Reaction to Dissention Weekend Attacks

by Alphaville Herald on 05/05/08 at 8:16 pm

A sense of ennui

By Tillery Woodhen

Car stalls due to black cube rain

Sunday’s attacks by DiSSENTiON knocked out many sims, often trapping residents in lagged sims, crashing neighborhoods and limiting teleports. But, in spot conversations with those affected, no one really got angry.

Annoyed, absolutely. But not raging. A few people, like one who’s rezzer started autoreturning everything, including legit tenants, was very upset. But many simply waited for the individual sims to reboot.

Many people were simply enjoying themselves or doing basic work. This reporter was caught in the first attack while on a Sunday drive to a party. I was essentially trapped in Columbia sim, the car effectively useless. But the scenery was impressive.


The blocks came flying from the sky past waterfront estates and condo towers somewhat like meteors. In other sims, such as Burnet which also holds a small town, the blocks completely filled the valley. Residents attempted to return the objects but they came too fast and too many for much to be done. However, after what seemed like an automated sim restart, the problem was largely gone.


A second attack came later in the day. In Burnet, locals were enjoying some peaceful fishing. Again they seemed roll in and filled the valley, blocks in the next sim to the west clearly visible. But again, there was no panic. Frustration was expressed, but no panicked rushing to return the objects as they splashed into the local fishing hole. Those present said, essentially, just wait a bit, it’ll stop. Much like a spring rainstorm.

So the reaction, at least in one location to attacks… meh.

fishing in the rain

84 Responses to “Reaction to Dissention Weekend Attacks”

  1. Digital Digital

    May 5th, 2008

    I think Dissention is so lame, replicating prims are so ummm like just stupid. Dissnetion you don’t scare me one bit bring your dumb replicating prims it doesn’t really do anything lol.

  2. Razrcut Brooks

    May 5th, 2008

    Digital, they are not even trying to scare you or anyone. From what I have read, it is about attention to them and their cause . The reaction by you, taking the time to post a comment, proves their (his? D3adly’s?) shenaningans are somewhat effective… Wait, now I just proved their (his) shenaningans are working because I also posted a response..damm you D3adly!!!!!!!! lol :)

  3. Razrcut Brooks

    May 5th, 2008

    Oh yeah, for those who have not seen the latest YouTube video by Dissent, check it out …just posted today:

  4. Zetaphor Tengu

    May 5th, 2008

    These are the skills of the oh-so awesome Dissention?

    Replicating objects and distributing free open source software(copybot)?

    Fail…EPIC fail

  5. Oh Pleeze

    May 6th, 2008

    Gee, these guys are genius! It is so complicated to make self replicating objects! They must be uber script kiddies!

    What was that?

    I dunno, some people called Dissention, I think?

    Oh, ok…where’d they go?

    I dunno. Oh well, back to picking lint out of my belly button.

  6. Eye Korobase

    May 6th, 2008

    I have seen alot worst attacks on sims and people then this.
    I wouldn’t think a “small” attack like this would even need to be reported on since attacks like this happen all the time by random greifers and etc.

  7. JC

    May 6th, 2008

    And thus, we have discovered the ultimate weapon against all griefers… i give you: “MEH”…

    Just ignore the morons, and eventually they will just go away, you see, they all are like: “Look at me, pay attention to me, I’m an attention whore!”, and will get bored quickly if no-one cares about them…

  8. Epic Failmail

    May 6th, 2008

    If they wuz smaht, they’d do shit in empty abandoned sims that nobody went to, use their shit to DOS the asset servahs, not take credit for anything, just bitch about the lag and down time and make everybody think its just more LL incompetence.

  9. Dr. Internet

    May 6th, 2008

    The name “Dissention” is by far the most retarded name ever.

    Like LL cares about anyone “dissenting”

    The best way to show dissent is to just not play and leave it.

