Second Life Sky Navy Sinking Fast
by Alphaville Herald on 10/04/08 at 11:25 pm
Fox Mainline destroys main SLSN group – Ethan Schuman currently sole leader of the resurrected SLSN
by Proteus Hand – War Correspondant
Mere fortnights ago, the Second Life Sky Navy met a disaster of proportions not seen in military scandals before. I logged on one morning, with an invitation to serve as OWNER of the SLSN, and was later notified that the leader, Steve319 Cao, had his account hacked, and his group destroyed before his very eyes. Many who found themselves calling this military home, as soldiers often do, watched in unfathomable horror as their exclusive equipment was wantonly distributed among the masses, by their gleefully saboteurs.
I was able to establish contact with a very old cohort of mine, Ethan Schuman, who seemed to be deeply involved with the SLSN cataclysm. It went rather well, interview is as follows :
Proteus Hand: Hey, I’m doing an article for the Herald. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about the recent event with the SLSN?
Ethan Schuman: Sure
Proteus Hand: Alright, could you start from where it began?
Ethan Schuman: Well, the best way I can sum that up is Fox somehow gained access to Steve’s account and invited a huge amount of people in as owners. Some of these people could not be removed, and it in effect destroyed the main group of SLSN
Ethan Schuman: In addition, the sim was sold off, SLSN’s equipment was leaked, and a few other things were done.
Proteus Hand: So, how do you play into all of this?
Ethan Schuman: Well, I’ve always been a friend of Penny and Steve, and I’ve always had an extreme dislike for Fox. Fox did what he did in an attempt to destroy SLSN. While I had departed the SL military scene and sworn not to go back, given the situation, I decided to offer my services as both a developer and a commander to Steve just to piss off Fox. Shortly after I joined, however, Steve left the SLSN for Militant Collective, and most of the other officers in SLSN followed. As the highest ranked remaining member, I took command, and began to work on a total reconstruction of SLSN. However, this has proven to be a daunting task, as I have a lot of other obligations to tend to, and I simply don’t have the money to fund a military group by myself.
Proteus Hand: It’s a shame.
Proteus Hand: Thank you for your time, Ethan, it was a pleasure, and best of luck with the SLSN.
Ethan Schuman: Thank you. Going to need it.
So far, Schuman has spent the majority of his time writing, and trying to rally scripters. The SLSN’s signiature sim, “Endless Love” has been divided up among corporations and residents, and chances for resurrection of the group that many held dear looks bleak. Additionally, he’s been left alone as the sole leading power upon arrival to aid the SLSN’s high Command in their resurrection.
The culprit, Fox Mainline, has recently fled the grid, after jumping from several different alts, however, it is speculated that he will undoubtedly come back at some point, whether or not his vendetta with the now turned Militant Collective, Steve319 Cao, will be pursued, is up for debate and is left to the murky depths of ambiguity to decide.
Vasily Letov
Apr 11th, 2008
as we consider at RoG that SL military is more than just fun but a real community, i received the order to submit to SLSN following purposal :
you are asked to contact our new leader, Amory Gears and he will see if we can host you temporaly on our sim and help you out of this difficult situation.
Vasily Letov, reborn Army/RoG NCO
Pauleh Kamachi
Apr 11th, 2008
I dont think fox is smart enough to hack steves account without steve doing somthing stupid.
but oh well.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 11th, 2008
“watched in unfathomable horror as their exclusive equipment was wantonly distributed among the masses, by their gleefully saboteurs.”
Any equipment SLSN ever had was always copied/freebie equipment that they stole.
“Steve319 Cao, had his account hacked”
Didn’t actually get “hacked” per se, steve was just a typical idiot and TOLD someone his password, so Fox picked that up and logged on as him, then caused the hilarity that ensued. Stupid is as stupid does.
“As the highest ranked remaining member, I took command”
aka the only person in the group with talent. Let’s face it, even CSL was able to beat SLSN.
“Steve left the SLSN for Militant Collective”
And then jumped right to 2IC of their Fleet. Gee, I wonder why. Could be the enormous bribe he gave Raideur Ng…
Apr 11th, 2008
guess it highlights the risks of revealing the account password
Vegna Fouroux
Apr 11th, 2008
zactually steve mentioned his password in world chat the damn though he himself spelt it wrong but with aid of the steve319 translator (available at all good stores copyright Bruno Ziskey and Cloud @ 2007) trazen deciphered it into proper english
Darien Caldwell
Apr 11th, 2008
Sky Navy? Perhaps there should be a Submersible Air Force? O.o
Apr 11th, 2008
I lol’d
Maks Vendetta
Apr 11th, 2008
Old news.
