Op/Ed: You Can’t Fix Stupid
by Alphaville Herald on 25/12/08 at 4:20 pm
Why are so many SL men total idiots?
by Steve01 Denimore
I have also seen some of this behavior first hand. For example, Iwas at the Bimbo Ranch recently chatting with Cheergirl Allen when thismale avatar walks up and say's to her: "Cheer girl u want me to humpu." She ignored him and his disgusting comments. But she should nothave had to endure such abuse. I took a date the other day to the Vegas sim. We were outside theBimbo Ranch. This male avatar walked right up to her and started tocheck her out (the day previous she had been verbally abused by 2 malesshe thought were her friends). I told the guy to back off. An uglyscene ensued. People should not have to suffer abuse just because somany SL males carry their pea sized brains below the waist. What weneed in SL is a police force to deal with the problem of male verbalabuse. A police force that would have the power of scripts to ejectpeople who insist on practicing their stupidity on others.The comedian, Ron White, once said: "You can't fixstupid." He is right. Stupid is what many males in SL are. I know thisbecause I have many female friends who tell me about the idiot behaviorthey encounter from SL males.
In Rl I'm a fulltime Firefighter and a former cop. I'mone of those guys who believes that women, whether in SL or Rl, shouldbe respected…admired…loved for who they are. So to females everywhere,let me apologize to you for all the males who carry their brain in adifferent part of their anatomy other than their head. You really can'tfix stupid.
Prokofy Neva
Dec 25th, 2008
Um, you don’t need any cops from RL or SL to fix stupid. You use your own land’s ban/eject tools, and call it a day.
I HATE vigilantes and fake RP cops in SL, but what I hate *most of all* is people like you who come on and tell us “I’m a cop in real life” (by which they usually mean, “I’m a volunteer firefighter and former cop…or a security officer at the mall…or…something) and then proceed to call for illegitimate police forces in SL.
Go back on your sim, where you belong, and get off mine. I don’t need you, or want you and your fake cops that I didn’t elect or appoint. It’s bad enough we have the authoritarian arm of the state in Linden Lab. But give me their policing any day, over the incompetent and abusive “policing” of vigilantes, especially speech Nazis that are going to start policing whatever speech they find as “politically incorrect”.
You know why newbie males behave so boorishly? I’ve been watching this phenomenon today at the infohub where I work. Answer: because it works, part of the time. Like spam. Some people click and buy. And gross, coarse behaviour *works*. Why? Well, most likely because the person that they’ve gotten such vulgar chat to work on is in fact not a female, but a mangina — transgendered as female in SL, usually without telling anyone. So they deserve each other.
JL Frothblender
Dec 25th, 2008
“Stupid is what many males in SL are”
Interesting, and exactly how many years in SL did it take you to notice that most of the males in SL are under the age of 18? A thorough investigation into how many underage children are in Second Life needs to take place. Linden’s lame excuses and continued effort to making the person whom leases the simulator(s) to be the responsible party at enforcing age requirements are not going to work. Age verification is not forced nor enforced, it’s not part of what a responsible company would do to ensure that the age guidelines are followed.
If you don’t like how the “men” of sl behave, you might just quit talking to the children as if they were adults.
Linden continues to claim that the majority of those on the adult grid are indeed adults. I have no doubt that indeed they are not. Many indeed are children or those under the age of 18.
Now that you understand that many of the people behind the avatars are indeed children acting as children do, are you going to stop chatting, socializing, and dating those under age?
Sol Cult
Dec 25th, 2008
BAHAHAHA!!! Oh wow…
yiff bag
Dec 25th, 2008
Males are supposed to act that way at Bimbo Ranch I think. Thats how they pick out the chicken that they want to virtually blow their chodas off in for the evening.
The real question here is: Why are you taking your dates to Bimbo Ranch?
FlipperPA Peregrine
Dec 25th, 2008
There are just a lot of stupid people anywhere you go – it comes down to percentages, not just in SL, not just male, not just female. Cheergirl is talented and a blast, but she’d probably also be the first to tell you that naming a place “Bimbo Ranch” will not only attract fairly stupid males, but even make smarter males act stupid. It is in our nature!
