JLU Wiki Leak: Second Life Abuse Report Frenzy

by Alphaville Herald on 18/01/10 at 3:16 pm

Real and imagined offenses against the laws of the Metaverse?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

Resident conflict in Second Life is to be expected as quasi-anonymous avatars with different meta-games and loyalties play off each other, but detailed information about the extent of the problems have been hidden — until now.

A partial snapshot of the leaked JLU's incident reporting system [after the jump] is fascinating reading – although some may question the standards of evidence and judgment the superhero paramilitary employs. Despite evident JLU bias, the volume of incidents lends some credibility to JLU claims that they file approximately 1/6 of all abuse reports. But does the Second Life community really want – or need – spandex tights clad role players filing complaints on their behalf and in secret?

The potential for mischief is worrying. Apparently I have been classified as a griefer by the JLU after placing flowers for banned accounts at a memorial for the dead as part of an story on crowdsourcing grief. Do all superheros suffer from a serious irony deficit?

placing flowers is broadly offensive?

Incidents in the JLU database range from reports of "particle emitting penis objects" in a sandbox to "taunting and harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area" to "Memmer of Woodbury U. Keeping an eye on him." For those that wish to play virtual cops fighting crime – or at least particle spam – membership in the JLU must be rewarding police play work.

Perhaps the most telling incident report is "Day old female av, demanded help rudely, showed very negative attitude,was verbally unpleasant but not obscene. Demanded a lesson in buyinglindens so she could buy an airplane. Did not like answer, was abusivebut not obscene, could not AR".

Don't you just hate it when you can't file an abuse report on a day old player?

