit and cunt….she will feel pleasure. See the drippings? And hear the sizzle? What do you think, Wendell? Would you have sex with a cow knowing you were going to eat her for dinner the next day?”
I want to talk to her, and Italyan tells me she will blink once for yes, twice for no. “They are trained,” he says.
“Greta?” I ask softly, “are you in pain?”
She hesitates but blinks once.
“We can stop this,” I say urgently. “Do you want to stop this?”
She blinks twice.
“You can’t stop it, Wendell,” Italyan says. “Look at her body. It is roasting and her skin is beginning to brown.”
I stare in horror at the singed skin. My mouth is dry. I can hardly choke out the words. “Do you want to live, Greta?”
“She is all gone but for the slicing,” Italyan interrupts, but I ignore him and stare intently into her eyes. She blinks twice.
“It is in her breeding, Wendell,” Italyan says, but I shake my head and ask her, “Didn’t you ever want to fall in love?”
She hesitates a long time. Then blinks twice.
Her responses grow weaker. “Do you have any regrets at all?”
It takes a long time. She is almost gone. She blinks twice. “Meat is meat, Wendell,” Italyan says.
It looks like she is trying to cry out. She shudders violently, her legs working her up and down the spit. Sitting at the keyboard, watching this on the screen, my eyes are filled with tears. Italyan nods and puts a hand on my shoulder, warm and comforting. “It’s best not to love the meat,” he says, basting my friend as she turns on the spit. At length he says, “Her eyes are finished, and so is she. She is just a meat carcass now, toasting for us. We will bring her inside to the butchery.”
He pulls her off the spit–I am completely useless; I just stand by and watch—and carries her inside. There, he chops off her arms, head, and legs and prepares her for the oven. Just when I think it can’t get any worse, he announces in a matter-of-fact way, “Then I give her my special seasonings.”
While Italyan was cutting Greta up, he had a massive erection. Now he plunges into her, fucking the dead, trussed-up torso with zeal. Greta tells me later that she believes Italyan was masturbating at the keyboard as he acted this out. He arranges the carcas on a tray with spuds, lettuce and carrots and, just then, excuses himself to take a phone call.
I have no appetite. I am not aroused. I fail to see any humor in this. I sit alone in the diner with a friend’s congealing corpse and think about cruelty. Italyan comes back and tells me something has come up and he has to go.
Later, as we sit in my office, Greta tells me she really liked it. She will think back on the erotic fantasy. I ask her what part will play in her head as she touches herself. “I think the hottest image in my head later will be standing helpless in front of him as he calmly orders me to start,” she says.
I shrug. It’s time to go. I am supposed to meet some friends for dinner. But somehow, tonight, I don’t feel hungry.
Mar 4th, 2008
My god that is some depraved serial killer shit. Getting turned on by necrophilia and images of murder? Any psychologist would have you committed for this kind of shit. Many of the people in this story are destined for life imprisonment as they will eventually carry out their fantasies IRL if they aren’t doing it already.
In any case, I still lol’d….maybe because it’s so fucked up.
Mar 4th, 2008
Thank god for free speech and creative expression, huh?
Trazen Vendetta
Mar 4th, 2008
….Whoever came up with this idea.. and Wendell Homer…
you both have SERIOUS issues.
Mar 4th, 2008
wait… dindt this get covered already?
By YOU guys?
recycling is a good thing when it comes to garbage, i agree but there are limits.
come on…. between all of you you must have at least ONE braincell left. And I bet its safely kept in Jimbo’s head and that it is actually capable of something creative, as opposed to what you have been proving and demonstrating the past year or so.
USE IT! failpoints for fail recycled ‘article’
fantasy is not reality kthnxbye
Mar 4th, 2008
“Many of the people in this story are destined for life imprisonment as they will eventually carry out their fantasies IRL if they aren’t doing it already.”
I would laugh so very, very hard at this if it werent so very very sad that there still exist those, who think what someone fantasises about, they will eventually carry out in RL.