Anyways, good luck Ethan.
Apr 11th, 2008
Who gives a fuck what happens to groups who were irrelevant the day they formed?
Eye Korobase
Apr 11th, 2008
Most likely, Steve’s freaking password was 1,2,3,4,5
Spaceballs’ style
Anways, (Bruno) most likely, because Ruby is Steve’s Rl wife :/ and she is about 4th in command there at MC.
Razrcut Brooks
Apr 11th, 2008
yawns at this is well written but only only interesting to the residents involved with this group.
……..bring back Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and D3adly…
and Prok…
and more from that goofy loco poet pirate guy.
Apr 11th, 2008
steve mentioned his password in world chat the damn
- RL security local to this man – take note – dont employ : )
Thrax Trilam
Apr 11th, 2008
well that sucks to a high degree. i gotta say i had fun back when i played sl. i was part of the slsn for a LONG time. headed up the marine div even. its sad to hear this happend again. the same deal happend long ago with the first slsn if im not mistaken. if your sereously reconstructing the slsn, good luck ethan.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 12th, 2008
“Anways, (Bruno) most likely, because Ruby is Steve’s Rl wife :/ and she is about 4th in command there at MC.”
What, you mean Penny WOULDNT enjoy ordering her RL husband around? Thought she did that anyway..
Steve319 Ca0
Apr 12th, 2008
Ok a couple of things firstly apart from the fact this happened a month ago I would like to point out a couple of errors here most of which propagated by the Spartan Queens warped sense of reality
firstly fox was able to acquire my password due to a simple flaw in linden labs security system nothing more nothing less unfortunately the same flaw has been corrected by linden labs now otherwise id be sitting in the middle of Brunos account laughing my head off but apart from that I find it very sad that no group on this grid was able to best the SLSN in combat and had to resort to hacking something ive worked for years on to do any measurable damage if thats what makes people happy then the sl combat scene truly has reached a new low finally the reason I handed SLSN on to Ethan is that unlike that prick Bruno I have a real life career and due to a recent promotion at work I need to be away allot hents I don’t have much time to play a computer game it would not be fair to the men that serve so loyally in SLSN to have a part time commander
unfortunately Bruno my job demands a bit more time than your shifts at the local burger king I honestly wish Ethan well if he does truly want to keep the group going and this wasn’t a bad article but I would recommend that perhaps next time Proteus you may wish to contact everyone involved in the incident to get an accurate account
Steve319 Cao
O-2 2ic Mc Fleet
dot dot dot
Apr 12th, 2008
First thing Raz i think penny is now under the account ruby manamiko due to her account being shut down or somthing.
also i thought penny was divorcing steve? well thats what i heard…
but yeah good luck ethan.
Ruby Manamiko
Apr 12th, 2008
mmm well at least we know who has the trouser’s on in this relationship heh XD
Ruby Manamiko
Apr 12th, 2008
And also i want to make it clear he didnt get his postion because of me… that was sorted between himself, Raideur and Reiken.
steve319 cao
Apr 13th, 2008
also i thought penny was divorcing Steve? well thats what i heard…
Also just to reply to this intelligent little moron this is something else fabricated by the Spartan king not that its absolutely anything to do with the game both penny and I Lost our unborn son a little over 4 months ago something like that tests any relationship I wont lie but divorce has never been mentioned or considered perhaps Bruno and the rest of you should pay more attention to your own failing groups and your own little lifes and leave mine the fuck alone
Fox, the
Apr 13th, 2008
Interesting Article, if a bit one sided (I got no intw.. D:)
but steve’s comment made me lol.
He is trying to cover up his stupidity, so, like the git I am, I am going to lift the tarpulin of lies above him, and give whoever is reading this the true story.
Point 1:
”firstly fox was able to acquire my password due to a simple flaw in linden labs security system”
Bullshit, you went and shouted out your password, it wasn’t surprising that I used it, after all the stuff you did.
