Outrageous Harassment: Griefers Scramble Police To SL Resident’s RL Home!!!
by Alphaville Herald on 28/07/08 at 9:56 pm
When will the FBI get involved?
by Stoli Babbage, staff reporter
“Swatting”, is a term for a technology-enabled real life attack in which the perpetrator calls the victim’s local police department in hysterics to convince the 911 emergency operators the victim is in a hostage situation — or going on a shooting rampage. By making it appear the call originated from the victim’s phone number, a successful attack results in real life adrenaline-hyped gun-wielding SWAT teams being dispatched to the victim’s home, with dangerously unpredictable results. This is what passes for “lulz” or “fun” after playing the game too long and going snow-blind to virtuality/reality.
For several months, rumors have been circulating that the notorious Patriotic Nigras (PN) griefers were responsible for swatting several of their most outspoken opponents, including Second Life Furnation admin Corsi Mousehold. Until now, those rumors were unconfirmed. However, in recent interviews, Corsi Mousehold has stepped forward to confirm that the rumors are true.
Corsi Mousehold is the owner of “Corsi’s Creations” in Gar, and Furnation – a furry sim (anthropomorphic animal role play area). Both the business and the Second Life sims have been under repeated attack by PN members over the last year – part of an escalating round of game-based virtual violence — although Mousehold tells us that since the Linden Lab Governance Team has begun to step up, the attacks have died down. According to Corsi, “The PN might last a couple minutes in-world before being banned, if that, so we’ve seen a huge decline in griefing”.
Unfortunately, it appears that now that the PN griefing is ineffective in-game, they have graduated to targeting their victims in real life. As Cosri told us, “They actually tried to swat me twice. The second time the police were still standing here from the first.”
According to Corsi, even after the police leave, the harassment is not over. “I was sent loads of pizzas repeatedly one day. I had to call a lot of my local pizza delivery places to let them know that fraudulent orders were being made on my behalf.
And so it appears that PN activities have shifted from content theft, sim crashing, IM spamming, self-replicated object attacks, and Second Life grid crashing, to a new level: defacing deviant art accounts, DDoS attacks on furry websites such as furrum.com, harassing victims with repetitive pizza deliveries, and swatting.
Sources suggesting that the PN have attempted to perpetrate at least one other swatting. An anonymous source submitted a recording http://www.mediafire.com/?xbtxwjnzmxf originally found on a PN website — 915chan.org. The recording appears to be a failed attempt at a swatting conducted in Australia, targeting an individual calling himself Aush0k. Details are sketchy, but it appears that the swatting was in retaliation for DDoS attacks against the PN website that Aush0k supposedly was responsible for.
Looking at the big picture, it appears that for the time being, the PN have gotten away with these swattings. It is also rumored that Kalel Venkman, of the JLU was targeted but we were unable to confirm those reports. Usually reliable sources tell us the PN membership has shrunk considerably in recent months, but it is apparent that their activities continue to escalate without regard to the potential for real life harm. At what point does this stop being a game?
Swatting puts real people in real danger and goes far beyond what is even faintly appropriate for “the lulz” or any sort of payback for real or imagined slights in the virtual realm. We have to wonder when the FBI will step in.
Jul 28th, 2008
Our IRC’s MOTD has a warning that all illegal activity conducted by membership on N3X15′s server will result in permanent banishment. It’s also now in our channel topic. Stop making shit up, Corsi, no one cares and perjury is a 5-year prison term.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 28th, 2008
I agree 100% Pix. Last year the PN doxed me (wasnt hard, I’m a very public person) in hopes to raid my RL home. During an attempted psyop, they learned that my family is well armed, and I keep a legal assault weapon by my desk for self defense purposes (as is my natural and constitutional right under NH state and US federal constitutions), I invited them to come up and “let’s dance”. They cautioned all nigras against raiding me.
I do not know if anyone has attempted to swat me, but given my well known reputation locally in politics, as well as my family’s well known reputation, I highly doubt any such attempt would work here (this is a rural area and everybody knows everybody else).
I think that the hostility and rhetoric has in many instances reached too high a level and the drama needs to stop. Its well documented that furries persecute others quite readily who disagree with them (one of my staff once bought 1/8 sim in furnation and opened an airfield, to see it quickly confiscated with no refund, and this was back in the day when that was a $600 investment, so its no wonder if this is how they operate). Its also well documented that many furries join the PN as a dialectical exercise to make the PN commit ever more excessive acts in order to engender public sympathy for those the PN attacks (Angel Fluffy aka Orly Lawl, ex-PN kingpin, etc.). Some people are taking their play as too much srs bssns and need to chill out and learn to love good old honest lulziness without getting all partyv& on people. So much PN raiding was nothing more than an extension of Angel Fluffy’s Capture Roleplay operation into grid-wide action.
