Spike Chunes — Post 6 Model
by Alphaville Herald on 04/08/09 at 6:27 am
[Before the cries of cronyism start, Spike Chunes was twice in the right place at the right time, in addition to being good looking of course. Ages ago, when I was wandering around wearing a girl avatar, I met Spike. A girl named Timothy turned out not to be his thing but he remained on my friend's list. Finding a good male avie who is willing to pose for Post 6 is always a challenge, so when Spike IM'd out of the blue a couple of weeks ago to see if I'd take his picture, I jumped at the chance to get him here. I hope you enjoy this week's Post 6 Model, Spike Chunes. -Timothy Morpork]
Hi there Second Life citizen! I am called Spike Chunes.
My avatar got his name from the male star of the Buffy series. The vampire Spike in the show is a tough but still funny guy, I just liked his character so I adopted his name.
At first I used SL to explore, see many places, meet many people. Then I found myself in a roleplay called Dark City. I started to like roleplays in Second Life, but I had to switch to other ones as Dark City was closed. Finally I got to Gor, were I stayed a while and made me a name as Spike.
During the roleplays I had also some relationships, a wonderful invention in Second Life Though they often end painfully, like in real life. After each ended relationship, I sometimes changed my appearance a little bit, so my avatar got a new skin, new hair, new clothes… but the shape still looks the same. In this way it is a creation of my own, it's unique and I'm pretty proud of it
After all these transformations, there is the dark-blond Spike, the brunette Spike and the mohawk Spike, all look different but also all have one body.
Well, one final story at the end. Once, after a relationship ended, (of course), I was wandering around and found this stunning girl. As soon as I saw her and started talking she said she was a boy in real life. Eventually, this stunning girl became the Post 6 photographer, and I wanted to try my luck asking him to make a couple of pics, and here we are with why I have to write this right now ^^ but is fun, and also the end of my story.
Aug 4th, 2009
Oh… relationships are a wonderfull invention of Second Life?
And if that would be so… why do you have this pissed off expression on your face?
Hell Ya
Aug 4th, 2009
MMmmmm nice pictires great colors and yeah! I would like a piece of that!! Mmmmmm
Scylla Rhiadra
Aug 4th, 2009
Why am I not finding this rather vacuous (sorry, Spike) profile of a Gorean and ex-Dark City role player a very substantial improvement on the quality of Post 6 …?
oh dear
Aug 4th, 2009
His cock looks like a dog’s penis.
His style of writing mimics that of an 8 year old, which is nothing to mock of itself. Your story was fascinating, let me summarise:
Joined SL.
Pretended to be a vampire/werewolf/cat thing/ dark, moody and mysterious muscle-bound anti-hero/ or any of the other generic characters that people think are edgy and unique.
Had pretend sex.
Acquired the penis of a dog, attached it to his empty groin.
Had pretend sex.
Had pretend sex.
Tried to have pretend sex with a ‘stunning girl’.
Stunning girl was a man (quelle surprise).
Had some ‘nude’ photos taken with his floppy doggy penis on display.
Had pretend sex.
Aug 4th, 2009
God i just LOVE the fact that Oh Dead gave up Second Life. Every new Post 6 is like a little gift thanks to Oh Dear and his obsession with the game he gave up.
Oh Dear, my fat friend, lurking here on the comments, posting hateful things because you hate yourself, you cheer me up because you are proving with every post that you are one of the top ten biggest losers in North America.
Please please never get a life. Please continue to lurk here and throw poo at the models. Please do this because prove with every new post that there is always someone here more pathetic than the rest of us.
Thank you,
marilyn murphy
Aug 4th, 2009
nice, timothy.
spike. why don’t you come up and see me sometime.
oh dear
Aug 4th, 2009
Hey lolled!
I see what you did there…’oh dear/oh dead’…that was very clever! Ahem. I have to admit that although I no longer log into SL, I do enjoy coming here on a Tuesday to see the latest lunatic display their pretend genitalia…
Your blood pressure seemed to be rising exponentially as your post went on….chill my inadequate friend! It’s going to be allllllllllllriiiiiiiight.
P.S. I am not from North America
Aug 4th, 2009
“…more pathetic than the rest of us.”
admission of guilt!
oh dear is cool. you being pathetic and admitting it is COOLA!
Miss Jay
Aug 4th, 2009
His dong is half way down his thigh LOL
Dick Necker
Aug 5th, 2009
This has got to be the single, most hilarious Post 6 article and set of comments I’ve ever read
oh dear
Aug 5th, 2009
“…more pathetic than the rest of us.”
lol….this didn’t register with me the first time around, but it is indeed fucking hilarious.