Point 2:
”I find it very sad that no group on this grid was able to best the SLSN in combat”
Come off it stevie boy, everyone who entered Endless and managed to get past your hubcamping monkeys was able to beat you, sit in your office, drink your whiskey, and beat your men.
Point 3;
”Unlike Bruno I have a real life career”
I was under the impression that the most basic job required communication skills, something that means people do not need to call in a translator to decode anything you have written.
Pauleh Kamachi
Apr 13th, 2008
Whatever he did to you fox is still no reason to get on his account and do that shit, but whatever your an asshole and as bad a leader as steve so meh, you two can fight it out between you.
steve319 cao
Apr 13th, 2008
This really shouldn’t be taking up residents time because its not news it just a forum for taking shots at each other but im just gonna reply to fox before I walk away from this thread and quite honestly get on with life
Point 1 Fox we both know thats bullshit but if you persist in lieing in Public anyone who requires proof that fox mulgrave acquired my password through a breach in linden labs security contact Harry Linden in world he is handling the case witch may lead to a criminal case being launched by Linden labs should they decide a law has been broken personally I have no wish to see a 14 year old boy go to prison for a computer game so if Linden labs decide to do that its there call but ill have no part of it
Point 2 well fox lets face it what groups have you been involved in to any major degree is Alpha Marines who to be completely honest have bettered them selfs since you ceased to be involved with it and
Hyperius That had what a 4 week lifespan all 4 weeks of which spend behind one big ban line every time one SLSN marine showed up Jesus son your even less qualified than Bruno to talk about military Facts.
and finally
Yes Fox I do have a real life Job Sims don’t pay for them self like you found out when you tried to pay for trident with magic beans unfortunately if it comes down to a choice of commanding SLSN or providing for my RL family well mate even you can work that one out.
Steve319 Cao
Apr 13th, 2008
Fox you’ve got about as much credibility as a commando SL diplomat at a STABLE meeting so id give it up mate your a very young very silly little boy I would however like to salute and thank groups such as The Alliance Navy 2142, and Vanguard because on the day in question when my account got hacked they ordered there men not to accept the mass of invites from Fox to the SLSN main group as Owners lets face it all of them were enemy groups to SLSN but on the day maintained decency and didn’t sink that low so if the second life military community did not take advantage mate what did you actually achieve apart from making yourself even more of an outcast have a nice life.
Apr 13th, 2008
Sky Navy? ….freaking minors doesn’t know that it’s called Air Force? Bloody idiots.
(Maybe some of those minors starting to realized it should be called Air Force, decided to leave because someone is an idiot. Maybe that’s why it’s sinking? whoops, I meant falling!)
Thrax Trilam
Apr 13th, 2008
not to be a duchebag but i gotta say this for those who dont realize it *coughnaconcough* the reason its called a “sky navy” was because we used starships and the like. and what do most starfleets consider themselves part of? a navy of some sort. think “ships in the sky” less chairforce more marine limo service.
Fox Mulgrave
Apr 14th, 2008
Steve319′s posts are my source of major amusement these days..
I will happily contact Harry Linden, Steve, as most of this forum knows how I gained access, and how your bullshit is.. well.. bullshit.
And the ”14 year old boy” thing..?
Jesus.. I mean come on..
If I was 14, surely my grammatical skills and disregard for your obvious hatred of punctuation would not be as intense as it was?
Another thing, Hyperius were around for a year, under 2 different names.
And the reason we hated SLSN ”Marines” Entering our base?
Quite simple, the little idiots had a habit of using phantom bullets and spawnraping us, av flying, and generally ignoring STABLE…
You included.
So by all means ”take this further”
But your ‘I’m a big man’ act is fooling no one but yourself..
Have fun on planet Cao.. even your own wife left and landed on earth.
When you have realised what an idiot you are, perhaps you could join us..
