Selonna Torok – Post 6 Grrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 15/09/09 at 6:00 am
[Selonna Torok dropped the notecard that expressed her desire to be aPost 6 Girl while I happened to be online. I read the card, struck up aconversation with her, and I have been her fanboy ever since. Selonnais super smart, funny, and an absolute joy to be around.I am proud to present my new friend, Selonna Torok, Post 6 Grrrl -Timothy Morpork]
My name is Selonna Torok. My first name came from a combination ofwanting something contemporary sounding, but also having a desire tohave a completely unique name in SL – hence, Lonna – SL – Selonna. Thelast name is because I am here to rock – Torok. Cheesy, right?
When a few friends first introduced SL to me, I was absolutely againstit. I have to pay real money for virtual items, or try to find ways toearn it? Who are these furry people? And why do men keep exposing theirill-shaped genitals to me? It was when I began to look at the moreesoteric values of SL that I came to appreciate it as a valuableplatform for those who are so inclined.
Firstly, I am a woman and an active duty member of the US Army. I haveused SL as a means to keep in contact with my friends and family whileI'm away from home. Honestly, talking on the phone for hours is boringand tedious no matter how much you love someone – so, exploring SL withthem has been fun.
Being that I move every three or so years, keepingin touch with friends can be difficult! Secondly, I was able toovercome my initial displeasure with spending real money for virtualitems when I began to explore the grid and saw the amazing art that hadbeen created with this medium. I firmly believe that like drawings,paintings, clothes, or other more traditional forms of art, SL and theinternet in general have created a new art experience. I justifyspending real money on this avatar, donations to sims, and the otherlittle trinkets I buy as giving money to deserving artists who spendhours, sometimes days, crafting lovely things to wear and beautiful orinteresting places to explore. And third, I like to use SL as a meansof internal exploration – a soul food of sorts.
I've had some intensephilosophical conversations while coming across people from all walksof life – university professors, fast food workers – the rich and thepoor all congregate in SL and have something to share. Also, peoples'behavior here is mostly uncensored; it's like watching security camerasin an elevator. You never know when someone's going to do somethinginsane (or disgusting), and I think that's utterly fun.
TL;DR? Here is some nakedness. My avatar is fashioned in a manner thatis appealing to my eyes and hopefully yours, too. My breasts aren'tbig, nor is my ass. My jaw might be a little too square. I am mostoften found wearing skins that look like I've been beaten to hell,speckled with blood and spotted with bruises. While I can't have big,stretched earlobes or funky piercings or wildly colored hair in myfirst life – my avatar can. (As for the tattoos, however, I certainlyhave a lot of those in both my first and second lives!) I enjoyimperfections. They're a part of the human existence and serve to makeus all the more beautiful and unique. "Self perfection is masturbation.Now, self destruction…" ~ Tyler Durden, Fight Club.
Sep 15th, 2009
Panties don’t work that way.
marilyn murphy
Sep 15th, 2009
wow. selonna. excellent avatar and bio.
tim. these are outstanding photos. the best work i have seen you do, wonderful backdrops and the lighting is excellent.
Sep 15th, 2009
OMFG. Gorgeous pics Gorgeous avatar wow well done all round
Sep 15th, 2009
wow a post 6 i actually liked.. fancy that.
nice avvie selonna
Senban Babii
Sep 15th, 2009
A+ Great eBay experience, will deal with again!
Oh sorry, I was typing in the wrong window, don’t you hate that?
Loved the photos, loved the bio, best Post 6 in ages
Sep 15th, 2009
Great write up great pictures of a lovely av and nicely posed well done both
Sep 15th, 2009
Is it just me, or do the sadomasochists seem way creepier than the ageplayers recently?
waltdisneys cryotank
Sep 15th, 2009
Didn’t you mean to say ‘thirdly’?
Sep 15th, 2009
Where does it say anywhere that she’s a sadomasochist? Obviously she’s a fan of Fight Club, perhaps she just likes the boxer / street fighter look.
Bunny Brickworks
Sep 15th, 2009
Yay for girls with beaten skins and blood layers. You just don’t wanna die without a few pixel scars, right?
And even more yay for girls with brains and humor. Love your style and attitude, Selonna.
Urizenus Sklar
Sep 15th, 2009
In pic 1 the lamp made me think of “A Christmas Story.”
Selonna Torok
Sep 15th, 2009
@waltdisneys cryotank: “Didn’t you mean to say ‘thirdly’?” – If that’s all you have to nitpick, you’re fucking hilarious and I think you’d go well with a side of fries, maybe a coke (diet please, regular coke makes my teeth feel yucky).
