alika Yue — Post6 Grrl
by Alphaville Herald on 31/03/09 at 1:00 pm

My interests include, but are not limited to,making clothes, doing photography, roleplaying in Gor/Fantasy/Urbansims, hanging out with friends and being an all around trouble maker. Ilove changing the look to my private land. It seems that I decide totake down and set up new themes on a two or three month rotation.Currently, I have been fascinated with the Alice in Wonderland/Macrabestyle of living. Perhaps it has to do with my inner child crying to goback to Disney World and live with Alice, Captain Hook and shootbeebee's at the It's a Small World children.

I have a wide aray of styles, includinggrunge/dirt, dress up lolita dollies, costumes, and Gorean clothing.This being said, I fear that I am going to have to file Chapter 13 if Ikeep spending as much as I do.*inserts witty Lulz here*. I have beenknown to stomp around in my unreleased Gutterblood zombie skin, dressup like a latex barbie doll, panther girl from the wild forests of Gorand many many more that I'm most likely going to forget to mention.

I love to roleplay! Everytime I hear about a newroleplay sim coming into action, I'm one of the firsts to hop in andtry and start trouble. But as quickly as I hop in, I tend to loseinterest and leave before I can fully develop my characters.
alika Yue
Mar 31st, 2009
I SO do not stalk Delora Starbrook. I only sneak into her bedroom at night and sniff her panties. That isn’t stalking, is it?
Mar 31st, 2009
I usually like post 6 but the pictures have cropped the models head so its not very good this time, shame
Sigmund Leominster
Mar 31st, 2009
Nice to see the Herald going back to its roots with more naked chicks. And because this is post-modernist nudity, it’s not degrading, exploitative, or sexist, but a statement about female awareness of objectification and hence a satirical comment on male superficiality. The model is clearly aware of the power she has and that she is in full control of her sexuality; confident in her self-awareness; cognizant of her acknowledgment of her right to choose; secure in how she presents herself; and open in her defiance of attempts to control and impose upon her personality.
And showing titties is always a good idea.
Darien Caldwell
Mar 31st, 2009
lol, another of my friends.
Congrats Alika! You’re looking good as always
janeforyou Barbara
Apr 1st, 2009
Why not get cuples “post6-Cuple” Hetro cuple-Lesbian cuple-Gaymale cuple, that be cool, no sex, just erotic
Apr 1st, 2009
More lame pics, especially now that the chics head is cut off in all of them. And wtf is she doing in the third pic? Looks like she’s ready to take a dump.
Not hot, again
Apr 1st, 2009
> is someone I’ve known for a long, long time.
> doing photography
> skinny blonde gorean RPer barbie doll
Can you get any more boring and generic?
Apr 1st, 2009
As soon as she said Gor, i realized just another bozette. Too bad.
Archie Lukas
Apr 12th, 2009
Oh stop the bitching
the photo is sharp, the right colour and density
and the girl is actually pretty
Thgis is a MAJOR change from last year
and about fecking time.
every improvement is welcome
Well done that man/woman/thing/furry object
Bunny Sucked
Apr 27th, 2009
Bunny sucked. God even Penance did better pics, at least she tried to be creative. And Justine, even when she posted not fully rezzed screencaps of her models they were still better than bunny’s shit. And whe very first post 6 lady whatsher’pickle Murphy was all class with her work. So far this new girl puts Bunny to shame.
Top Ten Post 6 Managers
1- Murphy
2- Satereu
3- babbii
4- New girl, could rise higher
5-9- the next 5 woman to hold the job after new girl quits
10- Bunny. Maybe.