People like mister Sweet Jesus here are the real dangerous people, the people who cannot make the destinction between FANTASY and REALITY. (capitalized to indicate the difference in spelling as well as meaning)
Any psychologist would have you committed (and should) for thinking like that.
About the article… Not the first time I seen the Herald write about this. Did you guys already forget, or did you remember the flood of comments so well that you decided you could use some more traffic and give a try if you can pull that again?
I propose another article on babyfurs if it’s the comments that you’re after. We all could use a good laugh at the bawwing furries and flaming anti furries going at it again.
Wendell Holmer
Mar 4th, 2008
Yes, we did cover Dolcett before. There is a link in the story, and you can compare the two treatments of the subject, if you’re interested.
Nyx Divine
Mar 4th, 2008
Disturbing to say the least.
But I was intrigued and captivated by the way the author presented this gruesome RP experience to us.
Ownage Emmons
Mar 4th, 2008
I think I’m going to be sick.
KMeist Hax
Mar 4th, 2008
The cancer that’s killing /sl/…
I am thoroughly disgusted at this. Additionally it depresses me that such things even exist, and that people waste money and compute cycles on it.
Mar 4th, 2008
Cool… just another example of retardation at work playing with sick fantasy.
Razrcut Brooks
Mar 4th, 2008
First off, remember the cardinal rule of SL : Always assume the SL woman you meet is a RL man. If a couple of middle aged men want to eat each other online, I am cool with that. Sure, they hide behind the defense of “fantasy”-but dont we all have fantasies we would not like the general public to know? Granted, cannabilism is gutter-level and let us all hope they do not have children who could accidentally see what daddy is eating. I bet that for the most part, these people are harmless.
The truly dangerous person in SL is the one who seemingly “blends in ” with the crowd. Who can con you into befriending them -and subtly obtain your RL information over time………………..
Mar 4th, 2008
‘I would laugh so very, very hard at this if it werent so very very sad that there still exist those, who think what someone fantasises about, they will eventually carry out in RL.’
Its different from playing video games when you’re fantasizing about violating dead bodies and chopping people up and burning them alive. Thats sick shit and you’re sick for defending it. You think serial murderers don’t fantasize about what they do long before their first kill? Of course they do. Fantasizing isn’t necessarily bad, but normal sane people don’t fantasize about this stuff. There is obviously something very wrong with the people being written about in this article and frankly it’s scary.
Mar 4th, 2008
I lol’d
Mar 4th, 2008
I support your freedom to roleplay cooking and eating live humans.
It makes me want to vomit though. ;_;
Artemis Fate
Mar 4th, 2008
“Greta tells me later that she believes Italyan was masturbating at the keyboard as he acted this out.”
I’m sure Jeffrey Dahmer would be too.
Mar 5th, 2008
How is this different than the furries?
And yet one incident of sick crap is defended and the other causes massive outrage.
Dinky HockerShootsSmack!
Mar 5th, 2008
Actually, Dahmer didn’t like the messy stuff — he claimed he had to get drunk to get through that part.
Who knows. He could have been lying, I suppose.
As for the fetishes themselves, I don’t really give a flying fuck, either way. This world’s going to hell in a hand basket faster than any of us realize, with respect to world events, so, what two overweight, lonely people do to entertain themselves isn’t even a blip on my radar. Have it you bored, attention starved freaks! Someone has to keep Pepsico, Frito-Lay, and Vaseline Intensive Care in business!
Mar 5th, 2008
Please Sir… can I have some more?
Just Me
Mar 5th, 2008
Ah, Angel, it’s “May, I have some more?”
Mar 5th, 2008
“How is this different than the furries?”
People pretending to be anthropomorphic animals, sometimes having cyber sex, is the same as pretending to roast alive, butcher and eat a human being? (After masturbating on the corpse.)
Um… okay. Your sense of reality is so screwed up I’m almost afraid.