IR# Subject Filer Date Filed Reported From Report Text
4384 phils ghost Superman Magneto 2010-01-06 14:57:21 Sandbox Goguen Phils was spotted copybotting a car wearing clothes that he used copybot to aquire
4383 Chav Paderborn DianaPrince Carter 2010-01-06 14:39:26 Justice Island Member of the group Fashion Consolidated. Foxchase may be using this account as a way of earning income.
4382 Chav Paderborn DianaPrince Carter 2010-01-06 14:38:12 Justice Island Another alt of permabanned Tizzers Foxchase, aka Tizzy Teardrop
4381 Rina Alchemi Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-06 05:10:26 Sandbox Newcomb Copybotted GreenLantern Excelsior's appearance
4380 Joker8 Shoreland Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-06 02:27:23 Justice Island Copybot user, according ti evidence provided by Bruce MacMoragh
4379 Apollyon Sciavo Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:58:01 Justice Island Raider during a Woodbury University attack at the Morris Welcome Area on January 4, 2009.
4378 Apollyon Sciavo Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:57:00 Justice Island Known associate of WU raiders. Name appeared after a raid in the Morris Welcome Area in WU logs.
4377 Venom Silverfall Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:55:48 Justice Island Known associate of WU raiders. Name appeared after a raid in the Morris Welcome Area in WU logs.
4376 CmdrBlackCatz Xue Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:54:43 Justice Island Known associate of WU raiders. Name appeared after a raid in the Morris Welcome Area in WU logs.
4375 Navi Gearz Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:53:59 Justice Island Known associate of WU raiders. Name appeared after a raid in the Morris Welcome Area in WU logs.
4374 Parchment Chatterbox Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 12:47:29 Justice Island Known associate and supporter of WU raiding parties.
4373 Robble Rubble Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 02:07:02 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4372 Hydrogen2 Oxygen Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 02:06:27 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4371 Bogan Bogbat Troy Ducrot 2010-01-05 01:54:21 Justice Island Wearing Vulgar Group Tag and nude in a PG sim on this date in the Morris region
4370 Bogan Bogbat Troy Ducrot 2010-01-05 01:51:03 Justice Island Wearing Vulgar Group Tag and nude in a PG sim on this date in the Morris region
4369 Bogan Bogbat Troy Ducrot 2010-01-05 01:49:51 Justice Island b incident Bogan Bogbat
4368 Ugly Blokke Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 01:49:08 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4367 Whats Gruppman Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 01:46:10 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4366 Bebbs Frakture Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 01:45:26 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4365 Tizzy Teardrop Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-05 01:44:40 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4364 lnformation Core Haruhi Thespian 2010-01-05 01:39:45 Justice Island Tauntingand harassing residents at a Linden Welcome area in the Morris regionas a part of a Woodburry University raiding party on this date.
4363 Feelipe Collas Heidi Stiglitz 2010-01-04 22:59:40 Castle Blitzstein II ARsubmitted for megaprim at ground level in Sandbox Goguen. Did notrespond to IMs, appeared in the sim and then left again withoutremoving the megaprim
4362 Ralph8DXDXP Zuta Heidi Stiglitz 2010-01-04 21:17:56 Sandbox Goguen AR submitted for penis object in Sandbox Newcomb.
4361 santi23 Baudin Heidi Stiglitz 2010-01-04 21:14:08 Sandbox Cordova AR submitted for particle emitting penis objects in Sandbox Cordova
4360 Haruhi Thespian Kalel Venkman 2010-01-04 03:06:14 Justice Island Joined the League on this date.
4359 Dex Rhapsody Heidi Stiglitz 2010-01-03 00:50:48 Sandbox Island Extension AR submitted for assault with "Holy Bible" bullets in Sandbox Island
4358 Rell Philly Heidi Stiglitz 2010-01-03 00:50:07 Sandbox Island Extension AR submitted for assault with "Holy Bible" objects in Sandbox Island
4357 Ashbury Haight Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-02 16:52:43 Sandbox Goguen Randomly shooting residents in Goguen while using a Megaman avatar
4356 Raul Mumblewood Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-02 16:27:33 Sandbox Goguen spengbab screamers seen in Sandbox Goguen
4355 Seratuhlis Firanelli Oki Korobase 2010-01-02 10:14:05 Ashford Park Anti-furry sentiment on profile "I also support the systematic genocide of the subhuman race known as "furries"."
4354 Jasmine Vandyke Oki Korobase 2010-01-02 09:47:58 Ashford Park Alt of Aislin Nirpaw
4353 Lysander Eguzkia Oki Korobase 2010-01-02 09:18:54 Ashford Park Alt of Aislin Nirpaw
4352 Aislin Nirpaw Oki Korobase 2010-01-02 09:17:55 Ashford Park Confessed /b/tard and member of now-deleted FBI group, and Anonymous
4351 DENVER Alderbury Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-02 04:57:43 Sandbox Island Large number of physical beachballs in SI and SIE
4350 DENVER Alderbury Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-02 04:57:05 Sandbox Island incident DENVER Alderbury
4349 Carly Dirkle Siobhan McCallen 2010-01-02 04:50:59 Santa Catalina 0Day old female av, demanded help rudely, showed very negative attitude,was verbally unpleasant but not obscene. Demanded a lesson in buyinglindens so she could buy an airplane. Did not like answer, was abusivebut not obscene, could not AR.
4348 Brutus Tuqiri Kalel Venkman 2010-01-01 23:08:12 Apfelland Strand Left League, citing lack of personal time to devote to it.
4347 Heinrich Arun Nomad Parx 2010-01-01 21:33:29 Bellevue Park Heinrichattempted to grief the Marvel RP Sim. GM's were contacted and swiftlyarrived to ban the residents. Abuse Reports were also filed and JasonLinden responded to the situation. Heinrich along with other Woodburymembers interepted residents RP by dressing up as Nazis and saying nazisayings.
4346 toast Steampunk Nomad Parx 2010-01-01 21:29:13 Bellevue Park Assited Heinrich in griefing the Marvel RP sim
4345 Leebra Mai Nomad Parx 2010-01-01 21:27:08 Bellevue Park Assited Heinrich in griefing the Marvel RP sim
4344 Narcissus Mint Nomad Parx 2010-01-01 21:25:24 Bellevue Park Assited Heinrich in griefing the Marvel RP sim
4343 Heinrich Arun Nomad Parx 2010-01-01 21:23:59 Bellevue Park Attacked residents in the Marvel RP sim through verbal abuse. Dressed up as hitlet and repeating nazi sayings.
4342 Leebra Mai Kalel Venkman 2010-01-01 20:46:24 Justice Island Member of multiple /b/tard groups, including one for Robbie Rubble, Woodbury University, Digital Wrolds.
4341 Nathaniel Dethly Kohaku Owatatsumi 2010-01-01 04:18:46 Sandbox Cordova Left a large Red Star-textured object in Goguen – possible WU alt
4340 Svetlana Varriale Maverick Grunfeld 2010-01-01 03:30:28 Justice Island Residenttrolled JLU member Maverick Grunfeld in Sandbox Cordova on this date.Harassment over mic and made RL inquires at the recently rerezzed"Perch" from Pierce Kronos.
4339 Awen Stardust Nomad Parx 2009-12-31 21:54:40 Justice Island MetAwen in Sandbox Cordova. She requested information about filing abusereports. After a notecard was given to her she explained that she is abuilder who is often attacked in sandboxes when building and wanted tolearn how to file Abuse Reports during these situations.
4338 Awen Stardust Nomad Parx 2009-12-31 21:52:26 Justice Island Gave Awen a JLU Signal on this day
4337 Fireball Longstaff Oki Korobase 2009-12-31 20:54:28 Sandbox Island Extension No reports since 2007 – de-flagged
4336 Leebra Mai Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:21:51 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who created and lead a raid on the Sculptie Animalssim on December 30, 2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid toalert the region's estate. The region is German based, thus estate banswere conducted much after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point ofcontact between the League and the estate to work the estate bans forthe raiders.
4335 R0N Paule Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:20:17 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4334 Pantsu Nirvana Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:18:22 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4333 Taski Pawlowski Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:17:41 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4332 toast Steampunk Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:16:20 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4331 Merato Zilz Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:16:01 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4330 Chess Rookstown Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:15:28 Justice Island WoodburyUniversity member who raided the Sculptie Animals sim on December 30,2009. JLU was onsite in advance of the raid to alert the region'sestate. The region is German based, thus estate bans were conductedmuch after later. Wonko Schism severed as a point of contact betweenthe League and the estate to work the estate bans for the raiders.
4329 toast Steampunk Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:12:14 Justice Island RaidedJustice Island early morning on this date wih Woodbury Members. Estatewas open access due to an error with recent land moves and Woodbury wasin an experimenting mode due to JLU stopping several griefing attemptsearlier in the evening. JI officers responded quickly to limit andeliminate their access.
4328 Taski Pawlowski Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:03:21 Justice Island RaidedJustice Island early morning on this date wih Woodbury Members. Estatewas open access due to an error with recent land moves and Woodbury wasin an experimenting mode due to JLU stopping several griefing attemptsearlier in the evening. JI officers responded quickly to limit andeliminate their access.
4327 Sara Shan Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 13:00:00 Justice Island RaidedJustice Island early morning on this date wih Woodbury Members. Estatewas open access due to an error with recent land moves and Woodbury wasin an experimenting mode due to JLU stopping several griefing attemptsearlier in the evening. JI officers responded quickly to limit andeliminate their access.
4326 Hydrogen2 Oxygen Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 12:59:26 Justice Island RaidedJustice Island early morning on this date wih Woodbury Members. Estatewas open access due to an error with recent land moves and Woodbury wasin an experimenting mode due to JLU stopping several griefing attemptsearlier in the evening. JI officers responded quickly to limit andeliminate their access.
4325 Codizzo Hax Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 12:58:50 Justice Island RaidedJustice Island early morning on this date wih Woodbury Members. Estatewas open access due to an error with recent land moves and Woodbury wasin an experimenting mode due to JLU stopping several griefing attemptsearlier in the evening. JI officers responded quickly to limit andeliminate their access.
4324 Hirokii Hyun Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-31 10:55:35 Justice Island Founder of Fursecution Corps – an Anti-Furry group
4323 Geofrank Taurog Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-31 10:33:02 Justice Island Owner and chief builder of Lunar Exploration Island
4322 Narcissus Mint Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 04:02:56 Justice Island Member of a Woodbury University raiding party on this date at the Jewish Zeide Kamp region. The attack was foiled by JLU intel.
4321 Heinrich Arun Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 04:02:12 Justice Island Member of a Woodbury University raiding party on this date at the Jewish Zeide Kamp region. The attack was foiled by JLU intel.
4320 Gaara Sandalwood Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 04:01:38 Justice Island Member of a Woodbury University raiding party on this date at the Jewish Zeide Kamp region. The attack was foiled by JLU intel.
4319 flaka Absent Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-30 22:33:26 Sandbox Goguen Following chatspammers that counsel suicide
4318 niggidydiggidy Dembo Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-30 22:25:05 Castle Blitzstein II AR submitted for particle/sound/text spammers in Korea3
4317 niggidydiggidy Dembo Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-30 22:08:49 Fame AR submitted for particle/sound/follower object spam in Sandbox Newcomb
4316 pocketwatch Scrabblebat Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-30 07:49:46 Sandbox Goguen Memmer of Woodbury U. Keeping an eye on him.
4315 JB Hancroft DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-30 04:31:00 Wayne Manor Dimissed from the League on this date.
4314 Gishishukun Flux Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-30 00:19:03 Sandbox Goguen AR submitted for chat spammers in Sandbox Goguen
4313 SHOWTOY Oxhall Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-29 23:35:07 Justice Island AR submitted for megaprim spam in and around the Fame sim
4312 SHOWTOY Oxhall Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-29 23:34:33 Justice Island AR submitted for heavy physics prim litter and chat spam in Sandbox Newcomb
4311 KalEl Blaisdale Kalel Venkman 2009-12-29 01:10:31 Justice Island Returned from hiatus and reinstated with full honors.
4310 Haruhi Thespian Kalel Venkman 2009-12-28 21:49:44 Justice Island Applied to the League on this date.
4309 Jessi Castaignede Kalel Venkman 2009-12-27 17:08:53 Justice Island Made a full member on this date.
4308 Jakis Westminster Kalel Venkman 2009-12-27 17:08:39 Justice Island Made a full member on this date.
4307 Seijin Roo Kalel Venkman 2009-12-27 04:46:03 Justice Island Not actually a griefer so far as we know, the griefer designation was set so that his emergency signal would burn out.
4306 Seijin Roo Kalel Venkman 2009-12-26 04:40:01 Justice Island Application was rejected by Kalel Venkman on discovery that he was a member of the Woodbury University group.
