LL Plans To Erect Mainland Porn Continent
by Alphaville Herald on 13/03/09 at 8:29 am
Dedicated immersive workspaces for cybersex coming soon
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Will the Cherry18 Girls' School Clbhouse move to the islands – or a new continent?
Thursday, Cyn Linden announced plans for a Linden-Lab sponsored porn specially-themed continent to house certain mainland adult activities, after noticing that "some Residents are interested in pursuingcertain “Adult” activities in Second Life that others would rather notcasually encounter".
The Lab promised to develop clear guidelines on what constitutes adult user-created content, and update the world's search functions so that this content may be excluded from search results for those that wish to shield their eyes from SL militia yiffing parties, for instance.
At the same time, players will be required to flag their content appropriately, and mainland businesses and activities that are flagged adult will be required to move to a separate continent. Island owners will also be required to flag their land, but will not be expected to move.
The escorts I spoke with at Lolita's whorehouse girls school in Yonchon were not sure what this meant for them, and pointed out that they were not exactly escorts – they were more like porn stars. Since there are a few months of planning before the Lab opens the new continent we can expect that they will work out a way to continue their game.
Meanwhile look for a never-ending debate on the definition of "adult" content, age verification, freedom of expression and artistic license, re-imbursement for relocation expenses, gangs of residents griefing others with accusations of improperly flagged adult content, and a hasty retreat from the mainland to private islands or one of the OpenSim worlds for those who do not wish to spend the remainder of their second lives negotiating with the Linden governance team.
janeforyou Barbara
Mar 13th, 2009
This wont change any for me,i had all my places “mature” flagged sins 2006. The ageverification tingy dont work and prolly never will work.
As i se it its up to you to go to a “mature” place,, your choice to go or not to it.
I read a lot of pages and asked a lot of q to LL on it and it seams like its to give users a choice, how to stop any under 18 to get in puzzles me, i cant enforce a RL ID on users anyway.
And Restricked acess in Region wil block out a lot of costumers,, i cant do that cuz its my income. I dont think LL can solve this and still keep in tousens of Islandsowners
Pappy Enoch
Mar 13th, 2009
HOO WHEE. Sign me up! A hole land full o’ nekkid gals an’ talkin’ weenies!
Gots mee a bizness plan: Pappy’s Barn-Yard Jamboree! Git knotty n’ nekkid wif Bossy the Cow!
Hold me down, fellers! Ol’ Tug-Boat am a settin’ sales for this-here new XXX land an’ I aims tu git rich qwik!
Mar 13th, 2009
Just another nail in the coffin. SL wont survive beyond 2010.
Neo Citizen
Mar 13th, 2009
Have to agree there. This is going to be as disruptive as the Openspace sim price jacking. If there were an actual workable business plan at Linden Lab, it would be obvious to the casual observer what it was, because they’d be doing things that made some kind of sense. You might not know why at the time, but over time, it would build up into some sort of coherent pattern. I’ve been in SL for years now, and I don’t see that kind of pattern emerging with respect to Linden Lab.
I think what Linden Lab built is worth while – but I also think that if they don’t get their heads out of the upright and locked position, they’re just going to burn it to the ground.
mello jello
Mar 13th, 2009
Well, we already know that LL has plans to close the Teen Grid and move them all over to the Main Grid, so this Adult Island makes sense if you look at it from that perspective. It will absolutely kill what is left of SL when this Adult Island has been open for awhile, and the fetted likes of The GreenLantern Core or the Justice League Unlimited (they are adults who wear capes in SL, yeah right) have been employed by LL to go around the Main Grid and report back to LL the names and locations of anyone seen engaging in “Adult Activities”, so that LL can give them a day timeout ban, and then a Notecard telling them that if they want to pursue their Adult Activities they had better move to Adult Island or be permabanned if the GLC or the JLU catch them doing it again…
Wow, it will be so great when they climb up your ass, you will be like OH WOW GLC GIVE IT TO ME AGAIN IT FEELS SO GOOD… not… RIP SL
janeforyou Barbara
Mar 13th, 2009
If LL force all GLBT places in to “Adult” LL gets trubble. i got 5 islands set as mature,,i got one i can set as PG if i cover the the nipples and put a g string on the skin vendors lol
And i prolly need to have 2 malls a PG and a Adult? errr..and who the heck wil controll it all? And if someone got a “Fuck you” or ” Raise Hell” or ” sexy bitch” gesture and run that in a PG thay get banned? geaaz! BOOOOBBIEES! OMG! i get banned!
