Miss & Mister SL Ebony 2008
by Alphaville Herald on 10/04/08 at 7:56 am
The most refined tan, dark tan and black Models in the metaverse
Miss SL Ebony 2008 is not your usual beauty pageant.
Launched in order to promote black culture and cultural diversity in SL, this is the first beauty competition ever planned in the metaverse for avitars concerned by the cultural diversity and who are owning and wearing tan, dark tan, black and ebony skintones.
Hosted at Ebony City, the official headquarters of Miss and Mister SL Ebony 2008, the competition will be judged by the powerhouses of SL Black community :
-Vixen Fairplay (Lead officer of Black Men and Women of SL group)
-Shaka Saintlouis (Designer of Shakture)
-Storm Babeli (Designer of Purple Rose Jewelry, Designer of the winner crown)
-Kwamey Pinion (Designer of SOREAL)
-Indyra Seigo (Designer of Indyra Original)
-Patty Cortes (CEO of Ebony Limited and owner of Ebony City)
Sponsors include JCNY, Vitamin Ci, Kid Asia, Urban Diva Store, Otto&Floyd, Ramos Design, ADIMU, Indyra Original, SOREAL, Shakture, Purple Rose Jewelry, CCDesignz, FreeSoul Design…
Sponsors are offering over 25,000L$ of gifts to the finalists of Miss SL Ebony 2008.
For more details see these web sites: http://missandmisterslebony2008.wordpress.com
and http://ebonystylesl.wordpress.com/
hurf durf
Apr 10th, 2008
I nominatee Blak Hax. Since he’s the baddest bruddha around.
Witness T
Apr 10th, 2008
I nominate Black Hax and Mammy Oh.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Apr 10th, 2008
I nominate Mudkips Acronym.
Apr 10th, 2008
So….is there going to me a Miss & Mister SL White 2008?
How incredibly two faced.
Just Me
Apr 10th, 2008
And I wonder how much they’d scream if there was a WHITE Beauty pagaent. They can enter ours, but we can’t enter theirs ? hmmmmmmmm
shockwave yareach
Apr 10th, 2008
What about black-furred models. Can they enter too? Oh, I can see the fun now…
Apr 10th, 2008
I honestly don’t see anything positive about a contest that accepts it’s entrants based on their skin-tone.
If the words were “SL White Community” instead of Black, this would be correctly identified as racism.
Apr 10th, 2008
Oioi~ Heaven forbid having an [Ethnic Group Here] only beauty pageant is anything remotely similar to lynching a black d00d for having the ability to read or tossing a Jew in the oven for picking up that penny on the ground that you clearly saw first.
Only racists care about racism.
Lewis Nerd
Apr 10th, 2008
Where’s the PN when you need ‘em …?
Rawst Berry
Apr 10th, 2008
What if you have black fur?
How about a Miss Anthro SL while we’re at it?
I have to say this is pretty retarded, because anyone can put on an “ethnic” skin whether they really are or not.
On the flip side, when it comes to regular beauty competitions in SL, what’s stopping black/dark avatars from joining? Nothing.
Patty Cortes
Apr 10th, 2008
Dear ladies and gentlemen who posted the comments above…
First of all, thank you for these comments, it exactly show why I decided to plan Miss and Mister SL Ebony 2008. Indeed, the project is all about promoting black culture in the metaverse as well as showcasting ebony beauty. As it is clearly stated in the official website, that you probably havn’t read despite the link provided in this article by the Second Life Herald journalist, we are actually accepting VERSATILE models.
What means, there is nothing about racism, there is nothing about “accepting our applicants based on their skin tone” it’s about denouncing the lack of cultural diversity and of quality black skintones in the grid. Have you ever tried to find a quality black skintone ? You can count them with fingers of your two hands. Have you ever tried to find a black newbie skintone ? Please, let me know where you found it and if it’s quality. Have you ever realised how many ethnic models (I’m not even talking about black models) are accepted by “big model agencies” in the grid ? If you make stats, you will see that racism doesn’t come from the side you are thinking of.
However, you see, we never talked about segregation, we talk about representation, cultural diversity and cultural identity. Please, before commenting on something you haven’t read about and you obviously don’t know anything about, using big words such as “racism” and writting the usual stereotyped comments people would be thinking of when finding such topics, take a deep breathe and a few minutes of reflexion. It would avoid really big confusions.
