Musings from a Gorean Feminist: Gor is so Stupid

by Jessica Holyoke on 24/05/08 at 8:29 am

by Jessica Holyoke

Readers and people on the street have asked me about how I can reconcile calling myself a feminist and taking part in Gor.  One reader came out and asked how I could condone and engage in rampant rape.   This article is not about that, but sets the tone for later articles.  This article is about the top five idiotic, infuriating things that occur on Gor in the Second Life world that are just crazy stupid.  This excludes things in the books, such as you can’t use anything more advanced than a cross bow on Gor, but if you go over to Earth, you get disintegration beams and space ships.

(Keep in mind if you see me on Gor, I’m going to roleplay with the rules handed to me on the sim.  It doesn’t mean that I agree with them.  And if you bring this article up, you suck.)

Stupidity the First: Women are no stronger, at best, than a 12 year old boy.

Usually this one is mentioned when a City is moaning about Panthers and female outlaws and mercenaries.  And yes, a 120 pound woman should not be able to easily pull a 250 pound man.  However, the restriction makes it so that women cannot wield certain weapons, like swords and long bows. 

Here is what I say to that: Did exercise not exist on Gor? No wait, it did!  Do Muscles not get bigger?  Pulling a long bow means you build up your strength over time, dumb ass.

And lets not forget the Earth women brought to Gor.  For those not in the know, Gor is a smaller planet than Earth and it has a lower gravity.  Ergo, Terrans, or barbarians, should automatically get a strength boost.  Perhaps not for long as they become accustomed to the lower planetary mass, but at least for awhile.  But no, they are still no stonger than a 12 year old boy at best.

Stupidity the Second: Any slave may be treated as determined by any Free.

The convention is that kajiri, male and female slaves combined, can be punished and treated as any Free desires.  Commonly in laws available as you enter a sim, it is printed that any Free woman can smile or kick a slave girl in passing.  If the slave doesn’t like it, she is not Gorean and she should leave.  If the Owner doesn’t like, then they are not Gorean and should leave.

The hell? If slaves are property and no different than animals, then that means that anyone could kick my boat or kick my Tharlarioin, (rideable lizard).   People get upset when you touch their things.   This stupidty is one of those things where it sounds cool in a BDSM mind set but when you try to create a world which you live in, it’s just stupid.  Like the following.

Stupidity the Third:  Legal testimony of a slave may only be taken under torture.

In the books, slaves are fearful of being asked to testify in court because their testimony only counts if taken under torture.  As of yet, I haven’t found how that actually happened in the books.

Because, its stupid.   It sounds cool, again from a BDSM mindset, but in practice it doesn’t work.  Whoever is doing the torture can make the slave say anything.  And even if they provided testimony and lived, that doesn’t preclude them from being punished later.  Like if a slave was told to testify against their owner, she could help her Master and lie under torture so she isn’t tortured later by her Owner.  Its not a way to get truthful testimony.  Torture presumes that there is information that you want or a behaviour you want to correct.  The slave could tell the truth, but be tortured until when?

Stupidty the Fourth: There were no female mercenaries or Outlaws.

Many sims prohibit the appearance of any avatar that is a female fighter of any form other than a Panther. Captive of Gor mentions bands of female and male outlaws, then goes into Panthers.

So besides the fact that this is mentioned in the damn books, most places just can’t deal with a woman that can handle herself in a video game. ooooooo.  My Mistress can kick your Master’s Ass.

Stupidity the Fifth : The necessity of typing a roleplay when aiding.

Battles do take part in Gor.  Sometimes people are downed with a big capture bubble surrounding them indicating that they are captured or bested.  In order to aid them, like a medic would, some sims require that you type at least two lines before pressing the Aid button.

So when people are just pressing a button to shoot at you, you have to come up with a nice little emote to say how you are helping the fallen. Here is the typing "/me kneels down beside the fallen warrior and carefully look him over *because its probably a guy lying there* looking closely to see if his airway is clear, he is breathing and if there is any massive bleeding."  In the mean time, the person doing the firing is going click click click.  So you could be captured really, really quickly while you are making sure that things are spelled correctly. 

Honorable mention: Strange access restriction

This follows from the Mercenaries and Outlaws issue.  Many times there are restrictions on travel.  Panthers would not have been this far north, you can’t be of a certain caste, slaves would not be here unescorted. 