Mar 5th, 2008
Actually, as any psychologist will tell you, there are many things that are carried out in a world/metaverse such as ours that will eventually be carried out in REAL LIFE. It happens because it has to. They come here looking for a release. So they go to the metaverse and they cut up the woman, cook her, eat her, what ever sick fetish they are into that they need. And for some, that will be enough. But there are those that that won’t be enough. It will never be enough. Because soon, very soon, that screen they are looking at won’t seem real anymore. As great as the graphics get and as great as those poseballs and animations look, it just is NOT enough for them. They will crave the real thing, the flesh and blood, the taste and smell.
They WILL start to hunt for what they are seeing on the screen. Not only that, but because they found it on the screen, they will assume that the reactions of the women on the screen are the ones they will get from the women in real life. So when they come to a woman that looks SIMILAR to the one they have been cutting up over and over, and make that move, and that woman spurns them, or in some way shows them that they are not interested in what they think they should be, that person who has until this point kept it only in-world, will take it out. They will attack the woman, bringing their anger to her. Thinking “You should be behaving like her!” “Who are you to act like that!” “Don’t talk to me, MEAT!” They WILL eventually snap. Not all. Do not get me wrong, there will be those that keep their sick world, and it is SICK, do not even mistake this fetish for anything BUT sick, anyone who wants to see someone suffer like that, then be a cannibal and eat them, after having sex with a PART of their body, THAT is sick, … Not all, some will keep it “in-world”. But there will be those that can’t. It may not be many, hell, it may just be a handful. But it will be because of this type of access to the role play that gave them the freedom to first explore it in a way they never did before, that will cause them to think they have a right to take it outside of this metaverse.
As with everything, there are two sides to every coin. Because of this, there may be a few that will then practice this action in-world and never do it outside because of the fact that they did it in-world. However, the risk is far too great for the one that will take it outside of this metaverse because of what he saw and did in this metaverse to have this be looked on as a simple ‘role play’ or a simple ‘fun’ thing done in this metaverse. Since the ones that are ‘exploring it’ in-world for the first time may never ever have done anything outside of the metaverse where as the one offender will always have done something outside it.
I think that the author of the article should have stopped it. He was sickened by it and when he saw they were no longer joking around, should have put up his hands and walked away. His hands are as bloody as the next person’s. This is not a joke. This is a sick action that will eventually lead to someone out there killing and desecrating a corpse. We may never hear about it, but it will happen. And will happen because of this world that this man has created. For all we know, he will be the one doing the killing. I hope not. I hope he was getting off and that is as far as he ever goes with it. Because someone out there will. Unless stuff like this is stopped. Don’t believe me? Go back to college and pick up some of those things called “psycology 101″ books. They come in handy in life, and that is where we are, people. Life.
Brendan Cale
Mar 5th, 2008
While it’s a sick fetish, and makes me want to vomit, it’s the same as any other in SL. Just because they do it there doesn’t mean they will in real life. That’s like saying someone who shoots people in Second Life randomly is destined to become a Serial Killer.
Most people I know can distingush real life from second life. This story still has me sick though.
Artemis Fate
Mar 5th, 2008
“That’s like saying someone who shoots people in Second Life randomly is destined to become a Serial Killer.”
I think there’s a large difference between “shooting somebody”, and getting an intense sexual thrill out of specifically impaling, roasting alive, cutting up, violating the corpse of a human being, then eating it.
I can’t think of any situation where that’d be seen as okay.
Jessica Holyoke
Mar 6th, 2008
Why is it that Dolcett play never involves eating bulls? When are men on the menu?
Brendan Cale
Mar 6th, 2008
Artemis, our society is built up in such a way where we think mass murder against other countries in the name of war is no real big deal, but we get disgusted when we see this when we should be disgusted at the former rather then the latter.
wendell holmer
Mar 6th, 2008
“I think that the author of the article should have stopped it. He was sickened by it and when he saw they were no longer joking around, should have put up his hands and walked away. His hands are as bloody as the next person’s.”