4305 Sati Shim Kalel Venkman 2009-12-25 17:47:08 Justice Island Removing external op status due to resignation of Abhishekam Jawetz.
4304 Abhishekam Jawetz Kalel Venkman 2009-12-25 03:27:41 Justice Island Resigned on this date, after several minor incidents involving poor judgment in the field and one instance of caging.
4303 Gummo Zaks Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-24 02:48:50 Justice Island Manager of the SL Divorce Lawyer group; supporter of Woodbury University's Embassy.
4302 minoko Aeon Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-24 02:31:59 Sandbox Newcomb Parcel Owner for Woodbury Embassy. Suspected high level supporter of Woodbury University, possibly an alt account.
4301 OmegaRed Thor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 21:14:53 Justice Island Left a zombie particle rezzer in Sandbox Island
4300 BigJeremy Hexicola Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 21:13:53 Justice Island Rezzed large numbers of following particle spammers throughout the Sandboxes
4299 DennisO Marville Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 21:12:37 Justice Island Rezzed large number of grey physical cubes in Sandbox Island and Sandbox Island Extension
4298 Vivix Expunging Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 21:10:29 Justice Island Founder of the Griefer Armory group
4297 erick Galtier Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 20:57:34 Sandbox Cordova Habitual offender – rezzes vehicles for sale in sandboxes, despite posted rules
4296 Androsko Daviau Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 19:24:36 Sandbox Island Extension Replicating followers in Goguen and Cordova
4295 leandrocaetano Galaxy Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-23 07:18:27 Justice Island Invisiprim sit traps in Sandbox Goguen
4294 Micheru Mathys DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-23 05:26:41 Justice Island Setting to citizen for security; resigned from the JLU because of friendship with members of Woodbury
4293 GETsum Ghiardie Kalel Venkman 2009-12-23 04:38:02 Justice Island Prim and animation request attack, Sandbox Island and extension.
4292 Cybernetics Core Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-22 23:32:52 FurNation Heroes Saw user in Center of Gravity. His tag read VLife next to his name. User is member of group named Griefer Armory.
4291 blink Kenin Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-22 23:04:15 Balance AR submitted for particle/sound/assault objects in the Balance sim
4290 blink Kenin Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-22 23:03:40 Balance AR submitted for particle/sound/physical assault objects in Sandbox Newcomb
4289 tomson Putzo Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-22 06:44:25 Justice Island Left a tremendous amount of prims in Sandbox Newcomb
4288 Willis Bailey Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-22 06:28:01 Pinehouse Rezzed a massive megaprim over Pinehouse, encroaching several nearby sims
4287 tediz kira Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-22 04:18:16 Justice Island Owner of a 4Chan group that uses a pedobear image for a group image
4286 Dicckfarts Puddlegum Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-22 03:13:19 Justice Island Known sim crasher.
4285 Epacsten Subagja Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-22 01:13:44 Justice Island Contributes operating funds to Soviet Woodbury, and was one of the top eight contributors in December of 2009.
4284 Charity Stohr Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-22 01:12:10 Justice Island Contributes operating funds to Soviet Woodbury, and was one of the top eight contributors in December of 2009.
4283 SecretlyFamous Aboma Siobhan McCallen 2009-12-21 17:36:00 Sandbox Newcomb residentleft short-range Beavis&Butthead spam objects in Sandbox Newcomb.Claimed she could not get rid of them. Had bad attitude towardpeacekeepers
4282 Dean Djannovic Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-21 17:23:23 Sandbox Newcomb Left a bunch of Sklaar cagers in Newcomb
4281 SecretlyFamous Aboma Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-21 17:01:09 Sandbox Newcomb Left a "butthole" and Beavis and Butthead themed particle generator with a short range in Newcomb
4280 xxxLiLi Correia Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-21 16:50:15 Sandbox Newcomb Left a sculpted image of a nude in Newcomb, user offline
4279 lilman Aries Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-21 00:51:02 Sandbox Newcomb Selling a car in a sandbox, despite being warned
4278 Priest Varun Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-20 18:12:36 Justice Island Owner of the A'Den Station club, and the Center of Gravity sim – long time member of the RP community
4277 Sati Shim Kalel Venkman 2009-12-20 01:55:44 Justice Island Undercover alt of Abhishekam Jawetz.
4276 Aaron Faromet Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-20 00:45:20 Justice Island Particle spammers and followers in Sandbox Island and Sandbox Island Extension
4275 Cayce Urriah Kalel Venkman 2009-12-19 17:11:31 Justice Island Cayce'sresignation was by way of observance of the Oath, which Cayce felt hecould no longer easily uphold in light of his friendships with WoodburyUniversity members. The door remains open to Cayce should the situationchange again later.
4274 Cayce Urriah Kalel Venkman 2009-12-19 17:07:52 Justice Island Resignedon this date, citing personal conflict of interest between his Leaguemembership and his new friendships with Woodbury University members.
4273 Mektron Dexler Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 23:14:58 SkyBeam Selling in SkyBeam Sandbox
4272 Script Riddler Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:26:44 Sandbox Goguen Reported Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yexil as being a copybot user – seems odd for a near-total newcomer to observe
4271 Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yexil Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:25:33 Sandbox Goguen Script Riddler said this person was wearing copybotted items
4270 Dogsmack Slingshot Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:14:30 Sandbox Newcomb Cannibis leaf particle generator in Wanderton
4269 Dogsmack Slingshot Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:12:07 Sandbox Newcomb Rezzed a large prim phallus in Newcomb
4268 Cunningham Capalini Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-18 08:12:49 Sandbox Goguen Build in Sandbox goguen. mothership. Not griefer.
4267 Zach Oxygen Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-18 07:58:51 Sandbox Island User rezzed sex furniture in Sandbox Island. Contacted user leaving a friendly reminder about the rules.
4266 Pinkie Bumbo Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-18 07:55:02 Sandbox Island User is wearing a bondage-style set of prim breasts in PG-rated sandbox. Warned user abuot nudity rules.
4265 Reniets Spyker Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 04:29:51 Sandbox Newcomb Stood around in Newcomb in the buff with prim junk, despite warning
4264 ciro11deblasio Ahren Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-17 19:59:40 Sandbox Newcomb Selling trailers in a sandbox
4263 elPadrino Actor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-17 19:45:52 Sandbox Goguen left a number of unscripted physical phalluses in Sandbox Goguen
4262 Old Rae Kalel Venkman 2009-12-17 01:02:14 Justice Island Contributes operating funds to Soviet Woodbury, and was one of the top eight contributors in December of 2009.
4261 gabi123456 Broono Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-16 15:43:35 Sandbox Island Multiple incidents of spammers and sound spammers
4260 Fuun Yin Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-16 08:52:03 Sandbox Island User claims to have been gone for awhile. Left spammed objects in SI and SIE
4259 Silent Hush Kalel Venkman 2009-12-16 05:38:25 Justice Island Knownfinancial contributor to the Woodbury University group, listed as oneof the top eight donors to sim tier for Soviet Woodbury in November of2009.
4258 mojito Core Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-15 07:40:41 Sandbox Island Resident rezzed a gold dust that caused a menu to spam across hte uper right part of the screen. AR filed with Linden Labs.
4257 Diskpart Brinner Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-15 07:16:35 FurNation Heroes Residentstated to me that he was 13 years old. Abuse REport Filed under classof Underaged Resident on Adult Grid. AR Report Filed. Incident Reportfiled for reference.
4256 Kat Lemieux Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-14 18:51:46 Spaceport Alpha Founder of the International Spaceflight Museum
4255 Troy McLuhan Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-14 18:50:47 Spaceport Alpha One of the builders of Spaceport Bravo, Director of Science Center Group, SciLands Senator
4254 Mars Voyager Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-14 18:44:03 Explorer Island Creator of the Interactive Planetarium on Explorer Island
4253 Jimbo Perhaps Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-14 18:40:05 Explorer Island Builder for the NASA Sim, Explorer Island
4252 Jet Burns Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-14 18:39:02 Explorer Island One of the builders for Explorer Island
4251 fystee Core Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-14 10:05:55 Sandbox Island Extension Resident had a bed purchasable in Sandbox Island Extension. Notified owner, and owner cleaned up. Incident filed for reference.
4250 Hannes Mendle Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-14 04:57:49 Justice Island Rezzed multiple mature objects in a PG sim
4249 Sairi Matova Kalel Venkman 2009-12-14 03:12:04 Justice Island Joined the League on this date.
4248 WriterOfPoetry Oceanlane Kalel Venkman 2009-12-14 03:11:47 Justice Island Joined the League on this date.
4247 Stipe Stipe Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-13 20:33:33 Justice Island ContactedMaverick Grunfeld on this date claiming to be Nebula from NebulaGriefing – stated that he dropped griefing activities and wants to workto help people and provide JLU with a "gift."
4246 ADTANGEL Zapatero Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-13 12:25:41 Sandbox Island AR submitted for caging on Sandbox Island
4245 Kefir Lamont Kalel Venkman 2009-12-13 05:17:12 Justice Island Estatemanager for Felidaenia, Furakuna, Underground, Four Bridges North andFour Bridges, and head of security for Second Pride.
4244 Dragon Rozenfeld Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-12 21:32:59 Artropolis Harassed a Leaguer in his profile
4243 Tarien Handrick Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-12 09:48:30 Sandbox Island Extension Continuedto follow me around, talking to me, despite clear indications of my notwanting to interact with them. AR Filed after continued interaction.
4242 BodomOwnage Threebeards Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-12 09:42:14 Sandbox Island Extension Penises and penis pumps in Sandbox Island Extension. AR filed for Inappropriate content
4241 BodomOwnage Threebeards Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-12 09:41:43 Sandbox Island Extension Primmed phallus in SIE
4240 asiane Eyre Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-12 09:36:42 Sandbox Island Flexiprim phallus in SI
4239 PinUP Murfin Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-12 04:54:15 Sandbox Cordova Nightmare Dench URL box in Cordova
4238 El Taka Heidi Stiglitz 2009-12-11 22:25:06 Blake Sea – Atlantic Ejected from the Blake Sea for chat spamming during an event
4237 Titiro Salamander Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-11 09:53:48 Sandbox Newcomb Rezzed a small box with bin Laden's image on it that generates a minor fireworks display
4236 Danny Banjo Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-11 09:49:43 Justice Island Caging in Sandbox Newcomb
4235 leon16 Andel Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-11 09:31:06 Sandbox Island witnessedtesting a weapon in Sandbox Island. Warned about testing in noncombatsandboxes, directed hwere to go. Incident Report filed.
4234 Mel Lawksley Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-10 08:09:09 Sandbox Island Extension Leftitem in Sandbox Island Extension named sff cindy. Available forpurchase at 50 L$. Owner contacted, item boxed up, incident reportfiled.
4233 Revenge Dreamscape DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:36:50 Lutra Revenge Dreamscape provides funding for Nebula Griefing
4232 Fart Tremor DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:35:16 Lutra Fart Tremor funding for Nebula Griefing
4231 Jenny Balazic DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:33:35 Lutra Jenny Balazic provides funding for Nebula Griefing
4230 Robble Rubble DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:31:31 Lutra Robble Rubble provides funding for Nebula Griefing
4229 MikeWolf Lupindo DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:30:19 Lutra MikeWolf Lupindo provides funding for Nebula Griefing
4228 NIGHTMARE Dench DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:27:51 Lutra griefer whose favorite targets are Sandboxes, since he cannot attack other areas
4227 butterfly Braveheart DianaPrince Carter 2009-12-09 14:25:07 Lutra butterfly Braveheart may be the main account of Nightmare Dench
4226 Romnio Fischgall Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-09 07:52:57 Sandbox Cordova Voice Chat harassers. Borderline on harassing individuals. Will keep my eye out for any griefing by him and Romnio.
4225 Tarien Handrick Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-09 07:52:15 Sandbox Cordova Voice Chat harassers. Borderline on harassing individuals. Will keep my eye out for any griefing by him and Romnio.
4223 Foran Luik Kalel Venkman 2009-12-09 04:31:43 Justice Island Memberof Woodbury University, W-Hat Mall, The Evil Legion of Doom, DigitalWoodbury-hat, and something called the Super Best Friends AdventureClub.