Also, I am totally aware of black avitars who are prejudicing againsts white people behind black avitars and I am totally AGAINST any kind of racism. If you knew about the contest, if you attended an event, if you read press talking about it, you should’ve known there are white people behind black women avitars competing for the next cycle… But well, you might be too busy writting a quick general comment than reading how the press is welcoming this event and how people feel about it. I am not sure top designers would associate their brands, ladies would be applying and competing and eventually people would come and watch or ask to contribute to the event if it was such a bad idea.
What is positive about this event ? Making a minority positively visible.
When you say “they can enter our beauty pageant”, by using the word “our”, you’re already doing segregation… Ebony Ltd. stands for representation, not segregation. Your beauty pageant are our beauty pageant, because when it comes to a beauty pageant, the idea is first and foremost to celebrate the beauty of the human (or rather the avitar) gender. However you can’t deny that in a world claiming to be “your world, your imagination”, there is a real lack of diversity. Ideal avitars yes, you can find that anywhere, and most SL entrepreneurs will defend themselves saying “black skin tones don’t sell” ; “I produce what people wants not what people should get”… Because when it comes to black skin tones as a fashion designer whose you’ll discover the interview soon told it (and hopefully this time you will read it), “it sounds like people put their black skintones on when they are in a gangsta mood.” That would be a pity to just be portrayted with the same stereotyps as in real life. In order to work against what is unfortunately already happening in the grid, we are hosting events that will give the sl black community as well as any avitar who appreciates to showcast his ebony beauty, a positive exposure.
Thank you very much to the journalist of Second Life Herald for announcing this event that, I will assure you, will rock the grid ! And don’t forget to follow the link, you may be just a click away of what is commonly called tolerance.
Patty Cortes,
Planner and Judge of the pageants.
Apr 10th, 2008
Kiddoh -
If only racists care about racism, YOU must be racist for commenting here about racism.
Yes, your point is that stupid.
Some vocabulary lessons for you:
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
This contest fits those definitions completely, and is absolutely worthy of criticism because of it.
Holding a black-only beauty contest is not comparable to “tossing a Jew in the oven” as you so insensitively state. It is comparable to holding a WHITE-ONLY beauty pageant, which most of us with a head know is wrong.
IF IT IS WRONG FOR ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE IT IS WRONG FOR THE OTHER. If it’s NOT racist to talk about a black community, or hold black-only events, then it isn’t racist for there to be a WHITE COMMUNITY with events only open to pale, white, or anglo-saxxon avatars. As we well know, that sort of activity is crucified for being exclusionary, racist, and wrong.
So… explain to me the difference again?
Apr 10th, 2008
Patty Cortes -
Firstly, it’s not the responsibility of those commenting here to seek out more information about your event than is given.
Secondly, you say: “What means, there is nothing about racism, there is nothing about “accepting our applicants based on their skin tone”
When your ad states: “for avitars concerned by the cultural diversity and who are owning and wearing tan, dark tan, black and ebony skintones.”
Which directly contradicts your claim. Diversity in no way means dark-skinned, it does not mean minorities, nor does it mean the black community. It means variety, unlikeness, dissimilarity. Holding a pageant for a small group of people only – a group determined (in your own words) by who is “wearing tan, black and ebony skintones.” in no way fosters an idea of inclusiveness and diversity – in fact it’s built on the opposite principles of homogeneity, sameness, and exclusion. I do believe you when you say that it wasn’t your intention, but I think you must be very naive or unaware of the meanings of the words you are using to explain it.
Ava Cartier
Apr 10th, 2008
Calling anything “white” or “black” is most certainly racist, by your definition, Patty. By putting a color/absence of color/presence of all color in the title, you are alienating SOMEBODY. Are you a hypocrite or just ignorant of the definition of “racism”?
And what about partnered avatars who go by “Mrs.”? They can’t compete? According to your ad, it’s Mr. and Miss.
I just have a problem with those who accuse an entire race of being racist and then have the gall to open their own schools, run their own pageants, wage their own civil battles. Would a white person be as welcome at Grambling (“a historically black university”) as blacks are at UNC? Whites are most assuredly the “CP” part of NAACP.
Until there is absolutely no mention of skin color anywhere for any reason, there will be racism, at least outwardly.