You’ve raised a couple of interesting questions.
1. Does acting out a fantasy make it more likely that it will occur in real life (desensitization) or less likely (blowing off steam)?
I’ve done some research and haven’t found an answer based on anything but anecdotal evidence. Most of the studies ask questions like: What happens to the incidence of reported rapes in a country when pornography becomes more available? I don’t think those correlations provide much help. I’d appreciate it if one of our readers could come up with some reliable data.
2. Does reporting on an act encourage it?
Dolcett play took root and grew in Second Life without any help from the press. Greta’s Dolcett club has hundreds of members. The two Sims I visited–Animatum and Wicked World–have elaborate areas with all the tools and animations you need. I’ve seen the rotisseries and other paraphernalia on sale in stores, and I am sure there are many private homes throughout the metaverse where these activites take place. Apart from one brief story in the Herald some time ago, I haven’t seen this covered.
Mar 6th, 2008
First off let me say that someone using a person’s name in a story that didnt have anything to do with this story is seriously wrong. Its unfair to use Teri’s name when she knew anything about this.
I sit here and read the reaction to Dolcett here and wonder why these people that are reacting as if they are sick are even in here telling people how they feel. Personally I feel that people that need to say how sick something makes them is just hiding the fact that they themselves are probably doing something just as sick if not even more sick.
Personally, Dolcett is not my thing but you know what, so what…who cares what people do or fantasize in here. Its like the saying “The first to cast the stone is usually the one that is guilty of something worse.” Anyways, I’m not in here to find love, or find sexual pleasure or eat anyone or have sex with furies or anything that offends anyone but if I did, its none of your damn business what I do…blah, blah, blah!!
If you people take all this crap serious, i’d say you are the ones that need the help, not the people in here role playing whatever they are doing…remember…on line chat is all about role play no matter what you pretend to be or not to be…as for the person that says I’m a man? or that most women in here are men???? Omg…then why do I have tits and no dick? God I’m all confused now.
Maybe one of you educated people in here that seem to know so much like…Omg if he/she role plays it in here he/she will do it in real life!!! More blah, blah, blah… What about the forced sex… what about the furies… what about all the killing other role players in here… are you saying that everyone in SL is going to do in real what they are doing on here? Omg… the furies are going to go out and have sex with their animals…. Omg the force rape role players are going out to rape everyone… Omg the Dolcett role players is going to eat someone in real… Sorry folks… You should be more worried about the child predators in here that are pretending to be children… because according to you they are going to go out and hurt some child…
I seriously think some people need a real life so that they would spend less time in here thinking that everyone that role plays is going to become what they role play. Personally I role play exactly what I am. A woman that likes to meet people and enjoy the company of anyone that can be respectful not judgmental. I have met many people that have their role playing thing… who the hell am I to judge them… as long as it doesn’t effect me I don’t care what they do… So everyone that is so sick of the Dolcett thing…please take a look at your own id and make sure that you don’t have something in your own id that may make people come to the conclusion that you are sick too.
I never understand why people have to take something like chat and decide that they are judge, jury and executioner. Is it because you have no life even in SL??? Whatever… why not just enjoy the people you do know and stop worrying about things and people that you don’t know. If it offends you so much then just leave SL… Go find another chat…or… just do your own thing…
OH and also… say what you wish because i wont reply to any ignorant come back from people that apparently don’t like what i have to say. dont like it to bad…its my opinion… just deal with it… or maybe find something more important to do then try to be a part of something you have no idea about… Have a great life in real or SL ☺
Who will be left to speak up when they come for YOU?
Mar 6th, 2008
The point of the its fantasy get real crowd, is that IF there is ANYONE out there who’s crazy enough to di it IRL, they are gonna do it ANYWAY eventually, and SL cannot be blamed for that. A short circuit in that person’s brain, can.
The one in a MILLION people that will carry out IRL what they did on SL, in this case or anything other disgusting things you can think of, childrape, murder, necrophilia… that one very very VERY small percentage, is not enough to cause a general outcry over.
