Post 6 Grrrl — Dreams Lightcloud
by Alphaville Herald on 30/12/08 at 4:28 am
[A while ago a friend ofmine noted that my Post 6 people have generally longer been in world than thosebefore and I had to admit that I choose 'older' avis on intention. Though Ilove the innocence of newbies stumbling around and marveling the beauty andsometimes weirdness of a new virtual world, it is those with a history in SLthat I am really interested in. Those who have loved and lost, developed skills,networks and a clear idea of what direction their second life should take. Andit quickly became clear that it was one of those who originally shaped thisworld that I want to feature as the last Post 6 for this year. Before I metDreams Lightcloud I was excited what she might be like. Rezzed in 2004, she isone of those original content creators, one of those who actively participatedin making SL what it is now. Would she be one of those snobbisholder-than-the-prim-hills 'been there done that' residents? One of those whohave lost their love for this world and just come back for their businesses? Iwas more than surprised when I met a woman who still walks around with bigeyes, who – no matter how settled in her second life – hasn't lost the love forthis platform, one who can still marvel the beauty of a well-crafted prim roseor an SL sunset. With the best wishes for a Happy New Year I proudly presentDreams Lightcloud. – Bunny Brickworks]
Who am I? I'm DreamsLightcloud, nice to meet you! In SecondLife, you are likely to see my creativeside. I enjoy DJing, writing, creating graphics and torturing prims in mySecondLife.
How did I get here?
I was invited to come to SLby several LL employees. The reason was that I was known as a popular clothingdesigner in another 3D virtual world. At that time, my computer could not runSL smoothly so I abandoned that account. In May 2004, I was asked to come to SLagain. I came in one night for a *tour* and that time I fell in love.
The idea was that throughmy art I could help to make the game look better. It was a world beautificationprocess that ended up bringing in many of the famous designers that SL hastoday. I lived and worked in several virtual worlds before coming to stay inSL.
Why did I stay? I staybecause of the creative freedom that there is to be had in this world. Theprevious virtual world had a very restrictive process when it came to creatingin world content with lots of red tape. I love the creativity and the bondsthat we can form in our second lives.
And, I love music! Theability to share my music collection with others and to hear how happy thatmusic makes them feel is the best part of DJing in SL to me. It is a unique giftthat a DJ is able to receive throughout each performance. You can actually feelhow happy your audience is! To me, SecondLife is a precious gift.
What do I do here? My loveof art, literature and music are well suited to my lifestyle in SecondLife. WhenI'm not DJ'ing, you will mostly likely find me working on graphics for mybridal invitation store in Mimolette, Dreams Bridal.
I really enjoy makingpretty invitations. The best part of it is when you deliver them to thecustomer and they open them for the first time. Usually, I'll get an IM backthanking me and then telling me how happy they are. And, to me, that's whattheir SLWedding should be all about. Making them feel special and happy!
Another thing that I liketo do in SL is watch movies with friends. I really enjoy being able to watch amovie in SL with people from all around the globe. It's a shared experiencethat can't be replaced in many other venues online. It's sort of an amazing andunique feature to SL, in my opinion.
And, last but not least byany means, I have a wonderful family bond with my Crimson Shadow Familymembers. As the Crimson Shadow Family's Contessa, I spend lots of timeorganizing things for our roleplay community. In the process, many of us haveformed bonds that will remain unbroken throughout our online lives. It's awonderful warm feeling surrounded with lots of happy times.
To sum it up, I love mySecondLife. Granted the SL game engine could use a good overhaul and theeconomy is sometimes less than desirable. Yet, after all has been said anddone, it is just such a wonderful opportunity to create and to meet like-mindedpeople from all around the globe that I just can't seem to ever let it go!
Dec 30th, 2008
You’re kidding us right? I mean wtf is this?
Seriously, when is the last time this chic went shopping? I remember those clothes and hair from like 3 1/2 yrs ago. And the boots? *gag* I won’t even go there.
Nate Ninetails
Dec 30th, 2008
YAY!!!! Woot for auntie! You are wonderful! Thank you for letting me being part of your family.
Dec 30th, 2008
You are a very unique girl you are very pretty and you should not listen to the girl above she is obviously jelous. I love you hair its soo fetch. You shouldn’t change for anyone dont sell your self short. Beautiful pictures Beautiful Girll =]]
Don Mill
Dec 30th, 2008
Dreams Lightcloud is as unique as you can get. The pink goddess, she will always held a very special place in my heart.
Want to meet a real person, take the time to meet Dreammie, you won’t regret the experience.
Dec 30th, 2008
….did you just say “fetch”?
Micheal Steadham
Dec 30th, 2008
Well obviously the first comment was from a jilted lover. Such a shame as the comments are so untrue of our Pink Goddess. If you wanna hear the sexiest DJ in SL, she’s your lady.
That and she’s sexy in SL to boot.
kisses pinkey, we love ya.
Generic Friend Comment
Dec 30th, 2008
LOL HELLO ___________, you are so _______ remebr that time with our _________ in the _______ with the _____? This grrrrl is the most _______ in all of Second Life and the world! OMG U r so unique like my comment! Lov 2 my ______ and my family ________! If u havnt met this _______ then u r missin out!! YAY!!!!!1
Stroker Serpentine
Dec 30th, 2008’re the epitome of style and taste. I consider it an honor to call you friend. There are a lot of people who could learn from your example of “Live and let live”. Keep kickin’ it Cal-style!
Dec 30th, 2008
A lot of memories with this girl and they all have been memorable. I remember when we met during our Sim Horror project for Bedazzle and became close friends since Gravity Space Station days in ’04/’05. We’ve both been through a lot and yet she still remains one of the sexiest DJ’s in SL. This small article doesn’t tell as much detail for what she has done in SL but it gives you the general idea of whom she is. Always in pink and never anything else this chick is truly unique and a blast to be with no matter how big or small the crowd is. <3′s you Dreamsie
Dec 30th, 2008
A lot of memories with this girl and they all have been memorable. I remember when we met during our Sim Horror project for Bedazzle and became close friends since Gravity Space Station days in ’04/’05. We’ve both been through a lot and yet she still remains one of the sexiest DJ’s in SL. This small article doesn’t tell as much detail for what she has done in SL but it gives you the general idea of whom she is. Always in pink and never anything else this chick is truly unique and a blast to be with no matter how big or small the crowd is. <3′s you Dreamsie
Dec 30th, 2008
Dreamy *hugss* you are Pink, Unique and the best damn female DJ I know! I remember being at one of your first DJ events – Woot you go girllll ; ) Glad to have you as a friend through these years.
Dec 30th, 2008
A better person to share an online experience with you could not ask for. A unique person since the beginning and a darn sexy dj! Go pphd go
DJ Indigo
Dec 31st, 2008
Sweet notice of 1 of the most creative persons i met in SL , with her lovely big MANGA eyes lolll , just love it , friendly in any way , loved to work with her in the past and who knows what the future will bring

Dreamy is a very nice person to work with in proffecionall and has always been an awesome friend of mine
Thx for your friendship hun , big hugzz to u