Ava Cartier
Apr 10th, 2008
Sadly, the caucasian version of Black Entertainment Television would be White Entertainment Television–WET.
Furthermore, why is it politically incorrect to refer to a black as black? Most have no more seen Africa than I have, to be called “African American”. Ideally, we’re all technically African American, as Africa is the cradle of civilization, but I digress. I guess from now on, you may refer to me as “European American”, although I have never been to Europe.
Trust me, I am not prejudiced against skin color. I am, however, prejudiced against hipocrites and those who would deny anyone participation in anything solely based on skin color.
Ava Cartier
Apr 10th, 2008
Oh, and you can say ’til you’re blue in the face that white people can enter using a black avatar, but it’s still a black avatar, regardless who’s behind it.
a random reader
Apr 10th, 2008
I hear what you all are saying. But the fact of the matter is.. it is what it is. Black ppl (avitars) are accepted in alot of venues, plays, modelling.. etc because they are black. There was a mention of BET. BET was created because what we do in out culture wasnt being shown on the other channels.. they would have there token.. but that’s it.
and that is what is sad to say.
Bet is the only channel we have..
As a model in SL.. I am told that I am to curvy and my butt is too big.. well as we know black ppl are known for there curves.. so that is what the pageant is about. Not just about black ppl… but those who are different because of the “normal” that come within their race.
Then is RL they don’t DARK SKIN actors in plays because of the lighting and the won’t show up. Which is BS.. but ok. We only doing what we can to be noticed.
Apr 10th, 2008
BET lol. Well since that was brought. If it wasn’t a law for work places to have some minority in it.. ALL blacks would be stuck on BET.
Thank god we were able to obtain this ONE channel.
And still when they add minorities they add ONE… JUST ONE.. the Token.
This is why these groups are formed.. not to keep anyone out, but to let US know we are welcomed and not for token purposes.
Apr 10th, 2008
You can find a quality dark skintone skin for free at Another Shop! You can also download the .psds and customize it to your hearts content from Another Blog! ELOH released them with full permissions.
Patty Cortes
Apr 10th, 2008
I thought first of giving an answer but well – I am not into dramas. Yes I know, after this comment, you will write a lot of things about me and the pageant and you’ll be happy when you will click on “post” button, please do, I’m already happy for you.
Lot of people told me not to care about people opinion’s who have never met me, never tried to really know about the project rather than discussing on a “to say or not to say black in a beauty pageant title” topic. I assume they are right.
I will be happy to meet you one day and to discuss with you, for now, I’ve a historical event to plan. Miss and Mister SL Ebony 2008 will go and stay beyond critics.
Patty Cortes,
Planner and Judge of the events
Apr 10th, 2008
“Trust me, I am not prejudiced against skin color.”
I bet some of your best friends are black too, huh?
Goddamn, the Herald draws a racist crowd. I can’t wait to see the reaction of you racist fucks when the first black President of the US is sworn in next february.
Anon, up above, will be crying into his mommies skirts. But at least she’ll be there to comfort him with a blowjob.
Apr 10th, 2008
January, that is, not Feb. I don’t want to be responsible for anon missing that date.
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2008
Being an avatar who has been dark-skinned since my rezzing in 2003, I can pretty well understand the plight of it being that if you want a dark skin you’re very limited in choice, many skin makers don’t go past “white person’s spring break tan”. I know that I’ve been so limited in choice in that area, that at least twice I’ve photo-shopped white skins myself to be darker.
And you know, I could sorta understand the whole “well this is kinda racist because a ‘white only’ pagaent would be attacked and bashed” in real life, but in SL where one can change skin, shape, hair, gender, etc in an instant, “black-only” seems about as racist as “formal-wear only”. If you want to join, it’s not like in real life that you’re S.O.L, just go out and buy a black skin, put together an avatar, and join.
General Cronon
Apr 10th, 2008
I here some of you saying “If it was white only that blacks would be screaming racism”
Maybe because almost everything white has been racist “The KKK”, “NAZI”, “French Front National”, “National Vanguard”, “Skinheads.”
Don’t get the Black Panther Nation mixed with the New Black Panther Nation.
Black Panther Nation – Real and the first Black Panther Nation.
New Black Panther Nation – Fake. Made to make black people look racist.
If you have a problem, I will personally be offering security at the event.:-)
Terces Anatine
Apr 10th, 2008
The Ebony Concept… racism?