4222 Connor Whitman Kalel Venkman 2009-12-09 01:57:21 Justice Island Honorable discharge – resigned on this date citing inadequate available time in SL to serve in the League.
4221 NewWorld McAuley Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-08 16:26:05 Justice Island Replicating chat spammers in Goguen
4220 Im Lawl Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-08 16:24:14 Justice Island Left a spawner in Sandbox Cordova that caused 10m physical temp cubes to rain from the sky
4219 Muk Dumpling Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-08 16:23:11 Justice Island Left a gory scene of violence rezzed in Sandbox Cordova
4218 inodoropereyra Jupiter Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-08 16:22:04 Justice Island Caging and orbiting residents in Sandbox Island
4217 grey Actor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-08 16:21:22 Justice Island Nebula griefer, seen in Sandbox Island
4216 NewBalance Deed Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-08 06:56:26 Sandbox Island Extension Newis selling objects in SIE (Sandbox Island Extension). Resell of boxeslikely, not actual selling. Owner contacted. Items Boxed up.
4215 Pat Harlow Kalel Venkman 2009-12-08 05:35:34 Justice Island Seldom used alt of Kalel Venkman.
4213 Dreamish Hendes Abhishekam Jawetz 2009-12-08 01:15:32 Justice Island Griefing with cages and bootleg Phenom HUD in Noob Island at womens shop.
4214 Dreamish Hendes Abhishekam Jawetz 2009-12-08 01:15:32 Justice Island Griefing with cages and bootleg Phenom HUD in Noob Island at womens shop.
4212 tomas Earst Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-07 07:31:52 Sandbox Newcomb Deformer-Nuke in Sandbox Newcomb. Must sit on object to deform. AR iossued to LL. Incident Report Filed.
4211 Ermeson Correia Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-07 07:23:38 Sandbox Newcomb Selling a clothing item in Sandbox Wanderton at 11:16 P.M. SLT. Owner notified. Boxed up, incident filed.
4210 turner92 Brune Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-07 06:49:45 Sandbox Island Had a hoverdisk in Sandbox Island set as "buy"able. Contacted owner. No response. boxing up. Incident filed.
4209 Morvidor Thorne Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-06 23:02:57 Fortuna No reports since March, 2008 – Griefer flag cleared
4208 Abhishekam Jawetz Kalel Venkman 2009-12-06 17:41:05 Justice Island Enlisted on this date.
4207 Alexandria Linden Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-06 13:51:58 Justice Island First noticed as the owner of the photo album contenst of the Library section of the Inventory – not found in Search
4206 SecretlyFamous Aboma Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-06 09:31:33 Sandbox Goguen Creatorof textured object in Sandbox Goguen displaying a mudkip 'riding', akahaving intercourse, with a female human avatar. owner contacted, boxedup.
4205 Diskpart Brinner Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-06 09:24:27 Sandbox Newcomb Sex bench lcoated in Sandbox Wanderton. Boxed up, incident report filed with Brainiac
4204 Kalel Venkman Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-06 05:31:50 Noddegamra Filing incident as a test
4203 justin Siabonne Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-06 04:41:02 Sandbox Island thanks
4202 Mike22 Bayn Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 23:36:39 Sandbox Cordova Left a "house" in Sandbox Cordova that is an avatar distortion trap
4201 Chewey Sparta Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 23:01:56 Sandbox Cordova Littered Sandbox Cordova with screaming "mudkips"
4200 Chewey Sparta Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-05 23:01:37 Sandbox Cordova thanks
4199 facts Giordano Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 22:53:00 Sandbox Cordova Assault with orbit gun in Cordova
4198 jonne Twang Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 10:07:05 Sandbox Cordova Left a large political advert in Sandbox Cordova
4197 Tabrina Ametza Ookamisuke Babenco 2009-12-05 09:18:37 Sandbox Newcomb thank you
4196 Katy Salubria Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 06:15:19 Sandbox Cordova Left a scripted "mudkip" in a sandbox that continuously generates a vomit sound
4195 Wolfy Randt Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 01:53:54 Justice Island Indicated as alt of Dragon Rozenfeld
4194 Evahn Flatley Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-05 01:52:50 Justice Island Indicated as an alt of Dragon Rozenfeld
4193 Dark Kaptane Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-04 10:14:10 Justice Island Alt of Dragon Rozenfeld
4192 Dark Kaptane Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-04 01:52:32 Justice Island Elevated an incident of personal drama and persuaded an estate manager ro add Kohaku Owatatsumi and jeremiah Pintens to Banlink
4191 scientific buccaneer Mechagliel Gears 2009-12-03 18:55:21 Almond sentim's to various leage members claiming a 'rat infestation in goguen,when investigated there wer no rats but chat/dialog spammers. agesuspect, born 11/27 . motivations unknown at this time
4190 Lantern Portal BilliAnn Bravin 2009-12-03 16:09:52 Bounty Bay VII PerOnABOX Sittingbull, former BLC Guardian, the alt of someone who wasbanned from SL, who admitted this to OnABOX. He said he was trying toget a fresh start in his new account.
4189 CommieLover8 Boszormeny Kalel Venkman 2009-12-02 04:48:42 Justice Island Undercover alt of Maverick Grunfeld.
4188 Panacea Luminos Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-02 02:21:11 TriBorough New York Owner of the TriBorough New York sim, and the surrounding sims
4187 mudkips Mixmaster Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-02 01:05:10 TriBorough New York Regionwide particle and sound spammers in Sandbox Goguen
4186 GotAids Ohmai Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-02 00:30:29 TriBorough New York Griefed World AIDS Day
4185 Hojohto Batista Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-02 00:10:33 Karuna Screamed obscenities at World AIDS Day
4184 marissa Rajesh Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-01 00:09:15 Sandbox Cordova Selling cars in Cordova
4183 Paco Dubratt Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-30 23:31:07 Sandbox Cordova Constructed an IM spammer in front of me, then used it to spam
4182 jaker090 Danick Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-30 23:14:56 Sandbox Goguen Caged several nearby residents despite warnings
4181 jon123 Danick Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-30 22:03:24 Sandbox Cordova Large scripted sculpties in Goguen that caused massive lag
4180 stopper Piers Siobhan McCallen 2009-11-29 03:57:51 Harrington Resident had shotguns that fired piles of wooden prims, griefed commons in Harrington region. Ejected and banned.
4179 shoarma Enzo Siobhan McCallen 2009-11-29 03:57:12 Harrington Resident attacked Harrington region this day with bombs and rezzed wooden prims. Ejected and banned
4178 Neon Serge Kalel Venkman 2009-11-29 01:05:27 Justice Island His original membership terminated in July of 2007.
4177 Neon Serge Kalel Venkman 2009-11-29 01:04:58 Justice Island Reinstated on this date as a recruit after an honorable discharge for inactivity two years ago.
4176 Abhishekam Jawetz Kalel Venkman 2009-11-28 19:51:31 Justice Island Applied to the League on this date.
4175 Wolf Mohegan Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-27 20:44:00 Sandbox Cordova Littered Sandbox Cordova with copies of a single basic prim
4174 Fuzzy Socke Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-27 06:42:40 TYF Isle Used an explosive inside a nightclub
4173 Diablo Zarco Kalel Venkman 2009-11-26 21:39:25 Sandbox Cordova Caging incident – Sandbox Cordova is littered with his handiwork today.
4172 Monty Charlton Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-26 18:45:27 Sandbox Goguen No incidents since October, 2007 – griefer flag cleared
4171 lilror25 Jules DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-26 02:07:07 Four Bridges North lilror25 Jules griefing the 16 day campaign of Violence against women by caging people
4170 Julius2x4 Alex DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-26 02:05:46 Four Bridges North Julius2x4 Alex is a troll who's plaguing the 16day campain for VIolence against women
4169 Mechagliel Gears Kalel Venkman 2009-11-25 04:22:06 Search Alts are Doyle Huckleberry and Vagabond Carter.
4168 CrawlingIn Meskin Kalel Venkman 2009-11-25 03:37:07 Justice Island Alt of Hazim Gazov.
4167 Kiiko Bodenhall Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-25 03:19:15 Fortuna Large number of scripted sound repeaters in Newcomb
4166 Jim Stourmead Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-25 03:03:12 Sandbox Newcomb Flying around Sandboxes with particle generators attached
4165 Daniel Thiessam Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-24 00:25:27 Justice Island ARsubmitted for Picard anti-gay chat spammer in Sandbox Island Extension.Perp attempted to hide chat spammer underneath a campfire in a cornerof the sim.
4164 Daniel Thiessam Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 23:27:36 Sandbox Island Extension Left an object in the corner of a sandbox that spammed an ascii image of Captain Picard
4163 raziel Istmal Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 18:22:35 Sandbox Island Extension Rezzed several freebie cars in a public sandbox
4162 zesoca Dezno Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 17:57:17 Sandbox Cordova Creator and previous owner of a chat spamming device found in Sandbox Codrova
4161 Suilar Monitor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 17:55:51 Sandbox Cordova Chat spammer in Cordova
4160 Condo45 Jinx Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 17:49:52 Sandbox Cordova Large nightclub set for sale in a public sandbox
4159 Ashbury Haight Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 17:38:46 Sandbox Goguen Undocumented griefer flag removed
4158 Davide Serrari Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 02:11:56 Justice Island Rezzed spinning black megaprim in Sandbox Newcomb
4157 Corinto Cisse Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 02:09:26 Justice Island Rezzed a spinning black megaprim in and over Sandbox Newcomb
4156 Hinata Chayoo Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-22 11:10:26 Sandbox Island Left a large group of scripted objects in SI
4155 Scumshine Gloom Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-22 07:09:35 Sandbox Island Extension Walked around a PG sandbox with exaggerated primmed genitalia.
4154 RICKROCKS Richez Kalel Venkman 2009-11-22 07:07:33 Justice Island Shooting, Sandbox Island Extension.
4152 Giulio Giordano Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-22 06:57:24 Justice Island Attacking people in Sandbox Goguen with a weapon
4153 Giulio Giordano Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-22 06:57:24 Justice Island Attacking people in Sandbox Goguen with a weapon
4151 mysterydanny Naxos Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-21 17:17:05 Justice Island AR submitted for attaching a particle and sound spammer to a resident in Sandbox Goguen
4149 Damien Pappentas Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-21 17:15:26 Justice Island AR submitted for assault on people with a cager on Sandbox Island
4150 Damien Pappentas Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-21 17:15:26 Justice Island AR submitted for assault on people with a cager on Sandbox Island
4148 Reno Zeno Kalel Venkman 2009-11-21 16:02:04 Justice Island Known alt of Lantern Core, founder of a large number of Lantern Corps RP groups.
4147 Alexsis Undercroft Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-21 14:54:00 Justice Island Disclosed an IM to the owner of Aftermath
4146 Alexsis Undercroft Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-21 14:53:59 Justice Island Disclosed an IM to the owner of Aftermath
4145 Jacks Hammerer Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-21 08:35:12 Elysium Gardens Trolled the Transgender Memorial Service
4144 RobertLangdon Roffo Heidi Stiglitz 2009-11-20 21:45:18 Justice Island AR submitted for particle and sound spammers in Sandbox Island
4143 Marcel Lavendel DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-20 11:49:29 Elysium Gardens displayedintolerance and bigotry at the Transgender memorial on 11.13.2009:[13:35] Marcel Lavendel: this place is a honor to the hell and the devil
4142 tyler Moriguchi DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-20 11:45:57 Elysium Gardens on 2009-11-13 perp said
4141 tyler Moriguchi DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-20 11:44:34 Elysium Gardens threatened and harassed Random Demina on 2009-11-13 13:28:20
4140 Jade Whitcroft Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-20 10:20:06 Justice Island Founder of Anti Griefing Society
4139 Seijin Roo Kalel Venkman 2009-11-20 05:52:14 Justice Island Originally encountered us at the Hall of Justice in Verbier, but became an applicant to the League on this date.
4138 Temmpela Kraus Nomad Parx 2009-11-19 15:05:09 Abbotts Caging residents in Sandbox Cordova
4137 STD Badger Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-18 17:33:23 Sandbox Island Physical followers in SI
4136 Vicki Caudron DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-18 16:54:38 Amazon Celt know alts: tanner paolina,vicki caudron,nicci starsider,claricestarling miami,sarah hatcher Supected alt: cj melund
4135 Vicki Caudron DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-18 16:52:43 Amazon Celt Harasses people in the Sandboxes with her current avatar and some alts.
4134 Vicki Caudron DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-18 16:50:12 Amazon Celt defames GW in her profile: "was part of SL GridWatch anti Griefer hit squad"
4133 Vicki Caudron DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-18 16:49:13 Amazon Celt former GW member, kicked out for abusing position
4132 Tomodachi Sarlo Nomad Parx 2009-11-18 12:05:00 Justice Island Woodbury member. Spelled out the word "Racist" in prims in Sandbox Cordova