It’s EXACTLY like Grand Theft Auto, making a distinction between gangmurder in the street or murder in the kitchen after which dinner follows as described here, is completely besides the point. Both are things any sane person would never do IRL. Around GTA there was a huge shitstorm as well when it came out, and look who were right in the end… How many horrible things have happened as a direct result from playing Grand Theft Auto? Not counting the cases where the person was already f-ed up in the head before playing the game?
And how many horrible murder cases will there be as a direct result from playing Dolcett’s in SL? I doubt there will be many.
Is that worth it to what some suggest, ban it? Make it go the way of the casino’s banks and sexual ageplay on SL?
Cause if we’re gonna spoil the fun of a lot of people just so we can sleep quiet knowing our precious SL wont make a murderer out of anyone (cause someone who’s already crazy would only do this in RL and then they will fond something else for their ‘trigger’), I know a few things that we could also ban.
Like each and any combat sim, and each and every racing track and racecar manufacturer.
Cars? what the F have cars to do with it?
Well…. Ever seen the yearly number of deaths caused by idiots in too fast cars IRL who think they can drive as fast in RL on the open road as they can on the track in various racegames? All added up, I’m pretty sure the deathtoll from racing games is astronomical compared to the deathtoll from any violent games.
“I think there’s a large difference between “shooting somebody”, and getting an intense sexual thrill out of specifically impaling, roasting alive, cutting up, violating the corpse of a human being, then eating it.
I can’t think of any situation where that’d be seen as okay.”
Artemis, can you see any situation where shooting someone *could* be seen okay? Cause personally, even if it were in self defence, if I would kill someone IRL I would not be able to live with myself. No matter what the motivation, or lets say excuse, taking a life is murder. And lets face it, in the combat sims they dont exactly only shoot out of self defence.
There is no real difference here. It’s roleplaying taking a life in a combat sim, or roleplaying taking a life in a cooking sim. And I want to bet 10.000 L$, that there are a LOT more people that get a stiffy out of unloading their gun on someone in a combat sim, then you are comfortable in knowing about. It’s not really a coincidence that size matters in weapons…
Yes they’re sick puppies and this kind of stuff makes me want to gouch my eyes out. But they have as much right to be here on SL and do whatever they want in private with conscentual adults, just like anyone else here on the grid.
Everyone is equal.
Or are some really more equal then others?
adding a little perspective dont mind me :)
Mar 6th, 2008
PETA should sponsor all of you.
The Dolcetts players for showing very nicely what happens daily on HUGE scale in RL to millions of animals (and yes, also your hamburger from McDonalds, probably has had some out of the usual ‘seasoning’ now and then)
And all the anti Dolcetts players for their cries of outrage. Which incidently they should pay you more if you also give those cries of outrage about the steak on your dinnerplate. I bet only a few of you do.
‘cows are animals that’s different’
Discuss that with anyone from India.
And think of your dog or cat. Also an animal. Would also be very very yummy roasting on the BBQ. Ask the Chinese and Koreans.
Guess the difference is being on first name basis with your food?
Anyone read ‘The restaurant at the End of the Universe’ by Douglas Adams? Remember the cow reccomending which parts of her were most delicious? Would you eat that cow?
Be glad at least they eat this girl completely instead of just killing her for a nice trophy on the wall and burn the rest. But I dont think that human teeth would make all too great piano keys anyway.
Gareth Nelson
Mar 7th, 2008
Wow, I love the assumptions everyone makes with anything the least bit weird on SL.
I’ll admit i’ve seen some of the dolcett places and the kind of people who go there. These same people tend to be into tons of other sexual roleplays of various kinds too. If I believed the panicked “omg! they’ll copy it all in RL” crap i’d say they must all literally be ageplaying furry vampire shemales of gor.
Tis all fantasy sexual roleplay between consenting adults.
