Slexchange Forum Tries To Copy Herald – Becomes Giant Drama Pump
by Alphaville Herald on 06/03/08 at 11:03 pm
The sincerest form of flattery
by Proper Prim
Desperate for more page hits, the venerable SLEXChange forum decided that inciting RL factionalism is the best way to… increase sales? That must be what is going on – as an international group of merchants talk smack on each other’s RL countries for no less than 16 pages. So much for the metaverse fostering universal understanding and harmony.
Normally we wouldn’t get too excited about this sort of thing – it sounds like a normal day here at the Herald, but the Slexchange forum moderators seem to be swinging the ban stick in a rather selective fashion.
As best we can discern, the Slexchange “respect policy” would theoretically keep this sort of situation from getting out of hand – but there appears to have been an ongoing problem with selective enforcement of the policy – something like the situation with Linden Lab in Second Life. We are starting to think that corrupt game and forum moderators are a universal constant — except here at the Herald where this has never been a problem.
But over at the Slexchange forums this is a problem as one of our new advertisers and a Slexchange merchant – Mr. Adromor Wierwight – was banned from the forums for his vigorous defense of the USA. So we ask, why is it that there is ALWAYS someone hate mongering and generalizing about other people – categorizing and judging others, insulting them mercilessly?
It was obvious that many members of the forum were upset by this behavior, yet other members were allowed to continue to talk trash without repercussions. If you want that sort of thing – come to the Herald. We suggest you stick to selling virtual good over at Slexchange and leave the drama to the professionals.
Unfortunately, intolerance breeds intolerance and the cycle continues and grows as long as some individuals are still willing to feed it. Will Slexchange admins step in to curb the racial, and national tensions or will they continue to sit and watch idly while their forums are ripped apart by individuals that idolize Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte? Don’t we get enough of that at the Herald already? What is happening to the world we live in today where no one is willing to listen to reason and like animals, people ruthlessly attack one another?
Slexchange admins, we call on you to step in and deal with the situation – or at least stop banning our advertisers. Trust us, you will never beat the Herald in a race to the gutter, so don’t even try. Clean up your act.
Mar 6th, 2008
FYI most of the bullshit on those forums starts and ends with Montana Corleone, a merchant that thinks she is better than everyone else including her own customers – some of whom are Americans who she professes to hate so much. She refers to them as ‘uncivilized and uneducated’ and a bunch of other crap. Read for yourselves by following the link.
I’m not from the USA and I was offended by this rubbish. Corleone thinks she speaks for all of us and we need to show her that she doesn’t. Boycott her products – don’t buy from her. period. The only way to teach her a lesson is to hit her in her pockets where it counts.
And Addy was right, she does spend a lot of her time accusing people of libel who argue with her and threatening to sue people over every little thing.
If the PN wants a source of ‘lulz’ there is a perfect target right there and I for one would be cheering for them for once.
Sami Tabla
Mar 7th, 2008
Fuck SLH and fuck anyone that thinks they can question my authority. I never did like that “punk” and I’m glad I banned him. I’ll do it again. What are you gonna do? Write another article? He was “whiny” and “petty”. I afford my posters free speech.
Mar 7th, 2008
Hey all in case you’re wondering all that so called profanity the admins edited out was words like ‘god damn’ and ‘crap’. I was watching this thread the whole time biting of my tongue off to keep from saying what was on my mind.
The only time he called Montana any name or anything was when he called her a bitch right before he was banned and guess what he was right she IS a bitch. She’s lucky he was the only one that blew up at her.
His posts weren’t even that bad.
I think if offended readers send angry IMs to Apotheus Silverman and all the other admins demanding change it will do wonders for this community. I say we start by getting Sami fired. Sami is supposed to be a customer service rep but instead he’s an asshole. If you don’t like whats going on there and they won’t change it then don’t use the service. Go to onrez, I know thats what I’m doing.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 7th, 2008
I was banned from the slex forums the other day! (and had a week earlier bought 50,000 banner impressions from the tards, which they took forever to set up). for postin the following thread.
Originally Posted by Jumpman Lane
Luda told me i know..youse a ho! HO! Youse a ho! HO! Youse a ho! i know that you a hoooooooo!!!
Action: Locks & LR
Reasons: Abusive
Source: AR
.. / message –> ”
This was just me reposting a locked thread of mine from the SL Forums that was ared there and got me a 7 day ban from sl.
I thought with all the smack talk in the slex forums, they’d find it funny or something. But as a whole, the turds there ripped the post and the MOD suggested that I stop posting stuff like that. AND to a man the tards didnt recognize it as a quote from a song, (the slex forums must be rife with middle-aged white folks!) So instead of talkin shit to each and everyone of the commentors (cause them not gettin it was an unsuspecting source of entertainment–i wont say lulz caust i didnt MEAN to be entertained like that
But that tard Sami Turd-Munch or w/e he cals himself this week, (Tigress Big Boss’ #1 flunky) slapped me witha perma ban when I mentioned to him that didnt he have more important things to do than lurkin in the forums. SLex took a week to get my banners up. And he was the fool answering the support emails everytime.