Here’s the deal, I have yet to see a gorean city without a market.  What drives sales?  Traffic.  so why would you say don’t come to my sim?  There might be residential rentals, but to have a thriving market, you still need shoppers and for now at least, that means traffic under places.

And yes, people can go to the markets without going into the cities, but why go to any market if you can’t be in the City?

Counter Point Stupid Feminist Objection to Gor: No mention of Menstration.

One time, I went to a Feminist discussion regarding Gor.  I was the Counter point.  It was a fun two and a half hours.  One of them, who I won’t name, said that the books were anti-women because no one ever got a period.

Now lets ignore whether or not slave wine or sip root, strong acting contraceptives, affect menstration.  I didn’t read about people pooing either.  It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.  And I dont know how Kara Thrace, Princesses Leia or Diana, handled their monthly visitors.   It doen’t mean the Colonies, Jedi  and the Amazons are anti-women.

Have fun in Gor everyone!

72 Responses to “Musings from a Gorean Feminist: Gor is so Stupid”

  1. Ran Garrigus

    May 24th, 2008

    Point 3 seems based on Roman practice, which really was that a slave’s testimony in a court case could only be used if extracted via torture. The notion being, of course, that it was the only way to validate the truth of a slave’s statements, which of course seems rather wrong-headed in this day and age … but back then, and for a long time, that’s how people thought.

    Not having read the Norman books and having no intention to, much less RP in Gor, I’ve no idea if Norman actually incorporated it into his series or if this is something that Gorean roleplayers have shoe-horned into the setting.

  2. Corona

    May 24th, 2008

    Just Simply brilliant, Jessica

    Counter Point Stupid Feminist Objection to Gor: No mention of Menstruation.

    this is very silly of feminist

    does ANY role play game of any sort in SL cover Menstruation

    not even the Tantra ovulation HUD gives that
    just ‘period over due ‘ with a yellow or red light – and then nothing
    not even a blue light to mark the days

    Gor does not allow children and old people either

  3. chmarr

    May 24th, 2008

    ok i used to rp gor many moons ago and all i can say is that the rp in sl is sooooooo wrong its a joke.

    a slave is property of there owner, meaning if a slave is hit by another free who is not there owner then the free can hit the free in retaliation , depending on what the offence is.

    and also even though the freemen and free women are free they can be collared at anytime, i should know, i’ve did it.

    a freewoman can be collared at anytime by ANY free man.
    i look at the rules of gor in shitload of gor places in SL and there laughibleat best.
    even though some do have some of the real rules of gor.

    there are female warriors who are known as panthers, these are chick with bigger balls than some of the Ubars.

    black caste are cool n all but they belong to no citys or camps there your evil assasin :D

    “…it is good those in the black tunic are once again amongst us, that justice can be done, order restored, right upheld.” Assassins of Gor pg 18

    “Honor is important to Goreans, in a way that those of Earth might find it hard to understand; for example, those of Earth find it natural that men should go to war over matters of gold and riches, but not honor; the Gorean, contrariwise, is more willing to submit matters of honor to the adjudication of steel than he is matters of riches and gold; there is a simple explanation for this; honor is more important to him.”
    Beasts of Gor – Page 42

    slaves can fight even though they can only fight other slaves but if a male slave wins a fight against another male slave a freeman can move to fight the male slave as practise, the male slave may fight with a free if the slaves owner allows it but in some fights a slave may fight for his freedom…but this is rare as the slave is normally killed.

  4. lol

    May 24th, 2008

    gor in general is crap ,slavery is illegal in every civilized country and should be made illegal in sl, feminist should also stfu though , they dont want equal rights, they want to be treated like women and make the same amount of money or be in the same positions in their world

  5. Unwashed Mass

    May 24th, 2008

    “a 120 pound woman should not be able to easily pull a 250 pound man”.

    Wanna bet? I’ve pulled plenty in my day. Chortle. OK, maybe only Brits will get that. Oh well, back to defiantly enjoying Shuless :)

  6. Unwashed Mass

    May 24th, 2008

    Just one other question (and I mean it sincerely). Is English your first language, Jessica?

  7. Ari Blackthorne

    May 24th, 2008

    “Gorean Feminist”

    Can anyone say “oxymoron”

    [falls out of chair laughing]

    Yep. This article carries so much seriousness in weight.

  8. SusanC

    May 24th, 2008

    “Stupidity the Third: Legal testimony of a slave may only be taken under torture.”