Artemis Fate
Mar 7th, 2008
@Brendan Cale
“Artemis, our society is built up in such a way where we think mass murder against other countries in the name of war is no real big deal, but we get disgusted when we see this when we should be disgusted at the former rather then the latter.”
I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a large and representative contingent of people who are absolutely a-okay with killing in wartime. People sometimes see it as a necessity, but that’s not the same thing as seeing it as “no big deal”. If there was another way around killing in war, I bet you most everyone in America would take it.
@Who will be left to speak up when they come for YOU?
“Artemis, can you see any situation where shooting someone *could* be seen okay? Cause personally, even if it were in self defence, if I would kill someone IRL I would not be able to live with myself. No matter what the motivation, or lets say excuse, taking a life is murder. And lets face it, in the combat sims they dont exactly only shoot out of self defence.”
Well, let’s compare, shooting someone in self defense can be seen by the court of law and by sometime likely yourself, as being a necessary action and thus excused, because it was either you or them. But, I think your lawyer would have a hard time of putting a case for impaling and cooking alive, chopping up, fucking the corpse, then eating it….in self defense.
But largely what i’m saying is, the latter is premeditated with the specific purpose being the innate sexual thrill of the murder, whereas the former is something that is a last resort done in a self-defense for self-preservation. Even in Grand Theft Auto or whatever violent video games people point out, the murder isn’t for the sake of murder, it’s for the sake of money, or survival, or completing an objective.
“And I want to bet 10.000 L$, that there are a LOT more people that get a stiffy out of unloading their gun on someone in a combat sim, then you are comfortable in knowing about.”
You know, Second Life is the home of just about every fetish imaginable and some unimaginable, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group that directly relates sexual thrill and shooting, that is, not rape with a gun, but actually shooting someone to derive sexual thrill.
“Is that worth it to what some suggest, ban it?”
I would just like to point out that you are the first one to bring up a ban, even though no one else mentioned or suggested it. I’m not interested in banning Dolcett. It’s fucked up for sure, in every possible way, but I’d prefer no banning of any group in SL; including the age-players and even the goreans, who I loathe. I’ve mostly taken an out-of-sight out-of-mind approach to it, where I simply don’t look for it, unfortunately the Herald put this up for the shock-value and the curiosity got the best of me to read and respond. But after this article dies down, I’ll likely not think or hear about this weird ass fetish for a long time.
“The point of the its fantasy get real crowd, is that IF there is ANYONE out there who’s crazy enough to di it IRL, they are gonna do it ANYWAY eventually, and SL cannot be blamed for that. A short circuit in that person’s brain, can.”
I don’t think i’d go as far to say that a person playing at Dolcett is likely to re-enact it in real life, but I would say that anyone that derives an intense sexual thrill from the specific Dolcett outlined here, probably has some serious mental issues to work out.
@adding a little perspective dont mind me
“The Dolcetts players for showing very nicely what happens daily on HUGE scale in RL to millions of animals (and yes, also your hamburger from McDonalds, probably has had some out of the usual ‘seasoning’ now and then)”
Wow REALLY, I didn’t know it was standard procedure in slaughterhouses to specifically keep the animal alive while cooking it and impaling it for the spit, then fucking it’s cut up body after it’s cooked. You must have some interesting proof and documentation to back up those kinds of statements!
Terra Ellison
Mar 7th, 2008
As answer to wendell asking for reliable data:
Some friends of mine had to a presentation at university, they did choose the topic “violence in video games” (well roughly that topic). Of course they read a couple of studies on that matter, asking if there’s a link between video game violence and “real life” violence. As they said, some studies come to the conclusion that there is a link, some come to an opposing conclusion, some are kind of in the middle. So I suppose, at least for now, any given answer might just reflect an opinion. Science doesn’t seem to have come to an agreement yet.
Personally, though the concept makes my stomach wanna send back dinner, I’ll stick to what has been stated before: As long as it is consenting adults online, let them do it.
