Post 6 Grrrl — Marx Dudek

by Alphaville Herald on 13/11/08 at 8:00 am

[It's a bunneh! The first time I met Marx in world, she was all human and kind enough to pose for one of my picture projects. I knew she spent a large proportion of her online time in fur but would have never dreamt she might actually want to do her Post 6 as her bunny self. There we were – the kitty Bunny and the fluffy bunny standing in the back alleys of Kowloon discussing the deeper meaning of Godard movies while snapping away happily. I hope you enjoy reading about her life as much as I enjoyed our photo shoot. Ladies and gentlemen, blogger and bunny extraordinaire – Marx Dudek! – Bunny Brickworks]


When Bunny asked me where I wanted to be photographed, I immediately replied “Kowloon!” In my opinion, there are few sims as immersing and exotic (to my American mind, at least) as the Kowloon sim, which attempts to recreate the look and feel of the old Kowloon Walled City of Hong Kong. Tall and deep, cramped and expansive, dark and bright, ancient and futuristic, it embodies so much of what maintains my fascination with Second Life. It’s a place I can disappear into, a place where the virtual feels almost tangible.

I suppose that’s what Second Life is to most of us – an escape from our everyday lives. In some ways, though, it can be an almost transcendental, spiritual experience – a waking dream in which the laws of space and time and gravity and nature need not apply. What appeals to me most of all about Second Life is that it’s not “about” anything. I refuse to define it as a game as there are no goals, no points, no rules, and no strategy. Everyone’s experience is different and, more often than not, we end up in places we never expected to find ourselves. I began my Second Life as a trash-talking tomboy with a fiercely independent streak, an aversion to makeup of any kind, and no interest in responsibility whatsoever. My, how things change! I had no idea that I would own and manage two residential sims, create skyboxes and furniture, be a successful club DJ, and (gasp!) tie the SL-knot with a plucky, beautiful, inspirational visual artist who lives in the UK and who rocks my virtual world.

I also had no idea that half of my Second Life would be lived as a bunny. But it has, and this has proven to be a surprising and joyful discovery along my SL journey.


I’ve never felt comfortable being pigeonholed. I am who I am, and that’s the best anyone can hope to be in either world. I feel comfortable and welcomed in the fur communities, just as I’ve felt welcomed in most communities in Second Life. Does this make me a “furry”? I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m fine with it either way.

However, I suppose my decision to appear in fur is somewhat of a political statement. I have a cherished (and stunningly beautiful) friend whose avatar is plus-sized. She was invited to appear in Post 6 but ultimately chose not to subject herself to ridicule from the usual social misfits – the ones who take great joy in kicking the legs out from under anyone who doesn’t meet their criteria for what is “normal”, “acceptable” or “attractive”.

We co-exist in a virtual world with limitless possibilities and infinite opportunities for self-discovery and self-expression. However, for some, the fight for acceptance – even in Second Life – is a constant battle. It would have been very easy for me to appear in Post 6 in “normal” human form. I’ve never done things the easy way, though, and I’m not about to start now.


When Bunny informed me I was the first Post 6 model to pose “full fur”, I was honored but also a little bit sad. There are some breathtakingly spectacular anthromorph avatars in our world, and I hope that my appearance here may embolden a few of them to share this spotlight.

So for my plus-sized friends, my fuzzy friends, for all of my friends who deviate from the norm – for the inspiration, friendship and acceptance you have shown me in my first year in Second Life – this is for you. To everyone, I encourage you to be who you want to be, celebrating who you are, and live boldly and without regret.

No matter what anyone may say.

59 Responses to “Post 6 Grrrl — Marx Dudek”

  1. Rosie Barthelmess

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Thank you for being exactly who you are, bunneh. I love you dearly.

  2. Darkfoxx

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Being ‘normal’ is too boring anyways :)

    Shame that no others have had the proverbial balls to appear in full fur but hopefully now there will be more rising to the occasion. Heh, I would, if miss Brickworks would have me ^.^

    Worst anyone can do anyway is type long comments about how wrong ‘furry’ is, while they know little or nothing. And who really cares about that anyway? Sticks & stones :D (okay I admit, trolling them is just plain fun)

    Anyways, looking gorgeous there bunbun! ^.^

  3. Bunny Brickworks

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Contact me in-world Darkfoxx ^.^ *blows kisses to the wonderful Marx and skips away*

  4. Tye Simondsen

    Nov 13th, 2008

    I commend you for your creativity and spirit. I was just asking if there were bunnies in SL so thanks for answering that query. My avatar looks pretty normal because I look pretty normal in RL, but I’m a noob and as you said, I have plenty of time to evolve.