Feliz navidad!
John Bosco
Dec 25th, 2008
Every sim has its own police force especially if they have events going on. I have been (and participated) in many events where the local staff has been incompetent so say the least. This results in my staff having to tell the local staff “This is a griefer – eject him now” or “Could you please eject hump man before he drives away any other avis.” If more sim owners would take the initiative that a lot of places that I’ve played and train staff with freeze, eject and toss tools the community would be a lot better off. The open high traffic places that breed bad behavior are completely unmoderated. I put this task solely on the sim owners who either pay cheap hosts or have no staff at all on site.
Erik Rossini
Dec 25th, 2008
Um, I would guess the Bimbo Ranch doesn’t attract the brightest guys. Your friends might want to hang our somewhere else.
Dec 25th, 2008
When on a private island like SexGen’s Vegas any female can expect what has come to be known as “naked noob pick-up liness” I’ve seen various ways to deal with it, from Ignoring to Orbiting. Just remember, when a Naked noob aproches you in SL, it most likely means in RL he is Naked as well, cock hard, and ready to masturbate. Don’t forget that in RL these people have most likely never tried to pick up a member of the oppsite sex in a bar, club, or coffee house. They simply pick up the phone, call en escort service and say “I want to Fuck?” So why would they treat SL any diffrent? It is fairly obvious that a large majority of SL’ers have never had any practice talking to the oppsite sex, either because they are dare I say it, TOO YOUNG or too shy to have ever tried.
Granted alot of the Female avatars on SL do not dress the part of respectable girls\women you would meet at the library or starbucks. Rather they dress the part of a street walker trying to make a few hundred dollars for the night. When the large majority of female avatars start to dress respectable, not in thigh boots and fishnet halter tops, maybe they will get treated with the respect all women deserve. What really makes it hard for “REAL WOMEN” on SL is that so many female avatars are in reality controlled by men. These “Digital Crossdressers” have no clue what it is to be a lady, so why expect them to dress or be treated by one.
Dec 25th, 2008
This is what passes as a good article for the Herald? A little over 100 words with no real context in the article?
Worst comes to worse, just file a Resident harrassment report and leave.
Baloo Uriza
Dec 25th, 2008
Are we sure that stupidity knows gender bounds? It shocks me how some people can complain about sexism and be sexist at the same time.
Dec 25th, 2008
i trol u .jpeg
Dec 25th, 2008
The author of this article is pathetic. Getting into a jealous fight over an e-chick? Whining about “Verbal abuse”? Get over it. And get laid for real or something. Jesus christ what a fag.
Dec 26th, 2008
Sadly I have to agree with prok for once. even though prok is being a tad bit hypocritical.
Dec 26th, 2008
You are at the Bimbo Ranch what the hell do you expect? A “Ranch” is good for only one thing, keeping the pathetic over sexed weirdos off the public streets…you wanted them, you got them…bunch of air headed retards…
Dec 26th, 2008
This article is Herteosexist,because it claims that all men are after women,and as a gay man i’m very ofended by it.
Dec 26th, 2008
Definately, this guy is a fag. Goes to a porno sim with a date, and gets bent when someone puts the moves on his iGirl before he can? LOLZ!!
Dec 26th, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone, You just got Trolled by the SL Herald!
I think?
Voice of Reason
Dec 26th, 2008
“Stupid is what many males in SL are”
Somewhat true. It is more like, everyone who joins Second Life drops about 20 to 30 IQ points until they leave SL in which they gain them back and began to actually use logic and reason.
janeforyou Barbara
Dec 26th, 2008
First of all.. there are Gentlemen and there are “men”…the different are on behavior.
Am lucky to know many Gentlemen in SL that are friendly and nice.
But there are also Gentlewomen and “women” When i look at the banlists in all my sims i se also a lot of “women” on them. Bad behavior from men are usly sexual harrsment…
Bad behavior from women are usly Jalusy/revange/hate harresement, bout are just as bad as the other.The worst kind are a jaluse/hatefull Lesbian…i seen a few.
