Archive for February, 2010
Saints of Hell MC Implicated In Second Life Content Theft – Part 4

BIack Lisle DMCAed & disappeared – Brutus McMahon plays innocent – Saints of Hell enforcer Kran Fireguard clams up by Coke Supply, Investigative Reporter [Coke Supply's motorcycle copybot investigation continues - the editrix ] A few hours after Biack Ghost account disappears, Saints of Hell cordoned off bike store with police tape. BIACK LISLE'S ACCOUNT [...]
Full StoryIt Has To Be Said: What’s in a Name?
by Jessica Holyoke One reason why I am not too worried about people outing my identity is that I have a fairly common real life name. Pretending my real life name is "Stacey Fox," if you Google it, you will find many other people who share my name, some sharing my real life location, [...]
Full StoryQuick Guide to Intellectual Property
by Jessica Holyoke With all of the intellectual property stories going through the Herald lately, a quick reference guide is provided to our readers to understand what is going on. COPYRIGHT: This is the art major. Copyright provides protection for works of art and literature, anything that is an expression of an idea. It [...]
Full StoryIt Has To Be Said: Why does Second Life Need Social Media?
Please define your virtual social graph to help the Lab gain ad revenue by Jessica Holyoke When the Lindens talk about expanding residents' presence with Social Media, I have to really ask why? At my closely guarded age, I use Facebook a good deal. It helps keep me connected with classmates who have moved great [...]
Full StoryDianna Llewellyn — Post 6 Grrrrl

[When I went to Hooters and Shootersto meet last week's Post 6 Grrrl, Savannah Ducatillon, I also metDianna Llewellyn, who expressed interest in being a Post 6 Grrl, nodoubt bringing Hooters and Shooters to the top of the list for SL tourbus stops. I am proud to present the stunning and charming DiannaLlewellyn, Post 6 [...]
Full StorySaints of Hell MC Implicated In Second Life Content Theft – Part 3

Enforcers at the Saints of Hell Sim, Brutus McMahon inspects a bike, and another theft occurs by Coke Supply, Investigative Reporter [Coke Supply's motorcycle copybot investigation continues - the editrix ] MY VISIT TO THE SAINTS OF HELL SIM I decided to take Sims up on her offer and hang around the landing point at [...]
Full StorySecond Life Avatars To Be United With Cross Site Scripting Exploits – Again???

Two apparent security holes found Linden Lab's new social media site in one week by Pixeleen Mistral and Senban Babii Avatars United security issue reported February 7 is followed by nearly identical hole on February 12 After Alphaville Herald reporter Senban Babii quietly notified the Avatars United web site of a potentially exploitable problem [...]
Full StoryPappy Enoch’s Hard Alley Party Party HQ Destroyed!!!

Violence in mayoral race escalates – candidate moved to an undisclosed location by Journey Yellowlist, Investigative Reporter The race for mayor of the Hard Alley roleplay community was hardly underway when one of the leading candidates, Pappy Enoch, was nearly killed in a frightening terrorist attack. Mr. Enoch barely survived the complete destruction of [...]
Full StoryBill Gurley Discovers Virtual World Bean Counting
Why there is a difference between the provider and the consumer by Jessica Holyoke Over on above the crowd blog, Linden Lab board member Bill Gurley talks about a sit-down meeting with Jeff Grabow of Ernst and Young. Presumably this was in a real office and not in an immersive workspace premium collaboration solution. In [...]
Full StoryIt Has to Be Said: It Has to Be Said
by Jessica Holyoke Over the months that I have written editorials in the Herald, I have typically labelled the Op/Ed. Traditionally, Op/Ed means Opposing Editorial. Someone writes something in opposition to the stated views of the Editorial Board. However, the Herald does not use an Editorial Board to provide a view point to the community, [...]
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