  5. Archie Lukas

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Hairy tits?

    Hair in your teeth?

    Thanks, but no thanks

  6. Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu.

    Nov 13th, 2008

    The downfall of the Herald continues, with the posting of bestialist trollops in order to try to boost ratings among fetish-filled furries.

    The “furry fandom,” among those with a casual knowledge of it, is either just some sort of weird club where people enjoy cartoon animals to a creepy extent, or a minor fetish clique for Disney and Sonic porn. With further digging, however, it is revealed that this “fandom” has very dark components of pedophilia and bestiality running rampant- not to mention sexualized murder and other dark desires that are way beyond the pale and make vanilla fetishes of BDSM, feet etc look normal.

    It is inevitable that the mainstream media will reveal the true clusterfuck of perversion that is furry for the masses to gaze at in horror. During some slow news week, a reporter will dig enough into furry to find out what it is _truly_ all about. At that point, the bestialists will be done. Your shame, confined as of current to small portions of the Internet, will be smeared worldwide.

  7. Clarrice

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Cute :)

    geez Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu., to think I watched dancing bear on Captain Kangaroo and never knew! sheesh…

  8. Mayonnaise Kayo

    Nov 13th, 2008

    I’ve known Marx for about six months. Like her, I spend some time furry, sometimes in my human form. Either way is an expression of myself. In some ways, SL allows me to be more me than real life does. The semi-anonymity SL provides allows us to drop so much of the pretense and posturing we require to get along in the real world. Furriness is just another form of expression for some of us. Not a bold statement, necessarily, nor, as some have postulated in this forum, a sublimated form of beastiality. My furriness allows me to feel “cuter” and more emotionally accessable than I ever could be in RL. I think Marx and I are kindred in this way.
    I love her dearly and I’m very proud to be one of her closest friends in this world.

  9. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 13th, 2008

    I adore you however you choose physically manifest yourself Poppet®©™. You are a delight to know and if people try to label and box you, the loss is all theirs as they will miss out on many delightful sides of a beautiful, intelligent person. It’s a pity your friend chose not to appear here (though I totally understand why) as she is beautiful in pixels and person and it’d be nice to see all sorts of SL shapes, sizes and beings featured. [Raises the glass to possibilities and to toast the beautiful and amazing Marx]. Yup. I admit it. I’m in the Marx fan club. [shows her certificate of membership]

  10. moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 13th, 2008

    Just read the comment about furries == sexual deviants and All That is Evil. My opinion is there are all sorts of furries just as there are all sorts of humanoid avatars. Their interests are wide and diverse and the motivations of people to appear in an animal form are as diverse as the things they do in that form. If you need to believe they are all perverted deviants, perhaps it’s yourself you should be looking at and not the people who use these avatars. The extreme need for political correctness in our society seems to project a lack of innocence on to everything. You can’t take photos of your kids at a school sports day as you may get other kids in the pictures and be a sexual deviant and drool over them, Enid Blyton books are all racists and sexual deviant fairy tails (have you noticed how childish these books are??!!) and of course… all furries are sexual deviants. I’m really bored with close minded people who insist on forcing mantels of negativity on to that which should be celebrated. *sighs deeply and climbs off soapbox*.

  11. Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu.

    Nov 13th, 2008

    moggs Oceanlane, I dare say you have been trolled sir. Next time, try harder to fail less.
    For now, you have joined the many others who inhabit Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth’s box of failures.

  12. Anonymous

    Nov 14th, 2008

    You know what, I’m not going to even say it.

    god damn furries.

  13. Leftover Waffle

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Eatin’ our vegetables and gettin’ their sex juices all over the backyard … GET OFFA MY LAWN, YOU DAMNED LITTLE SLUTPUFFS! Now look what ya went and did … I’m all worked up and out of Viagra. Mildred! Fire up the Edsel! We’re goin’ to the pharmacy!