The nicest Gentlemen in SL i know are usly gay, i know a few hetro also that are nice.
The worst hetro are a horny newbee that dont know the rules or dont speak or understand English, over the yares i tryed to talk with a lot of hetro nebees men 10% are ok and polite when i trye to help them explaining the rules i got in my sims on behavior–80% gets mad or just wont listen and then its the banbotton.
My best advice are to talk with ppl and trye to explain, smile and be polite
Darien Caldwell
Dec 26th, 2008
I hear the next editorial in this series deals with the phenomenon whereby people’s IQ points seem to go down, inversely proportional to how many numbers they put in their name. Something I have always called the ‘AOL Syndrome’. I’d say we have some supporting data here. :p
Professor C
Dec 26th, 2008
Just Wow…. The first longer article was a total flop so here … Lets get MORE bad attention my saying that it’s wrong for people to look for sex at a whorehouse selling stolen skins in the shop.
This guy is claiming to be more for the sensitive side of womens feelings.
So why is he at a whorehouse again? Maybe I am missing something in the translation here.
Oh I know. This is Steve’s way of creatively trying to get into CheerGirl’s pants. Good luck with that. Remember she’s a hooker and she will charge you.
Just give it up already the world is laughing at you all and the only people that are saying anything positive are those that have some vested interest in staying on all of your good sides.
Peanut Butter Monkey Sluts
Dec 27th, 2008
Explain to me exactly how does an avatar “walk right up to her and check her out.” Did he display the Loony Toon tongue rolling out onto the ground, did his eyes bug out of his head and did his foot beat the ground as he wolf whistled? Back your statement up, sunshine. Perhaps he saw people and thought to walk up and join them… you paranoid troll.
Professor C
Dec 27th, 2008
@ janeforyou Barbara
How nice. A post about talking to people and communicating properly and politely in English. I would bet that the people you are talking to are getting frustrated not because they can’t speak English but instead that they cannot understand what it is you are typing. In your short post to the herald about Etiquette, I counted 25 basic spelling and grammatical errors. So in essence you are likely banning people that just think you are too much of a complete moron to be able to talk to them about the rules for your sim.
As an afterthought I went back and found almost forty errors. I think we have a world record. Lets see.
No wait that was won by Steve01 Denimore due to there being quite a number of errors even after it was screened. The initial posting must have been horrific.
Dec 27th, 2008
Why don’t we just listen to JaneForYou’s advice?
You wanna meet some nice gentlemen? Go to Jane’s Isle of Lesbos sims. There you will see very well-behaved gentlemen socializing. Of course, they’re all cross-dressing as female avatars. But that’s just a small detail we all overlook while we are in SL.
Bunny Brickworks
Dec 27th, 2008
You told the guy to back off? And you are still her boyfriend? Dude, if you tried that ‘save the cheerleader, save the world’ thing with me you’d immediately follow the other guy into orbit. Is she too dumb or too helpless to defend herself? Just another blonde bimbo filing an AR as soon as someone says a dirty word? Your ‘good cop’ attitude would make me way more mad than the other guy’s behavior.
And to sum it up, I made the experience that you usually get treated the way you behave. Look like jailbait – bling, skirt not longer than a belt, clicking heels and lips that suggest a free BJ – and you’ll be treated like jailbait. Of course, there are one or two guys who are immune to decent looks and immediately hit on everyone distantly seeming like a female avi but that’s nothing you should take too personal. It’s all statistics: ask 100 girls ‘wanne have sex’ and 2 will agree!
Razrcut Brooks
Dec 27th, 2008
Well said comrade Neva.
“I told the guy to back off. An ugly scene ensued.” That one Dragnet- style sentence from the article is sadly funny.
janeforyou Barbara
Dec 28th, 2008
@ Professor C you did understand what i typed? Right? Now plz go type in my lang = Norwegian,, and i will start counting errors lol, am sorry for my spellings,,i still got a loong way with it, i got staff and members from 40 nations. i got rules notes in 6 diff langs.
and @ Jumbo
You realy been there i guess, but how wrong you are, i got 4 SIM on one block..one are female only, the rest are mix.
