Strokerz Toyz/Eros LLC Takes Linden Lab to Court in Class Action Lawsuit!!!
by Alphaville Herald on 15/09/09 at 8:43 pm
Lawsuit seeks injunction against Linden Research to prevent intellectual property rights infringement in Second Life
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Shannon Grei and Kevin Aldermann's Eros LLC have filed a complaint in US District Court in Northern California against Linden Reseach alleging "Linden Lab, with knowing and conscious intent to do so, profits in multiple ways and at multiple stages from the illegal conduct" and asks for an injunction to halt the activity. Eros LLC markets a line of sex animations for the virtual world of Second Life, and has built a successful business – but the accumulated frustrations with the weak enforcement of intellectual property rights on the part of Linden Lab seem to have reached the breaking point.
When the Herald contacted Stroker Serpentine for comment, Mr. Serpentine (Kevin Aldermann in real life) said, "This is not about financialgain. Seldom do class actions result in substantial class settlements.This is about a pattern of ambivelence over six years. We wantfundamental change in the regard to the very content and creators thatmade SL what it is today."
The complaint begins:
The illegal conduct alleged includes
Grei by reproducing and displaying her copyrighted works within Second Life, and by materially contributing to and supervising the infringing conduct of others within Second Life."
We will have much more on this breaking story once we finished reading the complaint – if Stroker is as successful with this legal action as he has been with legal actions in the past, the Lindens may have their hands full.
Coke Supply
Mar 13th, 2010
While I understand your position regarding Jumpman’s comments, I have to say that I am friends with both Jumpman and Stroker and I believe that I probably know Jumpman a damn sight better than you do, and after reading your comments I have to say that psychoanalysis of someone you don’t know is best reserved for a time when you DO know them.
Because frankly, you sound just as rabid as the character that you believe Jumpman to be.
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 13th, 2010
Anyone want to speculate on what Jumpy looks like in real life?
Jumpman Lane
Mar 13th, 2010
I look like a thug in my mug shots hehehehe
Second Life Gamer
Mar 13th, 2010
Talk about beating a dead horse, it would appear to me that are you actually starting to belive your own lies. I took a glance at your so called porn mag when this story was first posted. Sad to say I actually thought what you were saying and posting might be true. However since then I have come to see that every word you type and post is a complete lie. Even the chatlogs you have posted on your website are nothing more then elaborate works of fiction. I have yet to find even one person who’s chatlogs you claim to have posted say that it is completly made up, and\or copied and pasted text from various seperate chats. In my opnion, YOU are what is wrong with Second Life.
Mar 13th, 2010
No insult intended at all Coke– but you’ll perhaps understand that I don’t give much credence to a guy who names himself “Coke Supply”, who proclaims to be a friend of Jumpman. As if that’s supposed to be some kind of validation?
Honestly, do you really expect us to believe that you have the expertise to declare that no, Jumpman is not psychotic? Lord man, every word that comes out of the guy’s mouth shouts imbalance and total brain glitch. So maybe you’ll excuse us judging from the evidence at hand.
Frankly, after seeing how Jumpman treats other people on these blogs, his total lack of respect for everyone, his extremely arrogant attitude and his blatantly adolescent behavior… in addition to the fact that he’s pretty much devoid of rational thought… maybe you’ll understand that anyone who claims to be his “friend” becomes instantly suspect himself. Birds of a feather, you know?
Consider Coke: Jumpman apparently gets some sort of twisted joy out of repeatedly harassing and attacking other people, for nothing more than they state their opinion on a blogsite. His mode of conduct appears habitual and intentional. Yet you see nothing abnormal in that?
This said… your beginning comment, “While I understand your position regarding Jumpman’s comments…” does garner some recognition and respect. So IF, as you claim, you understand our position in regard to Jumpman– then maybe the person you need to be speaking to is Jumpman… not the numerous people he targets. Ya think?
You might want to give that idea some consideration– unless you already know– as do most of us– that you’ll be wasting your time. It’s fairly apparent that Jumpman listens only to himself and has no interest in trying to learn something from the observations of others.
Jumpman is “the man” in his own eyes. So don’t tell me dude, that he’s not psychotic. Far as I can tell, the evidence screams loud and clear.
You want to counsel someone Coke, counsel your “friend”.