So screw em. That “respect” clause of Tigress I selectively enforced. NOT by petty l dctators lookin out for thier friends: but. rather, by petty lil dictators lookin for OBEDIANCE to thier tardy pronouncements. Instead of beggin, them to let me come back so they can take my L$, and give me shoddy service, they can take the whole web-site, all thier computers and servers , turn em side ways and shove em up their WHAT! ASS! izzzzz (plural!) Thier keyboards and mouses (mice?)too!
Mar 7th, 2008
Is the Herald competing to get to the gutter first then ?
I had not noticed / thought it had already won
(delete as you prefer)
None of your business
Mar 7th, 2008
I have come to the conclusion you run nothing but a tabloid here based on an article like this. Stating a website is enticing racial tension? LOL you have got to be the biggest drama queens here I’ve seen on the net regarding SL in a long time. And it also seems your directly insulting the consumers and the thousands upon thousands who read those forums everyday. Hilarious really. I think the herald is the talk of the town at the moment. Everyone I’ve spoken to which is hundreds of different merchants through the course of the day, seem to feel that your site will no longer be referenced to at all. Thanks for the most part of articles and highschool writers such as the above idiot. LOL you really are a hilarious excuse for a paper. I did an in game poll for two days. And discovered that 98 percent said they would much rather read anything on slx. The other 2 percent had never heard of the herald. LOL go figure.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Mar 7th, 2008
You’ve been trolled,
you’ve been trolled,
you have probably been told;
“don’t reply to this guy,
he is just getting a rise”-
Out of you! Yes it’s true!
You respond and that’s his cue,
to start trouble on the double,
while he strokes his manly stubble.
You’ve been trolled,
you’ve been trolled,
you should probably just fold,
when the the only winning move is not to play,
and yet you keep on trying,
mindlessly replying,
you’ve been trolled,
you’ve been trolled,
Have a nice day!
Sami Selective
Mar 7th, 2008
I agree that SLX forum moderators are selective in their censorship of forum posts. Sami is the worst of them. He plays favorites and is more likely to censor something if he feels personally threatened.
Mar 7th, 2008
‘I have come to the conclusion you run nothing but a tabloid here based on an article like this. Stating a website is enticing racial tension? LOL you have got to be the biggest drama queens here I’ve seen on the net regarding SL in a long time. And it also seems your directly insulting the consumers and the thousands upon thousands who read those forums everyday. Hilarious really. I think the herald is the talk of the town at the moment. Everyone I’ve spoken to which is hundreds of different merchants through the course of the day, seem to feel that your site will no longer be referenced to at all. Thanks for the most part of articles and highschool writers such as the above idiot. LOL you really are a hilarious excuse for a paper. I did an in game poll for two days. And discovered that 98 percent said they would much rather read anything on slx. The other 2 percent had never heard of the herald. LOL go figure.’
Thats a from Montana Corleone. She’s too stupid to think people would recognize her arrogance. Ah, Oh well. It seems I can recall many an SLH reader saying the same things, yet a dozen external websites still subscribe to our RSS feed.
Montana: Don’t get mad cuz you got exposed, bitch. And no one cares what your little crowd of loud mouth hate mongers have to say. oooooooh Im sure everyoe is so scared, we pissed off the wrong person, right? lmao.
Fummy how your ‘in game’ poll started two days before the article came out. hmmm. You psychic?
Mar 7th, 2008
@None of your business
Don’t even think for one minute that you speak for all of us. I’ve been to those forums and they are not managed professionally at all and filled with bigoted ignorance that comes from ‘ignorant’ people. Just so you know I’m not even American and I despise you and your hateful friends because you give the rest of us bad names.
‘And it also seems your directly insulting the consumers and the thousands upon thousands who read those forums everyday’
What and unbelievably rubbish statement. Please, be sure and take your medication. I am a consumer and this article helps me. Why? It tells me that slexchange is not the place to do business right now and it also tells me who to avoid inside sl. Doesn’t matter how bad I need a thing now and if that french woman was the only person that had it. I still wouldnt buy from her.
Apotheus Silverman
Mar 7th, 2008
The second comment above claiming to be from Sami Tabla is fake.
Mar 7th, 2008
SLX forums and the SL forums both are trash. They both allow hate to foster and spread like a virus. When the LL got rid of the general forum I was very happy. The moderators there were non existent. Or rather, they had their favorites that could do no wrong. Good riddance to the SL general forums.
The SLX forums seem to be going the same way. If we are lucky these hate mongering forums will be removed. Don’t we get enough hate in real life that we don’t need to have it in these places? If you want hate just turn on the TV, I suspect you can find it very easy.
Mar 7th, 2008
Looks like ‘None of your business’ has been trolled. Please feel free to make more butthurt comments so we can figure out who you are in game and extract lulz from you. I bet money its either Sami Tabla or his butt buddy another man, who pretends to be a woman on SL, named Tigress Stormwind.
