The Wurkin’ Girls of Little Paradise
by Pixeleen Mistral on 19/03/08 at 11:40 pm
Pre-teen girls modeling for L$25/hour – plus tips – say SL needs “more wadies who wanna dopt widdle ones”
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Tabitha and Yoshiko twirl in place live modeling clothes — Sonja0606 Eichel disrobes and is ejected from Little Paradise
Recently, I visited the Little Paradise sim – and discovered a shocking example of child-avatar labor exploitation in the metaverse.
Homeless orphan girls – some as young as 5 – are forced to work grueling 10 hour shifts for L$25/hour (about $1 USD/day). These struggling child residents of our world, our imagination somehow scrape by without child labor laws to protect them, earning their L$s by being “Live Models” of children’s clothes. To some, their lot in life might seem grim — parents missing or offline as they spend most of their days being slowly rotated in place to show off the flexi-prim skirts.
Looking on the bright side, the girls do get to baby talk to anyone who stops by the store, and there is always the possibility of a tip – though it is probably best not to inquire too closely about how a live model of kids clothes in SL might earn a tip.
Pixeleen Mistral: do they pay you to be a live model?
Tabitha Dominquez: yes
Pixeleen Mistral: good – it looks a little boring otherwise
Tabitha Dominquez: neber borings
Pixeleen Mistral: no? but you just twirl in place
Tabitha Dominquez: nopes we get to talk and helps kids out
Yoshiko Kawanishi: she just bein modest
Tabitha Dominquez: any job can be boring eben if u dont stay in one plwace
Yoshiko Kawanishi: it harder den it wooks
Tabitha Dominquez: its wat u make of it
Pixeleen Mistral: how old are you? 8? 9?
Tabitha Dominquez: i fibe
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me is fibe too
Pixeleen Mistral: I hope there are no child labor laws here
Tabitha Dominquez: i not kno wat dose arr’s
Pixeleen Mistral: maybe your mommy does
Tabitha Dominquez: dis a kid saf plwace
Yoshiko Kawanishi: we not bweak no laws
Tabitha Dominquez: nope no rule breakin no cops coming to pick us ups rite yoshiko we not going to jails
Lucky Chair -Toys shouts: This prize wasn’t claimed… so let’s try a new magic letter.
Lucky Chair -Toys shouts: Next Prize: Boys Color/Texture Change bike *training wheels*
Lucky Chair -Toys shouts: Looking for a winner whose name begins with…. F.
Pixeleen Mistral: do you work here very often?
Tabitha Dominquez: when we wants
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me not gonna go nowhere
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me wurkin
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me needs da money
Tabitha Dominquez: lol
Tabitha Dominquez: me toos
Pixeleen Mistral: how much do they pay?
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me a good wurkin girl
Tabitha Dominquez: 25 an hour
Tabitha Dominquez: yeps
Tabitha Dominquez: i eben tipped u member
Tabitha Dominquez: u good model
Pixeleen Mistral: 25 L$s an hour? wow
Yoshiko Kawanishi: yeah
[Sonja0606 Eichel - an adult avatar - adjusting her appearance begins removing clothing]
Tabitha Dominquez: hey lady no be naked heres
Tabitha Dominquez: dat no nicey
Pixeleen Mistral: shouldn’t you girls be in school?
Tabitha Dominquez: mommie puting me in private school
Tabitha Dominquez: no starts yet
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes: This prize wasn’t claimed… so let’s try a new magic letter.
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes: Next Prize: 99%angel outfit
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes shouts: Looking for a winner whose name begins with…. X.
Pixeleen Mistral: how many hours do you usually work in a week?
Zoe Hana: hi everyones
Tabitha Dominquez: yay! hewwo zoe
Zoe Hana: sonja? you need to put some clothes on in this store, peeps keep seeing you naked
Zoe Hana: you cant change here
Zoe Hana: sonja??? did you hear wut i said
Zoe Hana: this is a pg sim, youcan not be naked here for any reason
Pixeleen Mistral: I think she is busy editing her appearance and cannot see the chat
Zoe Hana: you can see chat in appearance, thing is, i have to do something or we get in trouble here
Pixeleen Mistral: that is a good point naked adult avs near child avs make Lindens unhappy
Zoe Hana: ty yoshi
Zoe Hana: makes us store owners unhappy too
Yoshiko Kawanishi: for what ma’am
Zoe Hana: for letting me noz bout her
Zoe Hana: haves a good day erryones!
