Robin Harper Linden Farewell In Dublin – Friday 13th
by Alphaville Herald on 09/02/09 at 7:42 am
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
This morning, Sitearm Madonna dropped off a press release at the Herald offices announcing "Bad Luck for Linden Lab Day" on friday the 13th — a farewell to Robin Harper Linden Reception at the Dublin 2 sim. The festivities will include a meet 'n greet and live music from Dizzy Banjo, Cylindrian Rutabaga, Frogg Marlowe, and Grace McDunnough. This sounds like a party that will fill the sim to capacity, so those who want to join the virtual irish wake should RSVP to Sitearm Madonna soon.
[full text of the press releaase after the jump]
Ham Rambler and the Dublin Team are having a special reception forRobin Harper Linden and you're invited! The event will be located atHam's Dublin Lord Mayor's House on Dublin 2 Shamrogue Island. Livemusic includes Dizzy Banjo, Cylindrian Rutabaga, Frogg Marlowe, andGrace McDunnough.
ROBIN HARPER LINDEN LIVE MUSIC RECEPTION will be held February 13th9:00am – 11:00am SLT at Dublin 2 Shamrogue Island in Second Life.
This party is to celebrate Robin Linden's achievements and send heroff in style! Robin is leaving Linden Lab after seven years with thesaME coMPany.
DATE AND TIME: Friday, 13th February; 9:00am -11:00am SLT
LOCATION: Dublin Lord Mayor's House in Dublin 2 Sim
9:00 – 9:30 Gather and Greet – Your Host Ham Rambler
9:30 – 9:40 Short Program – Thank You to Robin Harper Linden from all of us!
9:10 – 11:00 Live Music and Chat – Live Music includes Dizzy Banjo, Cylindrian Rutabaga, Frogg Marlowe, and Grace McDunnough!
P.S. The unofficial name of this event is the "Bad Luck for Linden Lab Day" (Friday the 13th, get it?)
RSVP – Sitearm Madonna
Marine Sniper
Feb 9th, 2009
Can I come and sing Another Linden Bites the Dust?
Feb 9th, 2009
The massive Dublin lag should be an interesting send off for a Linden
Jumpman Lane
Feb 9th, 2009
rsvp robin aint gonna be there lol
janeforyou Barbara
Feb 9th, 2009
The Live Music Artists are som of the best in SL tho
No,i am not shure Robin wil be there…But its a cool way to get in members (and prolly a ton of greefers) I went to look.. The sim was allready greefed by huge megaprim tingy covering half the sim, i told one person of it there, a rentor and then thay cleaned out the megaprim,was just a few shop reantals hired out, and the shop/prim rent are to hight for me, from 600 a week to 900 and up.Hardly any traffick there at all.The Dublin 2 SIM need to be secured and manage and worked up, then i may go rent a shop
Robin Linden
Feb 9th, 2009
Of course I’ll be there! I wouldn’t miss it for anything.
Jumpman Lane
Feb 9th, 2009
i’ll def swing by.
Feb 10th, 2009
I’ll come by to see 1 less Linden in the world!
Sitearm Madonna
Feb 10th, 2009
Of course Robin will be there (oh wait she said that).
You’re all invited however some of your comments are cracking me up.
Ham Rambler’s trying to collect some remembrances (shh… don’t tell Robin) so drop a notecard on him (“I remember when Robin… etc.”).
We’re (ok, I’M) hoping to crash the sim at 110 but not til the very end (shh… don’t tell Jack).
janeforyou Barbara
Feb 11th, 2009
@ Sitearm Madonna
If you pass 60 in that Dublin2 SIM you get horrible lagg, its not the numbers of agents you get, its the qualty thay get.
Am shure it wil be a crowd, but you may be able to move in there if you set the limit to 50 agents
Lisa Lisa
Feb 11th, 2009
The Dublin sims have horrible lag with NO ONE there. Y’all got issues.
Sitearm Madonna
Feb 11th, 2009
Trouble in Dublin City
(with apologies to Meredith Willson and Music Man)
Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do not wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of Lag in your community.