Mar 13th, 2010
BTW Coke, as an afterthought, I might note something:
Because of the way this board is laid out (specifically: seriously unprofessional) without any verification, signup or moderation of ANY kind, the “Jumpman” I refer to is the guy who attacked me and several others here who simply stated our opinions regarding the original post. Whether or not that is “Jumpman Lane” could be in question, as someone could be using the “Jumpman” name fraudulently as a form of trolling. I doubt it, but that’s always possible.
Seems very much like one in the same person who just loves pushing peoples buttons. Which is why I’ve pushed his back. He wants to game– I’m a gamer from waaay back. To me this has all been a battle of wits.. and imo he’s been consistently on the losing end. He’s pretty lame when it comes to witty repartee. I haven’t had to once resort to obscenity– or insanity– to wage my jab-battle with him. As he can’t say the same– and as he has actually deleted some of his lack-of-wit comments when I (and others) have body slammed him to the mat… I’m not impressed. LOL
However, IF “Jumpman” and “Jumpman Lane” is not the same person, then it would of course be instantly understood that I’m not discussing your friend who is battling with Strokers. If they are one in the same, well, then my observations stand as stated.
Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
Mar 13th, 2010
“Anyone want to speculate on what Jumpy looks like in real life?”
Actually, yes, I would. As you already know, the Herald is written and frequented by very important people. Urzinus is a philosopher and president of akratics annonymous, Pixie is an internet pioneer and co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Coke Supply is Magibon, Timothy Morpork is actually Hugh Hefner, and I’m the Numa Numa guy. Jumpy fits in with the rest of us because he is also a very important person: Epic Beard Man.
Obvious Schism
Mar 13th, 2010
“Coke is the solid carbonaceous material derived from destructive distillation of low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal. Cokes from coal are grey, hard, and porous. Coke is usually produced from coal; the process is called coking.”
Jumpman Lane
Mar 13th, 2010
@slgarner heheheh i hardly have time to cut and paste the crap from month to month its real alright. if only certain people could wish it fiction lol
Jumpman Lane
Mar 13th, 2010
@wayfinder who the fuck els am i supposed to listen to u sap lol Darnit after i promised pix about the ol potty mouth hehehehe
um allmy posts link to my site and have my picture now, i am lane hehehe
wayfinder you’re dumb as hell
i dont look like none of them whales amd werdos stroker hangs out with lmao
i think that furry fox is a midge
i know ol stroke didnt go THERE
i’m convinced his mind is gone
Mar 13th, 2010
@Obvious: riggghhhht…. I’m glad you pointed that out. Makes it so obvious that I was clearly mistaken. It makes complete sense that he’d name himself after a mineral. How could I have been so dense? ;D
Mar 13th, 2010
btw scuse me folks, It’s early morn and I’ve realized that I’ve spent enough time on this uh– brilliant blog. (Not to self– don’t comment on the Herald. Don’t comment on the Herald… LOL). I’ll watch the news posts to see if Strokers finally does decide to take on Jumpman, and wish the sensible ones here my best. For the others… guys, waste your life away if you want. If you lack the skills, potential or drive to do anything better than be morons on blog sites… hey, that’s your issue. LOL. We all have the choice to either mature, or die stupid and friendless. If you clowns want to spend all your time proving how goofy you can be… hey, go for it! It’s your life! : )
Obvious Schism
Mar 13th, 2010
@ Wayfinder
Where there is darkness, I shine light. Where there is doubt, I offer certainty. Where there is sadness, I bring joy.
Happy to oblige!
Yours, Rev. Schism
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 13th, 2010
Thanks for the email Jumpman.
In reading back over your correspndence I could not help but notice you use the term “we” with frequency. Obviously eluding to a unified effort on behalf of some envisioned plurality. Noted with interest.
I wasn’t much of a leap to anticipate the inevitable, “We’re merely reporting” defense. I hope you are prepared to defend all your facts, opinions, statements; across every blog, forum, platform, website and social network. You have been quite busy for the last few months!
Sadly, I see no effort to retract them here.
You took it upon yourself (and your staff?) to ajudicate my character, my family, my company and my friends in a court of public opinion.
As this Flickr site clearly indicates:
It has been a lengthy pattern of verbal abuse and defamation spanning many months prior to your feigned outrage over the “HumpBoy” parody. Good luck with your “Boy = Child Pornography” defense. You’re already on record indicating that you are willing to throw the entire Second Life age-play community under the bus with that one.