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes: This prize wasn’t claimed… so let’s try a new magic letter.
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes: Next Prize: 99%angel outfit
Lucky Chair Girls Clothes shouts: Looking for a winner whose name begins with…. Q.
Pixeleen Mistral: I’m still wondering how many hours a week the girls are live models for
Tabitha Dominquez: wast u ask agains?
Pixeleen Mistral: how many hours do you work a week?
Tabitha Dominquez: no set ours
Tabitha Dominquez: u come whens u wants
Pixeleen Mistral: how much money do you make?
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me works bout 10 hours a day
Pixeleen Mistral: so like 250 a day?
Yoshiko Kawanishi: sowwy myss pixeleen
Yoshiko Kawanishi: dey not hiring wight now
Tabitha Dominquez: yea dey no hiring
Pixeleen Mistral: I’m too old anyway
Yoshiko Kawanishi: yes
Yoshiko Kawanishi: much too owd
Pixeleen Mistral: I surprised your mommy lets you work such long hours – who is your mommy anyway?
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me not habe a mommy
Yoshiko Kawanishi: dat why me needs da monies
Pixeleen Mistral: oh – I’m sorry hun
Yoshiko Kawanishi: yes ma’am
Yoshiko Kawanishi: me too
Pixeleen Mistral: SL needs an orphanage
Yoshiko Kawanishi: yeah
Yoshiko Kawanishi: or more wadies who wanna dopt widdle ones
Yoshiko Kawanishi: datd wurk too
Tabitha Dominquez: i works when my mommie not online
Tabitha Dominquez: yea it woods yoshiko
Chriss Wunderland
Mar 21st, 2008
May I point out that posting the names of any avitar in second life WITHOUT their consent is against the terms of use of the game.
Secondly the game is a fantasy world if played correctly child avatars are safe in game I myself have a number of Grandchilldren in game who are protected beyond belief from anything and ANYONE who attempts to attack corrupt or interfere with them in any way shape or form
Thirdly If I myself find anyone exploiting a child in sl they will wish they hadn’t
Anyone take heed if you wish any child avatar to model for you the rate is $L100 per hour minimum
This interview was conducted WITHOUT the avitars knowing it was to be published and without gaining the consent of the avitars who were inteviewed
If they had been aware of what the interview was for I am very sure that the information would have been received correctly so that no missinterpretation like this could have been made
For those of you who think anyone wishing to portray a child avatar thinks this is gross I suppose you have very good memories as a childhood……………SOME DO NOT this is their way to relive that childhood
Think before you make a comment and Pixeleen Mistrel you are the worst child abuser of them all for posting the child avitars names and without telling them you were interviewing them in the first place
YOU should have been open and informed them you were conducting an interview YOU should have got their written consent to publish their names
Mar 21st, 2008
Is that eye makeup on Yoshiko?
Sigmund Leominster
Mar 21st, 2008
Well here’s a great example of an issue that really DOES deserve to be talked about. Behind the alternating bouts of praise and bluster lies the question of what defines the line between pedophilia and play. The amount of psychological baggage carried by individuals on this issue would fill the hold of a 747 and cram the overhead bins.
Are all people who want to pretend to be children pedophiles? No. Are all people who want to pretend to be children wanting to indulge in SL sex with other “children” or “adults?” Again, no.
In a culture such as the US, folks are so scared of hugging a child for fear of being seen as a sexual predator that it is little wonder that ANY hint of adult/child interaction in a fantasy world will raise hackles. The current sexual mores of the American culture are such that even talking about such issues is likely to have the speaker labeled as a pervert. This is the same culture that criminalizes public breast feeding because it is “morally offensive” – completely ignoring the stunningly obvious fact that this is precisely what boobies are for!
When we – and that’s all of us reading the Herald, good people – try to decide for other people what their fantasies should and shouldn’t be, we are on a hiding to nothing. The recent post on cooking and eating women is evidence that the limits of imagination are unbounded, but the response to that I believe was fewer column inches than THIS story.