    But there have been really existing societies like that, so this in some way this is less stupid than many other things in Gor.

    For a reference to Roman torture, see for example, Quintillian’s Institute of Oratory, Book 5, chapter 4. (And yes, some Romans had the same doubts about the reliability of evidence obtained under torture).

  9. Artemis Fate

    May 24th, 2008

    I think I mentioned the 1st counter point in another gor article’s comments when some dolt of a gorean male tried to make that exact statement. I thought it was funny that in the books, our friendly neighborhood budding chauvinist, Tarl Cabot, an average strength college professor (not at ALL a fantasy identity of John Norman, no SIR!), goes to gor and suddenly becomes as demonstratively strong as 12 men making him one of the best swordsmen on gor, whereas also average strength woman Heather from Earth goes to gor and is possibly weaker than she was on Earth, since she’s pretty much right out subjugated by the first pack of gorean natives she sees, whom she should likely be much stronger than.

    Best explanation I can see is that gor’s gravitational pull is also sexist.

  10. Nacon

    May 25th, 2008

    Finally… a Stupid Gor Slave got smarter to realize anything at all.

    Sex or not, Gor is just purely retarded.

    lol said: “…feminist should also stfu though , they dont want equal rights, they want to be treated like women…”
    Not if they are retarded. I’m pretty sure those ladies can be treated like a REAL woman outside of those drop-dead-retarded role playing non-sense. (in other words, they are either minors or brain-washed… not horny.)

  11. Anonymous

    May 25th, 2008

    Most importantly,

    who let Jessica leave the kitchen to write this article ?

  12. NinaA

    May 25th, 2008

    I alawys thought Gor RP is a good example of “garbage in – garbage out”. The books are not that good. Still the sims are usually beautifully done and the clothes are pretty.

  13. chmarr

    May 25th, 2008

    whats fucked is that john normans gor books are now going space age and the preist kings are big ass insects, and john norman also said himself he has furry type beings in his books and his 27th book DOES have furrys and its set in space.

    gor in the 60′s, 70′s and mid 80′s were all men are masters and women are sex slaves.
    but in later books this has tamed down to a point where women are almost equal to men because john norman mellowed in his old age.

    the guy was born in 1931 and hes a professor.

    gor is science fiction and yet ppl think its a sex guide.LMFAO

    gor was fun but its now all bullshit

  14. Corona

    May 25th, 2008

    ,slavery is illegal in every civilized country and should be made illegal in sl,


    and at same time lets report the goreans and panthers to Peta and the ALF
    for all the animal fur they wear and the meat eaten

    oh and Goreans kill each other in combat too – thats illegal in many counties

    maybe we should just ban people from SL- they wont roleplay any crimes then

  15. Corona

    May 25th, 2008

    they dont want equal rights, they want to be treated like women and make the same amount of money or be in the same positions in their world

    dont quite get this comment

    dont want equal rights…
    they want …same amount of money/be in the same positions (as men ?)

    so what exactly are the equal rights feminist dont want if not equal pay and treatment ?

  16. Corona

    May 25th, 2008

    Best explanation I can see is that gor’s gravitational pull is also sexist.

    unless its the ‘priest king’ aliens upholding male superiority as part of an experiment

    in which case the males on Gor ought to be careful – the PK are aliens – can the males be sure they wont suddenly decide to start part two of the experiment – where the strength roles are perhaps reversed – a true experiment after all would try to equalise/eliminate variables

  17. Corona

    May 25th, 2008

    two strange things about gor

    1 panthers
    these women are dressed in wild cat skins
    such as tiger

    yet are supposedly no stronger than boys of 12

    they are escapees from cities and sometimes win fightes agianst male raiders /intruders

    therefore by rights they should be able to take the armour and weapons from captives and use them

    2 freewomen and rape slaves

    according to what im told the female slaves are
    ‘genetically bred to be happy and docile and content with there lot

    ok – one could imagine selective eugenic breeding of human women

    however if that was the case – then the panthers would have no thought to escape
    and neither would a freewoman be eligible for slavery

    the fact that free women can be enslaved at any time makes this whole iea of genetic selection for slavery unworkable

    if all women are breed to be docile then the ‘freewomen should also be docile
    yet the freewomen are supposed not to show any affection while the slaves have to show nothing else
    so they should not be social interchangeable roles

    there are loads of indicators that show these ideas have not been thought through fully
    while it cannot be expected that Norman was an expert in these areas
    where the books highlight scientificlly unfeasible concepts then in sL at least these should be examined and the anomalies in logic sorted out

    the rule on women not being able to weild swords for example – this is as silly as the old D & D rule concerning class restrictions on weapons

    it should surely be possible to allow more sensible rules on women without opening the flood gates to watered down ‘disneyfied Gor’

    the mediavel period in europe was not exactly renowned for feminist thougt- yet even they had occasional examples of warrior women at times
    Gor could easily be just as flexible – or are they afraid of competiting with women on equal terms in world ?