This gonne be a total mess.
Neo Citizen
Mar 13th, 2009
Sorry, Mello, but what the heck are you smoking, and where can I get some? Let me screw in my bullshit filter and see what comes through it ..
“I get caught doing shit, and seems like it’s always them that does it.”
Yep. Loud and clear.
Neo Citizen
Mar 13th, 2009
And janeforyou, exactly my point – and Mello sort of makes the same point here (though he seems to have some of his own issues). The plan SOUNDS okay, until you realize there’s no way to actually control or monitor the process. This whole thing will place a HUGE load on the governance team, who frankly haven’t been a reliable or consistent voice in SL for a long time already.
mello jello
Mar 13th, 2009
“The system we build will have three main features, which we will describe in great detail over the next few months. First, it will provide a way to geographically separate Adult content and activities to a part of the “mainland” designed to accommodate these activities (Estate owners with Adult content on their land will be required to flag their content; they will not be required to move). Second, it will filter search results, so that those who do not wish to see “Adult” results will not. Third, it will require that those who access or see “Adult” content (whether on land or in search) have had their accounts verified – such as by a payment or age verification method.”
janeforyou Barbara
Mar 13th, 2009
*Happy dance!
I investigated closer…from what Jeska Linden is telling we ISLAND estate owner can continue as before as loong as we flagg mature!
If your on MAINLAND.. your skrewed and need to move to a Mature area or so, lol err thay are not shure on how and stuff at LL yet tho
Marx Dudek
Mar 13th, 2009
It’s got electrolytes!
Stephie Dawes
Mar 13th, 2009
“pointed out that they were not exactly escorts – they were more like porn stars.”
Neo Citizen
Mar 13th, 2009
That’s the real trick, isn’t it, Jane? Estates are easy enough to copy with, but how many tiny little parcels are there with adult content on them – how the hell does Linden Lab expect to be able to sort through that mess and get anything like a coherent system or plan of action out of it?
Originally you had to be able to prove you were an adult to get on the grid, and then they tossed that and let anybody with a throwaway email account get on (hence all the bored Asperger’s Syndrome kids who get on to grief), and now anybody can go anywhere, and it’s completely unregulated.
I think it would be vastly vastly easier to just stop accepting unverified accounts. Throw a switch. Boom, done. Instead, they’re doing this the hard way, and maybe the impossible way.
Mar 13th, 2009
I don’t really care about the “adult content” on this new continent. But a continent with no kids pretending to be adults, no alt griefing, no puritanical nagging, very few free accounts begging for stuff, very few “noobs”, no camping chair lag, mostly active players with actual lindens to spend…
Sounds like paradise to me!
How long will it take before the ancillary benefits outweigh the censorship issues and the new continent becomes more active and more popular than the rest of SL?
Mar 14th, 2009
look at LL’s writeup by the Better Business Bureau.
Mar 14th, 2009
to add to it. Looks like Linden Lab doesn’t know the meaning of “customer satisfactio” because everyday we get screwed by LL on “Age Verification” telling us to do it manually,we pay money we deserve resppect. LL stop giving the finger to your paying customers.
cube republic
Mar 14th, 2009
Whos gonna name these new red light sims, how will they work it out?
Mar 14th, 2009
@ Neo Citizen “…How long will it take before the ancillary benefits outweigh the censorship issues and the new continent becomes more active and more popular than the rest of SL?”
Oh somewhere between a week and a month. Watch mainland land prices crash through the floor… again. Speculating further: I wouldn’t be surprised if a wholescale redraw of the mainland map is on the cards with one or more of the present-day continents completely disappearing and the new all-singing all-dancing adult continent rapidly becomes an archipelago of adult continents.
Don’t think for a minute this new policy will keep the little brats out. It won’t. They’ll find a way to sneak in. It’s just another fig-leaf for LL to wear in court should some moral crusader attempt a lawsuit. Meanwhile it’s back to playing ‘Whack-a-Mole’with the kiddiz.
Mar 14th, 2009
At0m0 Beerbaum
Mar 14th, 2009
This is going to be awesome. The fallout is going to be hilarious.
1, making SL more “kid friendly” and “moral” is going to alienate the adults from SL like they alienated european users.