A dilemma:
Apr 10th, 2008
Spankubux, I agree completely. Maybe if this was real life, some of the above whiners would have a point (although I should add that nazis make some of these same arguments with the whole WET, black panther, etc).
In a world where you can be anything you want (Second Life), it’s hardly racist to have an ebony pageant. Anyone can change to a black person, just like if they had a furries contest. We could all change into furries.
..just think of it as a “best in black” event =D
Apr 11th, 2008
Artemis: you know, though, even if you *can’t* change skins, it isn’t racist. You can’t change skins in RL, and black only beauty contests are *not* racists.
It is the height of irony for a historically privileged population such as whites to complain they are suffering by being “exluded” from something like a black only beauty pageant in RL. These kind of events exist because of systemic bias against black standards of beauty in the conventional beauty pageant world. How many black women have to straighten their hair to be competitive in the Miss America pageant? And the bias toward lighter skinned black women in all media as being more beautiful (because they are more “white”) is undeniable. An African-American beauty pageant is born out of this systemic discrimination. They exist because other alternatives are, to a greater or lesser degree, closed off.
These complaints smack of the shit I heard from white kids in high school, complaining that “black history month” is racist. The proper response to that argument is “blow me”.
Xiomara Mendes
Apr 11th, 2008
All the people who are whining about this contest being “racist”, I would kindly ask that you get over yourselves. As has been mentioned above, there is nothing stopping anyone from entering this contest, even if they are not black IRL. The truth is 1) it’s easier to be a furry, fairy, or a vampire on SL than it is to be a person of non-Caucasian descent and 2) there are few skin options for those of us who choose to be non-Caucasian.(Another Shop is great, but what about a freebie skin option for men?)
Ava, please do your research before spouting off ignorance about HCBUs- all of them were started before blacks were permitted entry into most universities, and as a white person in 2008, you CAN attend Grambling, Howard, FAMU, or any other HCBU.
As for me, I just hope there’s room for a “black behind the ears” girl like myself in this contest!
Xiomara Mendes
Apr 11th, 2008
Ah, I clicked on the link and I’m way too late. Oh well, I’ll keep my avi looking nice for the 2009 contest! =)
Apr 11th, 2008
“”"”"”"”Kiddoh -
If only racists care about racism, YOU must be racist for commenting here about racism.
Yes, your point is that stupid.
Some vocabulary lessons for you:
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
This contest fits those definitions completely, and is absolutely worthy of criticism because of it.
Holding a black-only beauty contest is not comparable to “tossing a Jew in the oven” as you so insensitively state. It is comparable to holding a WHITE-ONLY beauty pageant, which most of us with a head know is wrong.
IF IT IS WRONG FOR ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE IT IS WRONG FOR THE OTHER. If it’s NOT racist to talk about a black community, or hold black-only events, then it isn’t racist for there to be a WHITE COMMUNITY with events only open to pale, white, or anglo-saxxon avatars. As we well know, that sort of activity is crucified for being exclusionary, racist, and wrong.
So… explain to me the difference again?”"”"”"”"
Oh-ho~ looks like I hooked a ranter!
“If only racists care about racism, YOU must be racist for commenting here about racism.
Yes, your point is that stupid.”
Your rebuttal is even stupider! ;3
I don’t care about racism one bit and my previous post didn’t show a care for it either. If I did care, I wouldn’t be so “insensitive” and careless with how I word my posts and being racist wouldn’t make my point any less right especially when you confirm the points of my post as correct. ;D
“Holding a black-only beauty contest is not comparable to “tossing a Jew in the oven” as you so insensitively state.”
Simply commenting in a thread dealing with a pointless ethnicity based beauty pageant in SL would not make me a racist, just like how living in Japan wouldn’t make me Japanese. ;o
It’s also too bad for you that my post was directed at people who blow stuff like racism out of proportion (like you just did) and not about actual racism itself.
Anyone who claims any ethnicity based something as morally right or wrong is a racist. There’s no winning for either side, so the only option is to shut up and stop caring. It’s not important, it only seems important because people like you and (people on the opposite side of you) blow the subject way out of proportion.
P.S. Suck dog cock, pick my cotton, make me a sandwich, and get in the oven! ;D
P.S.S. You won’t be able to find anything I wrote in this post to be legitimately racist– not even now.