Oh and SLH doesn’t censor us like you guys apparently do, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this since their staff and most of SL is already butthurt at us. I am thinking of registering throw away accounts on slex because it looks like there are just so much more lulz to be had there then I have been getting in SL lately.
I particularly loved it when whatever-her-name-is said that guy was libeling her. Oh boy this is dickgirl all over again.
Literacy Advocate
Mar 7th, 2008
What a cesspool that place is. Thanks for pointing it out so we don’t accidentally step in it. I did get a kick out of this though:
‘This thread has outlived “it’s” usefulness.’
Apparently this Sami person never finished grade school.
Waaambulance Driver
Mar 7th, 2008
Awwww. He got banned not for defending the USA as you so blindly put it. He got banned for being an asshole and not respecting people. Anyone, including the staff here at the Herald, can and do post like a 2nd grader who just heard naughty words. Sadly that’s how he came across and got slapped for his choice of profane words. Perhaps one day you’ll realize that you’ll never be as respected of a newssource as The Weekly World News.
Sad attempt at a Sami troll. And Jumpman, you suckle at the teat of gutter trash. You’re naught but a sad lil troll who got spanked at the forums of both SLX and SecondLife. Don’t like being told what is acceptable or not in a privately owned and run forum? Start your own or suck a bullet. Either should be easy for you.
Mar 7th, 2008
SLX deals with it when people report my posts, but I reported dozens and they took no action.
Mar 7th, 2008
I frequently read the SLX forums but I don’t usually post. I am an American and saw the thread that was mentioned in this article. As an American I was actually embarassed by Andromer’s posts and by the posts of his compatriots. They were usually profanity laden screeds without any logical content. It seemed to boil down to “We know America is best and how dare you challenge that.” One that I found most humerous was from a poster named Ethan Greene who got upset that Montana was always proving his and Andromer’s posts incorrect and then backing up her statements with sources. He was upset that she was not letting their unsubstantiated claims go unchallenged. I couldn’t understand that for the life of me. If in an argument or debate one person states a falsehood that is demonstrably false, there is no reason for the opposing side not to challenge that position with the truth and then cite sources to prove that point!
Also, the topic of the thread had nothing to do with racial tensions. The thread was asking what other think of the United States. Several Americans posted absolutely obnoxious posts about how wonderful our country is and how much better we are than everyone else. One even posted a list of freedoms that make us better. Then those same posters got upset when others, including Montana, reminded them that the freedoms on that list are all available in every single Western European country as well as many others around the globe. That was somehow inflammatory? Those same America-boosters were also upset when the Europeans reminded them that the European system of social services is vastly superior to the one in the United States. They have universal health care and we don’t. In response posters such as Andromer resorted to profanity and name-calling. Stating the truth is never disprespectful. Printing falsehoods and namecalling is always disrespectful.
The problem in that thread was that people such as Andromer couldn’t win the argument that America was better than everyone else using facts so they instead began posting over and over about how horrid Montana is.
The Herald is making a mountain out of a mole-hill. As an American I do love my country but I also know that it needs a lot of improvement and is definitely not the best country on the planet. I was deeply ashamed for our country by the actions of Andromer & his friends.
Joe joe
Mar 7th, 2008
Montana is a self rightous bitch who thinks she is better than anyone else. I got news for her tea drinking worthless ass she would be a flippn Nazi if it wasnt for Americans, but i trully could care aless what she thinks she has proved her self to be nothing but a Moron.
Mar 7th, 2008
Desperate for actual readers, SL Herald resorts to er…continues on with their tabloid, cell phone text, omg, lolololol, we honestly have nothing else to write about that’s actually interesting style of journalism continuing to make a mockery of the profession.
Mar 7th, 2008
Shit, SL Exchange has gone so far downhill, it’s even a pain in the ass to shop there. And, as a merchant, I can say their web site totally sucks. A real pain in the ass to use.
Hell, I think I keep 5 old products there and put everything else at OnRez.
The moderators are all boneheads and elitist full-of-themselves. Try mentioning OnRez even in passing in your listing over there and see what happens! LOL.
Go OnRez – so much better and easier to use – and they don’t jack you for commission to pay the modtards.
So – I hope the mods drive the place into the ground. It can all crash and burn as far as I’m concerned.
Mar 7th, 2008
Hey isn’t Second Life owned by an American company? Don’t these anti US faggots realize they’re putting money into our pockets? Maybe they should just get the fuck off if they don’t like us so much.
They got a few threads now on the slexchange about this article where a bunch of idiots are whining about the article. Cry me a river.
Mar 7th, 2008
As a regular at the SlX forums I want to chime in here.
I saw the obvious tolling attempt of a thread that was mentioned in your article. I avoided it like a person who actually has a brain. When you take part in flame wars, it is pathetic at the very least to whine about being burned.
The SLx forums have a strict policy of not bashing other players. Bash their ideas all you want. Don’t make it personal. When you disrespect INDIVIDUALS no matter how badly you feel.
