Anti-Inspect Prims’ Growing Popularity
by Alphaville Herald on 02/06/09 at 7:24 am
by Tenshi Vielle
Ah, the new, shiny, stupid things Second Life residents create to makepeople spend L$. It's like your Aunt Gertrude buying the ShamWow! froma television commercial. Not necessary, completely stupid, and yet sheloves the thing like a long lost child.
The new trend in Second Life Stupid Products is the Anti-Inspectprim. These showed up quite a long time ago — a few years ago, in fact- but are now gaining popularity thanks to built in features on viewerslike the Emerald viewer.
extending clothing layer protection shields to prim acessories?
An Anti-Inspect prim is basically just a huge, invisible prim thatprevents anyone from immediately right clicking on your primaccessories to find out whose items you are wearing. Its beyond me why having someoneinspect you is a problem, but apparently it is reachingepidemic proportions within Second Life.
how did this product rate even 1 star?
Darkley Aeon complained at the SLUniverse forums,
"Im currently in Truth and there is a girl with a giant invisiprimaround her so shes in effect blocking the board so nobody can buy a newrelease (…) WTF???!?!!!!!"
One can certainly relate. Shh. Nobody tell her you can just cam around the prim.
you'd have to be a total douche to actually wear one
Jun 2nd, 2009
I went to some horrific blingy club called Bootilicious, and there were like 5 extra-ghetto girls there with like 20k ARC in anti-inspect prims.
Whats wrong with people inspecting? I dont get it.
Jun 2nd, 2009
I think the Emerald viewer zeros out texture IDs for wearable bits. It’s different than an inspection blocker. Inspection blockers are to stop people examining attachments. God forbid someone find the same prim bling store.
The 1.23 viewer does the clothing layer compositing differently. It looks like Linden is quietly removing the need to send texture IDs to everyone, so maybe they are preparing to add protection on the server end.
Copybot Abbot
Jun 2nd, 2009
Enough said
Jun 2nd, 2009
so this is what the lab is wasting thier time on? More useless SHIT!
Jun 2nd, 2009
These things are pretty embarrassing. Anyone who is even somewhat familiar with the camera controls knows that you can just alt click on the ground or a nearby prim and zoom right inside of the stupid thing. The only thing that these succeed in doing is making the owner look like a tool.
Nice one!
Jun 2nd, 2009
As always, invisiprims are completely misunderstood.
This is the equivalent of saying “O FUK SUM1 GON FIND WHUR I GOT DESE SHOOS.” and somehow thinking that is a problem. If you’re a retard fashionazi you’re probably going to know who builds what random bullshit anyway, right? Nothin moar important than them internets fashions.
P.T. Barnum
Jun 2nd, 2009
Fools and their Lindens…hey, want to buy a plywood cube from me?
You can make anything out of it!
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jun 2nd, 2009
Anti-Inspect prim?
What, they don’t want people knowing where they bought their generic boring shit?
Jun 2nd, 2009
This is another NOOBish accessory like the “Solar-System-Face-Lights” used by blingtards to destroy our SL experience…
The Grown Ups
Jun 2nd, 2009
I LOVE that you pointed out, in the article, what a completely retarded tool Darkley Aeon is.
Thank you
Aya Pelous
Jun 2nd, 2009
I have been on inspection checkes lately because of this, and personally if I see someone wearing them I click on them so they can get my click spam, letting them know that they are a complete tool.
George Zimmer, Founder and CEO of Men's Warehouse
Jun 2nd, 2009
It’s probably more along the lines of they don’t want other people to know that they copybotted them Air Jordans.
Darkley Aeon
Jun 2nd, 2009
Thank you anonymous poster ‘The Grown Ups’
You misread, I couldn’t cam past the person because her giant invisiprim wall was blocking the vendor.
What’s your issue anyway? IM me in world to let me know…..
Jun 2nd, 2009
Don’t be dis’n the Shamwow! Those are great for drying the car.
And the dude marketing them on the tube has WAY MORE personality than YOU basement dweller
Ranma Tardis
Jun 2nd, 2009
Yes this product is beyond stupid. What are they thinking? I could of gotten around it in my first week so many years ago. A invisible prim but soo sorry nOOb it can still be seen. Goes to prove you can not get rid of STUPID by rules. In my day noobs used to wear plywood boxes
Going to make a resolution to ban and eject them as sport *evil grin* Come here little nOOb *hysterical laugh*
Sirius Hartshon
Jun 2nd, 2009
The are actually quite logical: Inflated invisible prims around inflated fashion- and shopping-egos.
Lewis Luminos
Jun 2nd, 2009
anyone who wears an anti-inspect prim, I’m probably not in the slightest bit interested in what they wear anyway.
Renee Galicia
Jun 2nd, 2009
I hate it when someone is wearing a big invisible prim.
When I need to drop an item to a friend standing near her. She will receive it instead of my friend.
I lost a few items because of this.
Jun 3rd, 2009
You should fire very large fast-moving bullets at them so they don’t disturb you further.
It’s the only logical solution. Shoot some furries while you’re at it, they wear all kinds of bulky shit.
General Drama
Jun 3rd, 2009
Actually, an anti-inspect prim is worn by all those folks who want brand name clothing but dont want to pay the brand name prices, so they buy copybotted shit and wear an antiinspect prim in order to prevent getting ARd.
SOLUTION: AR anybody wearing an anti-inspection prim.
Gauge Laville
Jun 5th, 2009
On the rare occasion that I come across another guy wearing something I like, I just ask where it came from so this has no real effect on me. With that said, almost all the avis i’ve seen pictured wearing them…. really don’t need to. Everyone knows the secrets of the poorly textured, and poorly primmed. *smirks*
Clueless Littleboots
Jun 15th, 2009
It’s scripted to alert the user if someone is clicking on them so….click the fuck out of them!
It will drive the up the wall Tee-hee
Cerulean Zessinthal
Jun 18th, 2009
I had no idea what that was honestly. I thought it was some sort of protection that keeps one from appearing nude if accidental replace all was clicked…LOL. Its on by default too. booo.
Aug 4th, 2009
Ok, I stumbled upon this thread because I was looking for a way to stop someone from inspecting me. Not because I care whether or not someone knows where I got my clothes, hair, skin, etc., but because there is this girl who has been inspecting a group of my friends and I, and then showing up looking exactly like one of us on any particular day. Beyond the creepy factor, it’s really just obnoxious, and so I considered buying the shield, just so I can stop having a doppleganger every few days when she decides I am the lucky winner of “Let’s see how pathetic I can be by copying someone’s exact look”. If it was just innocent curiosity, I wouldn’t care. If someone likes my hair and wants to know where I got it, cool, whatever. But someone wants to copy my entire avatar? Little weird.
Urizenus Sklar
Aug 5th, 2009
imitation is the highest form of flattery, Lex.