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
First, I don’t feel I need to defend myself. Second, about the next president of the US possibly being black–I don’t care if he’s a Martian as long as he holds the best interest of the country at heart and keeps his promises.
I don’t need to speak to anyone one-on-one regarding what you’re really like. I got a great glimpse of who you are from your article and subsequent posts. I’m chuckling at your “historical event” comment. This is Second Life and you’re hosting a beauty pageant. It’s hardly historical, let alone an event.
If anyone feels I’m racist, so be it. I couldn’t care less. As one poster said, “It is what it is.”
Translate it any way you want, for whatever purpose you want and AMEN!
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
“Thank god we were able to obtain this ONE channel.”
Yeah, and MTV NEVER plays black videos. HGTV (which, as you know, is a white channel, right?) Has no black people hosting their own shows. Or Asians. Or women.
My point is why the segregation? Seems to me that there are plenty “minority” shows on tv. Seems to me blacks own their own record labels. A fine young lad named Jay-Z comes to mind. Keep talking your self-pitying “token” crap. It used to be true. It no longer is. Find a new disease to cry about. That one’s been treated.
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
“If you want to join, it’s not like in real life that you’re S.O.L, just go out and buy a black skin, put together an avatar, and join.”
You know, Artemis, I agree on this point alone: IT’S SECOND LIFE. I can go purchase a black skin much more easily than arguing. However, when the self-described CEO, planner, demi-god has made point after point after point bringing up how it’s for blacks only blah blah blah, what does she expect? There are those of us who feel deeply about the double-standard of black vs. white.
Oh, and “a random reader”, I know it’s you, Patty. You’re the only one here who spells avatar “avitar”.
Apr 11th, 2008
>If it’s NOT racist to talk about a black community, or hold black-only events, then it isn’t racist for there to be a WHITE COMMUNITY with events only open to pale, white, or anglo-saxxon avatars. As we well know, that sort of activity is crucified for being exclusionary, racist, and wrong.
Because whites are a majority, you stupid fuck. They don’t need white-only events because the majority of events are overwhelmingly white.
Also, stop stealing my name.
Quiet Observer
Apr 11th, 2008
[22:51] Patty Cortes: Dita, to be honnest with you, we all have been pretty impressed by your folder
[22:51] Vixen Fairplay: smh
[22:51] Patty Cortes: high fashionn sense
[22:51] Patty Cortes: very nice avitar
[22:51] Patty Cortes: and above all… what a motivations card !
[22:51] Patty Cortes: but see…
[22:51] Patty Cortes: I think Indyra has a question for you
[22:52] Dita Tran: Yes?
[22:52] Patty Cortes: Indyra ?
[22:52] Indyra Seigo: I do, I do. Hello and welcome Dita
[22:52] Dita Tran: Thank you
[22:52] Patty Cortes smiles.
[22:52] Indyra Seigo: man, you really ranked high among the competitors for me
[22:52] Dita Tran: I sense a “but..”
[22:53] Indyra Seigo: though i gotta say, your motivation card was realllly confusing
[22:53] Indyra Seigo: really
[22:53] Indyra Seigo: confusing
[22:53] Dita Tran: I’m happy to clear anything up if I can
[22:54] Patty Cortes: in your motivations card ?
[22:54] Patty Cortes: have you been saying sincere words
[22:54] Indyra Seigo: so, lemme start by saying, we all know it is not uncommong for models to have different looks stored in their inventory
[22:54] Dita Tran: Yes, I am sometimes asian
[22:54] Indyra Seigo: for just the right event, show, whatever
[22:54] Patty Cortes shakes her head.
[22:54] Dita Tran: Mmn hmnnn
[22:54] Indyra Seigo: and that’s cool
[22:54] Indyra Seigo: great even
[22:55] Indyra Seigo: the wording in your card is what conused me, i’ll paste it here:
[22:55] Dita Tran: Okay
[22:55] Kwamey Pinion: dita your shape is pretty nice
[22:55] Indyra Seigo: you mentioned “Most models in SL are interchangeable, I’ve never wanted to be that.”