  18. DaeN

    May 25th, 2008

    I’ve recently started playing Gor because really, most of the Medieval style RP sims in SL REALLY suck. Not saying Gor is much better, but at least people are playing. Which brings me to my points. While it certainly boasts a rather large contingent (mostly composed of geeky sub basement boys with anger issues over Mommy wearing outfits that would break their necks if attempted in real life or wearing outfits that no club hopping hoochie mama would be caught dead in (yes, they are both men and women avatars, duh)) of players it certainly isn’t because the Roleplay is good. In fact, there are VERY few good RPers in Gor and the only time RP gets a real focus is in the RAID, CAPTURE, RAPE, RETURN, RINSE, REPEAT cycle. You couldn’t get most of these half-wits to RP a basic strategy session but boy they turn on the taps when it comes to sticking a hot cattle prod up someone’s ass.

    I mean really, I hand out copies of Sun Tzu’s Art of War like most people hand out business cards. A recent issue with Gorean RP. A group of “Outlaws” attack a heavily trapped fortification in the middle of the day with a force of no less that ten. Now, I know not everyone remembers the Battle of Thermopylae (A La 300) but a VERY small force can defend against a much larger force in well fortified position especially when the attacker has no means of resupply. I mean really, the idea is laughable at best. The point being, just because Gor gets alot of traffic doesn’t mean everyone involved is a sicko. Just alot of them.

  19. Penance Sautereau

    May 25th, 2008

    My wife can bench 300 and she’s 5’3″ and 199 pounds. Try again.

  20. Rock Ramona

    May 25th, 2008

    On monday morning,everyone that thinks that rp any of this stuff seriously need to seek counceling,most counties have a Health dept that can help you.Look in your phone book or have a family member who can read look this up for you,if all of your family has abandoned you because they think you are a freak,i would be more than happy to help you,please leave me a notecard with all of your contact info and i will seek out the help for you,this isnt me being sarcastic,i really want to help you get the help you need

  21. DaeN

    May 25th, 2008

    I’ve recently started playing Gor because really, most of the Medieval style RP sims in SL REALLY suck. Not saying Gor is much better, but at least people are playing. Which brings me to my points. While it certainly boasts a rather large contingent (mostly composed of geeky sub basement boys with anger issues over Mommy wearing outfits that would break their necks if attempted in real life or wearing outfits that no club hopping hoochie mama would be caught dead in (yes, they are both men and women avatars, duh)) of players it certainly isn’t because the Roleplay is good. In fact, there are VERY few good RPers in Gor and the only time RP gets a real focus is in the RAID, CAPTURE, RAPE, RETURN, RINSE, REPEAT cycle. You couldn’t get most of these half-wits to RP a basic strategy session but boy they turn on the taps when it comes to sticking a hot cattle prod up someone’s ass.

    I mean really, I hand out copies of Sun Tzu’s Art of War like most people hand out business cards. A recent issue with Gorean RP. A group of “Outlaws” attack a heavily trapped fortification in the middle of the day with a force of no less that ten. Now, I know not everyone remembers the Battle of Thermopylae (A La 300) but a VERY small force can defend against a much larger force in well fortified position especially when the attacker has no means of resupply. I mean really, the idea is laughable at best. The point being, just because Gor gets alot of traffic doesn’t mean everyone involved is a sicko. Just alot of them.


    May 25th, 2008

    I heard Goreans don’t like apple sauce.

    You fucking bastards.

  23. Corona

    May 26th, 2008

    insect aliens, blue fire
    Best explanation I can see is that gor’s gravitational pull is also sexist.

    If the only way JN’s theories can be made to work is to bend the laws of physics and/or introduce manipulative controlling aliens

    then it tells us a lot about the validity of his theories

  24. Corona

    May 26th, 2008

    Ps hope penance never upsets his wife

  25. Corona

    May 26th, 2008

    do apples exist on Gor? or just some other species of fruit?