A mature sim where adult avatars are having sex with child avatars seems wrong and even the most open-minded liberal would have issues with it. A PG sim with people pretending to be children is more uncomfortable than wrong. Sure some of us may feel uneasy, but until there is evidence of more than pretending going on, it’s pointless to get tied up in knots about it. It doesn’t interest me, therefore I don’t go there. My choice. Your choice.
Could real life pedophiles infiltrate and abuse such a sim? Probably. But think about it: If you wanted to indulge in fantasy child sex, it would be infinitely easier to invite a few “friends” back to your personal skybox and be as depraved as you wish. Sexual kinks invaiably take place behind closed doors, not in full view on a PG sim.
Chav Paderborn
Mar 21st, 2008
You gave me flashbacks to being a child av. I swear the babytalk was half of what drove me to grow my avatar into adulthood.
Mar 21st, 2008
‘Think before you make a comment and Pixeleen Mistrel you are the worst child abuser of them all for posting the child avitars names and without telling them you were interviewing them in the first place
YOU should have been open and informed them you were conducting an interview YOU should have got their written consent to publish their names
Oh god, can you get any dumber than this please? She can’t be a child abuser since you are not a child. In fact you’re more than likely some creepy old dude that masturbates to his child avatar all day while ‘modeling’ and generally talking like a child with a severe learning disability.
FYI if she posted the chatlogs inside SL then it would be against the TOS. You can do nothing though since those logs were posted here, outside of the game.
And lastly maybe you shouldn’t talk like a retard in SL if you’re going to get embarrassed when it’s publicized because everyone is making fun of how stupid you sound.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Mar 21st, 2008
“I thought that all child role play was banned in SL?”
“eh Not so – ‘sexual age play’ is banned mere ‘age play’ is not – there is a difference”
Generally, the word “ageplay” in Second Life is defined as “…real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of sexual or lewd acts involving or appearing to involve children or minors…” As the ageplay policy says,
“If you are in doubt as to whether an activity may be interpreted as ageplay, we request you err on the side of caution and desist.”
And also…
“Please note it does not violate this policy merely to have a child-like avatar. It is not our intent to banish child-like avatars in and of themselves.”
Let’s try to keep the definition from getting blurry and confusing. Ageplay in Second Life is prohibited.
“May I point out that posting the names of any avitar in second life WITHOUT their consent is against the terms of use of the game.”
You may point it out, but you will be wrong. Nothing in the Second Life Terms of Service:
…or Community Standards:
…prohibits mentioning avatar names. Item 4 of the Community Standards says this:
“Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums.”
But this doesn’t prohibit anyone from posting conversation logs outside of Second Life and the SL Forums, so the Herald is well within its rights.
Mar 21st, 2008
It’s worth noting that alot of the peole pretending to be outraged in this article as actually sockpuppets for a handful of people. The fact that they are trying so hard to infulence everyone else’s opinion on child avies seems to further enforce the public’s views that they do have something to hide.
‘Beth’, no one ever purchases the Second Life Herald or goes to our sim. Nothing is ever happening in the sim and this ‘paper’ is free.
Mar 21st, 2008
Re Dthree’s comment
more than likely some creepy old dude that masturbates
= Assumption
talking like a child with a severe learning disability.
= Assumption
talk like a retard in SL
= subjective interpretation
according to several comments above this is how children talk – at least children know to htose who posted the comments stating this is so
‘them and us’
denigrate THEM enough and they wont seem human anymore
not like US civilised folk ay
Mar 21st, 2008
How many people even realize that this wasn’t even intended as a srs bsns article in the first place.
jumpman lane
Mar 21st, 2008
i think ya’ll make this shit up! lmfao
fawn hailey
Mar 22nd, 2008
FYI if she posted the chatlogs inside SL then it would be against the TOS. You can do nothing though since those logs were posted here, outside of the game.
I can almost bet you are wrong on that one, the logs were ones taken from SL. Im going to call LL and find out about that. And i think that the SL children interviewed should file an abuse report on the reporter who interviewed them and posted the convo and their names without their permission.
BTW … All u SL men, be aware, alot of those HOT ladies you are dating and having hours of sex with .. are MALE behind their computer screen. lol
I am a SL child .. I am an adult woman r/l. There are a handful of what i like to call “*midgets pretending to be children in SL” doing things that are totally against what the majority of us are here for.