This post is obviously some sour grapes by an employee of the SL Herald using his power at the SLH to cause trouble from a distance. It reflects MUCH more on a lack of journalistic integrity on the part of SLH than it will ever reflect on the FORUMS existing on a website dedicated to shopping.
Mar 7th, 2008
So the worlds biggest cesspit of trash decides to talk crap about forums. Forums get out of control, it happens.
I’d like to see you mod the bad weeds out of the good in such a popular place.
Whys it popular? Because for the majority of it, it’s a decent place. Minus the few jerkoffs who happen to get it off on typing ‘lulz’ and griefing the sim.. But hey, the SLH should be used to that huh? Since thats the majority of the dimwits here. 99.95% of any of the shit that comes out of this place is worthless based off crap. You’re like the bottomfeeders leeching off the intellectuals of SL.
Mar 7th, 2008
Personally, I don’t usually react the way Adromor did, as someone who has been on slex for awhile I have seen the special treatment Montana and her clique get so I know better. I don’t fault Adromor at all for standing up for it OR for the posts he made on slx. In fact it’s very brave of him.
Watch slex ban him and his products in response to this. They’ve only succeeded in making him into a Martyr anyway why not go ahead and finish the job proving all of us right.
Montana and friends are now manufacturing conspiracy theories that Adromor baited everything and was ‘on a mission to be banned’ in so that this article could be written. Incredible since it is so obvious that Adromor was responding to what THEY started.
As for the American up there who claims he/she was offended:
I read the thread, no one was pumping up the USA to be better than anyone else. They were defending blatant lies that idiots were spreading about us. Why would he need to support his posts with facts? He clearly said that he lives in the USA and knows first hand what it is like. The idiots who were saying that other stuff clearly had never been here….their opinions were based on nothing. Adromor has experience to back it up just like the rest of us.
Now slexchange merchants like me who share his views but couldn’t voice them on those wretched forums can come here and anonymously say what we really think about this. It’s sad that is what it comes down to but thats how slexchange is run.
Seriously, ‘Phil’, if you were that offended and you really think that then why do you even live here?
Because it’s a lie posted by Montana or one of her friends.
As for the Sami post, I’m inclined to believe it wasn’t him as well.
This sounds more like him:
“Awwww. He got banned not for defending the USA as you so blindly put it. He got banned for being an asshole and not respecting people. Anyone, including the staff here at the Herald, can and do post like a 2nd grader who just heard naughty words. Sadly that’s how he came across and got slapped for his choice of profane words. Perhaps one day you’ll realize that you’ll never be as respected of a newssource as The Weekly World News.
Sad attempt at a Sami troll. And Jumpman, you suckle at the teat of gutter trash. You’re naught but a sad lil troll who got spanked at the forums of both SLX and SecondLife. Don’t like being told what is acceptable or not in a privately owned and run forum? Start your own or suck a bullet. Either should be easy for you.”
Jesus christ what an asshole. Apotheus, if you have any decency you will fire Sami. It doesn’t even matter if that post wasn’t by him – look at how he’s slowly running your business into the ground.
Mar 7th, 2008
Watch while Montana and people who share her views flood the comments with outrageous propaganda. I still stand by what I said and if I get unbanned and another thread like that is started I will repeat it. As many times as it takes.
‘I saw the obvious tolling attempt of a thread that was mentioned in your article. I avoided it like a person who actually has a brain. When you take part in flame wars, it is pathetic at the very least to whine about being burned.’
You’re right, it was. Montana Corleone and a few other idiots got together and began trolling Americans. Then when some of us began to get upset we got banned. It’s cut and dry.
One has to wonder what kind of favors Montana Corleone must have done for Sami to get such special treatment. Isn’t Sami married or something. Hmmm.
Hermman Goering
Mar 7th, 2008
Before any of you cry, understand where SL is headquartered, San Francisco, USA. Now I realize most of you know that California is the seat of Liberalism, but this quaint city is home to the largest homosexual population in the world (sorry Miss Montana they have Paris beat by 7 furries). It is no wonder that the staff of SL is largely of the same persuasion, and SLX follows suit starting with Sami (a professed gay shemale).
When the facts are known, it can enlighten all. And as Paul Harvey delights in saying… Now you know the REST of the story.
Lionel Oliva
Mar 7th, 2008
Yellow journalism lives. Though it also seems a bit tinged with brown.
Someone who got banned from Slexchange
Mar 7th, 2008
Thank you Proper Prim for telling the truth and validating the feelings of those who got banned. I got banned for cursing at Montana Corleone after one of her America bashing, know-it-all, I’am-better-than you, marathon posts.
I tried to explain how much Montana’s post offended me but the slexchange staff did not care.
I have been told and have seen for myself, that Montana’s T-shirt designs and the art in Sami Tabla and Tigress Stormwind’s shop is all ripped straight out of google. However, they enforce sanctions against others who supposedly steal ideas.
That’s the end of my rant. Thanks for giving me a voice.
Something Fishy
Mar 7th, 2008
Hey isn’t that post by ‘dolphpun’ the same guy from the forums who lives in San Francisco as well?