  26. Dr. Internet

    May 26th, 2008

    In short: Gor is a synonym for Fail.

    Seriously, it’s fucking stupid, the whole concept is there for a bunch of shut-ins who cant get any with women in real life, so they resort to controlling “women” over the internet a big muscular manly men. Compared to their soft, pudgy, real selves.

  27. Aya Pelous

    May 26th, 2008

    Gor is stupid, get another hobby.

  28. Sigmund Leominster

    May 26th, 2008

    In the area of Role Play, which is, after all, a personal choice and NOT an edict from Linden Lab (R), if some woman wants to dress in slinky silks and submit to the will of a seven-foot tall, over-muscled, leather-clad male, then I’d hate to be the kid in class who tells the teacher its wrong. Unless someone is incredibly stupid – and I don’t rule that out – it’s really really hard to accidentally wander into the Gorean environment and suddenly find yourself collared, stripped, gang-raped and enslaved without your handing over some consent. After all, the magic key combination CTRL + Q will get you out of ANY situation you don’t like.

    Until the Goreans start knocking on the door of my SL apartment handing out copies of “The Gorean Times” and “How To Enslave Women And Make Them Happy,” I’ll adopt the live-and-let-live approach to the lifestyle. When a grown man and a grown woman get together to play master-and-slave in the bedroom (and come on, boys and girls, who hasn’t) then that’s a private fantasy between them: When grown men and grown women do it in a group setting, the only difference is that I get to watch.

    Feel free to hate the Gorean lifestyle and pillory its proponents, but don’t expect any change soon or some Deus ex Machina to descend from the skies and turn all the women into independent feminists and the men into touchy-feely New Age caring metrosexuals.

  29. Penance Sautereau

    May 26th, 2008

    HER wife Corona. Lesbian marriage is legal up here in Canada. We also have universal health care and We successfully pawned Celine Dion off on you poor bastards down south.

    Then again we have Steven Harper and we’re responsible for unleashing William Shatner and Jim Carrey on the world so it’s not perfect.

    And no, this bitch NEVER pisses her wife off on purpose. I need a cane to walk as it is because of my discs, she could put me in a wheelchair with one punch. Damned Georgia girls. I swear there’s something in the water down there.

  30. Corona

    May 27th, 2008

    Ok Correction

    I hope I never upset Hir wife

  31. Corona

    May 27th, 2008

    we’re responsible for unleashing William Shatner and Jim Carrey on the world

    Better than the Americans then – they gave us Bush for Blair to sheepishly follow

  32. Corona

    May 27th, 2008

    How did Daen’s paragraph get posted twice?

    I thought people proof read these comments for suitability

  33. FlipperPA Peregrine

    May 27th, 2008

    Penance: do not taunt the Shatner. He fucking rocks! You can have Jim Carrey and Celine back, however, I wouldn’t mind us taking The Birthday Massacre and Holy Fuck off your hands.

    Thanks for hockey too!

  34. Laetizia Coronet

    May 27th, 2008

    Gor is wrong in so many ways that this little count doesn’t begin to sum it up. What’s most wrong about it that people actually get angry when you object to “their lifestyle”. Happened to me when someone in Mental Mentors asked if buying slaves was allowed in SL. I fell over backwards laughing and said so. Next thing I knew three shrews are shrieking all over the channel as if I pissed on a crucifix.
    Yes, Gor is an exceptionally nasty “lifestyle”. As far as I’m concerned they should be kicked out of SL so hard they’d land in Habbo Hotel. Feminist Gorean? Get help. Maybe there’s a support group somewhere for African-American KKK members that can help you.

  35. Corona

    May 27th, 2008

    Hey Penance – has your wife ever been mistaken for a man ?

  36. Corona

    May 27th, 2008

    what is ‘Mental Mentors’?

  37. Laetizia Coronet

    May 27th, 2008

    Mental Mentors provides a group channel where SL Mentors can chat amongst each other without clogging up the SL Mentor group channel which is meant for support.