Unfortunately, you didn’t feel obliged to show a modicum of parodic consideration when you placed my full characters name above a flaming depiction reminiscent of racial executions. For the record, I am of Native American heritage and a proud Southerner. I found no humor in it whatsoever. I suppose everyone’s sense of humor is different. I still don’t get “Burning Man”. I sat silent for weeks on end while you brazenly traversed the grid, Official Linden Forums and my own shop with impunity. But then, you were “greenlighted”, right? (I know, you only “look” like Blondin Linden!)
Irregardless, you are still left with prior months of libel, defamation, character assasination, and verbal abuse to account for. But hey, they were just “opinions” right? Like this one?….
“The Face of Fraud..Inside the Corporate Culture of Eros LLC”
For your sake I sincerely hope your “sources” are credible and armed with the truth. They will not be able to substantiate your multitude of personal “opinions” however. It may be worth your while to brush up on recent “Freedom of Speech vs Anonymous Defamation” case history. I highly recommend:
The internet has a long and pervasive memory. It’s not going to be easy cleaning up after you. I believe your comment was: “Damn that Google!” Evidently you seem quite motivated to leverage every known form of web-based media. Perhaps you’ll take a more metered approach in the future. Who knows.
I have had enough. I have been passive long enough. “HumpBoy” was merely a shot across your bow. Given your volumnous prior accusations and behavior, I feel confident a judge or jury will find my actions justified. It’s not like I labeled it “Jumpman Lane” either. Two wrongs never make a right. Now it’s time for accountability. It’s not something you can convincingly “roleplay”. I am no stranger to it in any iteration of reality.
I will not sit passively by while you systematically attempt to destroy my brick-and-mortar adult-based business with outrageous claims of pedophilia. Not in this life or any life.I don’t care who “greenlighted” you.
Actually, I do.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 13th, 2010
humpboy was like a hand grenade u took the pen out of and left in ur pocket. in making it you left yourself open to the charges of age play. fits ll’s criteria for such. we feell quite comfortable labeling it child porn. its a standard we can point to and say THIS is why we think its kiddie porn. logical and defensible
slut magazine is a press organ. your suing linden research is news. we did stories on u as a result. true stories with sources who will be trotted out if necessary. if u doubt some of that stuff you really need to talk to ur minions.
in case you forget YOU are not a victim. fuck ya. do all you can do.
Mar 13th, 2010
“You’re already on record indicating that you are willing to throw the entire Second Life age-play community under the bus with that one.”
Well good, Since when is age-play (simulated sex with children) allowed in Second Life Kevin Aldermann? You sound like you are a supporter of age-play in Second Life to me.
No huge surprise after you created and distributed what looked like a prepubescent teenage boy being sodomized.
Lets just hope that the Lindens get tired of this whole mess and does away with Adult Content altogether, it’s bad for business.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 13th, 2010
@ stroket For the record I am willing to throw the entire age play community under a mack truck. child pornography is an evil scourge slut magazine opposes.
@dean amen!
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 13th, 2010
As posted on slutmag…
Say Stroke…in regards to
your legalese request:
I’m assuming this comes from
our take on your Hump Boy Lame
being child pornographic in
nature. Well, we’ve spelled out
position on that in what we call
our Extra edition of 11 March 2010.
1. The Hump Boy Lame Sex Toy
fits the criteria set by Linden
Lab in determining what is and is
not age-play. Whether you
intended it or not, by naming it
Hump BOY and not Hump MAN,
making it smallish in size with
repsect to your own avatar when
you sodomized it in advertizments
on Xstreet and Slapt, and
referencing it as a “boy” and a
“boy toy” in written copy YOU left
yourself open to claims of it being
an age-play sex toy and kiddie porn.
Linden Lab’s removal of the item
from Xstreet after multiple abuse
reports and telephone calls to Linden
Lab supports this conclusion. If this
damages your company YOU did the
damage. We will not retract any
statemnts in connection to this.
As for statments in various venues
that your wife is crusty and a crack
head of some kind, this is our stance:
1. Yes, I wrote that your wife was
crusty. That is an opinion. It has
been removed by Linden Lab when
they changed their forums. The
statement MIGHT return when
they create their archives of the
old forum. However, we both know
that I cannot issue a retaction on
the SL Forums to the effect that
Stroker Serpentine’s wife it not
crusty without facing disciplinary
action from Linden Lab. I cannot
make any form of retraction in that
venue directly referencing you at all.
Anyways , its an opinion and we stand
by it.
