Call of the Privateer

by Alphaville Herald on 22/04/08 at 8:11 pm

by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate

The call of the sea is deep and strong,
Stronger than ale or beer;
But not as strong
As the siren’s song
and the call of the privateer.

Pirates and corsairs sail the seas
Along with the buccaneers;
But the noblest rogue
Who’s still in vogue
Is known as the privateer.

Yes, on the sea of Antiquity
We sail without doubt or fear;
For the Navy falls
Short on balls
To the call of the privateer.

copyright (c) 2008 – Kris Dibou – used by the gracious permission of the author.

One Response to “Call of the Privateer”

  1. lol

    Apr 25th, 2008

    “Call of the Faggoteer” more like it.

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