Trouble, oh we got trouble,
Right here in Dublin City!
With a capital “T”
That [doesn't] rhyme with “L”
And that stands for Lag,
That stands for Lag.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in Dublin City,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the resi’s unlagged at events!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble…
Mothers of Dublin City!
Heed the warning before it’s too late!
Watch for the tell-tale sign of corruption!
The moment your son leaves the house,
Does he rebuckle his knickerbockers below the knee!
Is there a nicotine stain on his index ginger?
A dime novel hidden in the corn crib?
Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like “swell?”
And ‘so’s your old man?”
Well, if so my friends,
Ya got trouble!
Right here in Dublin City!
With a capital “T”
That (doesn’t) rhyme with “L”
And that stands for Lag.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in Dublin City!
Remember the Maine, Plymouth Rock and the Golden Rule!
Oh, we’ve got trouble.
We’re in terrible, terrible trouble.
That game with the avatars and sims is a devil’s tool!
Oh yes we got trouble, trouble, trouble!
With a “T”! Gotta rhyme it with “L”!
And that stands for Lag!!!
Professor C
Feb 11th, 2009
For once there I have to agree with you. No matter what you do to a sim a crowd of that magnitude can and will lag if for no other reason than most of the people in there won’t think or won’t care about their scripted worn objects unless the intelligent thing is done and scripts are turned off. But then again this is the intellect of Linden Labs we are talking about and with their recent choices …
We shall see what happens.
janeforyou Barbara
Feb 12th, 2009
@ Professor C
wooooo.ok If you go to Dublin2 at that event chekk your “Lagmeeter” if all are green its ok.. yellow hmmm you may take down your drawdistanse until all lights are green, if you get red your in trubble, take drawdistanse to low or 96, if that dont help you, sorry then you freze up.
OMG! You agree on some
Take of blings-xcite (hehe) and any huds,the problem can be that scripts start to run up to 9k—10k in the sim,estatemanagers can turn off all scripts but then scripted animations wont work,i think any estate manager know this
I got shops round in a few malls,some malls got good managers and got 10% to 15% left on prims… others use any prim thay can if i go to a sim and se a 14.500 prim use and 8000 scripts running i just leave hehe, no use even trying.And if thay got 70 traffick bots on top on that the sim are “Doomed”
Feb 12th, 2009
Well, at least you can laugh at your own problems. That’s something. You have a beautiful set of sims, but crummy lag and a poor newby orientation area.
Professor C
Feb 12th, 2009
@ Jane
About the scripted animations yes. But scripts can be turned off in the parcel level for group use only. Then set things that way and the animations will still work for things like dance balls and such.
I will try and get there but can’t guarantee. I do have a few things I need to take care of offline.
Marine Sniper
Feb 13th, 2009
I will cry today because another Linden Died! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sitearm Madonna
Feb 13th, 2009
Many thanks to all who came! Event pictures and a list of attendees (138) are posted here:
Sure enough, we crashed, but only just after Ham and Robin spoke and while Philip was jUSt getting started (karma – shigata ga nei, neh?). The sim restored, all artists played, and a good time was had by all.
Kudos to special concert gig artists: Dizzy, Cylindrian, Frogg, and Grace! Kudos to Robin, Residents, and yes Lindens. Robin ‘are now’ one of us.
P.S. If I missed your name, my apologies, let me know and I’ll add you.
P.P.S. If you are also posting pics, send me your link and I’ll add it to the page.
P.P.P.S. Shockingly, Prokofy, imagine, got inna argument with someone – imagine!
Marine Sniper
Feb 14th, 2009
Thank God its 00:16 SL time one less Hitler I mean Linden in the world!
janeforyou Barbara
Feb 15th, 2009
This URL still dont work :
I was at the event, the crash came after 40 min.i was not able to logg in until 1 hours later when scripts was off, as i forseen the lagg was horrible and the scripts had to be taken off, but the artists was nice and everyone as i seen there behaved after the crahs hehe, Thanks for a lovly last hour.
Sitearm Madonna
Feb 17th, 2009
The prior post had a pesky period (.) added to the end of the link.