Gareth Nelson
Mar 7th, 2008
“As they said, some studies come to the conclusion that there is a link, some come to an opposing conclusion, some are kind of in the middle. So I suppose, at least for now, any given answer might just reflect an opinion. Science doesn’t seem to have come to an agreement yet.”
The standard of evidence in science when evaluating previous studies is known as a meta-review and consists of evaluating the methodology of each study. Science doesn’t work on a simple majority, only valid evidence needs to be taken into account.
“Personally, though the concept makes my stomach wanna send back dinner, I’ll stick to what has been stated before: As long as it is consenting adults online, let them do it.”
I must be the odd one out here, as nothing in SL really seems to disgust me (except behaviour from certain types of idiot). Perhaps this says more about the realism of SL’s rendering than anything else.
Only in Dreamz
Mar 8th, 2008
Personal experience: I knew a guy who waz crazy in RL and violent, then joined our roleplay group, of course he waz crazy and violent in game. Later he did what he waz doing before he joined our group, only thiz time he made the paperz and the paperz blamed the roleplay group. My observation iz the group did not appear to promote or hinder hiz tendency to want to hurt people.
If somebody wantz to be eaten, more power to them…
Just to head it off at the pazz, yez realise I am using z’z at the endz of my wordz… LOL
Do the most loving thing you can do, right now.
adding a little perspective dont mind me :)
Mar 8th, 2008
@ Artemis
Enjoy your meal.
Artemis Fate
Mar 8th, 2008
@adding a little perspective dont mind me
Sorry, I missed the one that had the specifically impaling to keep them alive, then cooking them alive, then fucking the corpse, and the part where it proves this was normal practice. You must have forgot to link it and instead mistakenly linked all that bullshit.
adding perspective...whatever. tard.
Mar 9th, 2008
You´ll find the bullshit is probably everywhere you look, as you appearently have your head buried in your own ass too deep to get my point and a fucking clue as to why I brought this up in the first place. NVM people like you will never learn as long as they dont want to.
Artemis Fate
Mar 9th, 2008
@adding perspective…whatever. tard.
“You´ll find the bullshit is probably everywhere you look, as you appearently have your head buried in your own ass too deep to get my point and a fucking clue as to why I brought this up in the first place. NVM people like you will never learn as long as they dont want to.”
I think the whole animal rights “thy r bad we r gud” point is so heavy handedly dropped in everything that it’s hard not to get the point, which is my point, your comment has nothing to do with this, besides you saw it as a way to divert the conversation into your animal-friendly agenda, and were shocked when no one cared.
P.S.: After watching some of those videos, I had to stop and make myself some chicken.
Hylee Bekkers
Mar 10th, 2008
Pounamu Kohime
Mar 11th, 2008
That shit is just wrong. Greta wouldn’t enjoy being roasted irl let me tell you now! The problem for me is that women are being reduced to the most primitive level (as food) in this article – it’s even worse than the usual humiliation afforded to females in SL, and takes us back at least 500 years to the dark ages, even earlier. When are deranged men like Italya going to understand and realise that men come from a vagina, nothing will change that, so stop trying to destroy that which gave you life, that you owe your existence to!!
The male is a seriously disturbed individual who masturbates while cutting and roasting a naked woman, he then fucks her cut up corpse?? – HELLO, what is wrong with this picture? It’s filth, it’s sick filth, picture your daughter or sister or mother on that spit, those of you whom support this garbage, THEN argue that it’s ‘safe’, ‘consensual’ ‘it’s only rp’ and continue to bury your heads in the sand. From idea to deed, it only takes a minute! *laughs* It’s just two sickos coming together to indulge their fucking weird, sad and truly disgusting fantasies, …that’s why SL has such a bad reputation yet still continues to attract thousands everyday. And why does this virtual rag promote this shit by giving it space? Because the saddest thing is no matter what the fetish in SL, there will ALWAYS be someone out there willing to wallow in the filth right along with you….