    Honestly. What do you accomplish? By doing this you acknowledge that you do care about SL. By doing this, you’re basically saying you let the lindens actually bother you. I think they’re pieces of shit too, but I’d rather let them rot in their own shit. They’re doing a good job of looking like faggots on their own. Most people who count think SL is a joke and laugh at it. Just how most people think furries are fucking weird and not worth making a big deal over.

    Let all of life’s failures stew in Linden Labs’ little pot of shit.

    Remember. pissing in an ocean of piss.

  10. griefing: srs bsns or however it's spelled in 'leet'

    May 6th, 2008

    Well if DiSSwhatever’s desired attention to their cause is contempt, and a smirking laugh, then forgetting this ever happened, going back to our games, then sure they reached their goal.

    When it’s desired attention is an outrage calling for LL to remove them from the grid or meet their demands to make them stop, still aint gonna happen in a million years.

    As someone in the comments on the previous article on PiSSaNT said: “Diss-who?”

    “Any reaction proves their tactics work!” Uh-huh. Not really tho. Not in RL at least :3

  11. Angel

    May 6th, 2008

    It’s just a group of fashionista wanna-bes pissed at the Lindens and using stuff from the old PN wiki.

    And as for you Digital… do you really want them going into Zandramas and bothering your residents

  12. Insightfail

    May 6th, 2008

    Apparently nobody else on the grid noticed this.

  13. hmmmmmmmm

    May 6th, 2008

    Anyone else notice that most of these comments appear to be written by the same person? dissention must have really pissed someone off.

  14. Ric Mollor

    May 6th, 2008

    Can’t they do better? IMHO this looks more like attacks against the small group of people in the sims rather than an attack on the infrastructure of Second Life. Certainly there are better ways to lag a sim then filling it with obvious cubes covered in a simple black texture.

    This might impress those new to griefing but *please*, develop or show off some innovative ways of creating client side lag that is undetectable or not obvious. That will do more do spread dissatisfaction with Second Life than a short lived megacube attack ever will.

    To be taken seriously: Announce an attack at a specific time *in advance* and then point to an server problem to proved that it worked. Seeing how the database fails nearly every day they have a good chance of claiming victory even if they do nothing.

  15. Plot Tracer

    May 6th, 2008

    @ Oh Please

    My thoughts exactly – I have seen much worse attacks than these daft things. Makes you wonder why the Herald are reporting it. Does someone with posting power on the Herald have a connection with Disslame? Why would this herald any publicity? Their aims are not serious – they know they cant win anything from the Lindens through griefing. So why give them and their cubes space? they have disrupted exactly how many percentage of people on SL’s inworld experience? The only time I have ever heard of them is from here.

    School kids stuff. On the other hand – there are rl groups negotiating with the Lindens over the use of chatlogs etc.

    And real news? Union Island opened last week – on Real May Day – at last a counter to the corporations using this place to advertise/ connect etc. Now working people are using it to connect. Ordinary people can now connect with workers struggles across the globe using this place… workers with want for advice on problems can meet other workers and find out how they can deal wioth the lecherous boss or the fact that their company has stolen their pension… a real share of information that counts. But I see that the world of SL finance, Disshit and the Post 6 girl was more important than real news.

    Herald – please get real and start looking for real stories. Stop playing someone elses game and find where the real action is happening.

  16. UncleBill

    May 6th, 2008

    So, the ‘reaction’ was basically there WAS no reaction? Annoyed? We get annoyed from day to day LL problems.

    DiSSENTION, whatever… why would the Herald give ANY space whatsoever to what is basically looking like a non-event?


  17. Penance Sautereau

    May 6th, 2008


    There was an attack on Sunday?

    Weird. I just thought my refresh rate had hiccuped for half a second.

    Oh well.

    *goes back to Tardis Building*

  18. DisScendant

    May 6th, 2008


    Wake up! The Herald is for entertainment purposes.
    Quit your serious business bullshit.
    Better yet
    Get a frickin’ 1st Life.
    Enjoy the show.

    some people

    oh wait you’re cartoon manifest.