Thrillin' McVillain
Aug 5th, 2009
I do impressions:
Post 6 sets the cause of womanhood back 400 years! Oh hold it it’s a guy. I STILL don’t like it!
Oh Dear-
This sucks. I’m an unhappy troll. This sucks, but I’m really not a loser for being here, you are!
lolololololololol whatever Oh Dear said cause I’m really Oh Dear in clever disguise.
Y’all are getting too predictable in your trolling.
Nice pictures. Your weenie looks nothing like a dog penis, btw.
Aug 5th, 2009
Yay, you can read. Now, if you practice, you will eventually be able to detect sracasm. You see, I was saying that there is a ladder of degrees of pathetic-ness, and your doppelganger Oh Dear is at the bottom. Now, let go of your penis and go learn something so you’re not such a moron.
Oh Dear
Check my pulse, it don’t change.
Stays 72, come shine or rain.
Jumpman Lane
Aug 5th, 2009
ok ok ok ok i get it . Timmeh is gay! and happeh too! hehehe he shot his man crush way better than any gal so far! anyhows, as the post 6 keeps sinkin to lower and lower depths, my NEXT offer is to have my stalking (but ever so amusing) interns COLLECTIVELY slap together all future Herald post 6 articles for free when u fire the drip caws they could do better by accident!
Nimil Blackflag
Aug 5th, 2009
holy crap.. that is the ugliest pixel cock i have ever seen! *squintz* is that a freenis?
THIS is Rich
Aug 6th, 2009
Dude, you keep offering to work for teh Herald for free and they keep ignoring you. I think that means you really suck at everything. I mean, who turns down free?
Scylla Rhiadra
Aug 6th, 2009
Thrillin’, you seem surprised that I don’t much like THIS Post 6 either?
Well, if you can’t figure out why a feminist might conceivably object to a feature on a male Gorean and Dark City RPer, I would be delighted to direct you to about 40 years worth of literature that might clue you in.
As to the fact that Spike is (putatively) male, I suppose I should express relief that at least it is not a female who is being reduced to a slab of meat this time around. In point of fact, however, I don’t much like ANYONE being objectified in this way, male or female. And lord knows, there is little else in this feature to hold one’s attention. The avatar is cookie-cutter, and the written profile … yeesh.
Spike may be a Nobel Laureate for all I know in RL, but in his profile here he paints himself as a Ken Doll (albeit a potentially violent and abusive one). He’s a perfect complement to the Barbie Dolls to which we have hitherto been treated.
oh dear
Aug 6th, 2009
Get with the programme! Take your feminist shilly-shallyings elsewhere, the fact that you appear to have at least 40yrs worth of feminist literature points to the fact that you are a stark-raving over-the-top feminist lunatic!
Bungle Soup
Aug 6th, 2009
Reading Post 6 these last few weeks has been the comment page equivalent of reading a fistfight. What happened? Did troll summer camp let out? Oh Dear, We, Jumpman- it’s shark week on the Discovery Channel, doesn’t that usually put you nerds in a good mood?
I normally just lurk but I had to clear things up after what Jumpman said because I know Timothy and have had the privilege of hanging out with him. Timothy Morpork is legendary. He’s not gay, bi, or straight, he’s uber. If I knew a fraction of a percent of the hot hot hot avatars on his friends list I would die a “happeh” man. My friends and I have talked about turning him into a cult leader to teach us his ways. He’s really just like you, Jumpman, only with talent, charisma, kindness and friends.
Yours Truly,
Bungle Soup
Aug 6th, 2009
This post 6 feature is just plain pointless & boring.
Surely there is some less boring pointless shit that can be written about with equal lack of ability?
Pointless I can live with, but boring… well… its just shit… isn’t it.
Aug 6th, 2009
it looks like a dog penis, buy a decent cock jesus. Dog penis dog penis
dog penis
dog penis
woof woof dog dog
Jumpman Lane
Aug 6th, 2009
)somy offer is not only genuine and practical and serious but no doubt an offer which very likely COULD cometo fruition some day. Slut Mag Inc makes better porn that the current post 6 writer does period. and that’s without the jokes lol.
@SHIT is Rich I’ve written for the Herald (search it turdball) and have been responsible for some of the editorial content your dumbass has read here in the Herald(having steered stories to my friend the herald editrix Pix Mistral
He MIGHT be kinder than i am, but small time soft and squishy aint never been how i ever stomped through the grid
@BUNGLED SOUP, see here turdmunch. I’ve met Timothy Morpork. He does NOT have more charisma than me. A cinder block has more charisma than he does lol. And a turd floatin in a toilet holds more fascination and interest. hahahahahahaha.