  38. DaeN

    May 27th, 2008

    Yeah, world forbid someone getting pissed off if their consensual “lifestyle” choice is threatened. You know, and while were at fuck those faggots, bi-faggots, dykes, and chicks with dicks too. Its not like people actually buy slaves in real life you close minded bigot. And if people are bought and sold in such situations its still a consensual “lifestyle choice Laetizia. I think Gor can be pretty retarded and some of the comments about ‘flabby boys’ in their basements is pretty spot on. However, its still a choice they make isn’t it? There is a great book you should peruse, “Ain’t Nobodies Business If You Do.” Check it out before you sound like a bigot prick again please.

  39. Jessica Holyoke

    May 28th, 2008

    some random thoughts:

    1. Why is it when I write about charitable things I get 9 comments and things like this get 38?

    2. Go Penquins.

    3. English is my first language, but its American public school english so it might not be the Queen’s.

    4. Go Sid.

    5. This article was written to be funny. I was aiming for a female Lewis Black which might be Lisa Lampinelli, Elaine Boosler or a very young Joan Rivers.

    6. Go Fleury.

    7. The thing about attacking a lifestyle or a roleplay is that you are also attacking what someone choses to do. its very easy to get personal in an argument like that or to take things personally.

    And Laetizia, never knew you were that outspoken, however, your comment almost sounded like people were going crazy because there was chattel slavery on SL.

    8. Tribesman of Gor, chapter Six, a slave testifies. She is placed on a rack and asked questions for a total of three times. Did this happen? Is it true? Are you sure? She’s telling the truth. However, the slave in the chapter gave false testimony.

    9. Barenaked Ladies, Alanis Morrissette and Robin Sparkles. all men, other gibson, fake creation, all Canadian.

    10. Slavery in SL is funky because lots of people have slaves and even chattel slaves, those available for money, without being Gorean and really Gorean slavery is not the same as regular BDSM slaves nor various economic slaves of today and yesterday.

  40. Penance Sautereau

    May 28th, 2008

    A few things…

    - HER, not HIR, I may be differently gendered being intersexed but I HATE those stupid fakey “I’m different and unique and better than you haw haw” pronouns some TG folk use to be different when they should be fighting to be accepted as is, not even more hated for pompous clique mentality. Zie, Hir, fuk, awf.

    - I know the Shatner rules, but many Americans don’t and blame him on us.

    - Fuck that, we ain’t taking Celine or Carrey back now, they’re YOUR problem, you’re stuck with them.

    - Barenaked Ladies, okay, you have a point. They’re easily better than Creed.

    - No, Fran’s never been mistaken for a man in spite of her best efforts to look like one. Her voice is just too soft and the lack of 5:00 Shadow gives her away.

    - Hockey? Keep it. I can’t stand it. I’ve been accused of not being a real Canadian for that but fuck it, it’s a bunch of men figure skating in football armor chasing a rubber ding dong with sticks. It’s stupid.

  41. Corona

    May 28th, 2008

    the ‘mistaken for a man’ comment was a film quote – not intended as serious
    but no one seems to have noticed

  42. Laetizia Coronet

    May 28th, 2008

    You know DaeN, it is my goddamn freedom to laugh at other peoples’ lifestyle. Hell yes. Especially when it involves slaverhy or a lot of leather and latex clothing with zippers and some dark dungeon where they “torture” each other. Hell yes. That’s a choice they make, and it’s my choice to find that gross or offensive or laughable or pathetic.
    Being a homosexual, in case you didn’t know, is *not* a choice or a “lifestyle”. You are one, or you are not. Laughing at gays is like laughing at people with natural red hair. I don’t do that.

    If you don’t understand that fine line, you had better not open yer big trap again my friend. Don’t go calling me a bigot because I fall over backward when someone wants to discuss slavery. To hell with slavery.

    @Jessica, they were going mad because I dared speak negatively about their pastime. And they went mad as if I has insulted Baby Jesus or something. Gor is *not* a religion. Get real.

  43. Corona

    May 28th, 2008

    I always thought ‘hir’ was a feminist word not a TG one
    perhaps things are diff in canada ?

  44. anon

    May 28th, 2008

    DaeN & Laetizia: if it’s consensual the issue is not moral but how stupid the “lifestyle” is. if someone’s attacking Gor on moral grounds, that’s not exactly the best way to go about it and hardly the only one. making fun of it doesn’t make you a bigot: just because certain “lifestyles” exist and are consensual doesn’t mean they can’t be relentlessly mocked. like furries. or second life users in general.

    as stupid as Gor is it’s roots are pretty standard d/s stuff which is not all that uncommon. the level that its proponents go to defend it is pretty asinine though, as is their utter fascination with a washed up sci-fi author who apparently got all his book’s content taken in some weird tangential direction.