2. Calling your wife a crackhead on
twitter, is a statement too ridiculous
for anyone to credit, unless she
smokes crack. Admit that she is a
drug addict and we will publicly retract
our statments. However, being utterly
uncredible in nature, we submit that
such statments are completely defensible.
Concerning, the model, means and
methodolgies of Eros LLC we submit
the following:
1. It’s easliy and resonably proven
true that Briggi Bard, Corsi Mousehold,
etc etc were cheated in the creation
and sale of SexGen(R) items; OR that it
could be concluded as true. Slut
Magazine did not break that story. This
story appeared years ago in multiple
press organs. We stand by these
2. Cheergirl Allen not only told me but
demonstrated how she and Chelsea
Malibu used the gl intercept to steal
content created by Emilia Redgrave.
Chelsea and Cheergirl are Eros
associates of yours. We stand by
these statements.
With respect to cyberstalking, we
submit that you have sought a measure
of fame in Second Life and in the first
one. Your suing of Linden Research is
news in both worlds. We are a press
organ (Slut Magazine); and, in continuing
to do stories on you, we are presenting
the news. IF you do not like the exposure
or our editorial stance, we can not help
that. Yet, it is news. All of our other
statments in other venues are all to
drive people back to
and our magazine.
In all good faith, I can not think of
any statements etc that I should
retract. Perhaps, you could enumerate
them and the venues of such statments,
so that I might consider retracting
them. PERSONALLY, I don’t care if
you sue me. I believe it would be a
great thing for Slut Magazine. I think
it would be a great thing for internet
law. You have a long and litigious
history. You have sued or threatened
to sue many to achieve your goals. We,
Slut Magazine will not be cowed by your
improper use of the libel laws of this
country to censor us. We stand on our
right of freedom of speech in this
matter. If you believe you can sue and
prove you have been defamed,
harrassed etc etc. DO all you can do.
At this time, I retract nothing.
your pal,
Jumpman Lane
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
say … gotta link? hehehehehe sap
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
It’s very difficult to take you seriously as a publicist protected by First Amendment free speech when you claim to be a corporation,
ie; “Slutmaginc” and “Jumpman Lane’s Slut Magazine Incorporated”
purported to be registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
When your ICANN Domain Registration reads…
Administrative Contact:
Jumpman Lane’s Slut Magazine Incorporated
Jason Martin (
Fax: -
402 4th Street SE
Roanoke, VA 24013
Which is the address and phone number of “The Rescue Mission of Roanoake” ..who has never heard of you, but very interested in finding out more about you.
As per the RAA, item Any Registered Name Holder that intends to license use of a domain name to a third party is nonetheless the Registered Name Holder of record and is responsible for providing its own full contact information and for providing and updating accurate technical and administrative contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the Registered Name. A Registered Name Holder licensing use of a Registered Name according to this provision shall accept
liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Registered Name, unless it promptly discloses the identity of the licensee to a party providing the Registered Name Holder reasonable evidence of actionable harm.
Is that what you meant in your statement..
” I believe it would be a
great thing for Slut Magazine. I think
it would be a great thing for internet
So, you may not take any of this seriously. But committing multiple violations of libel, libel per se, defamation, cyberstalking, harrassment, abuse and duress, particularly against a Registered Florida Corporation, are all very serious and actionable offenses. The First Amendenment doesn’t protect any of them.
You have made your opinions quite clear, even stating them as “facts” in public online venues. So, you keep posting. Keep opining. You’re digging yourself deeper and deeper. I am posting all of this because YOU are the one who took it upon yourself to make a public mockery of my interests. Sunlight is the best disenfectant.
Seijin Roo
Mar 14th, 2010
“By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide
by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only for lawful purposes.”
Does pasting someone else’s personal information into a blog count as lawful? I’m having a hard time seeing how that could be…
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
hehehe neversaid it was gonna be easy ol stroke
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
George Santayana
Second Life Gamer
Mar 14th, 2010
So, Jumpman lied about his RL info so he could set up an anime pornographic e-zine, and this is news why? All of Second Life already knows Jumpman Lane is a pathological liar, I wonder what a court will think that is if this ever sees a court room.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
Stroker Serpentine sux big giant hairy fuzzy king kong monkey balls!
-Jumpman Lane
2:37 AM Mar 1st via web
Do all you can do!