Steve Irwin
Jul 28th, 2008
I lol’d.
Witness X
Jul 28th, 2008
Jul 28th, 2008
lol, ol Corsi didn’t like me making fun of him and now hes puking out false accusations.
Jul 28th, 2008
i approve.
Jul 28th, 2008
content theft vict.
Jul 28th, 2008
Corsi said he (YES HE) is against content theft. yet on staff of FN is someone who went out of his way to steal content from people. Magnus Noonan is a content thief. so what does that have to say about corsi? you can steal from people as long as its not from corsi? and then you get an admin position? WTF. Corsi is a hippocrate and the worst thing to happen to SL in a long time.
Corsi Mousehold
Jul 29th, 2008
If anyone wants to contest this as happening … I can get a copy of the police report and logs of Frizzlefry admitting to making the call that started it. I would be more than happy to scan them and post links up as proof.
Corsi Mousehold
Jul 29th, 2008
Oh and Frizzlefry … How did you know that I accused you since the article only started that it was the PN’s that did it? Hmmmmm? Seems you jumped the gun on defending yourself when a direct accusation was not stated yet. Smooth move letting it be obvious on exactly who did it.
Corsi Mousehold
Jul 29th, 2008
This is funny. Since the posting of this article the PN’s have been calling my home and griefing my sims almost nonstop
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 29th, 2008
“I would be more than happy to scan them and post links up as proof.”
Please do. That would be a good thing to have as a historical record.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jul 29th, 2008
The shitstorm begins.
Kekken Biberman
Jul 29th, 2008
Ugh. This is just sickening. You folks needs to find some other thing to extract lulz. Ever heard of Gor? Go bother them. I mean, come on, come up with something new.
Jul 29th, 2008
Corsi, learn2read, I said I was making fun of you, and I was, and it was hilarious.
I. R. Baboon
Jul 29th, 2008
Corsi is eating this shit up, he’s having an attention whore orgasm.
FN gets a bad rep from Corsi more than it does any other groups, just leave’em be and let him sink it himself.
This Is Great!
Jul 29th, 2008
Now we’re talking
Lets step up the action and get past the rhetoric b/c most of these basement dwellers are pathetic pimpled face, puberty extended 20 somethings that have no life.
the dudes behind this havent had a face full of p^ssy since they were born so they r eager to make up 4 that.
and the ones being attacked r no better and deserve it!
Pizza delivery overload
Jul 29th, 2008
The PN DO NOT ATTACK FOR NO REASON. I think they choose their targets carefully and with purpose. Take a closer look at who is having problems with the PN and then LOOK DEEPER at them. Do a little Doxing on their targets or read some of the dox already gathered. There is usually something UNWHOLESOME and or DANGEROUS about the person that the PN go after. Thats the intel that I have gathered by watching the PN.
Jul 29th, 2008
lol they forgot about the RagDoll calls that KV made
Witness X
Jul 29th, 2008
@Corsi Mousehold:
“How did you know that I accused you since the article only started that it was the PN’s that did it?”
Umm…. did you even read the article, Corsi? It explicitly states: “rumors have been circulating …. Patriotic Niiggras (PN) griefers were responsible for swatting … Second Life Furnation admin Corsi Mousehold. … Corsi Mousehold has stepped forward to confirm that the rumors are true.”
Congratulations on making yourself look like a complete and total fuckwit.
P.S. You people really need to get rid of the spam filter, especially since the only articles that ever gain any comment are about the PN.
Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI
Jul 29th, 2008
Does it not seem convinent that an audio file that we hosted for one of our ebaumsworld bretheren was placed wide open?
The truth being that Mister Ludlow simply tried to access the Alliance Navy xml’s that we had so graciously laid open for all to see, and decided to browse around until he found something that piqued his interests. Therefore, Mister Ludlow likely downloaded copybot XML’s, which I am sure Linden Lab would not be very understanding to learn this.
This was all according to plan, but we had no idea you would take it this far. Bravo my friend, we have baited you into posting another article about us, and we baited you into enlisting Corsi to make erroneous claims that he will neither be able to back up or prove because they never happened.
The Herald, while not exactly up to the journalistic quality that one should expect, should always check its sources for information. Checkmate.
Jul 29th, 2008
“Ever heard of Gor? Go bother them.”
Posted by: Kekken Biberman | July 29, 2008 at 10:27 AM
I honestly try, but in the end I see something like pedophile furries in diapers (corsi,raven welesa, ect) and it’s just too tempting, I can’t help but lol when they talk back to any kind of troll.