[22:55] Dita Tran: Mmmn hmnn
[22:56] Dita Tran: (thank you, Kwamey)
[22:56] Indyra Seigo: so what exactly did you mean by that, considering you are standing here looing gorgeously African American today, for this competition
[22:56] Indyra Seigo: and
[22:56] Indyra Seigo: also belonging to The Face of Asia Model Search Group
[22:57] Dita Tran: Aha!
[22:57] Dita Tran: Yes
[22:57] Indyra Seigo: just alil consusing is all
[22:57] Patty Cortes: I totally agree with Indyra
[22:57] Patty Cortes: and I don’t see anything funny there
[22:57] Patty Cortes: can you please explain
[22:58] Patty Cortes: how you can put a strong word such as “interchangeable”
[22:58] Patty Cortes: and not talk about your asian avi in your motivations card ?
[22:58] Dita Tran: Yes I’m not quite sure what the disconnect is, but what I meant by interchangeable…whenver one goes to a fashion show in SL it seems there is one sort of avatar
[22:59] Patty Cortes: Indyra
[22:59] Dita Tran: there is one “look” that is acceptable – white eruo, dark hair, light eyes
[22:59] Patty Cortes nods
[22:59] Celebrity Trollop: (seven feet tall)
[22:59] Sevonya Keyes: Naomi campbells not white
[22:59] Dita Tran: I didn’t mention my asian avie because quite frankly I didn’t think…
[22:59] LoneWolf Mackenzie: nope
[22:59] Dita Tran: Naomi Campbell is not in SL
[22:59] Patty Cortes: you didn’t think of the group you enter ?
[22:59] Patty Cortes: join*
[23:00] Patty Cortes: that’s curious…
[23:00] Dita Tran: I did not think my asian avie would be relevent to this contest
[23:00] Patty Cortes: It is
[23:00] Dita Tran: I model as Asian and African, I have before this contest, and I will continue to do so
[23:00] Patty Cortes nods
[23:00] Indyra Seigo: and like i said earlier, nothing wrong with that
[23:00] Patty Cortes: Anyway
[23:00] Indyra Seigo: great even
[23:00] Dita Tran: the entry specifically stated that versatile models are welcome
[23:00] Patty Cortes: that’s why
[23:00] Indyra Seigo: versitile models are welcome
[23:00] Patty Cortes: you had specically to say
[23:01] Indyra Seigo: power to the people
[23:01] Dita Tran: as models we are Often asked to wear different skins or tweak our shapes
[23:01] Patty Cortes: that you were a versatile model
[23:01] Patty Cortes: are you satisfied by Dita answer ?
[23:01] Patty Cortes: well Indyra
[23:01] Indyra Seigo: but what disturbs me, personally, is that you are in both the Asian and the Ebony contest-how can you be equally as passionate about both agendas
[23:02] Indyra Seigo: I’d be concerned that neither one gets your fullest benefit
[23:02] Indyra Seigo: that’s just me
[23:02] Indyra Seigo: *holds palms out*
[23:02] Patty Cortes nods
[23:02] Dita Tran: Probably because it’s not an agenda for me, it’s a way to represent beautiful avatars in second life
[23:02] Patty Cortes: however Dita, you may know the guidelines
[23:02] Dita Tran: I’m neither asian nor african in my real life, and I’ve never purported to be
[23:02] Patty Cortes: that’s not the question
[23:02] Sevonya Keyes: Well I am thats why i entered this I am proud to be black
[23:03] Patty Cortes: the question is : the guideline ask you to wear daily a black skintone
[23:03] Patty Cortes: if you become Miss SL Ebony
[23:03] Patty Cortes: if you want it at least
[23:03] Patty Cortes: you’ve to stand for black culture promotion
[23:03] Patty Cortes: and to wear daily a black skintone
[23:03] Patty Cortes: will your asian avi miss you ?
[23:03] Patty Cortes smiles.
[23:04] Indyra Seigo: and truthfully, i dont’ thnk you have to be black in rl
[23:04] Dita Tran: I have in my inventory more black skins than asian
[23:04] Jazmin Pennell: good question
[23:04] Indyra Seigo: to compete
[23:04] Indyra Seigo: its all about your intentions and motivations
[23:04] Dita Tran: but in fact some day I wear a blue skin with silver sparkles
[23:04] Patty Cortes: I don’t think either
[23:04] Patty Cortes: for this little confusion
[23:04] Patty Cortes: Ok Dita
[23:04] Patty Cortes: for causing these headaches
[23:05] Indyra Seigo: what are you competitors are going to do to further the black agenda in SL is the reason for the motivation question
[23:05] Patty Cortes: you’re unfortunately accepted in the next cycle of Miss SL Ebony
[23:05] Indyra Seigo: well, i dont think its unfortunate
[23:05] Patty Cortes: “unfortunate” was ironical
[23:05] Indyra Seigo: I think we really need to get consistant about what this competition is about’
[23:05] Patty Cortes smiles.