Dec 28th, 2008
Virtual penis goes in virtual vagina. HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Griefing is trillions of time more productive than cybersex. It’s also a hell of a lot more interesting. Drama over some fucktards hitting on your ‘girl’ is so lame that even the furries don’t use it, they just fuck guys. The internet tough guy vibe that goes with it is just idiotic. Somehow having the potential to save REAL lives magically translated into internet vigilante. That’s a shitty phrase; more like ‘playground monitor.’
Sexual harassment should be taken more seriously in the real world, but no one is ever going to give a shit about sexual harassment where both parties could potentially be men. And unless you’ve actually heard AND seen an SL woman IRL, there are NO guarantees.
Happy Fucking New Year. <3
Professor C
Dec 28th, 2008
@ janeforyou Barbara
You must be as blond as the Bimbo’s. YOU were the one bitching that people didn’t know ENGLISH and here you are defending yourself for not knowing the same language that you are banning people for not knowing. There is a word for that.
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
Go back to your island of depressed overweight men pretending to be women so they can get laid.
Cai Pirinha
Dec 28th, 2008
“I’m one of those guys who believes that women, whether in SL or Rl, should be respected…admired…loved for who they are.”
I have to agree here. But isn’t that exactly what happened? “Cheer girl u want me to hump u” does show the appropriate respect to a female avatar dressed up like a cheap hooker at a place called Bimbo Ranch.
I would also like to congratulate the author of this article on his taste in choosing a location for his date. Classy.
Kraken Uramen
Dec 28th, 2008
You may want to look at this:
Toneless Tomba sales his business, THiNC.
Jessica Holyoke
Dec 28th, 2008
Here’s something, if you can master pose balls, you can master click and mute. I didn’t realize women that can make their way around Second Life needed extra protection from idiots.
And besides hating the concept that I need to be protected, I agree with Prok, you don’t need weird amateur cops supposedly helping anyone on SL. I remember some weird role playing furries coming into the club I used to work in pretending they were cops. Until I showed them why we didn’t need anything more than the security tools we already had.
Baron Cuttlesmith von Blogharder, Esqu, MD
Dec 28th, 2008
Wait, so you go to a place like Bimbo Ranch, and then expect people to be fucking not stupid? I’m sorry, but you have shown that you are as much of a huge moron as the sex-deprived blingtards you are trying to make fun of. Your AOL-derivative name itself is evidence enough of you being an idiot, you don’t even have the sense to create an original name. The whole “I’m a firefighter and former cop and care about women’s feelings, not their bodies” thing comes across as some sort of creepy guy who is in SL to e-date and have e-sex, but tries to be “sly” about it by putting down the stupidest motherfuckers in the entire game. Doubtlessly this whole article came about by you trying to e-mack on some broad and raging hard.
What is even more ridiculous is that you propose that SL needs a police force. If you haven’t noticed, the “police forces” or their equivalents in SL, just as the JLU and Banlink, are cesspools of corruption and retardation. Then there’s the Linden Lab governance team, which is completely ineffective and has shown itself to be biased.
Your entire post is stupid, even by Herald standards. I can only imagine that the Herald staff let you write an Op/Ed for shits and giggles. I can imagine the discussion: “This clueless, random idiot with an account less than two months old wants to write an editorial, lol. Let’s allow him to.”
Professor C
Dec 29th, 2008
You know I had planned on making a nice and cute witty comment but … I can’t think of any possible way to stretch out the one thing that everyone here is saying…
Steve01 Denimore and his Bimbo Cheerleaders are pathetic and should all be burned to ash. Fuck it burn the entire sim down just to be sure you didn’t miss any.
janeforyou Barbara
Dec 29th, 2008
@Proffessor C… you dont seam to read all..”The worst hetro are a horny newbee that dont know the rules or dont speak or understand English, over the yares i tryed to talk with a lot of hetro nebees men 10% are ok and polite when i trye to help them explaining the rules i got in my sims on behavior–80% gets mad or just wont listen and then its the banbotton.” AND—-”i got staff and members from 40 nations. i got rules notes in 6 diff langs.