4131 Clarington MacIntyre Kalel Venkman 2009-11-18 01:22:01 Steelhead Port Harbor Associate of Censored Soup, who is in turn a friend of Cam Mitchell, known /b/tard millitant griefer.
4130 Syruss Constantine Kalel Venkman 2009-11-18 01:19:48 Steelhead Port Harbor Friend of Censored Soup, in turn a known Woodbury /b/tard, and friend of Cam Mitchell.
4129 Clarington MacIntyre Kalel Venkman 2009-11-18 01:18:27 Steelhead Port Harbor Participated in griefing at Texas Antiquity, Jacon Cortes victimized.
4128 Syruss Constantine Kalel Venkman 2009-11-18 01:17:56 Steelhead Port Harbor Participated in griefing at Texas Antiquity, Jacon Cortes victimized.
4127 Pierce Kronos DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-16 11:25:16 Lutra CS2. Harassment – Communicating or behaving in a manner whichis…otherwise likely to cause annoyance or alarm is Harassment.CS Policies- Alternate accounts – Using an alternate account to harassother Residents or violate the Community Standards is not acceptable.TOS 4.1 (x) In addition to abiding at all times by the CommunityStandards, you agree that you shall not (x) "stalk", abuse or attemptto abuse, or otherwise harass another user.
4126 Tizzers Camel DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-16 11:24:54 Lutra CS2. Harassment – Communicating or behaving in a manner whichis…otherwise likely to cause annoyance or alarm is Harassment.CS Policies- Alternate accounts – Using an alternate account to harassother Residents or violate the Community Standards is not acceptable.TOS 4.1 (x) In addition to abiding at all times by the CommunityStandards, you agree that you shall not (x) "stalk", abuse or attemptto abuse, or otherwise harass another user.
4125 Pierce Kronos DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-16 11:13:29 Lutra used alt Tizzers Camel to troll the Justice League on February 3, 2008 at the morning meeting in violation of the TOS/CS.
4124 Tizzers Camel DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-16 11:11:16 Lutra alt of Pierce Kronos, and was used for the purposes of trolling the Justice League on February 3, 2008 at the morning meeting.
4123 Derin Swenson Kalel Venkman 2009-11-15 19:23:58 Justice Island Former member of the Green Lantern Core, resigned in winter of 2008 over Core ethical standards.
4122 Jakis Westminster Kalel Venkman 2009-11-15 16:45:56 Justice Island Joined the League on this date.
4121 Genetic Replacement DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-15 07:51:15 Peloponnesia possible alt of Gene Replacement aka Plastic Duck
4120 Gene Replacement DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-15 07:36:55 Peloponnesia Alt of W-Hat's Plastic Duck, and creator ofthe first megaprims. First noted by Kal-El Venkman 11/08/09
4119 frankie dorben Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-15 04:55:41 Justice Island Region- (Wonderland) – Victim ( ToniT Oh ) Frankie constantly ignored privatesim Hippo Vendor ejections was told by land owner to please take hispresence else where
4118 Officer Farshore Kalel Venkman 2009-11-14 18:37:04 Sandbox Goguen Claimsto be the founder and chief of 'Second Life Police Department', andalso serving with the Danger Point PD in Danger Point.
4117 juna Cluny Kalel Venkman 2009-11-14 18:31:46 Justice Island IM'ed Kalel Venkman out of the blue on November 13, asking if he/she could tag along with me on patrol.
4116 Merato Zilz Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 14:17:20 Justice Island Estate manager of Soviet Woodburry through the WU Sandbox Gestapo group.
4115 Tizzers Foxdale Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 14:16:36 Justice Island Known alt of Tizzy Teardrop. Estate Admin for Soviet Woodbury through the WU Sandbox Gestapo group.
4114 Treb Magic Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 14:12:53 Justice Island Estate manager of Soviet Wooodburry through the WU Sandbox Gestapo group.
4113 Foxgloves Ferraris Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:14:55 Justice Island Sightedwith known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) andmembers of Nebula Griefing in their home sim. Suspected member of theFurry Raiders (a griefing group).
4112 Kiba Lutrova Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:13:52 Justice Island Sightedwith known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) andmembers of Nebula Griefing in their home sim. Suspected member of theFurry Raiders (a griefing group).
4111 Dante Tucker Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:12:07 Justice Island Sightedwith known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) andmembers of Nebula Griefing in their home sim. Suspected member of theFurry Raiders (a griefing group). Concerning as Dante is a SL Mentor.
4110 TravisSebastian Lorefield Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:11:03 Justice Island Sightedwith known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) andmembers of Nebula Griefing in their home sim. Suspected member of theFurry Raiders.
4109 LazyGunGuy Bartlett Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:09:34 Justice Island Sightedwith known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) andmembers of Nebula Griefing in their home sim. Member of the FurryRaiders (a griefing group).
4108 Foxgloves Ferraris Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:08:06 Justice Island Sighted with known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) and members of Nebula Griefing in their home sim.
4107 Sykes Furse Maverick Grunfeld 2009-11-14 06:02:42 Justice Island Sighted with known Furry Raider Leaders and Griefers (Foxler Nightfire) and members of Nebula Griefing
4106 nebula Blogfan Kalel Venkman 2009-11-14 05:36:59 Karibu Probable alt of 'Nebula', founder of Nebula Chan and Nebula griefing.
4105 Massa Freidman Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 05:32:27 Sandbox Goguen Spammer cubes in Goguen
4104 Massa Freidman Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 04:28:53 Korea1 walked through Korea1 and Korea2 shouting repeatedly about Jihad and "derka"
4103 Tomodachi Sarlo Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 03:54:26 Justice Island /b/tard, 4channer and member of Woodbury U
4102 Farfour Hassanein Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 03:38:18 Korea2 Griefer cubes in Korea2
4101 Frimia Exonar Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 02:53:47 Sandbox Goguen Rezzed several large spheres around local residents in Goguen – non-scripted
4100 pixapao Xeno Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 02:22:22 Antiquity Texas President of Texas in the Texas Antiquity sim
4099 Japito Jefes Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 02:19:51 Antiquity Texas One of the admin team for Antiquity Texas
4098 pixapao Xeno Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 02:19:03 Antiquity Texas One of the admin team for Antiquity Texas
4097 Edcion Cortes Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-14 02:02:44 Antiquity Texas One of the builders of Antiquity Texas
4096 Vendivar Vectoscope Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 05:12:55 Paradiso Member of W-Hat – bears watching. Considered dangerous.
4095 Merato Zilz Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 05:10:12 Paradiso Provides funding to Soviet Woodbury.
4094 Silent Hush Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:57:57 Paradiso Provides funding to Soviet Woodbury.
4093 Neener Keats Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:56:54 Paradiso Provides funding to Soviet Woodbury.
4092 Ashiri Sands Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:52:04 Paradiso Provides funding support for Soviet Woodbury.
4091 butterfly Braveheart Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:51:01 Paradiso Provides funding for Soviet Woodbury.
4090 Admiral Braveheart Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:50:17 Paradiso Provides funding support for Soviet Woodbury.
4089 Shifty Centaur Kalel Venkman 2009-11-13 04:49:29 Paradiso Supplies operating funds to Soviet Woodbury.
4088 YouAreA Placebo Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-06 06:43:08 Sandbox Goguen Played repeating "Anonymous" sound clip ad infinitum in Goguen
4087 Sumaron Sohl Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-06 00:16:29 Georgean Creator and distributor of something called "NIGGERFAGGOT", a PN spamming device
4086 Wutulookinat Bigboots Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-05 23:38:31 Georgean PN megaprim, particle and chat spammer attack in Cordova
4085 Zara Linden Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-05 23:26:07 Fortuna No longer appears in Search as of this writing
4084 Reymon Thalheimer DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-05 01:37:06 Justice Island Made public defamatory lies about the JLU on Oct. 15, 2009. Defamation is a violation of the TOS/CS.
4083 Finnole Actor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-05 00:10:58 Sandbox Goguen Batboxes in Newcomb
4082 matthms27 Barbosa Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-03 19:08:38 Sandbox Cordova left a batbox in Goguen and two more in Cordova
4081 General Earst Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-03 15:58:59 Justice Island Requested that he should delete the "FBI" group he had founded by Shayna Korobase, this date
4080 General Earst Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-03 15:48:45 Justice Island Founderand owner of the Second Life Fire Brigade, Second Life PoliceDepartment SLPD, SL Emergency Medical Service SLEMS, and the FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
4079 General Earst Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-03 15:47:11 Justice Island This person repeatedly begged for Lindens, despite requests to cease and desist
4078 Cathy Gray DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-03 02:59:11 Justice Island One of the principals behind the GLC raid/troll on the League Halloween party on October 30, 2009
4077 Ceri Denimore DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-03 02:56:13 Justice Island One of the principals behind the GLC raid/troll on the League Halloween party on October 30, 2009
4076 Reymon Thalheimer DianaPrince Carter 2009-11-03 02:52:30 Justice Island ReymonThalheimer attempted to blackmail Abbi Sorbet by threatening to releaseall Power Corps items in his inventory for free. Rey threatened that ifshe did not stop selling power rings and the HUDS that go with them, hewould retaliate by offering for sale all the copies of all the PClantern uniforms he had in his inventory.
4075 Kiddoh Korobase Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 17:17:20 Sandbox Goguen Possible alt of Tixxers Foxchase
4074 Timmy Gearbox Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 17:12:47 Sandbox Goguen Drove several scripted vehicles recklessly around the sandbox, smashing into nearby people
4073 Natalii018 Lamplight Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 16:43:55 Sandbox Goguen Caging in Goguen, despite warnings
4072 Khyathtu Fell Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 15:43:31 Justice Island No reports in over 2 years – cleared griefer flag
4071 Khujinwox Zemenis Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 03:52:41 NASA eEducation creator of a texture-cycling cube seen in NASA eEducation
4070 merlobianco India Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 03:51:50 NASA eEducation Lolcubes on the edge of NASA eEducation
4069 Samango Resistance Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 00:52:37 Sandbox Goguen Repeatedly tried to get himself into a position where he appeared to be having sex with me in GOguen
4068 Samango Resistance Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-02 00:41:35 Sandbox Goguen Definitely a WU troll
4067 Aristocarnas Aristocarnas Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-01 18:22:33 Kelly Work Zone PN spammers in Kelly Work Zone
4066 Kitsune Ethaniel Oki Korobase 2009-10-31 11:04:38 Justice Island Assault using a scripted fast-moving weapon that can cause a client freezeup and logoff
4065 Arch Linden DianaPrince Carter 2009-10-30 18:26:46 Seonhan Noted as another new RESI team member by Leaguer Kohaku Owatatsumi on this date
4064 Rudolf Nordenskiold Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-30 18:09:20 Sandbox Goguen Caging and orbiting in Goguen
4063 Sandokhan Xigalia Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-30 18:04:55 Sandbox Goguen Rezzed a large plane so it seemed to be crashed into a scale model of the WTC
4062 Butt Yootz Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-30 02:04:34 Balance Used a large scripted gun that fires very cartoony "bombs"
4061 Nigma Sterling Kalel Venkman 2009-10-29 06:29:16 Justice Island Resignedon this date, a member in good standing, citing overcommittment and aneed to simplify his life. Should he decide to return some day, he willbe welcomed back as a friend and colleague, and a member in goodstanding.
4060 wiSdOm Xenno Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-28 09:41:50 Balance Loud sound spammer with offensive language in Balance
4059 smuthers Daxter Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-28 09:19:29 Balance Raining Men spammer cubes in Balance
4058 FatChicksCrave Morpork Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-28 09:17:02 Balance Passed along a lolcube to Count Zebendein
4057 Count Zebendein Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-28 09:16:12 Balance Indecent particle spammers in Balance
4056 erick Galtier Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-28 03:37:59 Sandbox Goguen Selling freebie cars in a public sandbox
4055 Sosodef Oskar Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-27 06:54:15 Explorer Island Particle spammer in Explorer Island
4054 unfunctional Admiral Kalel Venkman 2009-10-27 06:21:32 Justice Island Known copybotter and serial griefer.
4053 Ashen Stygian ZenMondo Wormser 2009-10-27 01:00:03 Sandbox Island Creatorof the Batman Mumbler, which is often used as a griefing tool.According to her profile checked on 10/26/02009 she is not pleased bythis. Quote: "ATTENTION