2, This move is kinda pointless as you’re essentially recreating the Teen and Adult grids, just on the same grid with a bigger chance of getting sued. If they think this will boost numbers for the teen grid, it wont, it will just result in lost numbers as teen grid users who aren’t complete lost causes (ie, spend EVERY WAKING HOUR ON SL) will see that all the wait to get on the adult grid wasn’t worth it and is only marginally better than the teen grid (in all honesty, they all want access to the porn) They’ll stop playing or get their parents’ credit card and using other fake info. Had to deal with someone a few weeks ago who did that. Wasn’t too hard, they let everyone in sight know that they were underaged. Then they suddenly disappeared from the grid. lol. catface.
3, Adult users, who have already been dragged around through the mud plenty by SL, and who are mostly comprised of drama queens will “protest” in a hilariously ineffective manner, many will probably get banned for the way they dress when protesting in any of the PG rated support sims, etc. Will realize that LL doesn’t care about them and will force them to move anyway, and will realize their businesses have become useless as their majority of customers are unverified, either being Brazilians or teenagers posing as adults.
4, If you thought the main grid was shitty and full of drama already, wait until you experience hormonally driven teenage butthurt drama that will increase levels of hilarity to over 9000.
5, Protecting children from adult content? Don’t make me laugh, LL might sweep all the mature and paying users under the rug to do this, (and eventually treat said adults like children as well), but wait until a throw-away account dressed in a business suit and an afro spams a sim with cubes of goatse, tubgirl, and other fun characters. So much for protecting the “innocent.”
Foot meet bullet, again.
This will be fun to watch.
Mar 14th, 2009
I tried to Age verify my account recently and it is bugged for Canadian residents.
1)They only allow 5 characters for the zipcode/postal code, however Canadian Postal Codes have 6 characters.
2)They only list American states in the dropdown menu, and not Canadian provinces. Despite the heading saying “state/province”.
And this is all after choosing “Canada” in the dropdown menu to begin with.
I do not have a scanner, so I cannot exactly manually age verify unless I go get one. The thing is, I have no use for a scanner and I don’t like the idea of getting one just for SL.
I have a free account, and have had this for about a year and a half. However, I also create houses, furniture, skins, hair; “own” full sims (and rent them out to others); own shops. For me, this has all been for fun and perhaps someday I will actually withdraw all those L’s into real money; however I do not really want to at the moment.
I have around 2 million lindens, so perhaps now is the time to get off my butt and get a debit card and start withdrawing some of that money; as payment info will be a way of verifying age.
Still, back to my main point, the age verification system is bugged and not functional for Canadian residents.
Miley Stewart
Mar 14th, 2009
Wouldn’t it be easier to move the few non-adult mainland structures?
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2009
it’s a big who cares.
caws of that wierdo torley i had to IDENTITY VERIFY with the lab. heheheh lil dif from age verification its where u have to send them id papers so they know who to tell Johnny Lawto go get.
I made buddies with the g team
my dump is locals onleh. meanin all my picks lead to gov linden dumps, i dont give out lms, and the VERY ADULT CRAP WE DO DONT REQUIRE A BUNCH OF TURDS TARDY ABOUT The Palazzo.
um i aint settin foot on the adult continent unless its for monies.
and im still gonna make alla grid and the WORLDS know this:
I think inthe end sl is gonna be one big hotspot. EMPTY. Theyare just firewallin themselves lmao. hey does IBM even make computers anymore. that lotus 123 tard is a sell out and a chump. cash out now :p
At0m0 Beerbaum
Mar 15th, 2009
The reason they don’t show Canada is because we all know Canada doesn’t actually exist. It’s a lie. It’s really northern Wisconsin.
simple mind
Mar 15th, 2009
Heh, “erect” adult area.
Archie Lukas
Mar 15th, 2009
I did the age verification thing when it came out
and now have an ALT for quiet work (no contacts, all shhhh).
I can go to the same places and some are, arhhhh-humph a bit naughty, sometimes, hardly ever of course, pardon Vicar?
Not been asked for that a/c age verification -although the same RL punter paid up -(me) for both free account cash reserves.
BTW -no problem in England, we don’t have yankee zip codes either.
Q1 Are they both covered by one age verification?
Q2 Did it never actually get implemented in-world?