So it’s a safe bet that he could know Sami personally or even be one of Sami’s alts. Hmmm. Why else would other Americans blindly come in here and defend what was done there. Seriously, I bet it’s Sami himself. Sami, you Sly ol’ geezer, you. I wonder how many other alts he uses to try and manipulate people into sharing his ideals by making it seem like the ‘majority’ share them. No one with any sense is going to buy into this BS about how adromor was banned legitimately or any other nonsense where people are claiming that those bigots were actually in the right and adromor ‘trolled’ them. Good god what a load that is.
Mar 7th, 2008
aromor mentioned possibly boycotting slexchange in one of those threads but there is no mention of it here so I will mention it. If you don’t want to aid the spread of hate and if you don’t support favoritism on forums or anywhere else from the powers that be then DO NOT put money in their pockets. Boycotting them is the only solution – they WILL NOT change their ways as long as you are still funneling them money. This is outrageous. Good job SLH, you just made my decision for me. I’m using onrez.
whoa nelly
Mar 7th, 2008
‘Start your own or suck a bullet’
Whoa so thats how anti American people that preach respect for others talk. What a hypocrite. Do the world a favor and hang yourself, please.
nicola heart
Mar 7th, 2008
Hey what happen to nikkipooh bessie comments. She post alot and said some things as well. What you guys think about what she said. Some make sense some didn’t. I can understand how she feel. She was banned my understanding for putting up a topic. Have no idea what it was about though. I dont think she really mean any harm. I think she just have wrong information so she tend to think how she does cause of it.
Lloyd Brooks
Mar 7th, 2008
‘Before any of you cry, understand where SL is headquartered, San Francisco, USA. Now I realize most of you know that California is the seat of Liberalism, but this quaint city is home to the largest homosexual population in the world (sorry Miss Montana they have Paris beat by 7 furries). It is no wonder that the staff of SL is largely of the same persuasion, and SLX follows suit starting with Sami (a professed gay shemale).
When the facts are known, it can enlighten all. And as Paul Harvey delights in saying… Now you know the REST of the story.’
Yeah I saw the south park episode where they made fun of that. When they all moved to san fran and started using hybrids and then they all became basically gay. Nothing wrong with gay people with sense – I know a few myself that are ok but these people clearly lack it.
Lionel Oliva
Mar 7th, 2008
My face is also tinged with brown as well as anything that comes out of my mouth.
Oh god help me not to be such a stupid bigot. Montana’s tits really do taste like melons you know.
Mar 7th, 2008
You mean all the SL Herald staff got banned? nice.
Mar 7th, 2008
Someone just sent me a PM on slex but I can’t read it because I’m banned from the forums and I guess that includes PMs. If you sent me the message and you’re reading this then IM me in world. If you’re just trying to argue then don’t even bother, I’ll mute you.
Montana Corleone
Mar 7th, 2008
Aside from the fact that no one gives a shit what the idiots here think, or what the Herald says, or even that most have ever heard of it, anyone reading the thread can make their own conclusions. That is if they can read with the red mist of slavering rabid dog foaming at the mouth bigotry clouding their mind instead of using their critical faculties.
But you might as well get accurate while you do it, which is easily verifiable if you read the thread itself, and the one here on the reasons for the ban.
You might like to note, that unlike I and many other posters, Mr Wierwight posted not a single link, or shred of evidence to back any of his claims and views. That’s generally counter to having a proper, civilised, scientific, informed debate.
>>the venerable SLEXChange forum decided that inciting RL factionalism is the best way to… increase sales?
Not at all, it’s a separate part of the web site. Forums are free speech areas, the Exchange is where currency and sales are done.
>> Mr. Adromor Wierwight – was banned from the forums for his vigorous defense of the USA.
No, he was not banned for that. He was banned for insulting and threatening other posters, showing lack of respect to other users, not using the proper procedure for reporting posts he was unhappy with but resorting to bad language (which has to be cut to keep the prudish PayPal as a money transaction entity) and furthermore threatening two moderators in PMs that he would in fact make all this crap up that you have “reported” here. Oh, and ignoring a warning on respect:
“I got a fucking ‘respect’ policy warning for my earlier posts but guess what?”
>>will they continue to sit and watch idly while their forums are ripped apart by individuals that idolize Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte?
On another thread, I pointed our that the view of Napoleon depends on where you stand. To the British, fearing a revolution in their own country, following those in America (1776) and France (1789–1799) he was painted as an ogre. To the French, and many others in Europe living under unfair yokes, he was a hero. You might care to reflect on history that the mere 13 years between the American and French Revolutions, put them similar, both overthrowing unjust monarchies, and supported each other. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States in 1803. Aside from his generalship, he wrote the Napoleonic civil code, adopted in many countries across Europe and surviving to this day, he reformed the administration of the country in to Departments, which exist today and many other reforms. He ordered the pretty roadside plane trees in France to be planted (to give shade to marching troops, very future thinking when they take decades to grow) and invented the baguette, so his soldiers could carry bread in their trousers on marches and reduce the effect of living on the land as armies of that time did.