I hope that wil help you to understand???? Dont argue just to argue…i help ppl.
My best advice are to TALK with ppl and trye to explain, smile and be polite
GreenLantern Excelsior
Dec 29th, 2008
Steve01: If you had been respectful toward the other resident rather than giving him orders, the ugly scene might have been avoided. And there is currently a police force within Second Life. It is called the Linden Lab Governance and Response Team (GTeam). Writing an Abuse Report (AR) in Second Life is like calling 911 in Real Life. If the Police Department (GTeam) receives five 911 calls (ARs) on the same resident, they respond immediately to take care of the problem. Or as Prokofy said, if you are the club owner, you can deploy your bouncers (the ban/eject tools) and toss the bad guy into the street (eject him from your parcel).
janeforyou Barbara: Try http://translate.google.com. Here’s a sample translation from English to Norwegian:
“The worst heterosexuals are horny new residents who do not know the rules and do not know or understand English.”
“De verste heterosexuals er kåt nye beboere som ikke kjenner reglene og ikke vet eller forstår engelsk.”
So it does not translate every word, but it should help you to spell most words correctly. The best translator inside SL is called Simbolic. It is free, and it works with many different languages. I don’t see Norwegian on the language list, but maybe you could ask the developer to add it.
Baron Cuttlesmith: As you know, Banlink and the JLU are not police forces, but the equivalent of neighborhood watch groups. And the LL GTeam can be very effective – just last night they were responding to Abuse Reports in less than five minutes. Like any help desk situation, their effectiveness depends on the number of team members available and the number of service calls (Abuse Reports) waiting in the queue.
Professor C
Dec 29th, 2008
@ janeforyou Barbara
I read what you typed then I translated it into English. Okay Great! You have 40 staffers that speak languages from around the world. Terriffic! Maybe they need to teach you a little bit of it. Or perhaps they have their noses so far up your e-pussy they wouldn’t dare tell you to stop butchering the language.
What you missed, is the point. You said the WORST was the horny newbie that didn’t know the rules or didn’t understand English. Then, you go on to say right after, that these are the ones you try to help. Well if you are promoting English and you can’t speak it yourself, which is what your statement is saying, that makes you a hypocrite.
If you are really there to HELP someone, you would have stated that you send that person to someone that speaks their language or uses some translation program to help. But not posting that in your initial statement is where you falter.
I am not arguing for the sake of arguing. That is arguing without point. The point here is that this dickwad that made this post in the first place is just as much of a brainless denizen of the interwebs as you yourself seem to be from the lack of forethought put into your statements. He’s bitching over some asswipe that is talking in text-message-ese while his own post is nothing more than a ‘I got a bigger dick than you cause I am a cop’ editorial that will do nothing more than let others laugh and chuckle at his pointless existence.
Okay so I got on a roll in being an asshole.
No wait one more thing. 80% + 10% = 90% … What are the other ten? Are they the ones that strip naked, change gender, and embrace what it really is to be a carpet muncher so you can keep up with your E-orgies of talking to each other about how horrible the other men are? Remember, most of the women avatars on lesbian sims and whorehouses like the Isle of Lesbos (Could you be any less original?) and the Bimbo Ranch, are trap girls. (That’s guys in disguise for the English impaired)
Neo Citizen
Dec 29th, 2008
Sadly, it’s just exceedingly likely that the interloper was some 14 year old kid who only speaks L337sp33k.
I’m not going to argue for or against the article’s author, but I will point out that much at least. And to those who immediately attack this guy because he says he’s a public servant in RL, shame on the lot of you. He only said that to underscore the respect he says he has for women, and immediately you bring out all your phobias and personal issues and project them onto this guy and try to claim they’re his problem. That’s really a pretty sorrowful thing to watch.
And frankly, if you’ve gotten a bad shake from neighborhood watch groups in SL, maybe you were doing something that neighborhood watch groups watch for and got caught at it. Or maybe not. But if you immediately bring that up and start whinging about it, that’s what people are going to think of you. So probably best to keep that to yourselves, yeah?