    Forgot about that

  19. Neo Citizen

    May 6th, 2008

    I saw some black boxes for about five minutes, and they vanished. Was that it?

  20. DinkyHockerShootsSmack!

    May 6th, 2008

    Slow day for news again, eh Pix?

    What is your fixation with these kids about? I mean you’re now hyping small scale prim attacks which became passe about 3 years ago. Do you secretly admire these kids or something because you share a common enemy (LL)?

    You’ve got at least 2 of them on your staff, and at least 1 other on your staff who is constantly defending these kids over on SLU. (Tenshi the Borderline Personality Disorder Tard)

    Is this really what you want for the Herald? To be seen as an enabler and the mouthpiece for kids who act like they just found out what their wee-wees are for, yesterday? Grow up.

    I honestly never thought the Herald could possibly be shittier than when Prok was posting a couple of huge screeds a day and Uri was one-sidedly chastising people for things that both sides were doing. Boy, was I wrong. You have taken a piece of shit and turned it into a supermassive black hole of shit.

  21. Digital Digital

    May 6th, 2008

    Dissention come crash my sim Zandramas, good luck on that idiots lol

  22. Fox Mulgrave

    May 6th, 2008

    Itelligent, Tillery, really intelligent..
    This is exactly what Dissention want; attention.
    If you just ignore them, they’ll die out, like the others have.
    By publicising their activities, you just encourage them.
    In future,have a bit more common sense on what you publish. things like this just make te problems worse.
    -Fox Mulgrave, AM Grand Marshal

  23. Look who's a sucky reporter now?

    May 6th, 2008

    OMFG SL herald staff LEARN2WRITE

    “A few people, like one who’s rezzer started autoreturning”

    who’s != whose


  24. Nidol Slazar

    May 6th, 2008

    “kids who act like they just found out what their wee-wees are for”


  25. DiSSENT

    May 6th, 2008

    We will never die out. We aren’t here for attention – though we do enjoy it – we are here to disrupt Second Life.

  26. Aya Pelous

    May 6th, 2008

    cant wait till LL blocks their IPS from Second Life.

  27. DiSSENT

    May 6th, 2008

    HAHA LL already blocks our ip’s it’s not hard to get around that. They also ban our hardware. We use a modified client based on the PN’s shooped life with some added functionality.

  28. Cai Pirinha

    May 6th, 2008

    What most don’t realize: You are watching the gradual death of griefing in SL. It’s not possible anymore to disrupt SL – the math is simply against it.

    When there were only 1,000 sims and 5,000 people online at the same time, crashing 25 sims might have been a big deal. Today, there are most than 17,500 sims. Even if you crash 100 at the same time, that would be less than 0.5% of the grid.

    In other words: Nobody is noticing it anymore, griefing simply gets lost in the white noise.

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if the SLH was dead within a year. Everybody can clearly see that there is nobody picking up interesting stuff that’s going on in SL anymore.

  29. LOL

    May 7th, 2008

    “we are here to disrupt Second Life.”

    Soo…. when are you gonna start? :D

  30. Plot Tracer

    May 7th, 2008

    @ DisScendant

    Thanks mate. Need someone with a name like “DisScendant” to tell me to get a first life. Thanks, but I have one as a teacher and an activist.

    The fact is people like you are swallowing the “game” line hook, line and sinker – and some are swallowing the “world” line hook line and sinker.

    SL is a tool – it is an amazing tool in fact. So good, lots of rl corporations are now sinking money into using it for education, conferencing etc. They are doing it – the rest of us should be using it as it should – as a place to meet, discuss, learn, and swap experience etc. The most dangerous thing to the establishment across the world is ordinary people fraternising – hence union laws/ attacks on freedoms – including web freedoms.