Luke Termagant
Mar 15th, 2009
This whole debate is another clear example of neverending attempts to control what mature people (and paying customers) should and should not see. The main idea is to restrict content BEFORE you can see it, not give you an option to restrict it AFTER you see it in and leave the judgment to restrict it up to you.
Can anybody see that or am I the only one? That has nothing to do with freedom of choice. LL is basically just the internet provider. Do other internet providers tell their webhosting customers how their web sites should look? I do not think so.
Heavily restricted Gaming and Sexual services are now the only remaining areas of SL, where people can make at least some money to cover high tiers and make small profit. Forget sales of products or sales of virtual land. Forget successful stories about guys making thousands of dollars – it is pure propaganda. There are exceptions, but in general situation is more than bad. There is simply not enough new people coming into the Grid. And bots? Well, everyone who does not believe me when I say that there is more bots than real avatars in SL, should visit few places with high traffic figures and look at the sky boxes overflowing with fake avatars. Shocking. Dishonest. Damaging. Is LL doing anything to solve it? No. Annual reports look much better, you know.
Leeaches in the sky is the REAL problem but as usual, it’s more convenient to talk crap. To pretend that things are different than they really are. Like in real life.
So let’s talk weeks about what is the definition of sexual content. I am sure it will help us to get out of the giant hole called SL economy.
Two Worlds
Mar 15th, 2009
This is an ignorant outrage by Linden Labs to foist their “Puritan sensabilities” that they no doubt have brought over from the Christian right center of their corporate offices in San Francisco (huh boy, don’t even get me started on THOSE conservotards) into their error-filled virtual world. Just fiddling while Rome burns, if you ask me.
Yes, clearly there is only one way to protest this pseudo-morality: Show me your tits, ladies. You want to keep the free virtual world free, right? Then flash them ta-tas for FREEDOM! You get even more freedom if you go all the way and have e-sex with me! Show those Lindens what freedom of expression is all about: Having sex with me, that’s what! Exercise your right to civil disobedience by flaunting the “rated R” virtual laws every chance you get.
Show your tits…for FREEDOM.
(BTW, Jumpman, as soon as I figure out why you spell like a six year old crackhead I’d like to figure out how on earth you manage to put up a website on Second Life porn, using Second Life avatars. I’m sure there’s money to be made in this…)
Witness X
Mar 16th, 2009
While I don’t necessarily think that the ENTIRE adult population is a bunch of whiners and wankers, I think At0m0′s pretty much got it figured out.
It’s yet another clumsy Linden misstep.
Mar 16th, 2009
Now the time is right for key programmers and developers at LL to leave and form their own virtual world where things are done right — or is this just wishful thinking? But I certainly believe there are folks at LL thinking to themselves “can’t anyone here get this right?”
This may be a ploy to get folks to buy new, probably very pricy, Adult continent land — but after all the problems vendors have experienced in SL (“do not make any transactions until we give an all clear”) — it is just going to make lots of folks find better things to do in RL.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 16th, 2009
@ two worlds hehehehehe i’ll let u in the know
ive been makin money off this crap since “issue 2″ was a blogspot blog i didnt bother to edit. it astounds meh the monies i;ve LOST due to period suspensions. if i had the time to slap together 12 striaght issues i would neva have to work again heheheheh. though in all seriousness m sl pays for itself and 1/4 of my cox cable bill. workin on the rest
Mar 16th, 2009
I personally think Linden is making a huge mistake if they end up shutting down the Teen grid and moving them into the main grid. It’s just asking for problems. Possibly even legal issues. The point of the separation of the grids is quite obvious. The current rules state “No one under 18 on the main grid.”. And that is the best rule they could possibly have to protect both themselves and the residents in SL. The fact is, even though I believe that there are underage in SL breaking the rules, the rules are there to comfort the adults whom take it for granted that they are speaking with another adult in Second Life. With a merging of the Teen Grid and the Main SL grid, the potential for having minors in the wrong areas grows 1000 percent. If they can login to the main grid, they will be able to access adult material of some sort, no doubt about it. Even if it’s only a skin advertisement, minors should not be able to view the material.
There will be huge problems with this move. They had it correct the first time. Separate the main and teen grids. And now they get a wild hair and mess that up. This will also be bad for Linden Lab as it would then be more likely to have increased negative publicity in the media over a person believing they are talking to an adult, only to end up finding they are a minor. Or worse yet, the few that would be looking for a discussion with a minor within SL. This is just a plain bad decision if indeed Linden wants to merge the grids. It won’t pan out well long term. I can see that plain as day. Let’s hope that Linden leaves both the Teen and the Adult grids as is where the rules expressly stipulate that only adults can login to the Main grid, and that no adult may login to the Teen grid. This is absolutely the way it should be.
