Archive for February, 2010

Hard Alley Mayoral Election To Be Held February 20

A new wave of sex sim self governance? by Senban Babii, political correspondent In a surprise move, Hard Rust,the owner of the Hard Alley sim has announced elections for theposition of Mayor Of Hard Alley.  No stranger to controversy,the Hard Alley sim has not been known as the epicenter of politicalchange in the past.  Is [...]

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Predator and Prey in the Kingdom of Sand

by Meleth Oakleaf For the first in a series of articles about the role playing Sims in the Second Life community, I set out to explore the Kingdom of Sand. Immediately after teleporting to a sandy archway, I was directed to acquire an Explorer Tag and provided with the information I needed to fulfill that [...]

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Saints of Hell MC Implicated In Second Life Content Theft – Part 2

Alleged thief remains free after multiple DMCA filings, using the same accounts by Coke Supply, Investigative Reporter [Coke Supply's motorcycle copybot investigation continues - the editrix ] ANOTHER THEFT Investigating further, I soon discovered that this was not the first time that Black/Biack had been caught stealing motorbikes. And it wasn't the first time the [...]

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Savannah Ducatillon — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[SavannahDucatillon contacted me a few weeks ago and when I finally came backfrom vacation and got back to her about a shoot, she teleported me intothe SL club she manages, and at which she has worked for several years.The place was jumping and fun and it immediately felt like home, and Ithink Savannah's charm and [...]

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Saints of Hell MC Implicated In Second Life Content Theft – Part 1

Motorcycle and parts theft copybot outrage! by Coke Supply, Investigative Reporter [In this multipart tale of dark dealings in the Second Life motorcycle and parts trade Coke Supply delves into the shady activities of Black Lisle, AKA BiackLisle, of the Saints of Hell Motorbike Club to reveal anastonishing level of complicity amongst the group's leadership [...]

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Pixeleen Mistral Files Legal Response to Venkman’s DMCA Abuses

Herald news Idoru pseudonym sacrificed in free speech fight by Peter Ludlow (aka Urizenus Sklar), Herald Founder Sometimes we all have to take a stand.  In this case Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral, facing an outrageous abuse of the DMCA by Kalel Venkman, has, pursuant to Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, filed documents disputing Venkman's claims [...]

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Techdirt Slams Typepad Takedown Of “Clear Cut Fair Use” JLU Coverage

Second Life vigilante gang's coverup tactics questioned by Idoru Wellman, staff writer Responding to a questionable copyright infringement claim, last night Typepad gutted the Herald's coverage of the Justice League Unlimited with takedowns of disputed content from six stories. Was this justified? legal issues writer Mike Masnick questions Typepad's handling of the situation in  [...]

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Op-Ed: Avatars United – A Social Network Too Far?

by Sigmund Leominster If you’re becoming jaded by the tales of the inconsequential status and activity of the Justice League Unlimited, which, as a group, must now hold some sort of record in terms of column inches in the Herald (inversely proportional to the inches of their primmy penises), and fapping to Post 6 Grrrlz [...]

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Six Apart Seeks Safe Harbor From Justice League Unlimited DMCA Storm

Embarrassed Second Life role-play superhero police force swings mighty DMCA hammer again by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Herald coverage of the Justice League Unlimited has been edited by Six Apart staff to remove text and images which Six Apart has informed the Herald are subject to copyright infringement claims. This action came after the [...]

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Rhapsody Heartsdale — Post 6 Grrrrl

(The Herald Editorial Staff wish to thank Daeynaries for theoutstanding job she did as Post 6 Photographer during Timothy'svacation. We look forward to working with her again in the future). (RhapsodyHeartsdale is probably one of the funnest people I've met in my travelsthrough SL. Shes witty, full of life, and her av is amazingly dark. [...]

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