  14. Godwin

    Nov 14th, 2008

    “Just read the comment about furries == sexual deviants and All That is Evil.”


    Some Nazi German tanks used in World War II were named after animals (“Tiger”, “Panther”, “Maus”, “Elefant”, “Lion”, etc.).

    Hitler led Nazi Germany.

    Therefore, Hitler was a furry.

    Hitler was evil.

    Therefore, furries are evil.

  15. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Baron, it’s your right to air your opinion and my right to view you as a narrow minded ignoramous. I have no wish to infer you are a troll… trolls might take exception. Oh and … for the record, I’m not a sir… but you, you may call me Sir. And could you salute while you’re at it too please?

  16. Mel

    Nov 14th, 2008

    We do not discriminate against humans, so why should you discriminate against us? If you look beneath our fur, what’s there? Skin. We are just like you, except we choose to take on a form of an animal. Sure, some of us may have weird kinks, but you can’t judge us all by that, especially considering come humans have weird kinks too. I certainly am not interested in any unusual, or what some people may consider “gross”, kinks (not saying its bad if someone is), and I am not a sexual deviant (if anything, I am a flirt). But I am a furry; I like to draw furries, I like to walk around as a furry, and hell, I love the fur fandom as a whole.

    We’re some of the nicest people on the internet, but you choose to ignore that and label us as “sick fucks”, or “furfags?” How ignorant and immature. I dare you to go to a furry club, or furry gathering, and talk to a furry without spitting out your antipathy 4chan bullshit. You’ll meet the nicest person you’ve met on the whole damned internet–I can garuntee it–as well as interesting, open-minded, and unique (assuming they haven’t had a bad enough day to rip your head off).

    So why don’t you take your prejudice somewhere else, because we sure as hell aren’t bothering you. And if seeing us even makes you get even a little bit upset, then you really shouldn’t be on Second Life, or any other game that you know you may encounter furries on.

  17. Bebb

    Nov 14th, 2008



  18. Corona Anatine

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Hairy tits?

    Hair in your teeth?
    this is just bizarre as a complaint

    given both rabbits and humans are mammals
    the hair coverage is probably equivalent as far as numerical count goes

  19. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nov 14th, 2008

    I’m constantly amazed at how this asperger kids fixate on furries and just




    They complain in detail about furries in diapers, furry sex, furry whatever. Anybody stop to think about why it is they know about furry stuff in such intimate detail? They’re actually more focused on furries than the furries are. Does anybody else think there’s something really wrong going on here?

    It does explain why so many PN turn out to be closet furries in the end, though. FurNation is where you go if you’re furry. Whatever you might think of furries, at least they’re honest about it. The PN is where you go if you’re furry but just can’t face the shame of it, as they’ve proven over, and over, and over again.

  20. Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu.

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Moggs: very interesting. Tell me more about your opinion.

    Mel: I am forced, by matter of economic necessity, to interact with a great number of furries. I know what they are like. When they have a mere smidgen of power, they abuse it, in much the manner of beetly, portly men in who operate in the Bureau of Bureaucracy and do all they can to be roadblocking little twits. They are sissified Nancies even in how they powermong.

    They are also loud and obnoxious, filling their role well as street nigger of the Internet. In Second Life, they have a great fondness of gesture spam and flaunting their prim tits and dongs. In forums and assorted other chats, they repeat memes and loathsome emoticons even worse than a lowly fourchanner. They are much like the type of child that does something once and makes their parents laugh, and then proceed to do it again and again until their parents get so fed up that they beat the living shit out of the child. Then there’s the furry drama. Furry “artists” ragequitting and deleting all their stuff if their precious “art” is stolen, or they are trolled. Ridiculous bawwwfests of “fursecution” and intolerance if someone calls them out on their bullshit, and says what furry really is all about.

    Alas, the positive of the little Shitgivens of Furry is that, by virtue of them being wholly fucked up, it often results in first-rate comedy. And thus, I encourage all furries to continue to be furries and do what they are doing, and continue to add up their failures, as it will inevitably turn into the mother of all comedic shitfests when the mainstream media learns fully of it.

  21. Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu.

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Moggs: very interesting. Tell me more about your opinion.