The Patriotic Nevas
Dec 30th, 2008
Just have the wannabe cop join up with the Green Lantern Core. That will fix fuckin’ everything. Him and Excelsior can go can go on Details to Bimbo Ranch nightly and harrass the all manginas there until drama breaks out and then AR them all into oblivion while licking the justice out of each others armpits. Its no wonder people love SL so much.
Sigmund Leominster
Dec 30th, 2008
I guess Steve01 could have gone for gold in writing the shortest article ever for the Herald simply by writing “Be most excellent to one another” or even “play nice.” In SL as in RL, some guys are reasonably decent, a few are complete morons, and I think every woman I know is more than able to handle the schoolboy comments of the sexually stunted. Suggesting that they need “protecting” may actually be as offensive as “fancy a shag, darlin’.”
Of course, if you are a dear, sweet lady who needs the advice of a gentleman, muting, orbiting, or small tactical nukes tossed into the offending guys happy sack should do the trick.
Dec 30th, 2008
“And to those who immediately attack this guy because he says he’s a public servant in RL, shame on the lot of you.”
No, that’s great, but it doesn’t mean anything on the internet. Also, every other part of his post made him out to be a pseudorighteous idiot.
Dec 30th, 2008
premise 1: all sl men are idiots
premise 2: all users of sl are men
conclusion: all sl users are idiots
Doctor Rogan
Dec 30th, 2008
I have encountered this first hand at my own sim. But I have a strict “keep it in your pants unless you know them” policy, which to put it simply: If you don’t know them, don’t hit on them.
Some people like chance encounters. 90% of my friends Don’t.
The SL Males who still behave like this really need to mature. As stated previously, most who act like this are probably under age, an if they are of a legal consenting age, they should know better and try to get to know someone before they start to hit on someone.
However, a lot of these types of issues can be resolved with the “mute” feature in secondlife. I understand how some people don’t want to fill up their mute list, or dislike having to ‘ignore’ anyone, but this is the easiest way to squash the fly. If they come back with an alt to carry on or wont give up, tell the sim staff/ owner or anyone who is a point authority on the land/ sim to see if they can step in and be the adult in the situation.
Don’t allow anyone to bully you or sexually harras you. Mute them and move on.
Neo Citizen
Dec 30th, 2008
Machine, spoken like a teenager. Which in your case makes sense.
Mooty, I know who you are and what you’ve been doing all this time. Not a fan. However, your logic is impeccable.
Welcome to the intertoobs, where men are men, most women are men (pro-tip: half the self-proclaimed lesbians are really guys too – is there a such thing as a transgendered lesbian?), and the rest are I don’t know what – and probably they don’t even know what themselves.
janeforyou Barbara
Dec 30th, 2008
Isle Of Lesbos are not all bout sex,, calling it a whorehouse are just low…Isle Of Lesbos are a gatheringplace for peace and entertainment, there are up to 23 events with live female Djs. There are 4 sim.. Isle Of Lesbos- Isle Of Lesbos Mall- Oasis Of Lesbos and Bay Of Lesbos. 1 sim are female only cuz thats what my 3200 membes want.
The others are shopping or just plain fun! My IOL fantasyworld been round sins 2006 in SL…and erlier sins 2001 in other VR world.And evryone know i first was manager at ” the sex club” in the old Belmondo sim, and i used to hang out in the old Des Les sim ,, i got tierd of the sex club in Belmondo and created my own place in april 2006 Isle Of Lesbos. Tousens of members have meet friends there,,i personly know many that joined RL so i hope i did some good.I pay bout 60 ppl on my staff of Djs Hostess ans securety staff, i keep up a business and pay tiers in 5 sim total I crate and i got creators and i mentord and mentor for a lot of new business and crators in SL, i allways did it and allways will do!,,, So Pardon my bad English but my typonese got me fare in SL
Dec 30th, 2008
“And gross, coarse behaviour *works*. Why? Well, most likely because the person that they’ve gotten such vulgar chat to work on is in fact not a female, but a mangina — transgendered as female in SL, usually without telling anyone. So they deserve each other.”