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
No, wait i publicly retract that. Stroker Serpentine DOES NOT suck big giant hairy fuzzy king kong monkey balls!
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
Um… wait, I publicly retract that public retraction Stroker Serpentine does IN FACT suck big giant hairy fuzzy king kong monkey balls!
(hehehehe sorry Pix
potty mouth)
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
So, you still stand by these publicized statements then Jumpman?
(Not that if matters, you wrote them in numerous mediums and they were publicized by you.)
However, it is emerging according to several sources including many of the Eros LLC former partners and current staff that Eros LLC has taken part in content theft themselves including Cheergirl Allen of the Bimbo Cheerleaders and Chelsea Malibu of Moutainmeister LLC stealing and distributing items and skin textures that were created and sold by Emelia Redgrave of Redgrave skins. it is emerging that a majority of the content that Kevin Alderman is selling under the SexGen(R) brand was created by former business partners Briggi Bard and Corsi Mousehold, whose works were trademarked without their knowledge. These former partners it wouls seem have been excluded from the proceeds generated from the continued sale of their works.
For all those interested in this trainwreck of travesty, here is the definition of “Libel per se”..
libel per se n. broadcast or written publication of a false statement about another which accuses him/her of a crime, immoral acts, inability to perform his/her profession, having a loathsome disease (like syphilis), or dishonesty in business. Such claims are considered so obviously harmful that malice need not be proved to obtain a judgment for “general damages,” and not just specific losses. (See: defamation, libel, slander)
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
Stroker Serpentine: I was not informed as to your privilege..nor that the updater would work on any bed..also that you could consider yourself a partner…so yes..I have heartburn about this whole thing
Corsi Mousehold: As much as you supported the decision and even went through everything when things finally roll out …. You feel threatened.
Corsi Mousehold: Littledick syndrome.
Corsi Mousehold: I AM NOT A PARTNER
Stroker Serpentine: especially since all the work Andrea has done in the last two weeks to make this even feasible
Corsi Mousehold: I NEVER claimed that.
Corsi Mousehold: NOT FUCKING ONCE!
Corsi Mousehold: Stroker I ought to kick you in what balls you have left. You TOTALLY discount all the work Briggi has done.
Corsi Mousehold: How DARE you.
Stroker Serpentine: Dont play me
Stroker Serpentine: you cannot come between BB and I
Stroker Serpentine: Briggi knows where she stands with is my PARTNER…and youre an opportunist
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
(That’s a freebie on me..the rest are gonna cost you)
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
Seriously, Stroker ur a tard. You need to talk to Cheergirl and Chelsea. caws if you think THEY DIDNT do that your daffy. Easily proven. Cheergal took a couple of hours showing me and telling me the proof. fuck you sue me. that can be proven true.
the herald broke the story of how u shitted corsi and briggi. and we’ve seen how you continue to sell their works in CRAP you call content. all you have to do is edit one. so you gonna sue the herald too.
Do you have some kind of legal agreement to continue to sell thier anims and scripts. ifyou do produce it. we’ll retractthose statments. if not fuck you sue.
Your use of frivilous lawusits and threats of lawsuits will not abrogate our first amendments rights of free speech and freedom of the press.
again fuck ya sue me
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
i dont think that’s the real stroker he cant be that dumb lmfao
Coke Supply
Mar 14th, 2010
As I’ve stated previously, I’m friends with both Stroker and Jumpman and I’ve been reading this thread with interest over the last few days and I’m still not sure what to make of it. Stroker removed me from his friends list when he found that I was friends with Jumpman Lane, and although only a few words have been spoken between us since then, I like to think that we are still on good terms.
I would like to say that I hope that both Stroker and Jumpman both come out of this dispute unscathed, but I’m smart enough to know that this is unrealistic at this stage.
During the time that I was in Stroker’s friends list, I spent long times chatting with him and he seemed to be very friendly and had a positive and likeable personality. I found it hard to believe that he would be guilty of all of the accusations levelled at him, but I had always given him the benefit of the doubt considering that I knew him personally and I always believed that he was honest and up-front about anything that was discussed with him.
I don’t want to take sides in this matter because I am friends with both parties and it doesn’t please me to see two friends fighting so publically. Obviously the outcome of this situation will be that one of them will be proven right and the other will be proven wrong, and I feel uncomfortable knowing that when that time arrives I will have to make my own final judgement on the situation and decide which of the two I will wish to remain friends with. It’s so sad
With all that said and done, I wish Stroker the best of luck with his legal battle with Linden Lab, as I always have. I have always agreed with the reasoning behind his decision to file action against Linden Lab.