Miss Petunia Amarylis Courtney Taliaferro, D.A.R.
Mar 17th, 2009
I am shocked and appalled–mortified, to be honest, that Mister Kingdon took so terribly long to flush out the sewer that Second Life has become.
Now that a death-blow is being dealt to these unsavory people, we can get down to the serious business of using our wonderful computing machines to socialize and be creative.
In fact, I am planning to convene a Doily Convention as soon as the ruffians and perverts have left the mainland. I shall also open a tea-room in a suitable spot overlooking the sea, so that I may invest in the proper use of this technology.
In fact, if Miss Mistral permits, I have other suggestions for how Second Life should be rid of its filth and perversion in order to uphold tried-and-true values that support family, God, country, and the betterment of the lower classes.
Please watch this space.
Sadako Shikami
Mar 17th, 2009
Did anyone else notice that the prosaic picture they put on the blog entry contains a phallic symbol?
Miss Petunia Amarylis Courtney Taliaferro, D.A.R.
Mar 18th, 2009
Miss Shikami, why yes I did, though I blushed to even mention it! Lighthouses and similar erections need to be banned from Second Life, because they inflame the passions of impressionable young ladies who must be sheltered from such temptations.
You have a keen eye for perversions of this sort, and with us you could endeavour to rid our world of unclean imagery and practices.
I would like to invite you to submit your credentials to the ladies on the Organizing Committee of the League of Virtual Decency™ that will soon hold its first meeting in Second Life.
Saiyne Aji
Mar 20th, 2009
“(hence all the bored Asperger’s Syndrome kids who get on to grief)” – Neo Citizen
We tend to have SOME intelligence, or else are too… regressed, to even work a computer. The people you are talking about are plain and simple morons – selfish, ignorance and proud of it.
Oh, and Second Life has been dying for years. Just enjoy it while you can.
Eventually, hopefully, someone will come up with something better. But, you know, humans – lazy bastards, the lot of us.
Business Nerdette
Mar 21st, 2009
I applaud Linden Lab’s sound business sense to create this “special themed” area. This is exACTly what the Shogun did for medieval Japan and it worked well. Social networking and culture are well and good but it’s sex that makes the world go round, including the economic world.
If Linden Lab could next bring back gambling, they’d be well positioned to stay alive and thrive with ‘The Big Two’ in place (Sex and Gambling).
Business Nerdette
Mar 23rd, 2009
@ArianeB: Ouch re Linden Lab getting an “F” from the Better Business Bureau. I did a little research wondering if US Better Business Bureau Ratings are an important consideration.
BBB sez… “BBB assigns grades from A to F with pluses and minuses. A+ is the highest grade and F is the lowest. The grade represents BBB’s degree of confidence that the business is operating in a trustworthy manner and will make a good faith effort to resolve any customer concerns.”
So here’s the windup…
Linden Lab – “F”
. Number of complaints filed against business.
. Failure to respond to complaints filed against business.
. Length of time business has taken to resolve complaint(s).
Dell Inc – “C+”
. Government action(s) against business.
Apple – “B”
. More than one complaint is unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.
Microsoft – “A+”
Amazon – “A+”
Playboy – “No Rating”
Fox News – “No Rating”
AT&T – “No Rating”
Google – “No Rating”
So clearly… um… clearly… Playboy, Fox News, AT&T, and Google are in worse trubble than Linden Lab! Next Up: Is there an International BBB?
Eilithyia Illios
Mar 25th, 2009
And to think, all this because some morons can’t stand to see a pixel boobie….
FWord Utorid
Apr 1st, 2009
We need to do the same to the rest of the internet… Make all of the porn ad people flag their content, make them all move all of the unsightly porn to Antarctica. After that, we should make everyone flag their thoughts and their ideas, and we should make everyone who thinks differently from ME move to another continent. Once that’s all done, and everyone’s been flagged and properly filed, we can move all of the porn back from Antarctica over to my place, and I’ll have a happy little world all to myself while those who like to flag, segregate, and file things and are afraid of growing up or imagine spanking you will be properly out of the way so I can have more time… for porn.