“Napoleon himself once said: “My true glory is not to have won 40 battles… Waterloo will erase the memory of so many victories. … But what nothing will destroy, what will live forever, is my Civil Code.”"
He was right about that. But I don’t idolise Napoleon.
As for Hitler, I have never idolised him either, or supported him or the Nazis. That comes from Mr Wierwight himself, Page 8:
“Oh and Im sure you’re more civilized claiming that Napoleon was a visionary and a good guy like you did in another post before. Maybe you think Hitler is a great guy too! ”
Obviously you have an eye on the law for libel by not connecting my name. Kudos and two stars for that. Zero stars for inaccurate reporting.
And so on to the comments:
>>@ “Anonymous” – “FYI most of the bullshit on those forums starts and ends with Montana Corleone
Well, I didn’t even weigh in on the debate with a serious point until page 7, when the debate was already heated and underway. The OP of that thread – an American soldier – regularly starts inflammatory threads.
>>And Addy was right, she does spend a lot of her time accusing people of libel who argue with her and threatening to sue people over every little thing.
Really? Care to show me where? I have over 5,000 posts on those boards, I’ve mentioned being libelled a couple of times. I have never threatened to sue people over every little thing. In fact the only time I have said I would would be on copyright theft of my work. As usual no links or data to back up the bizarre and untruthful statements from “Anonymous”.
>> @ Greg – “The only time he called Montana any name or anything was when he called her a bitch right before he was banned”
Perhaps you missed these gems then:
Page 8: “I dont give a crap what you are. Right now you’re a sub human racist”
Page 8: “I’d feel sorry for europe, thankfully there actually are some intelligent people over there….it’s just that you aren’t one of them.”
Page 10: “Thats right, you heard it I am WILLFULLY being malicious and inflammatory towards people”
Page 10: “Many people think you’re a loudmouthed imbecile”
Page 12: (To another poster) “Damn liberals. You’re the same kind of idiot whining because we want to enforce immigration laws. Get some nuts and stand up for yourself and stop trying to brown nose everyone who hates you, being all apologetic thinking thats going to improve the situation.
They hate you for no reason and you can’t reason with them so insult them back. I dont give a flying [Admin Edit: Foul Language removed] what you say, as far as I’m concerned liberals are almost as bad.”
Page 15: “So chew on that, bitch.”
Page 15: “I’m going to continue to express the same contempt and I would encourage anyone else to do the same. Furthermore there are people alot more malicious than I that will read these articles”
>> @ Jumpman
You know full well the real reason for you ban, again insulting posters and the mods, reposting not just from SL, but locked threads on SLX. I am sure I can quote many song lyrics to you that you’ve never heard of. Does that make you a tard? Or just your assumption that everyone thinks like you do and knows what you know?
“That “respect” clause of Tigress I selectively enforced.”
Ah I see, it’s okay for you to selectively enforce, but not when you claim somebody else does? Which SLX doesn’t, they enforce it across the board. I myself have had a 7 day suspension for arguing with Sami.
Oh, and Tigress is not the “Big Boss” of SLX, that’s Apotheus, but I expect that with your childish behaviour you weren’t around long enough to find out stuff.
>>@ Sami Selective “I agree that SLX forum moderators are selective in their censorship of forum posts. Sami is the worst of them. He plays favorites and is more likely to censor something if he feels personally threatened.”
No. They have a set of rules, and you abide by them or get censored. They include profanity and lack of respect to other users. They do not entertain censorship of free speech, they encourage it. Unlike the whiner at the cause of this article because he doesn’t like criticism, and attempts to bully, and threaten to shut it down and cause griefing. Allowing such criticism is called Freedom of Speech. We have it over here in Europe, I guess the American definition is different.
But that’s right, Freedom of speech and press freedom is lower in the US and elsewhere, as detailed by Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders in the US) a French originated group to support free reporting and journalists around the globe, like Medecins Sans Frontiéres, another French invention.
Details are there, the US ranks 48th out of 169 countries, just behind Nicaragua and well behind most of Europe. The actual site seems to be down atm:
The Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index is here:
Well, the thread title said it all: “What do you REALLY think of the U.S.A. ???”
(The OP says he is an American soldier posted in Iraq, and well known for starting inflammatory threads. It had reached 5 pages before I even saw it.)
Mr Wiewight seems to think that means only positive views of the USA are allowed and you can’t say what you really think. On those boards we think Freedom of Speech is important. Mr Wierwight seems to think that unless you agree with his views, you should be shut up or griefed. Some freedom.
Selective enforcement is most of the reason why the world has a problem with the USA. Let’s consider an example. When Saddam invades Kuwait, a force is assembled and he is booted out in a couple of months. Fair. When Israel invades several other countries, they are allowed to occupy the land for 40 years, illegally building settlements, and breaking scores of UN Resolutions with the full support of the US who give them money and arms to carry on their genocide. (1 dead Israeli in 9 months of rocket attacks > over 100 killed, at least of third of them civilians and children in a few days.) Unfair.