    Mel: I am forced, by matter of economic necessity, to interact with a great number of furries. I know what they are like. When they have a mere smidgen of power, they abuse it, in much the manner of beetly, portly men in who operate in the Bureau of Bureaucracy and do all they can to be roadblocking little twits. They are sissified Nancies even in how they powermong.

    They are also loud and obnoxious, filling their role well as street niggler of the Internet. In Second Life, they have a great fondness of gesture spam and flaunting their prim tits and dongs. In forums and assorted other chats, they repeat memes and loathsome emoticons even worse than a lowly fourchanner. They are much like the type of child that does something once and makes their parents laugh, and then proceed to do it again and again until their parents get so fed up that they beat the living shit out of the child. Then there’s the furry drama. Furry “artists” ragequitting and deleting all their stuff if their precious “art” is stolen, or they are trolled. Ridiculous bawwwfests of “fursecution” and intolerance if someone calls them out on their bullshit, and says what furry really is all about.

    Alas, the positive of the little Shitgivens of Furry is that, by virtue of them being wholly fucked up, it often results in first-rate comedy. And thus, I encourage all furries to continue to be furries and do what they are doing, and continue to add up their failures, as it will inevitably turn into the mother of all comedic shitfests when the mainstream media learns fully of it.

  22. marilyn murphy

    Nov 14th, 2008

    nice post sixx. well done. one tiny little correction. there have been many post sixx furries in the past.

  23. FrazzleFrei010

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Projection is common among furries when they feel bullied or unwelcome, they’re quick to call anyone a closet furry, to project themselves, their fetish, onto others. There’s plenty of them that even claimed the CSI staff were closet furries at the time of that certain episode. It’s a natural reaction for them, a reflex.

    It’s their way of countering someone when logic is against them. It’s all useless, though, because the reality of it all stays constant.

    The “furry fandom” is an umbrella term that people crawl under, it’s not regulated, there’s no one to determine what is canon or what is or isn’t acceptable, that’s why they went from a community of cartoon fans to this, a hive of fetishes ranging from diapers to vore to beastiality, all encouraged in their community as they preach acceptance for anything.

    Normally this would mean their community would stay small and tucked away, but that’s where their delusion of a lifestyle or race comes into play to cause them to attempt to be noticed by everyone.

    There’s no real point for me to make here, you all know what happens when furries are noticed by the media, even if you want to forget, it’l stay that way, the real world rejects you.

  24. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Wow… good leap of logic there Goodwin. I err… hmmm. Yup. I’ve got nothing.

  25. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Wow… interesting leap of logic there Goodwin. I err… hmmm. Yup. I’ve got nothing.

  26. Cai Pirinha

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Mayonnaise Kayo: “I spend some time furry, sometimes in my human form. Either way is an expression of myself”

    And hence you chose to be called … mayonnaise?

  27. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nov 14th, 2008

    All these comments already?

    I predict many more furry ‘models’ to follow. We should devise a furry bingo cards, in with traits such as “diaper fetish”, “herm” and “vorarephile” written in each box. First furry to fill every box on the card wins an all expenses paid euthanisation.

  28. Baron Frampton Von Higglesworth, MD Esqu.

    Nov 14th, 2008

    The greatest failure of all in the furry fandom is the accepting, and even arguing for, the batshit crazies and extreme sexual deviants. Any healthy community rightfully should socially reject and ridicule the positive undesirables in its midst. Go to a Star Trek forum and say that you have the soul of a Ferenghi, and post pedophilic pornographic pictures with such as the subject matter, and witness as you are “trolled” off of the forum. This sort of self-regulation does not exist in Furry. The trend is to let in anyone and everyone, despite how bizarre they are or how extreme their perversion, and to be fully accepting and to not say shit.

    That is why a furfag is a furfag. Even if a furry is not directly involved in pedophilic or bestialist components of furry, their silence against it is an object approval of such behavior. Of course, if a furry were to actually call out the bullshit that the others do, they would quickly find themselves banished from the furry community, and thus would cease to be a furry, instead becoming simply an individual who likes to jerk off to Sonic porn or similarly wacky shit.

    And so, furry is a self-feeding cesspool of anything fucking goes nomatter what. It’s a giant boil on the back of the Internet that is steadily growing until, alas, the mainstream media shall pop it.