    Union Island, built by the TUC is a brilliant place for people to swap experience of working struggles. A great place for people across the world to fraternise, as is the hub building SLLU own – and their freebie shop.

    And I wont even address the stupidity that says, “oh wait you’re cartoon manifest.” but then I am just an email address or a telephone number as well – not a real person. Well done. (yawn)

  31. rick

    May 7th, 2008

    Though, you know griefing is kind of boring and stuff now, what else is there in SL, i mean you got the sex clubs, sex sims, the militaries, and all that crap, nobody cares about the sex clubs and sims anymore, and a report on a military starts a shitstorm in the comments, so really maybe the SLH staff find this is the only stuff they can write about?

  32. Tashunke Witke

    May 7th, 2008

    Actually, I find the Herald a great source of amusement, for where else do you find a “newspaper” that supports and encourages children to make self-replicating doodads that get lost somewhere in 20,000 sims? And neo-communists who believe the mind of homo sapiens can be cleansed of greed and aggression, ask the Russians about that then go kiss Mao’s ass.

    Please don’t change a thing, I like the Herald as it is just fine!

  33. Metal Carnage

    May 7th, 2008

    “We don’t do it for the attention.”

    Which is why you jump into the comments on every article and make it about YOUUUUU.

    Of course you do it for the attention. You crave it. It’s what you live for. You need it so much that you’ll mono-focus on a game and make fun of people because they’re what? Mono-focused on a game?

    But wait, doesn’t that make you just as useless as they are because you’re..? Anyway, moving on. Apparently we can’t drill through the wood here, none of you are seeing what you’re doing to yourselves.

    Nobody in your real life is giving you either any attention, or any respect, and it’s probably because you’ve earned that. Pro-tip: an e-Penis is not a real penis.

    And another pro-tip: nobody’s laughing with you. But we’re laughing.

  34. DiSSENT

    May 7th, 2008

    I see a lot of crying here. Perhaps some of you should grow a pair.

  35. DisScendant

    May 7th, 2008


    “Thanks, but I have one as a teacher and an activist.”

    God save the children if you truly are a teacher, playing 2nd Life and reading the SLH!
    Anyone under your tutelage (and we sure hope it’s not children) should be very wary of your sick ass.

    Anyone that punches in more than 30 mintues into 2nd Life has 1st Life issues – including me. So “Cartoon Manifest” is as cartoon manifest does. The rest of your mumbo jumbo is just bad rationalization “mate”.

    If you had any sense you’d leave now while u have half a brain cell left

    …and your dignity.

    Shame on you for admitting it

  36. DinkyHockerShootsSmack!

    May 7th, 2008

    “We will never die out. We aren’t here for attention – though we do enjoy it – we are here to disrupt Second Life.”

    Erm, someone’s been watching a few too many much Star Trek reruns.

    Do you realise at all, what a fucking retard you sound like?

    Fail son. Unconvincing. You are all about attention. It’s how you cope with your real life issues. It’s painfully obvious to anyone who has been out in the real world for any length of time.

  37. Huh?

    May 8th, 2008

    “Anyone that punches in more than 30 mintues into 2nd Life has 1st Life issues”

    Hmmmm… really?

    How about other computer games? If I play GTA4 for more then 30 minutes… Do I have issues too?

    What does that make every single gamer, and the whole gaming industry?

    You’d think that only people who never figured out how to use a computer or gameconsole have no 1st life issues. Funny statement to make.

  38. LOL

    May 8th, 2008

    “I see a lot of crying here. Perhaps some of you should grow a pair.”

    Funny. I see the opposite, a lot of people saying how very lame your little attacks are, and laughing at you. You must confuse crying with laughing, let me kow your adress I’ll wire you some money to buy a dictionary :D

    also, again, crying for moar attention, dissention. You SURE it isnt about that, but really about disrupting SL? Cause you’ve been doing only one not the other. So again… When are you going to start?