Is it any wonder then that some of those abused people then attack the USA. An educated person would ask WHY do they feel like this? What have we done, is it our behaviour, and should we change it? When when you go on a revenge rampage against the wrong country and kill 1.7 million people on a pretence of lies, that should draw criticism. Regime change? How about North Korea, or Rwanda, or Zimbabwe. Ah, well they don’t have oil like Iraq, or country for an oil pipeline from the former Soviet Republics like Afghanistan.
When you ignore the world, break international law, illegally hold and torture prisoners, snub your nose at Kyoto, the International Criminal Court, grant immunity to Blackwater murderers before an enquiry, and let off Scooter Libby, you draw criticism. When because of gun policies, a man walks into a Wendys and shoots 20 people, you get criticism.
I’d like to quote Mr Wierwight one more time:
“We have guns AND freedom of the press because we aren’t pussies, unlike you.”
I’ve dealt with “freedom” of the press in the US. Well, it seems he doesn’t want to extend Freedom of Speech to anyone other than himself either. He wants to shut them up, bully them, and threaten them with grief. Then again, he calls France “broke 3rd world country whith a bunch of idiots”. Funny that. France’s economy is growing, stronger than the UK. How is the US economy doing these days? Who is broke with $9bn of deficit? Whose homes are being repossesed?
If that is the attitude that Mr Wierwight wants to be portrayed with, and by implication the USA, then fine. Happily, there are a lot of sensible, decent, and good Americans in the US who wish otherwise.
Oh, and Mr Wierwight,
>>”Thats a from Montana Corleone. She’s too stupid to think people would recognize her arrogance. Ah, Oh well. It seems I can recall many an SLH reader saying the same things, yet a dozen external websites still subscribe to our RSS feed.
Montana: Don’t get mad cuz you got exposed, bitch. And no one cares what your little crowd of loud mouth hate mongers have to say. oooooooh Im sure everyoe is so scared, we pissed off the wrong person, right? lmao.
Fummy how your ‘in game’ poll started two days before the article came out. hmmm. You psychic?”
That was not fro me at all. But at least I have the guts to post under my name and not “Anonymous”.
Happily, we know that the Second Life Herald is tongue in cheek, and a lot of fun. They have Freedom of the Press to say what they like. The test will be to see if they also support Freedom of Speech, and allow this post, or censor it.
And finally, far be it for me to suggest that in fact the SLH might be taking a leaf out of the SLX Forums well populated and lively debate arena to steal an idea and inflate it’s own sad hit count…
another smart one
Mar 7th, 2008
I saw this on slx forums a few minutes ago by that dolphin guy.
‘LOL! Yellow at it’s worst.
I return to find my post on the thing has had my name changed to..
Posted by: ****** UNBELIEVABLE | March 07, 2008 at 02:25 PM ‘
He is too stupid to realize that his name is below the post and not above it. SLH doesn’t edit comments, fucktard – because they aren’t like you and your butt buddies. They’ll let you post pretty much whatever you want. Why not? You’re on the losing side anyway.
DolphPun Somme
Mar 7th, 2008
Mar 7th, 2008
Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but I’m not a Montana alt nor am I a foreigner. I’m an American born & breed. Born in Virginia & still living in Virginia – the cradle of American democracy.
I still stand by my earlier comments. When Montana criticized America she always backed it up with facts. Did some of her statements hurt? Yes, but only because it was embarassing to realize just how far we as a nation have fallen. But Montana NEVER attacked another poster personally. Adromor and his friends immediately resorted to profanity, name-calling and personal attacks on many of the other SLX posters.
The rules over at SLX are quite simple. Don’t show disprespect to any one personally & don’t use profanity. Other than that you can engage in a very intense debate without a problem.
And in response to Adromor’s complaint that he reported several posts and nothing was done. I know that I reported a few of your posts and saw them deleted because they had clear violations of the TOS on SLX. A complaint about a post is only actionable if there is a TOS violation. You can’t just report a post because you disagree with it.
And in response to the person who wanted to know why I live here, well the answer is simple. I live here because I love my country and I love the ideal established by our founding fathers. I also hate what my country has become and am embarassed by the jingoistic antics of people like Adromor precisely because I believe in the vision of our founding fathers. I continue to live and work in America because I refuse to abandon her to the likes of Adromor.
jumpman lane
Mar 7th, 2008
Lit-advo-tard I know what acceptible is and I know what acceptible aint! The charge of bein a troll is the same as bein called a griefer! Some cry-baby internet whimp rat-fink stool pidgeon snitch reachin for the ar button! I’ve realized some tHings about sl and the internet in general. If u r a bitch in RL u r a bitch online! If u r a flunky we know why ya face gets wet everytime ya boss’es balls sweat. Ya hangin from his nut hairs! What ya need to do is get ya self together man up. stop dry and wet snitchin….geeze we need some more cheese for all these rats!
Waaambulance Driver
Mar 7th, 2008
For starters I am not Sami nor any member of SLX. If my post sounded like something Sami would have said, it’s merely coincidental.