Report the O W N E R of the batman objectI am sick of the IM's, PLEASE KNOW, it was taken and distributed without my consent

I am not happy that it has come to this but I have to stop responding to anyone who wants to complain or send me hat IM's

If you are planning on using this device to grief, fuck off"

4052 Joseph Yoshiyuki Siobhan McCallen 2009-10-26 15:23:58 Sandbox Goguen Washarassed by him, filed an AR. Seemed to be no reason for the event,except that I had spurned the company of Rachaelless Drezelan whom Ihad seen in his company earlier.
4051 snake0201 Abbot Siobhan McCallen 2009-10-26 15:15:37 Sandbox Goguen weapons fire in sandbox goguen wearing longcat av and ghille suit. gave landmark to combat sandbox.
4050 Cliff Bloobury Siobhan McCallen 2009-10-26 15:14:39 Sandbox Goguen weapons fire in sandbox goguen wearing longcat av. gave landmark to combat sandbox.
4049 korosukexp Mint Siobhan McCallen 2009-10-26 15:12:56 Sandbox Goguen Weapons fire wearing Longcat av. Gave landmark to combat sandbox.
4048 Sam Brautigan Kalel Venkman 2009-10-25 15:51:10 Justice Island Attained full membership on this date.
4047 CERBER Baudin Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-25 09:38:48 Spindrift Particle spammers in Spindrift
4046 idill Doghouse Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-25 09:17:35 Explorer Island Creator of a particle spammer found in Explorer Island
4045 Joanna Falmer Kalel Venkman 2009-10-25 04:56:16 Ravenglass Member of Woodbury University – spotted at WU rented parcel on Ravenglass.
4044 HBK Maven Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-23 04:52:55 Fortuna Rezzed a number of rotating cubes in Sandbox Cordova, but deleted them on request
4043 Robgflow Ordinary ZenMondo Wormser 2009-10-22 19:06:09 Sandbox Goguen Wastalking with Scott Tal in Sandbox Goguen about griefing techniques andwanting to visit the PN website and collect scripts from it.
4042 WitchHunterJack Razor Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-21 03:51:28 Sandbox Goguen Expletive on a sign in Sandbox Goguen
4041 josesito Batista Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-21 03:45:05 Sandbox Goguen X-rated Dialog box spammer in Goguen
4040 Kat Alderson Kalel Venkman 2009-10-21 03:11:06 Justice Island Approach with caution – she believes that any intellectual property not used by its original creator is infringement.
4039 marissa Rajesh Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-20 23:17:13 Wayne Manor Repeatedly rezzed vehicles for sale in public sandboxes
4038 speedycat Shostakovich Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-20 22:51:53 Sandbox Goguen Trolled a responding AR party while wearing a "Justice League" title
4037 rockbot Demonista Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-20 22:49:33 Sandbox Goguen Made sexual advances in public chat in a PG sandbox
4036 Dragons Geordie Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-10-20 00:51:31 Justice Island Co-Owner of the "Geek Hunters INC" group
4035 Aree Lulibub DianaPrince Carter 2009-10-19 14:36:03 Antiquity Texas This person represents a clear and present danger to the League. Setting as Griefer
4034 Pierce Kronos DianaPrince Carter 2009-10-19 14:35:21 Antiquity Texas This person represents a clear and present danger to the League. Setting as Griefer

66 Responses to “JLU Wiki Leak: Second Life Abuse Report Frenzy”

  1. corona anatine

    Jan 18th, 2010

    One thing this list does make very clear,
    the members of the JLU are greatly in need of english spelling lessons.

  2. Robble Rubble

    Jan 18th, 2010

    I remember the “Ahern Woodbury raid”.

    So baiting maverick into making physical threats counts as a raid now? Also a lot of the names on that list appearing as “part of Woodbury raid on Ahern” aren’t even members of Woodbury. Some of them are just goons who hang out at Ahern wayyyy too much.

    The JLU is trying to imply that any person from Woodbury University leaving their sim in a group of more than 2 counts as a raid.

    …Fucking internet superheroes.

  3. Gaara Sandalwood

    Jan 18th, 2010

    Gaara Sandalwood Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 04:01:38 Justice Island Member of a Woodbury University raiding party on this date at the Jewish Zeide Kamp region. The attack was foiled by JLU intel.


    Not even gonna bother explaining how faked that is.

    Anyway, I gotta say, though, I imagined he’d be a bit…..smarter, in this case. As unusual as it sounds, I did imagine Kalel would try something a bit more thought out than yelling “DMCA! TAKE THIS DOWN, IT’S ALL COPYRIGHTED!” to every site that has it available for download, but I was wrong. lol.

    Luckily offshore hosted sites don’t give a shit and neither do people like this Sean.

    I had no clue my own existence in SL was copyrighted by the almighty self-proclaimed Superman.

  4. Billyjoe Benoir

    Jan 18th, 2010

    I find it hilarious how many people I know on this list and for the petty reasons they got AR’d. Most of these seem to run along the lines of “OMG he annoys me/I don’t like him, AR’D!!” rather then clear cut cases of actual TOS violations.

  5. Joanna Falmer

    Jan 18th, 2010

    I found this report on myself hilarious.

    IR#: 4045
    Subject: Joanna Falmer
    Stalker…, eh Filer: Kalel Venkman
    Date Filed: 2009-10-25 04:56:16
    Reported From: Ravenglass
    Report Text: Member of Woodbury University – spotted at WU rented parcel on Ravenglass.

    I was also added to their “Griefer List” because of this (it’s their only report on me).

  6. Senban Babii

    Jan 18th, 2010

    “Was talking with Scott Tal in Sandbox Goguen about griefing techniques and wanting to visit the PN website and collect scripts from it.”


    “Confessed /b/tard”


    “Known associate of WU raiders.”

    So? (I’m friends with two members of WU, can I be on your list too?)

    “Continued to follow me around, talking to me, despite clear indications of my not wanting to interact with them. AR Filed after continued interaction.”

    You’ve never heard of the mute button? Of course, the mute button doesn’t generate a report that shows how you’re protecting the grid….

    “Made sexual advances in public chat in a PG sandbox”

    Again, you’ve never heard of the mute button? Oh wait, that doesn’t allow for the fact that people can make up their own mind as to what they find objectionable or not.

    “Was harassed by him, filed an AR.”

    Mute button mute button mute button mute button. Repeat as necessary.

    Is this sinking in yet?

  7. A corruption of LOL

    Jan 18th, 2010

    In brightest sandbox, in blackest sim,
    No griefing shall escape my prim
    Let those who worship Woodbury’s shrine,
    Beware my AR… Green Lantern’s whine!

  8. Anon Reporter

    Jan 18th, 2010

    Searching the entire files I find lots of interesting things such as

    [8:48] Kalel Venkman: Pixeleen has been moving comfortably in griefers’ circles,
    and is a strong supporter of /b/tard interests. That’s why the Herald is
    essentially little more than a griefer apologia, as Samantha Lowell would put it.

    ..and there is sooo much more…

  9. Ulgy Blokke

    Jan 18th, 2010

    Oh, so that’s why I got hardware banned that day. And the funny part is, I don’t even associate with Woodbury/4channers. Go figure.

  10. Gaara Sandalwood

    Jan 18th, 2010

    4272 Script Riddler Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:26:44 Sandbox Goguen Reported Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yexil as being a copybot user – seems odd for a near-total newcomer to observe

    4271 Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yexil Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-12-18 15:25:33 Sandbox Goguen Script Riddler said this person was wearing copybotted items


    Alert: Having a new avatar and claiming things newbies normally don’t know makes you suspicious.

  11. Neo Citizen

    Jan 18th, 2010

    Anybody notice it’s the same dozen or so asshats posting over and over again?

    You got busted. Get over it.

    They got your wiki. Get over it.

  12. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 18th, 2010

    @ Pixeleen

    “Apparently I have been classified as a griefer by the JLU after placing flowers for banned accounts at a memorial for the dead as part of an story on crowdsourcing grief. Do all superheros suffer from a serious irony deficit?”

    I will repost my comment of April 28, 2009 in the referenced SL Herald article:

    “As stated in the SL blog, the garden was designed “…to remember all the wonderful people we have known and loved in-world, who died in Real Life…” And as Steven Hawkeye noted in the comments, the garden is already being griefed by people entering the names of avatars who are still alive in SL just to harrass them. Placing Hunter Talon’s name in the garden is appropriate. Placing Corsi Mousehold and Tizzers Foxchase there is not.”

    Since there seems to be some confusion over griefer designations, let me explain that. When a JLU member files an Abuse Report, Linden Lab’s response email is forwarded from the member’s email program to Brainiac, and information the email header is stored there. Brainiac creates an entry for that resident that looks something like Pixeleen’s profile entry from the wiki (shown above), but with more information. Initially the “Role” is not set to anything.

    A JLU member can create an “Article” through Brainiac describing something about the resident (I’m not sure why those Articles showed up as “Incident Reports” in the list). An Article can be about anything, good or bad, and does not necessarily have an Abuse Report associated with it. For example, Articles 4338 and 4339 describe educating a resident about filing ARs. Article 4311 shows that a JLU member returned from a leave of absence. Articles 4310 and 4360 concern Haruhi Thespian, who leaked the JLU wiki information. Note Article 4306 regarding rejected JLU Applicant Seijin Roo – apparently Haruhi was next in line to apply for membership. Creating an Article about a resident doesn’t set his “Role” to anything either.

    A resident’s “Role” is set separately. A JLU member can designate a resident as a “Griefer” or an “Applicant” or a “Linden” or whatever, just as a general description to help other JLU members in the field. I have my own opinions about the Roles, which won’t be aired in this forum, but suffice it to say that a person can be designated as a Griefer without having any ARs or articles written on him.

    Now what does this mean to the average resident? Absolutely nothing. A person can cruise through Second Life, blissfully unaware of whether he has a JLU Brainiac database entry. If he’s designated as a Griefer, the only people who will know that are members of JLU. So when people approach me and ask why they’re designated as a Griefer in the leaked version of the wiki, my response from now on will be “Why do you care what some random JLU member wrote about you in his private diary?”