We SL children have fought very hard to have .. child av excorts banned, groups that support child excorts banned, and adult avs that have sex with child avs banned. We are as much against pedophelia as you are, we are probably more against it than you are.
And to the Owners of Second Life Herald you should take a second look at your employees. Interviewing ppl with out their permission and posting those interviews online especially with the characters names could cause trouble for you.
* when i refer to midgets i am talking about SL adults who shrink their avatars to appear as a child. It is not refering to r/l height .. i am only 4 feet 8 1/2 inches r/l.
We SL children buy shapes and skins made for SL children. Most of the SL children do not have any private parts painted into the skins, nor do we wear any attachments.
We also do not go to the adult places that some have talked about, a real SL child stays as far from those places as possible.
Please remember, just because you have a filthy mind does not mean everyone does. Not everyone is on SL for sex. And we SL children are NOT on SL for sex, if we were, we would be in adult avs.
Mar 22nd, 2008
“assumptions” about deviant sexual behaviors of SL users are usually pretty dead-on
but don’t let me stand in the way of your attempts to sound intelligent
Nikola Shirakawa
Mar 22nd, 2008
Maybe well within SL’s rights, but as per conversation with some of the Guardians, it does in fact go against GLC policy. I have felt fit to inform them of your personal disclosure violation.
LL TOS Translator
Mar 22nd, 2008
“Let’s try to keep the definition from getting blurry and confusing. Ageplay in Second Life is prohibited.”
The problem is that LL got the terminology wrong in that.
Ageplay is roleplayng any age that is no your RL age and that is not prohibited under LL TOS.
Sexual ageplay is roleplaying any age that is not your RL age, in a sexual situation/environment/roleplay. Which is only prohibited by LL TOS if any of the avatars looks and acts as a human under 18 years old.
The fuzzyness is understandable, but is causing problems because LL once again is very very vague in what they exactly mean.
But it doesnt take a genious to understand that they dont want virtual pedophilia. Not their fault for not really knowing the difference between sexual ageplay and ageplay.
So ageplay like shown in this article is NOT against any LL TOS as there’s nothing lewd or sexual going on.
Mar 22nd, 2008
FYI if she posted the chatlogs inside SL then it would be against the TOS. You can do nothing though since those logs were posted here, outside of the game.
1. I am not male
2. I do not masterbate behind my pc screen
3 Maybe this is your behaviour it is NOT mine
4 Your information is INCORRECT
If you want to get into an argument about this with me then please do you may find to your detrement your arguing with the wrong person
Pixeleen did NOT inform them they were being interviewed….Illegal
Pixealeen did NOT ask for their written consent to publish their names ………..Illegal
Mar 22nd, 2008
TOS != RL law, gb2 /kiddiesexden/
Mar 22nd, 2008
ROFL Why the hate towards a bunch of idiots who think children talk like this? It’s only a fucking computer game.
Mar 22nd, 2008
“”assumptions” about deviant sexual behaviors of SL users are usually pretty dead-on
but don’t let me stand in the way of your attempts to sound intelligent”
Oh the irony.
Mar 22nd, 2008
How does it feel SLFags, to know you all just got epicly trolled and raged by the fucking Second Life Herald? Lord, even THEY are picking up on how easy it is now.
Mar 22nd, 2008
DinkyHockerShootsSmack!: how the hell is it ironic, I don’t think you understand the concept of irony
economic mip
Mar 22nd, 2008
I love these people who assume that posting chatlogs outside of Second Life is “illegal”. It truly does make me laugh. What laws are being violated again? Since when does a journalist have to identify themselves? (It is a common practice of respectable papers but this is the Herald.) Fact: Chatlogs are viewed in a court of law as being the property of the person whose computer they are on, not as a conversation but as a file. Also, these records can (and have been) subpoenaed for civil and criminal cases. As for them being a violation of the ToS, well that was basically the argument (well one of them) for kicking dear Uri off the Sims Online. The Lindens do not want the kind of backlash that event caused.
In other news, I have no idea what this article or most of the other comments are all about. Perhaps my English comprehension is not quite where it should be.