    LOL (that means Laughing Out Loud, in case you missed the memo.)

  39. DiSSENT

    May 8th, 2008

    I fail to see how my statement relates to star trek at all. Perhaps that’s because I hate star trek and have only seen maybe three episodes in my entire life.

  40. plot tracer

    May 8th, 2008

    @ the DisS oO hmmm twins-

    make a lot of friends? Perhaps that is your need to be on sl…lol!

    “I see a lot of crying here. Perhaps some of you should grow a pair.”

    What does that mean? A pair of balls? A pair or lemons? A pair of ideas? A pair of socks? A pair of pears? Or in your community of lonely gamers, is this known to mean something? Perhaps it is a sexist comment? Perhaps it is using 51 percent of the world population as an example of weakness? So was it “tits” you would be wanting us to grow? To be honest, no bigger tits… no I won’t gt involved.

    Anyway, thanks for your contributions about my second life/first life.

  41. DisScendant

    May 8th, 2008

    “@ the DisS oO hmmm twins-
    make a lot of friends? Perhaps that is your need to be on sl…lol!
    “I see a lot of crying here. Perhaps some of you should grow a pair.”
    What does that mean? A pair of balls? A pair or lemons? A pair of ideas? A pair of socks? A pair of pears? Or in your community of lonely gamers, is this known to mean something? Perhaps it is a sexist comment? Perhaps it is using 51 percent of the world population as an example of weakness? So was it “tits” you would be wanting us to grow? To be honest, no bigger tits… no I won’t gt involved.
    Anyway, thanks for your contributions about my second life/first life.”

    @Plot -
    Your teaching creditials have been officially revoked
    (with this kind of mumbo jumbo).
    We r still reeling from ur admission!
    Drivers Ed instructor perhaps?
    ROFL u Pinko!

    Apparently reading isn’t fundamental with u.
    Beat up and raep any old ladies in that game lately?
    U pathetic cluck!
    I suppose it figures with a name of “Huh?”

  42. Kelly

    May 8th, 2008

    “DiSSENTION, whatever… why would the Herald give ANY space whatsoever to what is basically looking like a non-event?”

    Like most Tabloids, more pointless articles to take up room, create some buzz.

  43. MachineCode

    May 8th, 2008

    You are all suspended.

  44. plot tracer

    May 8th, 2008

    lol! my admission? wtf? in my country we are still just about free enough to admit being teachers, lawyers, doctors, shop assistants, men, women etc… AND having a different political understanding than George Bush/Hilary/Obama! Pinko? You insult me, blue boy. I am red, my friend. Out and out and proud. “Pinko” is for middle class Democrats “wanting the right thing” but afraid to action it in case they lose their 70k+ salary. I get arrested regardless of my 70k+ salary my friend. You “make cubes” lol!

  45. DiSSENT

    May 8th, 2008


    You should contact us on youtube through the messaging system. I can get you hooked up with our forums.

  46. DinkyHockerShootsSmack!

    May 8th, 2008

    “I fail to see how my statement relates to star trek at all. Perhaps that’s because I hate star trek and have only seen maybe three episodes in my entire life.”


    “we will never die out” sounds like some sci-fi fanboi faggot’s blather.

    Wherever you get this crap fun, be it Star Trek, comic books, Dungeons and Dragons, or from your weird uncle who lives in the trailer next to you, you sound like a reject ‘tard. Likely a big, corn syrup filled, pimple faced nerd, with Wagnerian delusions of grandeur.


  47. DiSSENT

    May 9th, 2008

    You should cry more. Really.

  48. DisScendant

    May 9th, 2008


    On it!

  49. anon

    May 9th, 2008

    hey “DinkyHockerShootsSmack!” you are truly a paragon of internet humor by making the accusation that other people are _nerds_. on the internet. good job in your insult originality there.

  50. DinkyHockerShootsSmack!

    May 9th, 2008

    “You should cry more. Really.”

    No u.

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