Jul 29th, 2008
you’re fooling no-one shut up
Warhorse that dares notto be named.
Jul 29th, 2008
Dude.. what have the furries done to you? Go out and express themselves in a way that offends you? I have seen alot of mundanity offend me, but I don’t go out and be loud and boisterous about it.
Oh if the PN go after Gor, you’ll see mostly the extreme conservitives looking back at you…
Infantile Furries.. yes they are wierd.. but to go after them in SL..
Look at the furries, they express themselves in a manner representing thier beliefs..
so the AN, thier beliefs are to destroy that? that puts them in the same boat as a terorist.
Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI
Jul 29th, 2008
And you don’t fool me, Lance.
Jul 29th, 2008
“Dude.. what have the furries done to you? Go out and express themselves in a way that offends you? I have seen alot of mundanity offend me, but I don’t go out and be loud and boisterous about it.”
I find the term mundane exceptionally offensive.
Also, can we hire Corsi as a PN Propaganda minister? This shit is gold.
Jul 29th, 2008
—Warhorse that dares notto be named.
By that logic you could defend pedophiles, which you actually are (ageplaying furries).
Jul 29th, 2008
Kekken Biberman
Jul 29th, 2008
@Warhorse (obviously a fucking furry): Shut up. You do not know the suffering we have endured at the hands of furfags (NOT PAWS, HANDS. GET REAL FAGGOTS)
Furfags have destroyed our homelands, raped our minds, shoved their fetishes down our throats, gotten us banned from communities when we resisted, and have turned hotels around their disgusting furry cons into a living nightmare.
What have furries NOT done to us?
Jul 29th, 2008
Corsi, if this had really happened, I am sure you would have been instructed to not interact with the “perps”. So I lift an eyebrow at your claim.
That said…
The freaky side of SL is overhyped and overestimated.
In RL, people’s fetishes aren’t so visible.
In VW’s, especially ones like SL where there is no “game” provided by the developer, people need stuff to do. They don’t have to do all the mundane RL things. So they talk. A LOT. They talk “inworld”, they talk on blogs, they talk in iRC, they talk on forums, they talk in voice, for fuck’s sake, THEY NEVER STFU. They talk about things that stand out, like furries, because, let’s face it, most of SL is a pit of mediocrity.
So the prevalence of these fringe groups gets overblown and over dramatized. Thousands of attention deficit spazzers, salivating and hoping for some juicy tidbit that they can parlay into some sort of bizzaro world brand of activism, or simply to try and impress someone or some group.
SL related blogs and forums with loads of pretentious assholes, some of whom preach that SL is nothing more than a cesspool of filth (mostly they pretend they feel this way to impress their friends), and who think that they are experts on EVERY FUCKING TOPIC, added to this mix, only intensifies the hype.
That goes for most of the forum addicts, many SL bloggers, groups like the PN, bottom feeding tabloid “journalists” like Pixeleen, and many other idiots and groups of idiots who are addicted to SL/the internet. They seek to attack externally because they feel guilty internally, for wasting so much time on the intardnet themselves. What’s the best (short-term) salve for those who wish to bury their own problems and neuroses? Point at someone else and laugh or criticize, of course.
Then, there’s nothing like elevating your rhetoric to near hysterics to prove to others how morally upright one’s self is! Wild exaggeration and outright speculation sells copy!
Toss in anonymity, and you’ve got the recipe for The Perfect Asshole Salad.
Somehow, I have managed to participate in SL for over 5 years without ever once having been really offended or having had other people’s pastimes pushed into my face. That’s not to say that it doesn’t ever happen, but I think most of these pseudo-activist grief-kiddiez, bored housewives, and cubicle dwellers on forums/blogs go looking for it.
2 cents
Jul 30th, 2008
I thought that you chan boys were very fond of pedo’s? You should hate yourselves too, then.
Loli and cake are among you guys’favourite things to post, joined by screaming requests for SAUCE and MOAR.
get a life. One that does not involve sitting behind your computer on 4, 7, 711, and whatever chan you dont get away from.
unsuccessfull trolls are unsuccessfull.
and ehm…. furries destryed your minds and homelands?
furries are pathetic. By your admission, letting losers ‘destroy’ all you hold close without being able to do anything about it. lawl.
Corona Anatine
Jul 30th, 2008
Furfags have destroyed our homelands, raped our minds, shoved their fetishes down our throats, gotten us banned from communities when we resisted, and have turned hotels around their disgusting furry cons into a living nightmare.