@one of the anons: “Is it just me, or do the sadomasochists seem way creepier than the ageplayers recently?” 1. interaction, esp. sexual activity, in which one person enjoys inflicting physical or mental suffering on another person, who derives pleasure from experiencing pain. — I don’t do sexy times in SL (the pixel peens make me giggle, and I’m happily engagedabouttobemarried). And, y’know, it’s kind of obvious I don’t enjoy inflicting pain on other people who derive pleasure from experiencing pain. As another anon said, I dig Fight Club (my favorite movie) and action flicks. As Bunny said, who the fuck wants to die without a few scars, pixel as they may be? I get bored with the Barbies of SL. Have a few scars. Have some zits. Have dark circles under your eyes. Wear a cast, or roll around in a wheelchair. Be bald. When is the last time you saw a bald person in SL that didn’t simply forget to put on their hair, or that was trying on a demo or something?
@Urizenus Sklar: “In pic 1 the lamp made me think of “A Christmas Story.”" It totally is the leg lamp from “A Christmas Story” and it’s absolutely wicked, don’t you think? Cracks me up every time. I wish I could find one IRL.
@Marilyn, Wow, Nimil, Senban, Carmen, and Bunny (if I missed you, so sorry): Thanks for the lovely compliments! You all made me smile (which, y’know, we all need to do once in a while).
Can I get some more haters, please? I want this to be a fully authentic Post 6 experience.
Sep 15th, 2009
(I’m the “one of the anons” referred to above.) If you’re not actually a sadomasochist, I apologize, but the boxing outfit with bloodied-eye blinfold, the extra-coverage tats, and the RL army membership together scream to me, “she would beat you up before the cab you called for her arrived.”
Selonna Torok
Sep 16th, 2009
I think you’re using sadomasochism in the wrong context as it is normally used to describe something sexual. There’s nothing sexual about tattoos, nor boxing, nor bloody blindfolds, nor the Army (with the exception of, ahem, some porno). Am I a violent person? No. May I have to do violent actions in the future? Sure. Do I do violent actions all the time in the Army? No. Would I engage myself in a fight? Maybe – if only for the cathartic aspects of the total experience. Sports like boxing and martial arts are violent, but fun and a good way to keep in shape. But, generalizing someone by adding the sum of their “experiences”, skimming the very surface as you are now, and commenting that I find sexual gratification in being in pain and inflicting pain on others is pretty fucking funny. That’s like saying that all stay at home mothers who don’t have a college education are stupid. Of course, all you have to judge me on are some pictures taken in a virtual world.
No, anon, I’m not a sadomasochist. <3
Silvana Lefevre
Sep 16th, 2009
“Can I get some more haters, please? I want this to be a fully authentic Post 6 experience.”
Yep, I know that feeling.
Happened to me too, and it made me wonder if I was really that wonderful or simply boring.
In your case, you are Miss Wonderful. Or perhaps the army reference and the boxing gloves scared them away.
Sep 16th, 2009
ask and you shall recieve .. leglamps Do exist in RL
Selonna Torok
Sep 16th, 2009
@Silvana – thank you so much! I loved your Post 6 feature. If you ever need them, I’ll lend my boxing gloves to you.
@JustMe – that’s awesome. I think I’m going to have to invest. Thanks so much.
Sep 17th, 2009
What ever you cats say… I like her, she looks good and talks sane…
Yeah Selonna… Although I’m not into bloody scars, I’d gladly bump into you one day…
Skye D.
Sep 17th, 2009
Wow, lovely avatar, and nice no-nonsense bio. You really seem to have the right attitude regarding what SL should be about.
And as a former Marine, I just wanted to say “Thank you” for your service.
Haruka Harris
Sep 17th, 2009
Selonna is hot but I must admit I am a v**va kind of an avatar. Please show more below the waist in further Grrrl features. It will be much appreciated *coff* *drool*.
4Gotten Destiny
Sep 17th, 2009
Awesome post!!
I like to see more of the “harder edged” kind of people being profiled. Shows that beauty isn’t just blond hair and big boobs but comes in many different forms!!
Two thumbs up. Screw the haters they are just jealous!!
Selonna Torok
Sep 18th, 2009
@Yak, Skye, & 4Gotten – Thanks mucho. I promise I’m not always scarred and bloodied up! And Skye – no, thank YOU for your service.
@Haruka – I obviously had no problem showing any part of my pixel bod, but I was in a teeny tiny room in this art installation called Hotel Dare at The Poetik. It was hard to maneuver for good photos, and this one just happened to be the best. I hope you get your “southern wishes” in later posts at least.