Until then, perhaps you could sit in that basement of yours, wondering what the meaning of life is, and what intellect really means
Steve319 Cao
Apr 14th, 2008
Now Now little boy I have chat logs of you saying your 14 you forget you have people on this game who know you in RL and all the people on this post be it they love me or hate me or even those like you and the spartan dickhead that are obsessed with me
know that you banned us because we landed forces when you claimed
to be building however in reality we were actually counter attacking from your 5 second raid on endless love difference between my posts and your posts is that I can actually back mine up with a little thing called evidence if you can actually confirm with evidence that I gave you my password what I mean by evidence something other than a forged chat log or you can prove that my men used phantom rounds I will delete my second life account come on little boy PROVE IT
dot dot dot
Apr 15th, 2008
wait penny left steve? but we all know that out of the two old cao’s i have always liked and always will penny as she was easyer to talk to and didnt have the bad spelling or even just acting like your on the moon
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 15th, 2008
“Now Now little boy I have chat logs of you saying your 14″ Send me the logs steve, post them here if you actually do have them. Keep in mind everyone, logs CAN and regularly ARE faked.
Apr 15th, 2008
Sides hurt from laughing at Steve. he said he was walking away, but as you can see he keeps posting. This just shows you how full of it he really is. I love how SL beings out the ego of people that don’t even have a leg to stand on like Steve. I just hope that Raiduer was smart enough not to give Steve any Group Rights or trans rights on any of the gear, as I’m sure with the stupidity of that man has yet to reach it’s peak.
Fox Mulgrave
Apr 15th, 2008
lol, ”little boy”.
Hey people, let’s have a vote-
Anyone who thinks steve is underage say ”comma”
anyone who thinks I’m underage say ”Trazen”.
Yeah, steve.. about my so called attack on Endless..
do you mean by defending, the attack where I tpd into your SIM unarmed and was spawnraped 10 times? Great defending, you really red STABLE cover to cover.
Fox Mulgrave
Apr 15th, 2008
As for forged chatlogs?
You can hardly talk if what you say is true…
I never admitted to being 14, I have no reason to, as I’m not.. therefore, if you do have ”logs”, you faked ‘em.
Vegna Fouroux
Apr 15th, 2008
I got one word for steve:
Steve319 cao
Apr 16th, 2008
very entertaining that when I mentioned I have logs of Fox admitting to be 14 he send about 5 separate posts immediately slamming the allegations down one might say hes protesting to much its also very odd that hes posting in different names unfortunately myself and my young friend here have turned this forum into nothing more than a slanging match you also dodged totally my question last post fox If you can prove that I gave you my password like you claimed then I will delete my second life account but seeing as you have continually failed to post anything but insults I fail to see the point of continuing to make yourself look anymore young than you already do come on mate taking a vote as to who you believe is correct
what are you in now year 9 go revise for your GCSES or something ive got better things to do with my time and besides which you don’t need me to prove your 14 your doing a fantastic job of that yourself.
Steve319 cao
Apr 16th, 2008
I just think its a shame that Luke who is basically a decent kid got banned with you when you hacked my account then again that kind of killed your last friend on this grid Ill paste if I may a little extract of my last convocation with fox
[2008/04/13 8:13] Fox Mulgrave: there are things you do not know.
[2008/04/13 8:13] Fox Mulgrave: Its the path I have chosen to have no friends.
[2008/04/13 8:13] Fox Mulgrave: I live in the shadows
Now im not a doctor but to me that sounds like the words of a depressed little boy who possibly has been bullied at school you don’t need to suffer alone Fox thats what the suicide hot lines for.
Raideur Ng
Apr 16th, 2008
The SL Sky Navy Is now headed by Ethan Schuman, who will attempt to revitalize it in some manner. His ability to produce gear and lead is obvious, so we will only have to wait to see results.
This bickering needs to stop. Fox, you are a known bag of douche, when you produce actions which suggest otherwise, you can join us in discussing the future of SL military. Bruno, for the sake of cooperation in the talks, lay off. Steve, you need not defend yourself from such petty criticism, your ability from this point on should prove your competence as a leader.
Those who try subversive tactics to destroy a group are without room to speak on any honorable manners. All major groups have suffered this, and always, the culprit, whomever, is a prick trying to be an annoyance.
Proteus Hand
Apr 16th, 2008
Raid presents the most valid point I’ve seen in the week or two of this article’s existence.
Apr 16th, 2008
“His ability to produce gear and lead is obvious, so we will only have to wait to see results.”
Yes, very. Just look at what he did to the Mercz.
More Lulz
Apr 16th, 2008
ok ok more laughing thank you Raideur for your post as taking part of a agreement to ban all AN as a petty attempt to kill off a group that has yet to work.
I’m thinking of a word that starts with the letter H that describes Raideur to a T, now anyone that wants to play guess that word just post after your comments lol.