  29. ObservationBoy

    Nov 14th, 2008

    I’m constantly amazed at how this asperger kids fixate on furries and just




    They complain in detail about furries in diapers, furry sex, furry whatever. Anybody stop to think about why it is they know about furry stuff in such intimate detail? They’re actually more focused on furries than the furries are. Does anybody else think there’s something really wrong going on here?

    It does explain why so many PN turn out to be closet furries in the end, though. FurNation is where you go if you’re furry. Whatever you might think of furries, at least they’re honest about it. The PN is where you go if you’re furry but just can’t face the shame of it, as they’ve proven over, and over, and over again.

    Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | November 14, 2008 at 03:55 PM


    All these comments already?

    I predict many more furry ‘models’ to follow. We should devise a furry bingo cards, in with traits such as “diaper fetish”, “herm” and “vorarephile” written in each box. First furry to fill every box on the card wins an all expenses paid euthanisation.

    Posted by: Alyx Stoklitsky | November 14, 2008 at 09:16 PM


    Gee, it sure is hypocrisy around here.

  30. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Asks the Baron to share the legitimate statistics he has collected to support his allegations, I’d be very interested to see your sources.

  31. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 14th, 2008

    Adds… if you think you have a good argument against furries, you’d be more likely to convince me to see your side of the story by highlighting your view point with hard facts and logic – rather than with diatribes of hate.

  32. Anonymous

    Nov 15th, 2008

    +1 on alyx’s idea.

  33. Anonymous

    Nov 15th, 2008

    I find Baron Frampton’s comments suspiciously overly detailed and numerous.

    Do I smell a burned fur or one who is secretly one? Seriously, I hate furries as much as the next person, but that’s just eerily detailed, almost an insider commentary. What happen? step on the toes of some dramafag and they got their entire army of morons and sockpuppets to stalk and harass you so you can’t yiff anymore? lul. Interesting insight, but stop being a hypocrite. Though I’ll fully understand if you’re a furfag that regained your sanity and washed your hands of it.

  34. mootykips

    Nov 15th, 2008

    Baron’s right about the whole behavior thing. If they don’t run around whining about being fursecuted or posting a bunch of poorly illustrated porn some neckbeard in his early-twenties drew of his 1000 year old fox spirit, who gives a shit? No other subculture does this, but furries absolutely love it. Nobody actually cares about what they do (reminiscent of bestiality as it may be) it’s how they act in communities: like juvenile morons. And the echo chamber of their own tolerance for really weird, creepy stuff just reinforces that to the point where they become absolutely insufferable.

    That’s why I think the closet furry thing accusation is stupid (both by the PN, ex-PN, furries talking about the PN, whatever): if they’re closet in the first place then they’ve been respectful enough to keep it to themselves. Unless it’s extensive and/or current, in which case it’s absolutely hilarious.

  35. Karl Marx

    Nov 15th, 2008

    Freaking beastiality fetishists. Go away.

  36. FrazzleFrei010

    Nov 15th, 2008

    I find Baron Frampton’s comments suspiciously overly detailed and numerous.

    Do I smell a burned fur or one who is secretly one? Seriously, I hate furries as much as the next person, but that’s just eerily detailed, almost an insider commentary. What happen? step on the toes of some dramafag and they got their entire army of morons and sockpuppets to stalk and harass you so you can’t yiff anymore? lul. Interesting insight, but stop being a hypocrite. Though I’ll fully understand if you’re a furfag that regained your sanity and washed your hands of it.

    Posted by: Anonymous | November 15, 2008 at 12:47 AM


    An example of projection as I mentioned earlier, the mention of a “burned fur” give away the fact that a furry posted this, along with the awkward use of “lul”, a bad attempt at impersonating an outsider calling the “hater” a furry.

    For those who don’t know, “burned fur” was some group of furries who didn’t approve of diapers, rampant beastiality and pedophelia, because of that, they were either labeled as trolls or posers by other furries. Only furries ever really refer to these people, since they’re completely irrelevant to anyone else, including trolls, even I’ve only even heard of them through ED.