Mar 22nd, 2008
Ty greatly Dinkyhocker- saves me from having to reply – if someone else replies who understands my point – it helps prevent it from becoming personalised point scoring
Mar 22nd, 2008
The irony is you complaining about others trying to sound smart.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Mar 23rd, 2008
Nikola, first of all, I was not disclosing here, I was simply pointing out that the Herald was not. Calm down little boy. As I’ve told you before, as well as has been posted repeatedly here, disclosure does not apply outside of Second Life. The Guardians have far better things to do than go on some scumbag-ordered witch hunt as you would wish them to do. Seriously, you should have better thigns to do yourself.
Everyone else ignore him, he is just trying to get attention.
Mar 23rd, 2008
Apparenyly economic the article was about child labour exploitation
for camping 25L / hour is in the higher range of hourly rates
hardly exploitation
Ava Cartier
Mar 24th, 2008
Oh, holy Christ. First, the gibberish is annoying as hell. If I get a headache reading your crap, you’re not worth communicating with. Second, in my five years here in SL, one thing that remains true and constant is that PG sims are consistently bastardized by griefers and those who feel PG does not belong in SL. Just like we adults have to put up with reading crapola like this that actually goes on in-world, you have to co-exist with us. Gotta take the bad with the good. Don’t get your panties in a wad because we adults like to do adult things and don’t expect too much support anywhere else in SL talking wif da widdle fweak speak. If I happen to have my watermelon launcher available, guess what fibe yeaw owd is getting kersplatted.
then cannot even spell bastard correctly
Mar 24th, 2008
BTW…. RL children really DO talk like this.
Visit 4 chan or 7 chan to see for yourself.
What am I saying… you dont even have to, as they are all over this blog posting in the comments
kaint talk gud
Mar 24th, 2008
Dose wascawy wabbits
Ava Cartier
Mar 25th, 2008
I spelled “bastard” correctly, thank you very much.
And no, not all children speak this way. I’d be embarrassed by my child if he communicated thusly. Unless he has a cold, I’ve never known a child to say he’s “fibe” years old.
Mar 26th, 2008
I have worked in daycare centers, been a nanny for 2 familys, was a sunday school teacher for both preschoolers and 1st and 2nd grade. And yes LOTS of children do speak this way, lots of children can not pronounce many of their letters correctly, for a mulitude of reasons. For those of you who have small biological children, walk into their schools, ask their teachers, there is your proof. Do most try to correct them? Of course they do. But before you state facts, keep in mind that those facts are not true of all.
Second of all, Second Life is just that a second life, you are able to come here and do all sorts of things. Guess what? Not everyone will like it, guess what else? Not everyone cares. Most simply stay away from what they do not like. Someone mentioned co-exist, well that goes for you too, I do not call that comment being co-exsisting *laughs* I do not like nor understand furries, but I have nothing against them, it is their game and they can play it how they want, If I see one I am just as polite to them as anyone else. I do not like Gor, So what, it is their game they can do what they want, there is a ton in SL that I do not like, but SO WHAT, this game does not revolve around what a few people want or like. And I thank goodness for PG sims, I know I can go to a PG sim and not have to worry about running into sexual things, because guess what, not everyone here is here for sexual things lol, Imagine that an adult that does not want sex?? *shock* NOT. If you don’t like child avis, so what, stay away or ignore them. If you think something is wrong with it, complain to the lindens. But I am willing to bet that not one of them or at least very few have come over to where you hang out and harrassed you. Or posted on a blog something nasty about what you do. If they are ok so have them banned, its pretty simple folks. The Lindens have made it very clear that they have no problem with child avis as long as they are not sexual, and are in rl over the age of 18. If they are breaking those two things then hell yea they need to be gone. But if they are not, then they are adults in real life, and just like everyone else in this fabulous world, they deserve to play their game any way they choose to do so. Seriously folks there are more important things in the world to get so bothered over. If you don’t like it, fine, but remember there is another human being on the other end of that computer screen, with real feelings. If you think they are breaking the law, report them, and move on. I hope you all have a nice day, and had a wonderful Easter if you celebrate it.
Mar 26th, 2008
Um… it IS against the TOS to post chat-logs with names attached to them inside and/or outside SL, regardless of where it’s posted.
It is illegal in the way that Pixeleen posted information without the permissions/consent of the individuals involved (since it is digital media/property, it could even fall under DMCA), albeit in order for it to take effect, the individuals involved would have to file a claim in accordance to that.