Mar 14th, 2008
This is so fucked up, HOLY SHIT
Penance Sautereau
Mar 17th, 2008
I’ll……… refrain from offering my opinion of this…. fetish. I ran into once on Neverwinter and that was far more than enough.
I WILL say to Anon, idiot as he always prove4s himself, that to compare cannibalism steeped in gross mysogeny to Furries is beneath moronic, and with that statement you have forever proven your opinion of no consequence, oh yon paranoid android.
People dressing like cartoon animals and jerking off to nude drawings of Babs Bunny may be a sick creepy idea to mant but it’s essentially harmless. cooking a woman alive to eat her while treating her like a dumb farm animal is a completely different animal. While both as “Fantasies acted out on SL” are harmless online, being a furry is also harmless offline. The only people offended by furries are usually those who fall into the “Greater Internet Dickwad” category. (God love Penny Arcade).
Conversely, the only ones who generally would NOT be disturbed by the cannibalism fantasies are in that same group. And while furrism is harmless online or real life, cannibalism…. is not harmless if taken offline.
Any other stunning pearls of jackass wisdom to offer Anon?
Artemis – Pass me some chicken, I make an awesome lemon chicken stirfry, I’ll share.
Mar 17th, 2008
hey dickgirl i thought you went to the great beyond (outdoors), what made you come back? got AIDS from your lesbian BFF?
John Q. Citizen
Oct 15th, 2009
Wow…look at all this ignorance. First off, to all you fanatics, what everyone else was saying t=is that the similarity between Dolcett and furries is essentially simple-the people will not act on their fantasies. Would you’re suggesting is the limitation of other people’s rights to make yourselves more snug and comfortable at home. God forbid your peace of mind be violated-I’m sure all of you have fetishes others think of as embarrassing. Shoe fetish anyone? Shoes are anything but sexy, logically. They smell. People put them on their feet. They are covered in bacteria and germs. But, somehow, people are turned oon by them. Why? It’s not logical, it just HAPPENS. And it’s harmless-I’m sure most shoe fetishists do not run around stealing peoples’ shoes.
Dolcett is the same-logically repugnant, but somehow it turns people on. Don’t ask why-just respect the rights of others as you would want your’s respected. As long the act doesn’t harm anyone or involve nonconsensual victims (or is illegal, I guess), any action is fine. In this online roleplay, no one is being hurt, and all the individuals consent to being there. So what’s the problem?
To all the fanatics who believe we’ll all be invaded by womaneating cannibals: please, please, PLEASE give me an example of a wave of fetishists eat women. If you thought out your ridiculous opinions, you’d realize that for all the Dolcett roleplayers, none have gone out and committed these acts in real life. None. Armin Meiwes? His victim was male, consensual, and he was insane anyway. Issei Sagawa? When he ate that woman, Dolcett didn’t exist. By this logic, banning video games will eliminate gun crime, and eliminating rape fetishists will remove rape from our lives. Maybe we should ban those dang furries, because EVERYONE know they all go out and abuse anumals in real life, right? Everywhere I look they’re raping animals because they fantasized about it. Of course THAT’S true. [/sarcasm]
Bottom line-these people too, and are PERFECTLY capable of separating right from wrong. You think every soldier who handles a weapon in the Army is completely sane and trustworthy? You should have said “no.” And yet, you place in those soldiers, each of whom hold a real and literal method to kill someone, an intimate trust you will not place in harmless online play that is nonlethal and consensual for both parties involved. ROLEPLAY DOES NOT KILL, but you’re treating it like it does…think of your own fantasy, and think how YOU would feel if was declared harmful to others and banned. What makes your morals so much better than others’? Because you’re NORMAL? Define normal-I bet every one of you will disagree. Allow others to live as they wish, and they will do the same for you.
May 26th, 2012
i won’t mind being spit roasted over a hot fire myself if someone is willing to do it
May 30th, 2014
Sep 9th, 2014
I think its more like someone that has no love life and is craving to feel someone feeling them so much that even being prepared in such a way is a turn on and makes them feel wanted.