  37. MachineCode

    Nov 15th, 2008

    Holy fuck. These comments are what all true faggots strive for. Even 4chan’s /b/ would tell this thread to GTFO. And Alyx, thanks for flinging shit at us. It proves are nothing but a butthurt SLfag. LOLOLOLOLOL

  38. Pappy Enoch

    Nov 16th, 2008

    I stands reddy n’ willin’ tu pose nekkid in the Herald as a (Fence)Post 6 Boy. I knows that I risks life n’ limb wen awl the purty fake gals kums aftur mee fo’ sum heavy luvin’ but a man gots tu du what a man has gots tu du to feed n’ sheltur his fake famberly.

    I reckons if’n y’all am a-branchin’ out sumwhut wif cute bunnies n’ whutnot, yu needs yu sum PLUS SIZE ackshun.

    Miz Iris Ofeelya dun put mee up as wun o’ SL’s 30 hottest male fellers.

    HOO WEE. An that were over thar at that tabloid, New Wirld Notes, what am full of bigfoot kiddy-nappin’ an Elvis-sitin’ stories. Now HERE, y’all am Pullet-Suprise material, so’s I know I dun landed at the rite place, so tu speek.

  39. ellabear

    Nov 16th, 2008

    so many people seeing jus the fur and not the utterly gorgeous, talented, caring, and loving person inside.
    “ know, know, know her…is to love, love, love her..and I do… and I do… and I do”.

  40. Archie Lukas

    Nov 17th, 2008

    You are of course completely incorrect

    given both rabbits and humans are mammals
    the hair coverage is probably equivalent as far as numerical count goes.

    End Quote

    But then again I don’t shag rabbits.
    Good luck with that.
    PS: It’s illegal in Blighty


  41. Moggs Oceanlane

    Nov 19th, 2008

    *shrugs*. I adore Marx and I thought the hair in mouth comment was amusing.

  42. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nov 20th, 2008

    @Posted by: ObservationBoy: “Gee, it sure is hypocrisy around here.”

    More liek it sure is sockpuppets around here. The bingo post was the one I made.

  43. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nov 20th, 2008

    “Holy fuck. These comments are what all true faggots strive for. Even 4chan’s /b/ would tell this thread to GTFO. And Alyx, thanks for flinging shit at us. It proves are nothing but a butthurt SLfag. LOLOLOLOLOL”

    ITT you get fooled by someone sockpuppeting me. I made the bingo post, not the ‘all PN are closet furries’ post.

    Hurf durf, dohoho.

  44. Anonymous

    Nov 20th, 2008


  45. Plain Furry Nothing Else

    Nov 23rd, 2008

    The closet furry comments, or rather, the channers and other associated trolls commenting on how they are everything BUT closet furries are (have been, and always will be) rather funny.

    Yes, it is true, if you fap to neko’s and other animal-girls, you are not a furry. Not really, that is.

    But fucking close, you peeps are still fapping to something part animal.

    10% furry is still furry enough.

    And should be a clue as to WHY you’re being called closet furries…

    Oh yeah, and this little comedy gold snippet: “Nobody actually cares about what they do (reminiscent of bestiality as it may be) it’s how they act in communities: like juvenile morons.”

    hhhmmmm…. Reminds me of something, specially the juvinile part… Afro’s, suits, gesture spam… You know what I mean Mooty, you were among the first of them.

    Now Moots, this might actually be a reason I’d say you’re right in having for disliking furries, but I remember having talked to you in the past about this… and every time I point out this is only a small (retarded) few of the ‘community’ (if you can call the entire furry fandom as a whole a commumity, but I’ll get to that a little later) you change your point to hating furries to something else, like them coming to your beloved forums to post furry porn. Which I also pointed out, is not the case. And yes I know how it is, I lurked enough. The only furry poirn postings that come by now and then are trolling attempts by the other chan’s members. How can I tell? There’s a LOT more, better stuff out there then the shit that gests posted for trolling.

    So what really IS your reason to bash on furries whenever you get the chance? Some would say it’s a way for a loser to feel more in power and control, the bully syndrome. I think this goes for you as well.

    Alyx on the other hand just loves young boys himself. A clear giveaway: his avatar: an underage anime character crossdressing as a nun. And of course the accompanying meme that belongs with it: ” Everyone is gay for Bridget”. Should of course be; everyone is pedo for Bridget…

    You got a friend with a Pedobear avatar to play with in private? ;)

    In his case, my guess is it’s to draw attention away from himself.