I’ve not always agreed with Jumpman’s actions, and I’m sure he would be the first to tell you that. We can all see how far and deep he is willing to go in his campaign against Stroker but I can assure everyone that this is based upon a solid belief of Stroker’s guilt as opposed to deliberately lying, as some people seem to believe. This is what makes it so difficult for me pick a side between the two (not that I would want to).
Of course I’m sure that eventually the truth will be known, but at what cost to those involved? It’s horrible to see two friends attempting to tear apart each other’s reputations so publically
Mar 14th, 2010
I think both of these residents should be IP banned from Second Life so as to spare the rest of the residents this bullshit.
Coke Supply
Mar 14th, 2010
I think people that call for people to be IP banned should be IP banned from Second Life so as to etc etc etc
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 14th, 2010
I’m a very good friend of Coke supply (for the few tards up here) it is a SHE not a HE.
That said
I know Stroker due through a small mistake i made (trademark breach) on Xstreet conserning a few products were i used the name SEXGEN in. I did contact MR Stroker and he seemed more then just nice very proffesional responses and gentle man to talk too.
Now i do know Stroker has been and still obviously a known avatar/person in secondlife for his (seems) never ending lawsuits against copybotters and now even LL.
I do want to point out a few very simple things here. No matter if Kevin likes it or not, the great income he enjoys now rl is THANKS to LL.
Thanks to this virtual world, he can sit behind a computer and actually make cash. By the looks of it and well knowing his reputation he knows his business. However this lawsuiting is so pointless. Why? What do you gain nothing its only a costy hobby and your company does not even suffer that much from it aswell.
There is no black and white in a virtual content creating world as secondlife. Its all to hard to control as i it is (content theft, copyrights going to court) over pixles.
I do respect that way he handles it, i do not know jumpman tho. I taked few times to stroker not related to this entire case. But in here i see jumpman living up to his name JUMPing to all kinds of faul langue <—-as i understand your a magazine?
Growup..and for sure as hell act like a proffesional instead of a infant.
I do agree with some ppl that get sick of the BS stroker/eros is pulling. Otherhand nobody asked you to read and or post here. So remove yourself in this case from blog as this.
I will be following this, it is very intressting to know how this lawsuit will proceed. LL is a GIANT, stroker aswell but i hope he did not forget his wallet is for sure hell of allot smaller to fight such a big company as LL! That made him who he is now today (you cannot deny that)
I wish Stroker best of luck, aswell as LL!
Corsi Mousehold
Mar 14th, 2010
Okay at this point this needs to be said:
In before Full Herald article on the Jumpman vs Stroker feud.
Judge Joker
Mar 14th, 2010
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Meaning: It is not be a good idea to hurt the person (or company) that pays you or takes care of you.
Corsi Mousehold
Mar 14th, 2010
And again to be devils advocate … Because my hole punching goes both ways…
@ Judge Joker
You are correct in stating not to bite the hand that feeds you. But keep in mind that where The Lab does try hard to stop copybotting, there could be a lot more done with checking permissions with only a little more coding. The 2.0 project currently in the works will fix a lot of the crap and was indeed accelerated by this lawsuit. Even though the project had been under way long before the suit was filed.
In the end, information I have gather points that Stroker will not win his suit. In contrast, the suit has pushed a substantial number of things forward to protect persons intellectual property.
At this point my advice would be to let the suit ride out.
As for the Stroker vs Jumpman Lane suit? Not a good idea. It won’t go anywhere and could end up blowing back into Strokers face. Then again it could go very well for him. At this point it’s a toss up between the damage it could potentially cause and the damage it could potentially save. Weigh the options carefully.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
threats of suing and frivilous lawsuits will not trample on our first amendment rights of free speech and the free press.
sue us we’ll countersue
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 14th, 2010
Oww Jumpman get over yourself. With what you want to possible counter with man.
I mean you guys are both acting out on eachother for god knows what kind of reason. For you the name Stroker is a ideal way to boost your website/magazine with on readers every month.
Certainly not your way of communicating with pll. Although i DO AGREE ON SOME of the things you mention here that LL is like a mein kampf rightwise.
But heeij, you both singned upon a TOS that states a few matters very clearly here conserning content creations, and bans ectra. And that someone in th past won a case does not mean this will happen again.