  45. Laetizia Coronet

    May 28th, 2008

    Thanks, Anon, I would agree to that… although the fact that something is consensual doesn’t automatically make it morally right to me.

  46. Chav Paderborn

    May 29th, 2008

    And if you bring this article up, you suck.

    So you don’t actually own your beliefs?

    Stupidity the First: Women are no stronger, at best, than a 12 year old boy.

    Isn’t that in the books? It’s stupid and factually wrong, but it’s in the books.

    If the slave doesn’t like it, she is not Gorean and she should leave.

    That’s how Gorean slavery works. You’re not very Gorean, sorry.

  47. Jessica Holyoke

    May 29th, 2008


    The “you suck” part is a warning to not bring Out of Character considerations into an In Character setting. So if a Gorean sees me on Gor and brings up this article as part of the roleplay, then they indeed suck.

    While the 12 year old part is in the books, its contradicted by many things, including using slave girls as draft animals. The book itself is contradicted. However, again, usually this is brought up when dealing with female combatants.

    And about the last thing you mentioned, you sort of missed the part about how that paragraph dealt with an Owner’s control of their property, not a slave’s ideas.

    Thanks for commenting!

  48. GreenLantern Excelsior

    May 29th, 2008

    “One time, I went to a Feminist discussion regarding Gor. I was the Counter point. It was a fun two and a half hours. One of them, who I won’t name, said that the books were anti-women because no one ever got a period.”

    - “Menstruation was mentioned within the books. There was a passage describing a custom concerning Red Savage women. They commonly wore their hair knotted in a bun on the top of their head. But, during their menstrual period, they would wear their hair loose.” -

    “whats fucked is that john normans gor books are now going space age and the preist kings are big ass insects”

    The Priest-Kings have always been gigantic insects, ever since book 3, “Priest-Kings of Gor.”

    “john norman also said himself he has furry type beings in his books”

    The books tell of 8 foot tall sentient spacefaring predators called the Kurii. I suppose you can call them “furry type beings.”

    - “Kurii usually range from seven to nine feet tall and weigh from seven to nine hundred pounds. Their arms are longer and larger than their legs. Their biceps are commonly about eight inches wide and their wrists are about five inches wide. Their hands are clawed and pawlike with six digits, extra-jointed, and almost like tentacles. These hand claws are usually filed allowing them to better able use tools and technological items. Most Kur are right-handed as the left hemisphere of their brain is dominant. Their hind legs are eight to ten inches wide. Though their legs are short, with their arms they can move on all fours rapidly like an ape. For short distances it can even outrun a tarsk. They are also excellent climbers. The claws on its feet are retractable, usually not filed and over four inches long. Their most common fur color is dark brown though they can also be brownish red, sable or white. A mottling of white in their coloration commonly denotes disease.

    Their heads are the width of the chest of a large man with a mouth large enough to cover a man’s head. The mouth contains two rows of fangs, four being prominent in the position of canines. The upper two canines are long and curved. Its tongue is dark. Their eyes are large and round, with black pupils and a yellowish cornea. They have excellent vision in the dark and their eyes adjust to light changes quicker than humans. Their ears are large, pointed and wide. They can be laid back flat against its head. Its snout is wide and leathery with two slitlike nostrils. They have a tracking capacity, including both smell and hearing, equivalent to a larl though not as good as a sleen.” -

  49. Witness X

    May 29th, 2008

    Wow I didn’t know the Green Lanterns were into masochistic fuckwitism.

  50. DaeN

    May 29th, 2008

    Oh Noes! Laetizia is pissed. Sorry sweetheart but I’m a bisexual female and have been for all of my 30 years. So your little argument becomes null and void. Really, pleading to your personal life is hardly the way to win ground. However, you do exhibit the same type of unjustified attacks upon a “lifestyle” (notice again, the quotes) that you don’t care for. Something that I’m sure I don’t need to remind you has happened to people like you and I for quite awhile. You might not agree with a consensual D/S lifestyle but remember, that’s what SLGor and RLGor is, considering that actually owning someone is impossible in a free society.

    However, anon, I agree. Gor is dumb, I was just making the point that Laetizia’s comment exhibits the same kind of blind ignorance that is the hallmark of the very people that GLBT people have fought against.

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