What have furries NOT done to us?
they have not atacked you physically
they have not firebombed your home
they have not left animal entrails on your doorstep
they have not pissed thru you letterbox
raped our minds, shoved their fetishes down our throats,
their disgusting furry cons
it is about time you grew up and realised that people are ENTITLED to dress and act how they choose however strange they might be
- all you display is narrow minded nazi bigotry
at least they are not self confessed real life pedophiles like the PN
Witness X
Jul 30th, 2008
@2 cents:
You are a fucking idiot.
Jul 30th, 2008
“Look at the furries, they express themselves in a manner representing thier beliefs..
so the AN, thier beliefs are to destroy that? that puts them in the same boat as a terorist.”
FETISH IS NOT A BELIEF. DRESSING UP IN A FURSUIT IS NOT A WAY OF LIFE, RELIGION, OR RACE. IT IS A FETISH. Get over yourselves, you aren’t special in any way, shape, or form. You just have a weird fetish.
Witness X
Jul 30th, 2008
Long ago, when dinosaurs duckwalked across SL, a furry known as Nexxus Ambassador ran Furnation Worlds, he receded from SL, and Corsi Mousehold took over, seem odd? I’ll explain why.
Back in this day (roughly september 2006), Corsi Mousehold teamed up with Uildiar Kuhn, a person otherwise unknown to the Nigras, to script an ingame object that can essentially generate fake linden dollars, and alot of them. These hacked monies, combined with credit cards stolen by the both of them, combined to roughly 20 Billion L$. As any Nigra knows, this kind of money doesn’t last in SL, as Lindens eventually find it, but Corsi and Uildiar knew this, so what did they do? They sent this stolen L$, a large fraction of the 20 billion, to Nexxus Ambassador, knowing he would be fined heavily as LL demanded their trypical 150% fine from him, which he couldn’t pay. Nexxus was forced to drop SL and Furnation, and Corsi was right under him to catch it.
Corsi and Uildiar sent chunks of this hacked e-money to others, who were also fined out of their ass, such as Chmarr Walcott, but they’re not as relavent.
Typically both Corsi and Uilidar would be b&, but it would turn out that Uildiar was working with Soft Linden and Dan Linden on debugging exploits, and Corsi was e-friends with some unknown linden on the g-team (the people who typically issue bans), so each was cut a break. Today Corsi himself is aiming for a spot among the lindens, and considers himself a shoe-in.
Nidol Slazar
Jul 30th, 2008
“- all you display is narrow minded nazi bigotry”
thank you for further proving Godwin’s law =|
Jul 30th, 2008
@ look deeper
griefing saves lives.
griefing saves lives.
also everyone is giving prokofy a pass on this one. everyone knows that corsi and prok have always had bad blood.
Jul 30th, 2008
Today Corsi himself is aiming for a spot among the lindens, and considers himself a shoe-in.
Posted by: Witness X | July 30, 2008 at 02:46 PM
Scamming diaperfurs, in MY LL?
It’s more likely than you think.
2 cents
Jul 31st, 2008
@ witness X
“@2 cents:
You are a fucking idiot.”
I hit a tender spot there havent I?
Go back 2 habbo.
Corona Anatine
Jul 31st, 2008
in reply to Nidol Slazar
the comparison with nazis is perfectly valid here regardless of Godwins laws
because we are talking about intolerance of others
the part of human nature that facism directly thrives on
the key point is to recognise this in oneself so that it can be minimised in ones reaction or attitude towards those who are different
something that the PN and others who like to use the ‘fag’ term have yet to see and deal with in themselves
Witness X
Jul 31st, 2008
I find it amusing that the PN freely use my alias when it suits them.
I also find it amusing that they gather all the facts and unerringly arrive and the incorrect conclusion.
Nine tenths of what they think they know is wrong.
Nexie, for example, believes that he’s protected from prosecution because he’s an ISP for a group well known for helping little kids grow their e-penises. Unfortunately, even just showing up in their IRC as a user, whether or not he even says anything, legally strips him of that protection.
He’s just as prosecutable as FrizzleFry is, and much more highly visible a target, considering we all know his street address, his parents’ names, where he works (pathetic loser job, by the way, Nexie) and just about everything else there is to know about him.
Witness X
Jul 31st, 2008
Oh and lookdeeper = IntLibber Brautigan.
Intblubber Fartigan
Jul 31st, 2008
Corona Anatine:
You obviously have not seen what furries do to outsiders. You only concern yourself with yiffing in your own little furry IRC chat or screaming about how furries MUST be tolerated.