    But hey, do what you like, or what you will. It’s not in my place to judge anyone on their hobbies or even their fetishes.

    As a last point… In no way can you group all furries together as one community, just as little as you can do the same with all anime fans around the world. There’s a multiple of different communities sharing a hobby, and where the details of the hobby can be so very different. There’s just too many different colours and flavours.

    And as a final little pointer…

    You can tell how silly these furry hater’s accusations are when you indeed look at the hard cold facts and numbers: The percentage of furries actually owning a fursuit for instance. You’d think, judging from what you hear from people outside the furry fandom, every nine out of ten furries fucks eachother in a fursuit on a daily basis on all the furry conventions they visit.

    That, while only 18% of all furries has a fursuit, and only about 40$ of all furries visited a con once at most.
    (source: University of California, Davis – 2007 – survey of about 600 furries)

    Suprising? Not really, if you heard the bullsh*t spread around the net by the ‘haters’ and know little enough about the fandom in comparison.

    So, in short, if you want to know what furry really is about and what furries really are like, DONT listen to these people, their information is second hand and doubtful at most. If not outright parrotting lies.

  46. RECoyote Mindes

    Nov 25th, 2008

    Hey Perri Prinz is a Furry and had already posed here 8 months ago.

    Get you shit strait nitwit.

  47. mootykips

    Nov 25th, 2008

    lotta words there for defending fucking animals, bro. feeling fursecuted?

  48. mootykips

    Nov 25th, 2008

    oh and protip: i think if you run around in a furry avatar having sex with other people in a really shitty online game i think that’s more than enough to brand you one of the annoying ones

    most rational people don’t feel the need to share this with everyone they meet and adopt it as an e-persona because they don’t have horrible self-esteem and an inferiority complex HOPE THIS HELPS

  49. FrazzleFrei101

    Nov 26th, 2008

    @Plain Furry Nothing Else

    The closet furry comments, or rather, the channers and other associated trolls commenting on how they are everything BUT closet furries are (have been, and always will be) rather funny.

    Yes, it is true, if you fap to neko’s and other animal-girls, you are not a furry. Not really, that is.

    But fucking close, you peeps are still fapping to something part animal.

    You just proved what I said about furry fetish projection. You also proved that it’s just a fetish.

  50. Plain Furry

    Nov 30th, 2008

    No mooty, ‘bro’, I’m not feeling fursecuted at all. Nor do I defend fucking animals. Either your reading comprehension needs more then a little work, or it’s the bullshit spreading again I have pointed out in my last post. But I’m sure it’s actually both of the above.

    The reason I’m feeling annoyed (something completely different from as you might call it ‘butthurt’ but I dont expect you to comprehend that) is that your and your ilk’s bullshit might taint the opinion of many people who would otherwise have approached furries in general with an open mind, making up their opinion for them. That annoys me, whatever you say to me or think of me, I could not care less about. You’re just a dumb fuck behind a keyboard somewhere, why in the hell should I care about your opinion?

    But the lies and bullshit you spread to others who, just like you, know nothing about furry or furries, will just make more ittle assholes like you, and as a result might take things into the real world, and do something stupid or damaging to innocent people. Hatred can be a very dangerous thing, even tho you dont seem to realize that.

    As for the projecting Frazzle, you clearly didnt read or understand my points either.

    I pointed out, and will again now, that while you’re bashing furries for fapping to animals, the oh so popular neko’s are in essence the same. They’re not human, are they?
    But of course, hating furries is an easy way to fool yourself.

    When I’m pointing that out, I’m not ‘projecting’, I’m merely making a point to show others the huge hypocracy here.

    Maybe I should put it in more simple wording?

    You’re a retard,
    if you believe the bullshit spread around by everyone instead of just taking a look for yourself at what furry is and making up your own mind.

    But hey, that takes effort doesnt it? Rather be stupid then spend trouble finding out the truth, like oh so many before (and probably after), eh?

    Maybe I’m to much of an ideologist, of course doing it the easy way is human nature… sheeple. Kinda explains why a good number of furries dont witsh to be associated with their own human race, eh? Protip: might be a clue as to WHY so many furries like to deny their humanity and call non-furries “hyooman’. It’s not too hard to understand if you use your brain.

    Provided you have one of course, I havent seen a grain of proof of that fact in your cases.

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