[23:05] Indyra Seigo: that’s my question
[23:06] Patty Cortes: Dita, you heard it
[23:06] Patty Cortes: you have to show us the best for the next step.
[23:06] Patty Cortes: And be sure, we will be at least two to particularly look at you.
[23:06] Dita Tran: Hrmn, thank you I think
[23:06] Patty Cortes: Don’t disappoint us
Meghan Dench
Apr 11th, 2008
Miss and Mr Ebony 2008, it’s called Ebony for a reason, it’s for black skinned avatars, black beauty. There are plenty of white beauty pageants. Anyway, what’s stopping white people using a black skin? It’s for the beauty of the black skinned avatar. You guys going on about racist crap, get over yourselves. Patty Cortes has worked her ass off for this, and she’s done a great job!
Apr 11th, 2008
Man, Ava Cartier really hates black people.
But, as I noted above, I bet “some of your best friends are black.”
Apr 11th, 2008
This is just stupidity, i feel stupid now for reading this comments section. Listen if you want to be part of the contest then get an ebony looking skin. If you dont like it then dont contest or attend the event.
IF you want to be do a white only contest thats fine its your world your imagination. But a white beauty contest is a stupid idea, white skins are the default in SL. When you do any beauty contest at all, you will find that most skins will all be white. Its that simple.
Theres nothing else to it, unless you just like to post another pointless comment.
Khitten Kurka
Apr 11th, 2008
I rezzed into SL in 2007 as a AV of color. I am also an African American in RL. My experience in SL is that darker tones and ebony tones are not refelected in much of the SL fashion world. I look at fashion shows and ads for well known designers… very very few darker or ebony models. Their choice obviously on the type/look they want. But what this say, subversively, is that AVs of color aren’t consider a consistent standard of beauty that would sell or promote a business.
To me, this pageant is a space that respects and welcomes the diversity of ebony avatars. Not all avatars on the grid are skinny or tall. Some, like myself, are very curvvy or very dark. I had a photographer ask me if I could put on a lighter skin because he was finding it hard to get a good picture of me. *SMH*. And of course I had no deisre to change my skin, so I didn’t use his services. But that is the kind of thing that an ethnic, ebony model or heck normally sally/joe AV can face in SL. I have had many racist comments thrown my way in SL. Folks can be so ignorant sometimes, LOL. I just keep it moving most of the time.
I have had a great amount of hesitation on entering some of the larger, more “mainstream” modeling competitions in SL. I see the women that enter and there is usually a typical look them to. I am not about to lighten my skin or shrink my body for anyone. That’s just the way it is. So for me, I am very happy to see and participate in a contest that will just allow me to be me and not penalize me because I don’t look like everyone else on the grid.
I don’t come into the grid to play power politics with people. That is what RL is for because that is where it really matters. I come into SL to take part in a world where I can just be and not worry to much about all the other stuff. I for one am happy to see this pageant offer some avatars an opportunity to potentially work as a model in SL. And will allow them to use their abilities to help promote the designers of color and businesses that understand and respect the nuances particular to life for avatars of color on the grid.
And as an aside, if you don’t think there are issues in SL with avatars of color and different looks for people… then view the comments of the recent Post 6 Grrrl. Then maybe some of you can understand why a contest like this just might be needed.
Apr 11th, 2008
[23:03] Patty Cortes: the question is : the guideline ask you to wear daily a black skintone
[23:03] Patty Cortes: if you become Miss SL Ebony
[23:05] Patty Cortes: you’re unfortunately accepted in the next cycle of Miss SL Ebony
Wow! Talk about a racist kneegrow! Forcing a skin colour onto the winner then bemoaning that they need to let an avatar who is not a real life kneegrow proceed in the contest.
shockwave yareach
Apr 11th, 2008
You cannot combat racism with more racism, any more than you can combat alcoholism with drinking.