  13. corona anatine

    Jan 18th, 2010

    Member of Woodbury University – spotted at WU rented parcel

    a captial crime clearly

    suggest JLU read up on the term

    ‘mission creep’

  14. Ahern

    Jan 19th, 2010

    There was never a raid in ahern from any woodbury what ever.
    Woodbury is just a bunch of kids running around with 2004
    scripted objects…that btw don’t work in ahern ..ahern has
    been griefed better but a drunkin raged 16 year old then these
    tards …please don’t give these *woodbury* idiot’s any credit.lol

  15. Obvious Schism

    Jan 19th, 2010


    “4163 raziel Istmal Kohaku Owatatsumi 2009-11-23 18:22:35 Sandbox Island Extension Rezzed several freebie cars in a public sandbox”

    Um isn’t that what sandboxes are for? Why is this of interest to anyone?

    But I take your point – why am I bothered that entries like this are on the “private” JLU Wiki? Well its because it creates a culture of paranoia amongst JLU members and in the above case, falsely hints at those residents that are named on the Wiki as being troublemakers. Moreover, the hitherto private nature of this Wiki made it impossible for residents to know they were on there and hence impossible for them to be able to challenge any listing about them.

    BTW I have no connection whatsoever with raziel Istmal, I am just using this entry as an example of the type of obsessive behaviour that members of the JLU are obviously capable of.

  16. Tuomy Boa

    Jan 19th, 2010

    GLE, Invasion of persons privacy is still invasion of persons privacy.

  17. MattyK Snowpaw

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Fascinatingly Bullshit. So yeah… Apparently I’m Copyrighted by an unregisterred trademarked character in a virtual world of hypocrisy…

    …Why did I ever leave Garrys Mod. _._;

  18. Gaara Sandalwood

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Okay I just went back to look through the reports.

    Narcissus Mint was with me at Zeide Kamp? I don’t even know who that is.

    And sitting and talking to the self proclaimed “Goddamn Batman” Maverick is raiding?

    Eh. The more you know.

    @Neo: The same dozen or so asshats? There are a lot in their that were added for almost no reason only once or twice. Check your math.

  19. Senban Babii

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Why is it that the more I read about Kalel Venkman, the less I visualise “Superman” and the more I visualise “cartoon school janitor plotting against those pesky kids”? Or for those of you who are fans of the British TV series Red Dwarf, think Arnold Rimmer in series one’s episode “The End” with his notebook listing every imagined crime that Lister has ever committed against him including mutiny against the Space Corps (by treading on the toe of a superior technician), humming and being quiet 8D


  20. Neo Citizen

    Jan 19th, 2010

    @Tuomy Boa

    That’s only true if you think Second Life is the real world.

    It’s your game character. Your game character doesn’t have privacy rights. Anybody can write anything they want to in their personal notes about any game avatar they meet. There’s a tab in every person’s profile where you can write your personal notes on any given avatar, and that’s actually stored by the server for you when you’re in game, so Linden Lab has it if they want to look.

  21. marilyn murphy

    Jan 19th, 2010

    it’s similar to nixon’s enemies list. i feel a bit left out that i’m not on it. i have sat and talked to people too! i know some people too! it’s unfair.

  22. Kiddoh

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Kalel Venkman reminds me a lot of that version of superman that wears black and white. You know, the version of superman that tends to be a real douche?

  23. Darien Caldwell

    Jan 19th, 2010

    “Now what does this mean to the average resident? Absolutely nothing. A person can cruise through Second Life, blissfully unaware of whether he has a JLU Brainiac database entry.”

    Except that it’s likely the person didn’t give you permission to collect data about them. This is where you guys are morally in the wrong. And it’s kind of scary and sad that you don’t see that what you’re doing is wrong. You’re just a few steps away from making George Orwell’s 1984 a reality in SL.

  24. Joanna Falmer

    Jan 19th, 2010

    The Stasi also had secret files on people.


  25. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 19th, 2010

    @ Darien

    “Except that it’s likely the person didn’t give you permission to collect data about them. This is where you guys are morally in the wrong.”

    What kind of data should be protected, what permission do you think should be requested, and how would the request be transmitted? “Excuse me, sir, I noticed that you have rezzed 412 screaming lolcubes here in the Sandbox. Would you mind very much if I wrote your name down?” Is there any expectation of privacy for someone flying around and causing problems in a public sim? If you’re a member of Griefers United or whatever, do you think people shouldn’t make a note of that if it’s visible in your profile? What do you believe is immoral about writing someone’s name in a database?

  26. icallbullshit

    Jan 19th, 2010

    “The Stasi also had secret files on people.”

    When you start to compare this e-drama to the likes of the Stasi and emo-tions get to be sounding like Serious Business,

    then you need to have your serious head examined.


  27. JustMe

    Jan 19th, 2010

    That spreadsheet is great .. it gives me a nice list of sims to avoid .. not that I’ve ever been to any of them anyway.

    It looks like the dozen people doing the ARing hang out at those 6 or 7 sims, so all of this drama can be avoided by simply spending my time at the other thousands of sims out there.

  28. uk fur

    Jan 19th, 2010

    i have stood back and watched the JLU go on and when i did get a copy of what was put online i just need to say this

    DATA PROTECTION ACT UK 1984, 1988, 1998, 1999, 2000

    this stricly prohibits the gathering of any type of personal data of anyone and or anywhere

    if JLU has any data of anyone from the uk then JLU are in deep shit as this act IS reconized by the US goverment and has already seen a lot of people in the USA jailed.

    under the agreement with the usa and uk goverments it is a federal offence to gather any data and this act is being amended to include virtual worlds,

    not a lot of people relise this and also if i were anyone from the usa or any other country, check up on your personal data laws.

    since linden labs has an office in the uk, they are BY LAW to report this type of breach, if they do not Linden Labs (brighton) can face fines upto £50,000 per Breach and a possable Jail sentence.

    so it seems JLU has broken a fuck load of laws

  29. who

    Jan 19th, 2010

    The thing I find the most amusing is that out of all of those ARs, most were regular SL residents, while the actual griefers are so few. The JLU spins this as them winning the battle against griefing, but any actual resident of SL knows that if anything, the JLU has only made it worse by going after legitimate residents and pursuing the people on their enemies list instead of dealing with actual griefers.

  30. Joanna Falmer

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Nope. Kalel is not like the Stasi. Kalel is like a pathetic school janitor who wish he was as powerful as the Stasi, and who is only important in his own mind. A 54-year old looser who spends all his time policing a cartoon world, making thousands of notes like “Member of Woodbury University – spotted at WU rented parcel”… ROFL.

  31. Tuomy Boa

    Jan 19th, 2010

    JLU is like Texas minutemen. Fat ol yankees who sit on their lawn chairs all day and goggle around inbetween cans of beer and at the end of the day pat themselves on back and go back to their trailerparks.

  32. corona anatine

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Given what has been revealed about the methods of the JLU group

    can it be said that the ends justify the means?

    A question the members of JLU perhaps should ask of themselves.

  33. corona anatine

    Jan 19th, 2010

    would Kalel care to comment on what this was about:

    “Not actually a griefer so far as we know, the griefer designation was set so that his emergency signal would burn out.”

    surely there are a large number of avatars who are not actually griefers as far as the JLU know ?

  34. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 19th, 2010

    @ Tuomy Boa

    “GLE, Invasion of persons privacy is still invasion of persons privacy.”

    That’s correct. But this isn’t an invasion of anyone’s privacy, so…it’s not an invasion of anyone’s privacy.

    @ JustMe

    “It looks like the dozen people doing the ARing hang out at those 6 or 7 sims…”

    @ who

    “The thing I find the most amusing is that out of all of those ARs, most were regular SL residents, while the actual griefers are so few.”

    Please note that the only Abuse Reports shown in this article are the three that were written against Pixeleen, shown in the first picture on the page. The large table below that shows Incident Reports (Articles) 4034 through 4384. These are not Abuse Reports and they have nothing to do with the Community Standards or Terms of Service. An Article is an internal JLU note about a specific SL Resident. The big table is not a list of ARs.

    @ uk fur

    “under the agreement with the usa and uk goverments it is a federal offence to gather any data and this act is being amended to include virtual worlds”

    Thanks for the information, but that is a British law, so it wouldn’t apply outside your country. It sounds like it doesn’t even apply inside your country to Second Life…yet.

    On a side note, it looks like this thread is coming to a close, since most of the comments are ad hominem attacks (“Kalel is like a pathetic school janitor,” “JLU is like Texas minutemen”) rather than discussions of the issue.

  35. Seijin Roo

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Irony: A 5 year old avatar with demonstratable experience and perhaps questionable group ties sits in their applicant group for over a month before finally being rejected based on those group ties. Might have been able to do great things with them.

    An 18 month old avatar sits in the applicant group for a week, and is accepted into their group. And now has done perhaps the most damaging thing to the JLU possible.

    Good judgement, there.

    As amusing as it is to think I was attempting to be some kind of mole for WU, the truth is much simpler. I’ve always kept some degree of controversial company in my time on SL. Some of these people eventually have ended up in the folds of Woodbury, Emerald, or other groups with controversy surrounding them. Group invitations are sent. I see no reason to deny, so take them. But then as more controversy builds, some group tags get hidden. I may have friends who are in Woodbury group, but that doesn’t mean I act on Woodbury interests. I may have friends who became Emerald devs, but that doesn’t mean I act upon Emerald interests. Others I’ve tangled with make the mistake of assuming group tag == group loyalty, so why would I open myself to attack from that angle again?

  36. Aree Lulibub

    Jan 19th, 2010

    “4035 Aree Lulibub DianaPrince Carter 2009-10-19 14:36:03 Antiquity Texas This person represents a clear and present danger to the League. Setting as Griefer”

    I guess I might pixel someone to death. Or maybe type at them dangerously.

  37. IntLibber

    Jan 19th, 2010

    What this is, is defamation per se and libel. Most of the information in the JLU wiki about myself is either blatantly false or misleading. This “information” about me has previously been passed to SL users by JLU members.
    For instance, the absurd claim that I “own” the Merczateers. While I am most definitely NOT embarassed to be associated with and belong to the group, there are hundreds of SL residents who know for a fact that I am NOT the owner of the group, have never claimed to be owner, and if the JLU had done even the smallest modicum of genuine research they would know this. But, they do not, and this reflects the poor quality of all the information in this wiki, including false claims of griefing by myself, Pixeleen, and other respectable SL residents.
    In my case this false, defamatory, and libelous information has impaired and damaged my business reputation and contributed to the collapse of my large land business (over $150,000.00 USD gross revenues per year). I hold Kalel, the JLU, as well as Prokofy’s similar defamation/libel, responsible, and I am pursuing my options in court.