Also Raideur you really should just ignore the bickering I mean after all they may be fully grown but they have proven to do nothing but act like little children. but than again that same behavior has marked your history as well. Raideur is known to throw fits you’d expect a 5 year old would throw at the drop of a hat or a word about sexuality, giving the impression that he has a deep rooted Genophobia (fear of sex). I’m almost tempted on saying he had a horrible experience that no one should have to live with and is no joking matter unless you have a really really morbid sense of humor. Anyway I hope Raideur is seeking help with his personal issues so he can lead a normal life and not be so fanatical about Sonic as he has been in the past.
And yes I’m a horrible person with a very very morbid sense of humor, but do feel that he does need help. Also I’m not posting my Name for a reason after all who needs more hate mail?
steve 319 Cao
Apr 17th, 2008
Funny your not posting your name but your comments make it very apparent its you Fox now every word that you have just said has killed this debate completely seeing as you have absolutly nothing to add to this appart from insults and alagations about someones personal life you really are an offensive little low life creature but Im not gonna continue to bate you by replying to these posts unfortunatly I am a stubbern individual on occasion and always need to get the last word unlike some people who claim to be perfect coughs Bruno I have charicter flaws I sometimes take this game to litteraly , everyone knows my spelling is poor I have never claimed it to be anything but HOWEVER I have always carryied out my role in the millitary world of SL with honor and dignity the people who serve under me I will always concider family and do the best for them I can if that means handing SLSN on to ethan because I believe he can do a better job thats what I did to everyone who has had to sit here listening to me and fox bat back and fouth insults I apologise what I should have done is walk away I have a life a family and freinds Fox,Lulz whatever he wants to call himself does not say what ya like you will not see me post on this thread again
Steve319 cao 2IC Mc Fleet
Apr 17th, 2008
Ok This is getting really stupid. why does nearly everyone on this grid have a hard time keeping SL to SL and RL to RL is it that hard to do ? every post on this so far has been nothing about the subject first made even though it happend a month ago or more and everyone doesnt really give a shit about the main subject anyway. its just turned into a slagging match for each other. and now bringing made up rl shit into it just because you want to be heard or get your name on this thread.
im sorry but some of you need to go back onto the teen grid until you have learned to grow up alot.
as maybe your not ready to be in this one yet. and to be honest no one really gives a toss what you put on this post anyway.
and if you lot want to slag each other off about sl or what ever shit you can come up with next then thats what they have IM for.
Apr 17th, 2008
As far as I can tell both parties involved in this articles are well below the age limit to be on the main Grid and need to be deported to the Teen Grid.
I do have something to say directly to the two little children who have been posting back and forth to one another however:
Fox: You have been issued a challenge to present solid proof of your allegations.
Steve: So have you.
Drop it both of you.
Any log either of you could come up with would be dismissed by the other as being edited or outright faked. Neither one of you is doing anything now aside from proving that neither of you is anything more than a spoiled child.
Fox Mulgrave
Apr 17th, 2008
Yeah, steve.. I’ve only posted under This name.. I don’t know who ”Lulz” and ”More Lulz” is, though I thank them.
Also, you still haven’t shown us these logs.. just a log of me being emo.
Gratz. that proved LOADS.
Eye Korobase
Apr 17th, 2008
Reply to Moomoo: I do agree with you there. The problem is here that people like bruno, Raideur, Most An members (using screen names like anonymous and what not), and some less,but still powerful members of the Sl military community; adults as they are or should be; Act like kids in this case. Firing off insults and arguing things that are long time pass. To put it more simple: The Blame Game.
It is very hard to understand why people argue points that are no longer vaild or the events of the argument have already been sloved, yet people still have their passions on the subject and want to show them off on this site.
Getting to the subject at hand here is the suggested way to go.
GreenLantern Excelsior
May 3rd, 2008
steve 319 Cao recently was brought into the Alpha Marines group, supposedly with a plan to combine forces and improve both groups. Instead, yesterday he deleted most of the Alpha Marines base and returned most of the land to Linden Lab. Now there’s no army in Second Life who will accept him as a member, and he’s pretty much been classified as Kill On Sight at any army base.
Nov 1st, 2008
Actually the truth to this story is that Penny gave Mulgrave the password for Steve’s account, Thus proving Linden Labs innocent in their flaws.