@whoa nelly: Never claimed to be anti-American. I’m very pro-American. Ive probably done more for America than you have, in fact. ‘Do the world a favor and hang yourself, please.’ Pot meet kettle. You’re quite humorous hun, does Ringling Bros know one of their clowns escaped? That’s referring to you, whoa nelly.
Amazing how much hate flows here. We’ve a post from a dead German hatemonger, several personal rabid attacks on a person also. All because of a percieved favortism over in a private forum. I sit here holding my sides as they hurt from laughing at all your pent up bile and anger. Is it because you got found out you’re a furry and got kicked from PN? Or that you lost your best Dragonball Z yaoi story?
It’s so sad to see “your readers” trying to pose as other members of an internet forum to pole fun at them, like a group of 3rd graders. But I guess that’s giving your clique here a lot of credit.
Montana Corleone
Mar 7th, 2008
>>They’ll let you post pretty much whatever you want.
We’ll see, they haven’t posted mine yet…
Dolphpun Somme
Mar 7th, 2008
He is too stupid to realize…
I am man enough to admit MY mistake.
The odd formatting of the SLH blog (which it clearly qualifies as) confused me. Usually on blogs the
tag is used to separate individual comments into individual chunks for clarity sake and not to divide the poster from their comment.
I will “adjust” my comments on SLX and go eat some crow like a man.
And although I rarely cuss because of the habits resulting from other places where civilized people are and children still believe in the easter bunny, in the spirit of this place, I do want to say…
I am not Sami’s fucking alt and I have never fucking met the fucking man in fucking real fucking life. San fucking Francisco is a fucking big town with a fucking HUGE fucking population. (Who fucking aren’t all homosexuals) Fucking believe it or fucking not, there is fucking room in fucking SF for several fucking SL players (who aren’t fucking Lindens either) who never fucking encounter fucking each other.
Still Amused
Mar 7th, 2008
I hate to tell ya, but this is all old news. SLX has always, and will always “censor by ban”. That is Sami’s personal kingdom and he rules with a limp wrist but an iron fist. When his catty comments become too obviously personal, he calls for Tigress or Apotheus to step in and clean up. I wish someone would pay me to be a bitch. Oops, I guess they do in RL.
Yes, the old clique is still there. Funny how so many of them were so outraged by Anshe’s actions, discovering her camoflauged 40% ownership of SLX(yes, 40, not 30 Sami), and the statements made by her and her husband(or alt?) on the SLX forums, yet there they all are, sucking on the big old SLX tit. The hypocrits remain, shushing the mention of Anshe’s name, and yes, still selling on Anshe’s little Walmart wannabe site. Why? Because they can’t make it without SLX. Simple. That is why you occasionally see them posting a few suck-up comments and pro SLX comments. They will defend SLX to the end, compromise their true beliefs, absolutely anything to stay in the staff’s good graces. The staff thrives on this and knows their little group will rally around them, even to comment on here on their behalf. They couldn’t make it in SL without SLX, period. The talent just isn’t there.
I don’t know DolphPun except for what I have read of his postings. I would say he has serious women issues though, after reading his derogitory jokes about females in general. “In your face gay” is one thing(I don’t care if you’re gay, but really, do you have to announce it so often, it seems a bit desperate), but female bashing is another. The staff must have enjoyed it though. (DolphPun, you can stop posting on SLX about someone posting on here for you or editing your comments, the explanation is in a previous post.) Don’t get in such a snit, you just made a mistake in the layout of the page.
And for Montana, LMAO. I won’t even start. I am an American and she/he has offended me so often that I skip all of her/his comments. I had noticed previously that most of her/his facts are just cut and paste from other websites anyway, shit, I can google stuff too, I don’t need her/him to do it for me. (Excuse the her/him, he/she, I see a female avatar, but she/he really comes across as an older male)
So, if nothing else comes from all this old news, I hope this site gets more hits, I really enjoy reading it.
Cya in the next world!
Mar 7th, 2008
Montana I had no idea who you were until reading your post here. Now I can say that you are a joke. As far as slx I haven’t been back since I learned the place was owned by that Chinese lady, why would anyone want to support her?
Joe joe
Mar 7th, 2008
Go away Montana you self rightous troll go back to your buddys at slx where you can trash americans all you want. Its clear you are nothing but a moron , fuck you your horse you road in on and your country you come from. And any american who cant stand behind his country can go over and live with the frogs to for all i care.
Oh god
Mar 7th, 2008
I don’t see where he made it all up. It’s there for all to see on the forums.
Basically the few people who are whining about the article area bunch hippies and foreigners it isn’t like anyone gives a shit what they have to say
Mar 7th, 2008
‘And any american who cant stand behind his country can go over and live with the frogs to for all i care.’
I second that.
Look at the size of that goddamn post
Mar 7th, 2008
obi wan: “That’s no post, that’s a space station.”
han solo: “But it’s too big to be a space station, the size of it! It can’t be artificial — it can’t!”
luke: “I have a very strange feeling about this”