However, an Abuse Report on SL could definately be filed. Especially if Pixeleen did not get permission from the two individuals. LL can easily go back in the chat logs and verify this conversation existed, and whether or not Pixeleen was given permission by those involved.
People who are saying there is nothing wrong with posting chat logs like that without an individual’s permission are probably people who abuse such a thing themselves. And of course, anything that they do could NEVER be illegal or against the SL TOS! D: Gasp!
j4kk owner
Mar 26th, 2008
Being the sim owner in this incident I called linden labs conserge line to ask what I could do about this . They said unfortunantly because the conversation was posted outside of SL they can’t police it. That if it’s on the SL message boards or SL itself they can. Things like this they cant.
So while pixeleen was very unprofessional not even to get permission to interview any of these individuals its not a reportable offence.
I feel bad for the girls involved. They were the target of griefers who don’t understand the concept of playing a PG game. I’m actually very proud that they caught zoe banning a naked avi. I’m glad the models were resppectful and polite. Consittering not one person knew they were being interviewed they just proved what paradise represents.
PG behaviour
Apr 9th, 2008
I have been reading all of this and paying attention to comments from both sides of the SL Child AV Coin. First off, I am appalled at the thought of people using Child AV’s for sex. Secondly, I know the owners of J4KK very well and also know one of the Child Avies that has defended her right to be a Child Avie very well, I can tell you for a FACT that they are also very appalled at the idea of sexual encounters with Child Avies.
The Owners of J4KK have worked very hard to ensure thier store and SIM are kept at a PG level and I know of another Child Mall that works equally as hard. In fact, I have at times been called upon to assist in banning nude ADULT Avies from these places.
Who does anyone think they are to judge these people for chosing to play as a child in SL. Take a look at your own Avie, then run look in the mirror at your RL self, do you see any resemblance? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!!! Some have said that these Child Avies are pedophiles, how ridiculous is that to say that all of them are? Again, I can assure you, I know lots of people that play Child Avies… and NONE are pedophiles or even into anything REMOTELY sexual. Look at the people who play Animals, Vampires, etc, does this promote beastiality and murder? I dont think so. YES, I know there are some that have used Child Avies for sexual purposes, and I totally agree they are some sick sick individuals and need help and I hope they get it. As for the Owners of J4KK as well as Fawn who also posted and defended her right to play a child avie.. They are some of the best people you will ever meet in SL. They are HONEST, REAL People who have HIGH MORALS & VALUES.
SO I guess before we condemn someones choices maybe we should do 2 things… 1) get to know the person we chose to condemn before we condemn and 2) take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself “am I any better than those I chose to condemn?”. My guess is probably not.
J4KK is a great place owned by good people, leave them alone, they have hurt NO ONE!!!
And thats all I have to say about that
Miss Appropriate
Jul 28th, 2008
For goodness’ sake, people! This is truly atrocious. Not one of you knows a thing about spelling or grammar, regardless of what age group you’re attempting to portray. The bunch of you are hilarious and wildly entertaining.
Incidentally, the writer has it wrong when s/he states that L$25 is one American dollar. It’s not, it’s a few cents; with 0.37 US cents representing one Linden dollar, it costs a little less than $5US to buy $1000 Linden dollars. But let’s not have the facts get in the way of a good story, huh?
ari thmetic
Jul 28th, 2008
@miss appropriate: “Incidentally, the writer has it wrong when s/he states that L$25 is one American dollar.”
No, you get it wrong when you mis-state what the writer says — “10 hour shifts for L$25/hour (about $1 USD/day).” 10 hours, @L$25/hour = L$250, which is indeed “about $1 USD/day”.
Miss Appropriate
Jul 29th, 2008
Ok I got the maths wrong, my bad. Now can you explain the intellect level among the majority of posters here?
One thing is for sure; if I had a two year old who spoke like the supposedly five year old Tabitha, he or she would be in speech therapy and elocution lessons before the close of day.
The idiot Tabitha and his ilk do a disservice to pre-schoolers and toddlers everywhere.
Jul 29th, 2008
Can we get rid of the child avatars now please, they serve absolutely no purpose in an adult game. Seriously, It’s just disturbing and brings nothing but bad press.
If you enjoy playing a 4 year old, do it far far away , like another game perhaps where mindless morons are widely accepted like lively, there ya go. Get out of sl with that disgusting crap.