Im curious tho how this will end, kindah funny seeing you two fight over pixles loool.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 14th, 2010
as i’ve said time and time again. stroket has a LONG history for threatening and filing frivilous lawsuits. we would countersue for punitative damages of course to prevent future abuses of the legal processes and the courts time
IF the fool doesnt realize we are not harrassing him by doing stories on him after he decided to sue ll then he ought to know it(shit all sortsof people are doing stories on him lmao rl and sl and even HERE the heradl)
if he doesnt recognize the truth inthe stories he’s done he should dig furthur
if he thinks that i wont meet and refute his accusations in a court of law he’s mistaken
if he’s hoping for one of those vacant courtcases where only one side shows up he’s gonna be in for a shock
if he was hoping for a smooth transition for eros llc after suing linden lab, gaining a little fame, and leaving second life, he never should have made humpboy lame lmao. HE left himself open to some very real charges of creating an age play sex toy and manufacturing child pornography.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Mar 14th, 2010
As i said Jumpman will be following this, i do get your story aswell tho.
So time will tell i guess. .
eye rolling
Mar 14th, 2010
“HE left himself open to some very real charges of creating an age play sex toy and manufacturing child pornography.”
Pfft and SL is being ripped apart by more porn and smut. L Labs needs to just do away with all the porn and make it a mature grid.
When all the sexual deviants leave S Life a lot of the drama will go with them.
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
No, Jumpman “you” are the one making the charges of age play and child pornography. That is “your” mental leap and continued accusations. Standing on permissive terms such as “may” or “believe” or “In my opinion” has been proven time and again as an ineffective defense against defamation. You made the statements. You own them.
I again suggest you read the EFF guidelines for bloggers. Here is the link again:
I would not count on Linden Lab to susbstantiate the removal of the listing as a violation of their sexualized age-play policy if I were you. You may be suprised. You made that assumption and you alone. You continue to assert these claims personally with no evidence whatsoever except the mere fact it was gone after your continued spamming and harrasment. That is your premise. A very risky one considering the outrageous conclusions and claims you have been spreading all over the web.
You should be aware that the exact same model was used to create “HumpBoy” as you used to create your so-called “effigy”. “HumpBoy” is a parody, placing a placard above a burning image with my character’s name on it is not. And to assert that “Boy” has any child pornography connotation is simply ludicrous. To do it publically against myself and my company is defamation and libel per se respectively.
It might serve you well to read and re-read your purported Herald source. Nowhere does the Herald make the assertion that myself or my company are “content thieves”. If you continue to make that ridiculous leap of faith you may find yourself in even hotter water.
The Herald is protected by “The Communications Decency Act” sect. 230 in regards to their posters and their content. If Pixeleen or any other Editor had came right out and blatantly stated that my company or myself were content thieves and child pornographers as you have, I can assure you they would find themselves the recipient of a legal complaint.
I suggest you do some research on the following cases..
Lawrence v. Newberry (1891), 64 L.T. 797
Lindley v. Delman 25 P. 2d 751 (1933)
Hird v. Wood (1894), 38 S.J. 234 (CA)
They are the precedents used for repeating defamation. They have been successfully cited and litigated against blogs as well. I am not an attorney, nor do I offer legal advice. However, I do know the First Amendment does not protect libel or defamation. You can take that to the bank, or the court. Or both.
Here are some guidelines courtesy of the BBC:
Repeating others…
If you repeat defamatory remarks about people or organisations made by other people, you will be just as liable to be sued as they are.
Jumping to conclusions…
If Mr X is seen going into a hotel room with a call-girl, this does not necessarily mean he enjoyed a ‘night of passion’, and will certainly not prove that he did.
Be very careful about the words you use. A factory may release chemicals into the air, but describing it as ‘poisoning the atmosphere’ could well be defamatory.
Representing all sides…
Presenting both sides of an argument is often good practice, but not a defence against defamation.
To say Mrs Y doesn’t recycle her waste paper may sound harmless. But to people who know that Mrs Y is a Green Party activist, the implication is that she is hypocritical in her politics.
If somebody was guilty of fraud once, calling him a fraudster in a way which might suggest he’s still doing the same can be seen as defamation.
In spite of its use in a popular current affairs panel game, adding the word ‘allegedly’ to a statement you cannot prove does not stop it being defamation.
I will ask you one more time to please retract your statements now.