His talent is on display. nuff said. read everybody ELSE’s comments. i’d say 90 /10 he blows.
as for friends you find any hotter than Lady Dawson or Callie Cline or Candace Flossberg have him trot them out. he aint trotted em out YET! hehehehehe. I think they imaginary friends and ur timmeh his damn gay ass sef! hehehehe
Timothy Morpork is a sap. Period.
Aug 6th, 2009
Boring. Nothing about this man’s face or body distinguish him from the hordes of KMADD avatars. Nice try with the Fallen Gods skin, but not enough. Go out and mix it up a little.
Bunny Brickworks
Aug 7th, 2009
I like the first pic. Guys with glasses are a major turn on in both lives :p
Aug 8th, 2009
That’s nothing like a dog’s penis! It’s closer to a horse, I think.
(You know you’ve been in Second Life too long when you know what a dog’s dick looks like.)
Humpmen Lame
Aug 9th, 2009
Lol Slut magazine lol
You are such an effing loser jumpman
Sniglet Littlethorn
Aug 18th, 2009
Jumpman Lane said:
as for friends you find any hotter than Lady Dawson or Callie Cline or Candace Flossberg have him trot them out.
the only one of those I’ve heard of is Callie Cline. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t touch your avie with a ten foot pole. you’re just a big loser, dude.
Jumpman Lane
Aug 18th, 2009
Loser? hehehehehe. well if gettin Callie CLine to touch meh with a ten foot pole is all it takes to be victorious then once again Jumpy Lane is sittin pretty full of win! U remain chumps and i remain as ever Jumpman Lane! sux to be u even in virtuyal realiteh!
Maryjane Flossberg
Aug 20th, 2009
The fact that you have that screen capture is really creepy.
The fact that you think it proves you know Callie Cline is pathetic.
It looks like you met her at a party for Celebrity Trollop and got her to hug you and took a picture to commemorate it. Callie would hug lepers at a party, she’s just a nice person.
The fact that you are deluded enough to think that because you once hugged Callie Cline, you can say things like “as for friends you find any hotter than Lady Dawson or Callie Cline or Candace Flossberg have him trot them out” means you’re probably crazy, definitely creepy, and WAY more pathetic than I had thought.
Hugging someone at a party does not a friend make. I too have no idea who your other two beauties are, but I do know Callie, and she would, as I said, hug anyone at a party, even a deluded, creepy freak like yourself.
Bungle Soup
Aug 20th, 2009
Jumpman you might want to check Timothy Morpork’s flickr stream before you challenge him to “trot out” his hot friends. He doesn’t name drop like you do, (he’s got class in addition to the talent, charisma, kindness and friends I mentioned last time) but I know for a fact that many of the people in his pictures are “SLebrities” because I’ve met a couple of them myself when hanging out with him. I think he used to blog for one of the Second Style Blogs, so he probably does know Callie Cline too, he’s just not as cheesy about it as you are.
Seriously, I think you brought a knife to a gun fight with this one.
Yours Truly,
Bungle Soup
Jumpman Lane
Aug 21st, 2009
see here, turdball, she def wasnt huggin anybody ELSE that night heheheh. if YOU know her ask Callie if she ever heard of meh lmao.
Also fyi Lady Dawson is the class of 2003 gal who trained up me and incidentally Torley Torgeson in the ways and mores of second life.
Candace Flossberg aside from being my editrix just so happens to have any of a DOZEN avies (skis shapes hair etc) which hands down would make her a much hotter flossberg than YOU!
Now Callie Cline was made to remove me from her friendslist (and won a golden turd for her troubles http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj224/jumpmanlane/callieaward.png)by some turdy wanna be love interest but ask her if i ever was on her list and if we still yap
(just caws you KNOW her dont mean you ARE her and can decide with whom she spends time in sl)
Anyhoe, my whole POINT was that timmeh aint took any hot pix of anybod and slapped em in the herald but his man crush and IF he knows any hot chix they aint hotter than gals. period. caws all three i mentioned have been in more than one issue of my publication :p
hehehe so Turd flush thyself and lemme know whats up at the water treatment plant.
as ever, u remain a chump and i remain jumpman lane hehehehe
Jumpman Lane
Aug 21st, 2009
crap can ya tweak this link up
photobucket sux
The Grown Ups
Aug 21st, 2009
Your magazine sucks Jumpman. The PDF loads sideways [FAIL] You gave Callie Cline a “shitblall”(sic.) award for UNFRIENDING YOU [FAIL, FAIL] and you have a full page in there saying that you DON’T read the Herald. [FAIL]. I’m not even going to get into the fact that you had to buy a girl at an auction, no one at the magazine can spell or take pictures, and you’ve had like three views this month. Could you be a bigger loser?