I used to go to a small, quaint videogame communities. No furries, the mods weren’t all assholes, and free speech was in effect. One day, however, a furry wormed its way into the community, and we all lolled at him for saying what “species” he was, what he was into, etc. We didn’t think much of it at the time. However, hordes of furries followed him, and began to make themselves at home. They demanded this “tolerance” you speak of. They kept screaming about it until the mods caved in and we weren’t allowed to make fun of furries anymore. Soon, a furry got into the moderation staff and began banning anyone who didn’t like furries. The mods were all eventually replaced by sympathizers or furries, and the board now apparently has a hidden furry porn board.
“they have not atacked you physically”
Tell that to the 7channers who were attacked by furfags when protesting Anthrocon.
“they have not firebombed your home”
Maybe not, but they go into hotels and piss and shit all over the place, making normal customers leave in droves and forcing businesses out of town.
“they have not left animal entrails on your doorstep”
But they send rolled up, used diapers to those they don’t like.
“they have not pissed thru you letterbox”
They keep people awake during the night with howling, shit hotel blankets, and demand equal treatment at the same time.
Furries deserve the treatment they receive.
Witness X
Jul 31st, 2008
@ Witness X:
I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone use that name.
Apart from, oh, say
Game over. :[
Aug 1st, 2008
>something that the PN and others who like to use the ‘fag’ term have yet to see and deal with in themselves
protip: nobody actually means ‘fag’ literally, just like if someone says your car is gay they are not actually implying your car is a homosexual. instead, it’s just used as a general insult, one that has the flechette-esque action of offending those the insult’s not even directed at. hth.
>Nexie, for example, believes that he’s protected from prosecution because he’s an ISP for a group well known for helping little kids grow their e-penises. Unfortunately, even just showing up in their IRC as a user, whether or not he even says anything, legally strips him of that protection.
despite the fact you are an enormous faggot (whoops), you are correct here. the clause that protects a operator of a ‘internet service provider’ from responsibility of the actions of their users (have a copy of the deal in question somewhere on my hard drive) doesn’t apply in this case at all, and nexis’s GUYS TOTALLY DON’T DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL AND IF YOU USE MY NETWORK THANKS FOR AGREEING is totally legally non-enforceable for a variety of reasons
luckily, nobody actually _cares_ about Second Life
Lord George A. Zimmer IV: oh ho ho you made a melodramatic comment using my real name as you can clearly see i am terrified of others knowing that i am not a nameless enigma of the night hoooooooooooooooo call the ghostbusters
ps: griefing saves lives.
Aug 1st, 2008
“”they have not atacked you physically”
Tell that to the 7channers who were attacked by furfags when protesting Anthrocon.”
Oh wait, you mean those two kids cowering in the rain with their afros, who were later given an umbrella by some furries to keep their pools closed signs dry?
Never LOL’d so hard in my life.
fail troll is a failure
Corona Anatine
Aug 1st, 2008
until i joined sL i had never even heard of ‘furries’ and until about 2 months ago i thought they were only found in sL and even now i have never meet one
I dont think there are many in the uk anyway – and non existant at biker rallies
however this does not change the fact that you should be tolerant of others
intolerance of the bad behaviour of furries who behave in the ways you describe is reasonable
intolerance of them just because they have a different choice of lifestyle is not
Aug 1st, 2008
>intolerance of them just because they have a different choice of lifestyle is not
stepping outside well-established and reasonable social norms sure as hell is. some guy riding without pants on a unicycle or some other lewd/suggestive sexual act in public will get arrested and jailed whether or not he claims it’s a ‘lifestyle’.
even if that weren’t true: there’s also a reason homosexuals fight so hard to stop people calling it a “choice of lifestyle”. namely, a “lifestyle” is voluntary, reversible, and contextual (for example, if you were a nudist, you’d recognize that showing up to business meetings nude is not acceptable behavior, but in a private setting it’s perfectly OK).
it’s not a blind hatred, it’s reacting to the fact that furries are social retards. they don’t respect guidelines of internet communities, both formal (no pornography) and informal (it might be technically OK on SUPERLAXINTERNETFORUM, but we’d appreciate it if you stopped posting threads about your love of bestiality in “Off Topic”, thanks). in the case of the *chans, the latter comes into play a lot which is why there is a backlash.
Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI
Aug 1st, 2008
I was curious as to how you would react.
PS: Hanging out with furfags is no way to go through life, son.
Dont care, so stop wasting energy.
Aug 1st, 2008
I just said it in another article on this blog, but I’ll say it again as obviously people didnt notice yet….
nobody cares about furries.
Of all the people on this planet, only furries themselves, and those obsessing about furries could give a flying rat’s ass.
Furries, PN…. Both of you:
A life. Get one now.