Terrific. Stereotyping is alive and well in SL too. Yes…I’m transgendered. Yes…I’m upfront about it in SL too. No…I don’t accept crassness….nor do I “deserve it”.
Dec 31st, 2008
Damn right I’ve been to the Isle of Lesbos, but as a card-carrying male proudly wearing an erect prim cock. Of course I got ejected. But if an avatar named Arnold Schwarzenegger walked in a dress and heels, wore some long prim hair and put some cleavage on with the appearance slider, he would get a pass. It’s all about hypocrisy on your sim.
You know why all you SL “lesbians” squawk like stuck pigs when you sight a male avi in one of your clubs????
The analogy is this: You know you’re at the game, having a few brews with your buds, and then the urge hits you, you gotta pee. So off you go to the men’s restroom. And omg, it’s a big freaking metal trough-like urinal with the men lined up side to side doing their business! So you squeeze in to the next available space, looking forward, whistling maybe. And god forbid that you catch of glimpse of the penises of the guys on either side of you. And it would be a disaster if he turned and actually touches you somehow. The horror!
I see women in men’s bathrooms all the time. They have no issue with seeing the male anatomy. The only people who do are the straight guys (who make up the majority of the population, male or female in SL).
Professor C
Dec 31st, 2008
@ janeforyou Barbara
What are you retarded? I never called the Isle of Lesbos a Whorehouse. You people don’t pay for each other. I called the Bimbo Ranch a whorehouse. Now ‘Jane’ since you wanted to be a little blond moron you are going to be next on my little tours to see what I can uncover about you. I’ll bet I find out you are really a guy. Lonely and depressed in your mothers house locked up on a little laptop and having dinner served to him so he doesn’t have to come downstairs.
Then again I could find out instead that you really are a lesbian woman and are just blond and dumb as a box of rocks and run slippery slutfests for the same types of males as above. I got a story for you.
Years ago when I was in a MUCK (That’s Multi User Chat Kingdom) and I was chatting with this one guy. He was telling me that he is absolutely straight as an arrow. Wouldn’t touch a dick ever and thought that gay people were disgusting. I gave him a well known statistic. Over 80% of all ‘Females’ on the internet are male in real life. And I bet him that the other people in the cafe environment that we were in were males. I reminded the crowd, that had all turned to listen, that there really is no fear in coming out and stating your real gender. In fact the only ones that care are the homophobes anyway.
A chat started to form until one was brave and stepped forward announcing that she was a trap girl. Slowly but surely and one by one, EVERY person in the group of about 30 with half of them all female … said they were male.
I turned to him and told him that I would bet his internet girlfriend was a guy IRL too. She happened to be online. I offered her to come with us and explained the situation reminding her that this guy is litterallly falling in love with her. If there is something she needs to tell him … Now is the time.
She was a guy too.
So since you are so dead set at being a lesbian, how do you feel about licking another man’s pussy? Make you feel nice and warm inside? Cause if it does, that’s a cock they are fucking you with. Enjoy.
CronoCloud Creeggan
Jan 1st, 2009
I am surprised, Mr. Neva, that you would use the offensive term “mangina”. While there are men playing female avatars solely for the “Lesbian” sex, there are RL transgendered folks who have female avatars in SL. I’m one of them, as anyone who reads my profile finds out.
LOL wrote:
Granted alot of the Female avatars on SL do not dress the part of respectable girls\women you would meet at the library or starbucks. Rather they dress the part of a street walker trying to make a few hundred dollars for the night. When the large majority of female avatars start to dress respectable, not in thigh boots and fishnet halter tops, maybe they will get treated with the respect all women deserve. What really makes it hard for “REAL WOMEN” on SL is that so many female avatars are in reality controlled by men. These “Digital Crossdressers” have no clue what it is to be a lady, so why expect them to dress or be treated by one.
I’m all about dressing “mostly” respectably, except when it comes to discussing skin.