by Alphaville Herald on 24/03/09 at 5:00 pm
[Note from Delora: This week's model is a true example of kindness andgenerosity, something that SecondLife's residents have been sorelylacking in as of late. I found her at a free sex area, assisting a newresident in... let's just say, she was teaching him how to useposeballs properly. After the initial disgusted reaction (Why would a2 and a half year old avatar be humping a noob with a freenis? OH GOD)I realized she must be doing her own variety of giving our noobs awelcoming first experience in our virtual world. I couldn't resistasking her to be the Post6 Model for this week, and being the kind girl(and shameless hussy) she is, she agreed! Thank you, Aradia, forposing for the Herald this week!]
*fiddles with the tape recorder* Is this thing on now? I can never t… Oh it is, cool…
Hihi, my name is Dia, I've been around SL for almost 3 years now, sincemid-2006. I originally came here following a few people I knew on asocial server on Neverwinter Nights.

I wasinstantly hooked, completely won over by how open-ended SL is. There'sreally very very few limits, besides your imagination. And some peoplewho create here have really amazing imaginations.
The awesome music was one of my first reasons tostick around, I used to go club hopping all the time, looking for coolDJ's… and showing off the latest outfit I got. I really like to makefashion statements. I can't design for my life, but I have tons of funreinventing myself using the great stuff that others lovingly created.
I'mextremely privileged to belong to tightly-knit SL family, of amazingdesigners, roleplayers and just amazing people in general. I've grownvery very close to a few of my Cyrian family, creating bonds I have nodesire to sever.
But! I'm also friendly to strangers when I can, Ilike to give newbies random makeovers once in a while… And I can beplayful, even if my kinks aren't all that unusual in SL.
My occupations in SL… a little roleplaying, but mostly I'm afashionista, a listener, sometimes a muse. I'm not sure what else tosay, but if you want to randomly say hi, feel free!
Mar 24th, 2009
Mar 25th, 2009
I think you look very nice
Darien Caldwell
Mar 25th, 2009
Aww, Waves to Aradia.
A kinder soul you won’t find it’s true. She was there for me when I was a noob, and I’ve never forgot her kindness.
Valentina Kendal
Mar 28th, 2009
pretty, sexy, nice, hella good fashion sense… what has the Post 6 gurl come to!
ummm, I think I need help with poseballs too…
Archie Lukas
Apr 12th, 2009
Good photos
(Theres a major change)
Interesting tattoos, glad she didn’t tattoo her breasts, leave those puppies alone, they are innocent.
PS ever seen 50 year old tattoos?
TIP: Do not place on areas that go wrinkly with age.
Trust me on that one
(no not me you idiot)