  38. All Seeing Eye

    Jan 19th, 2010

    /me moves hands from the All Seeing Eye with a great flourish…

    I see endless opportunities for a new machinima show called “Secondlife Night Live”

  39. Imnotgoing Sideways

    Jan 19th, 2010

    Y’all’s is crazy. =^-^=

  40. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 19th, 2010

    @ Seijin

    “Good judgement, there.”

    This was a lapse in judgment that we are addressing internally to ensure that it never happens again. And it’s nice to know you weren’t a potential mole – thank you.

    @ Intlibber

    “Most of the information in the JLU wiki about myself is either blatantly false or misleading.”

    There are many statements about you on your wiki page. I would assume that most of the information has at least some basis in fact or it wouldn’t be there. If you would point out the false and misleading statements, I will do my best to get them removed from the current password-protected wiki to ensure accuracy.

    “This “information” about me has previously been passed to SL users by JLU members.”

    I have not seen that happen. If you have names and dates it would be helpful.

    “For instance, the absurd claim that I “own” the Merczateers.”

    I found that statement in the wiki and removed it. Do you still own Badnarik and Salamis?

    “In my case this false, defamatory, and libelous information has impaired and damaged my business reputation and contributed to the collapse of my large land business (over $150,000.00 USD gross revenues per year).”

    Such a claim would need to be supported with very large amounts of high quality evidence. Unfortunately, such evidence is hard to come by on the Internet and in Second Life. For example, the JLU wiki information that’s posted on the Internet is not the same as what currently exists behind several layers of password security elsewhere. There’s no telling how much information was added or changed prior to publishing by those who stole it.

    “I hold Kalel, the JLU, as well as Prokofy’s similar defamation/libel, responsible, and I am pursuing my options in court.”

    Don’t forget to add all of the members of “The Wrong Hands” to that list, since they’re the ones who published the wiki where it could be seen by the general public and Prokofy Neva.

    @ All Seeing Eye

    “/me moves hands from the All Seeing Eye with a great flourish…

    I see endless opportunities for a new machinima show called “Secondlife Night Live”"


  41. Baht McMahon

    Jan 20th, 2010

    A few observations: comments without documentary or evidential substantiation are just opinions. When one makes statements against a group to show the group is flawed or misguided one needs to show the group behaves that way consistently, and that the behaviour is group policy not simply the act of a lone member or members on one or more instances. If on the other hand the groups aims are benevolent and its conduct on the whole is of a helpful nature then surely the group deserves the benefit of the doubt rather than a targeting in a mudslinging contest. If there are better ways to achieve the goals of this group, or improvements to its methods of operation then by all means put them forth. If not then perhaps one might examine what grudge is being held by the author of this expose’, or perhaps ask why the author does not go out and do the job better than the JLU, since it is obvious the author knows how easy the task can be accomplished.
    Simply my 2 lindens worth.
    Baht McMahon Garda Siochana

  42. whatever

    Jan 20th, 2010

    Irony: All these morons on the Herald appointing themselves police over a group of people that appointed themselves police in SL. No, not irony. Hypocrisy.

    All of you dipshits are exactly the same. So quit trying to pretend you’re something better.

  43. Gundel Gaukelei

    Jan 20th, 2010

    GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:
    So when people approach me and ask why they’re designated as a Griefer in the leaked version of the wiki, my response from now on will be “Why do you care what some random JLU member wrote about you in his private diary?”

    Because its not private. Its not in a little book at your home under your pillow – its on the internet in a wiki (you know, that famous tool for the whole purpose of collaboration) and you do make it available to random strangers on the internet you don’t even know well, let alone in person (like the one that made all the stuff available now to almost anyone in the world – q.e.d.)

    So when I would write in my own “private” wiki false information about you being a criminal and invite your neighbors – wouldn’t you care?

    There have been references to our german Stasi above. Its right – these guys did have much greater powers, but its similar by intention and system. Systems like that are an invitation to false accusation, defamation, slander …simply put: mischief. Thats even more true, if some kind of authority (like the Lindens are in the picture of this virtual world in question) gets involved in some way.

    You JLU guys may have started this whole thing with best intentions. But such things always end the same: the cure becomes worse than the decease. Yes – griefers go on my nerves. But _you_ guys really scare me. Especially because there seems to be not the merest hint of a doubt in your doing. Don’t you realize how you turned from a list of affirmed griefers over to a blacklist of dissidents?

    Das groesste Schwein im ganzen Land, das ist und bleibt der Denunziant.
    Translation left as an excercise to the reader..

  44. Haruhi Thespian

    Jan 20th, 2010

    **Hey, if anyone (including JLU/LoH) wish to contact me about anything, IE questions or rage rants, through second life, I will listen/respond as best as I can.**

    “For example, the JLU wiki information that’s posted on the Internet is not the same as what currently exists behind several layers of password security elsewhere. There’s no telling how much information was added or changed prior to publishing by those who stole it.” – GreenLantern Excelsior

    This is a perfect example of how the JLU continue to deceive. There is telling how much information was added or changed (which is 0%). I have about 3 different site rips, all untampered (in an odd and unconnected format, IE links are broken). I left my username on the site rip for this purpose. I went to great lengths to have proof that I never “tampered” with the wiki. I have added to the wiki (Before the site rip mind you. The rip is exactly as it was at the time of ripping) and what I added was Incident Report #4364, under the direct command of Maverick Grunfield (which you can view in the list given above). If you would like these documents as evidence in court IntLibber, I will be happy to hand you a copy. I also have a video proving that the brainiac system can retrieve chat logs from the wiki and display it in world.

  45. corona anatine

    Jan 20th, 2010

    those who want to roleppaly police in Sl should remember that for the police in the first world their power comes with accountability

    the JLU appear to want to just have the power without the associated accountability to those they are pledged to serve

    the police are servants not masters
    and the servants of all not just a selected minority

    [something some of the police in UK/Europe seem to forget sometimes - but that is another matter]

  46. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 20th, 2010

    @ Haruhi Thespian

    “I also have a video proving that the brainiac system can retrieve chat logs from the wiki and display it in world.”

    Why not post the link here so we can all see it?

    @ Gundel Gaukelei

    Rather than an Informer, I think of JLU and all the peacekeeper groups as more like a Nachbarschaft Beobachter (and I hope Google translated that correctly).

  47. SirLordChikkinz

    Jan 21st, 2010

    Informer isn’t the right word to describe the JLU I agree. But; “neighborhood observer” is also not a good term to describe them as they do not merely watch actions and report them. Although I am a griefer I have observed members of the JLU and self appointed SIM police orbiting and caging anyone under a week old in the sandbox cordova region. Greifing in an attempt to stop griefing does nothing. Even if you used such tools on anyone in our organization we could still easily grief/crash the sim, caged or orbited. The only thing that does effect is your reputation, and these new players wrongly cast as us could AR you. In light of this, the term militia is far more appropriate.

  48. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jan 22nd, 2010

    @ corona

    “those who want to roleppaly police in Sl should remember that for the police in the first world their power comes with accountability”

    JLU and other peacekeeper groups make sure their members know in training that “we are not the police.” We have no power over anyone in Second Life. We are just regular residents who know how to find griefer objects and write Abuse Reports to get them removed so they don’t bother people.

    @ SirLordChikkinz

    “Although I am a griefer I have observed members of the JLU and self appointed SIM police orbiting and caging anyone under a week old in the sandbox cordova region.”

    Please post the name of the JLU member who orbited the new residents, and provide the date and time that it happened (I suspect that the details will be conveniently unavailable). JLU protocols require that members do not attack anyone under penalty of expulsion.

    I haven’t seen a lot of roleplay Police folks around, although I’ve heard that they generally have bad reputations. I have heard that the “sandbox rats” sometimes take matters into their own hands and orbit griefers to stop their griefing. I’m friends with many of the sandbox rats, and I suspect that our mutual respect keeps them from orbiting griefers while I’m around, thereby sparing me the dilemma of writing an AR on a friend.

  49. EsterMoy

    Jan 22nd, 2010

    Personally, I found this report priceless:

    4040 Kat Alderson Kalel Venkman 2009-10-21 03:11:06 Justice Island Approach with caution – she believes that any intellectual property not used by its original creator is infringement.

    Beware, someone might actually call you out on copyright infringement :P


    Not only is JLU subject to copyright infringement, but their own wiki is subject to DMCA as they file images and posts which are copyrighted to other people on their wiki. Kalel claims that this is not subject to DMCA because it’s “private” and therefore, not “published.”

    What idiocy – That’s like saying a person who copybotted an item is not subject to DMCA so long as they keep it on a private sim where only an exclusive group allowed access to the sim can see it. It makes no difference if it’s private or public, bud, it’s still published and distributed.

    Finally, I can’t up but point out the following:

    4355 Seratuhlis Firanelli Oki Korobase 2010-01-02 10:14:05 Ashford Park Anti-furry sentiment on profile “I also support the systematic genocide of the subhuman race known as “furries”.”

    Apparently the reporter, Oki Korobase, was too busy being inflamed by the joking profile remark to look at the profile picture. Seratuhlis Firanelli IS A FURRY!

  50. Seijin Roo

    Jan 22nd, 2010

    “Not actually a griefer so far as we know, the griefer designation was set so that his emergency signal would burn out.”

    Oh yeah, I loved that bit too. The life of not actually being a griefer is a hard one.

    The lesson I take away from this is that group affiliation in one’s profile (especially when that affiliation is made not public) is more important than how one presents himself personally, or how much relevant experience can be shown. Based entirely on this, I am a griefer to JLU. Nice. All while I’m being told that “my skills are not a match” and I “can try out again another time”. Yeah, I knew that line was bullshit, but it took this public outing for me to learn why.

    Admittedly, until seeing that documentation I had never caught wind of this trick or treating incident at Kalel’s RL home. If that is indeed the truth (I have no idea) then I can sympathize with the paranoia. That doesn’t excuse it or make it right, but I can at least understand why it came about.

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