Stroker Serpentine
Mar 14th, 2010
Jumpman Lane: “HE left himself open to some very real charges of creating an age play sex toy and manufacturing child pornography.”
Leaving something “open” and walking through the door are two very distinct and decisive decisions.
You are the only one persisting in these claims. Due to your direct accusations these claims are being linked, indexed and cached by multiple sources.
As the CEO of Eros, LLC I refute all claims of content theft and child pornography production leveled against us. I have made our position clear on many occasions. We do not condone sexualized age-play, content theft or child pornography.
I trust that all interested parties will make their own decisions as to the legitimacy of Slutmaginc and Jumpman Lane’s inflammatory accusations until such time as we are vindicated.
We consider these actions based on heresay, opinions, allegations and inference to be defamatory and actionable.
Jumpman Lane
Mar 15th, 2010
So, sue me! Sap.
Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
Mar 15th, 2010
@Stroker: WTF are you doing? If you have a lawyer and he’s advising you and he isn’t kicking your butt for writing like this you need to fire that lawyer IMHO. Hypothetically, if this did go to court, (I’d bet money it won’t), Jumpman’s defense would have all kinds of material to attack you with. Add to that he has witnesses for what he reported, that burning somebody in effigy is an accepted political protest everywhere in America, while anally raping somebody’s effigy is probably not quite as accepted as political speech, plus the fact that opinion is protected. I think you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Stroker, you wrote that, “Standing on permissive terms such as “may” or “believe” or “In my opinion” has been proven time and again as an ineffective defense against defamation.”
I’m not a lawyer, and as far as I know you aren’t either. Go check out your jurisdiction’s laws for giving legal counsel without a licence, Stroker. Is that what you are doing?
First, if you check, it states that “If the person makes a statement of opinion as opposed to fact, the statement may not support a cause of action for defamation. “, which means that what you just told Jumpman is probably bad legal advice.
If you do go to court, Stroker, it stands to reason that you would risk loosing, which would be widely covered because of it’s sensational nature, and in the end, if you lost, you would have a much stronger public perception that you are a pedophile than you have right now.
People need to step back and see this for what it is: Stroker needs to make headlines, as does Jumpman. Stroker probably gets money every time a news outlet like CNN covers his tired old sexbed story, and I think he probably makes more from that than he does on his in world activities. Jumpman runs a magazine. His need for publicity is self evident. He would not be a good tabloid journalist if he didn’t want publicity like this. It is obvious to me that what we have here are two publicity whores hamming it up for the page counts.
There is no way Stroker will actually file anything, IMHO. Another passage from the page I linked above:
“In other words, the plaintiff in a defamation action may be required to expend a considerable amount of money to bring the action, may experience significant negative publicity which repeats the false accusations, and if unsuccessful in the litigation may cement into the public consciousness the belief that the defamatory accusations were true. While many plaintiffs will be able to successfully prosecute defamation actions, the possible downside should be considered when deciding whether or not such litigation should be attempted.”
Jumpman is calling your bluff, Stroker. I think that is a smart move on his part. Shut up and file or else you’re just hurting your own reputation.
Not that you guys have much reputation to salvage anyway. I mean, we have a sleazy pornographer and a sleazy tabloid journalist. You guys giving each other a bad reputation is redundant.
Second Life Gamer
Mar 15th, 2010
Are you seriously prepared to sit in a court of law across from stroker? You do realize you will have no choice but to reveal your real identity, at which point your RL name will be forever linked to Jumpman Lane’s Slut magazine. That basicly means any time a potential employer does a standard background check to see if you have ever been arrested, charged, or had any other form of Legal problems that could prove to be a conflit of intrest for the company looking to hire you. I know for a fact that working in any area of Pornography is one hell of a red flag for any human resources department. Basicly the person who looks at your application for work will see nothing but a Sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. Then your CV\Resume’ will be tossed, unless you decide to work for a company in the adult entertainment industry. Are you prepared for that? I can see stroker is, he has already put a real life name and a real life company to the face of Strokerz Toyz. Is going after Kevin Alderman worth dragging your own name through the real life press?
Mar 15th, 2010
As someone who has worked and made a living in the adult entertainment industry (pornography as you people call it) for the last twenty years, I find it highly offensive to read people here referring to cartoons having sex in a virtual world as “pornography”. Pornography involves real life people. Getting off by watching cartoons having sex isn’t enjoying natural human sexuality, it is disturbing.