If you hold a Black Only fashion show, that is racist. Period. I shall not bother reading to you from the dictionary – you’re smart enough to look up the definition of “Racism” yourself. But a simpler rule of thumb when you face these delimmas is to ask yourself how you would feel if the roles were reversed. If you don’t think it would be a problem to have a “whites only” beauty contest instead, then it’s probably okay. If it would bother you or lots of others, then maybe you should reconsider.
A better solution would be to have a series of pageants over a couple of weeks, showcasing the best of skins in a variety of different colors. “Showcasing: Best in Black” this weekend followed by “Best in Asian” next weekend will a) get you more publicity, b) be fair, c) get far more skincrafters involved in your effort. They can’t claim it’s racist if everyone gets equal treatment. But what you are doing now doesn’t give equal treatment to everyone regardless of their skin color, now does it?
Don’t count on my visiting or caring about the pageant as it is, though. I get quite enough racial tension in my RL and don’t need it intruding into the only truly colorblind place on earth – colorblind because color and race can be changed in an instant and thus don’t matter in SL.
Apr 11th, 2008
There is nothing racist about pointing hypocrisy and double standards.
The conversation that Quiet Observer posted clearly puts a few holes in the defense that this contest is free for anyone to enter. Words like “black agenda” and “black community” would be offensive and deplorable if the word “black” was replaced with “white”.
Again… What is the difference? Someone mentioned the tired argument that minorities deserve minority-centric events, even minority-ONLY events, because the “white” group is so much larger and more overwhelming. That is a poor rationale for holding a double standard of behavior based on something as un-changeable as skin color.
If it is wrong for one group of people, it is wrong for the other. Having the opinion that all groups of people should be equally accountable does NOT make me a racist. I’ve made it clear that I find both kinds of racism (white AND black) to be despicable. But one is NOT and never will be worse than the other.
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
“the guideline ask you to wear daily a black skintone”
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
Spankbux, you keep spewing the same crap, about which you know nothing. And you know what? You’re not worth a rebuttal.
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
“If it is wrong for one group of people, it is wrong for the other.”
This is my point, but apparently, this makes me racist.
And Patty, could you please utilize http://www.m-w.com next time you try some brain-buster like “ironical”?
Apr 11th, 2008
right, you’re not a racist, you have black friends, right? totally.
Apr 11th, 2008
Lawd!! When i first saw this event posted i thought… about time too! I didn’t enter myself due to limited time in SL (even thought i’m gorgeous looking black avi myself… grins…hey? don’t believe me look me up!). This isn’t racist! no matter what any of these people think. Hell i won’t go into the number of times i been called coon , nigga, darkie etc in SL..jeeesuz. i would just like to stand up in front of Patty and give her a big round of applause….
Oh i’d also like to meet Khitten Kurta in SL .hell and any of the other too and give them a virtual kick up the ass! I hate my SL being spoiled by RACISTS!!!!!
Ava Cartier
Apr 11th, 2008
Well, this is going nowhere fast. None of you know what’s in my heart but you’re so quick to point the finger and lay the blame. I’m no more racist than Patty. There ya go. Take that however you want to.
Buh bye.
Apr 11th, 2008
I think it is necessary to distinguish between positive racism and negative racism.
This is positive racism – it celebrates a certain race. So poor ol’ whitey feels left out? Suck it up – how do you think black people have felt for the last i don’t know how long and still do?
A white-only event like this would be negative racism only because it would draw upon a history of white supremacy and ethnic exclusion. Go ahead, have your whites-only event – you will be in good company with the KKK, neo-nazis, skinheads, aryan nation etc.
People who think this event is negative racism want racial equality now and would prefer to forget about the past – as if we are all equals starting from now. However ethnic peoples are still suffering today because of past (and present) injustices and events like this help to redress the balance.
“I’ve made it clear that I find both kinds of racism (white AND black) to be despicable. But one is NOT and never will be worse than the other.”
Well what have we got?
The ethnic cleansing of millions of jews vs an ‘ebony only’ beauty pageant.
Black slavery, lynching etc. vs an ‘ebony only beauty’ pageant.
1 on 10 black people in prison vs an ‘ebony only beauty’ pageant.
Its pretty clear to me that one these things is not like the other.
Apr 11th, 2008
I think that chat log pretty much tells us all we need to know about this.