Skills Hak Tags Over 4000 Copybot Capable Avatars
by Pixeleen Mistral on 23/03/10 at 12:09 pm
Skills Hak is claiming significant success for the Gemini Cybernetics CDS anti-copybot system, and recently told the Herald "we looked up the number of uniquely flagged avatars using malicious viewers, the number is 4424. There have been around 70 appeals of which we granted 11, none of them were false posities, but extenuating circumstances".
When we first covered this story Hak’s database of digital rights management agnostic avatars there were around 1200 avatars tagged as dangerous, so the claimed growth since the system was launched is impressive, suggesting large numbers of players who are armed and potentially dangerous to Linden Lab’s DRM controls.
The CDS system detects the Second Life viewers of avatars in the vicinity and forcibly ejects anyone who has ever been found with client software which has to potential to make unauthorized copies of Second Life content. With a zero-tolerance policy for naughty client use and a centralized database of suspicious avatars, the CDS system provides a convenient way for subscribers to pool their resources in the fight against content copying.
However, significant concerns remain about the transparency of the process and potential for abuse. Because the banned avatar database remains secret, there is little if any public oversight possible, and the possibility that those running the database might add enemies to the ban list is at least a theoretical concern. Skills Hak told the Herald that Linden Lab suggested that Hak keep the list of copyright capable avatars private saying, "believe me i’d love to publish the names, but people will read it as a list of known thieves which it isn’t".
Are the copybot client users running on throwaway accounts? Aparently not, although Skills has yet to run an in-depth demographic study of players in the CDS database.
In Skill’s words, "from what i see it’s totally random. some 2005 accounts who "tried" cryolife, mostly clubbers and people interested in sl party with alot of ascii in the profiles, lots of fashionistas. the hottest places are the clubs. i gave out a good bunch of free relays to club and sandbox owners and asked them to set them to message only/no ban. these places are like nests, especially the clubs"
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 6th, 2010
**This is a very simple concept…**
Thats your idea behind it? Then read the countless threads here wrong…
**If noskills wak, phox-up, fractured head and losers from emerald/modular**’
Sure burn ppl thart have more skill then you properly, wouw…
**want to create a system which is MADE BY THIEVES and GRIEFERS**
So when you were 10 or so, and you stole that cookie from the jar, makes you even still today a filty thief…good to know that. How about simply give ppl a second chance and proof there worth in a other field. Emerald disspite the fact you want to rant like crazy is still used (ALLOT) and approved on the maingrid.
**then we’ll get around cds and screw with them.**
Now this is so funny! You call them griefers and thiefs..while you speak in WE form and lets get around a SECURITY system..think 2wice who you call thiefs and/or griefers..
**While some of the idiots here try and protect emerald/modular, the real people with brains will continue to put the screws to them. i’ve already shown several cds clients ways around it and they’ve now dropped their subscriptions. **
Way to go, you alienated a huge precentage of the sl community. If you had any brains you would simply try to underbuild your arguments. So far the only thing i see is a fool trying too waste his breath choking others in his biblical believes conserning clients.
Jun 6th, 2010
@ the freak
“So when you were 10 or so, and you stole that cookie from the jar, makes you even still today a filty thief”
It does when you are found to be collecting all sorts of data from your website, your software, and your bots/objects in world!
“Now this is so funny! You call them griefers and thiefs..while you speak in WE form and lets get around a SECURITY system..think 2wice who you call thiefs and/or griefers”
I wouldn’t call it a security system! There is no need to think twice, they are claims made by them. So finding a way around a simple device such as this is not really a big deal.
“Way to go, you alienated a huge precentage of the sl community.”
Actually very few are here defending this system. So unless the SL community is only five or six residents then it isn’t really a huge percentage!
“So far the only thing i see is a fool trying too waste his breath choking others in his biblical believes conserning clients.”
Actually, if someone is proving how this system is not looking after their products and saving them L$ each month by having them not bother with the CDS subscription is a good thing. I support this action.
So far all I see, freak, is someone completely ignoring the fact the shit has hit the fan and trying desperately to make a non-effective product sound effective by slating someone who proves otherwise!
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 6th, 2010
**It does when you are found to be collecting all sorts of data from your website, your software, and your bots/objects in world!**
Such as? A ip…..hardly yours to begin with and HARDLY a breach on your so called “privacy”
**I wouldn’t call it a security system! There is no need to think twice, they are claims made by them. So finding a way around a simple device such as this is not really a big deal.**
Again read what the claim, the never claim it to be a magic bullet. The fact is many BIG company names USE the CDS with succes. Want to know why?
The get complaints “im banned why” in there im boxes what does that tell you?
**Actually very few are here defending this system. So unless the SL community is only five or six residents then it isn’t really a huge percentage!**
See previous add this to it aswell read what the poster posted EMERALD/MODULAR <—-the client is USED by many, comment was not ment conserning CDS.
That is widely supported btw, in the form of nagging ppl that get banned inworld and in here on sl herald blogs…and blabla there heads of that the found a magical way to avoid bans/detection
**Actually, if someone is proving how this system is not looking after their products and saving them L$ each month by having them not bother with the CDS subscription is a good thing. I support this action.
So far all I see, freak, is someone completely ignoring the fact the shit has hit the fan and trying desperately to make a non-effective product sound effective by slating someone who proves otherwise!**
Sure that is why i dont use it anymore..oops…your whole theory falls into the deep now. Let me explain why i reacted to that man he did not say dick about the CDS. READ what he writes, he slant the PPL and Modular as a whole…that is pure bullshit to do so. Most of those ppl are more skilled then any of you pseudo wannebee slr gurus here (no offence, if you take one fine wont sleep less over it)
THATS were my comment was based on, and totally not to defend the CDS system. Plus shit never hit the fan, you must have missed that "special" edition about the fact the CDS never got banned, and certainly not there client.
Kindah easy to pretend the suck while there approved/ blabla all you want. Fact remains, there here to stay thats kindah obvious. I doubt half here ever took time to simply im Skills hak and simply talk to her. The only thing what i read here is ppl that got nothing better to do then to stomp a company in the ground for there EFFORT to make sl just a lil bit safer (not defending there system)
Kindah strange! Because before CDS, there was….REDZONE (SIMILAR SYSTEM)…were are the comments on that system ? Nowere what does that tell me. Its a piss poor attempt to piss in a jar called emerald.
Tsss my dear Tux i get it all to well. Again to make clear, i dont USE the CDS even (since 2 months) so defening it? FAR FROM.
Jun 6th, 2010
@ the freak (again)
“Such as? A ip…..hardly yours to begin with and HARDLY a breach on your so called “privacy” ”
The CDS doesn’t collect IP’s. And the Datamine release proved they was still collecting and compiling information beyond the norm. And before you start, they was collecting information from the RegAPI which includes username, password, email address, ip. So yes, I would class this as a breach on privacy (or I would if I ever created an account there).
“The get complaints “im banned why” in there im boxes what does that tell you?”
If someone doesn’t know why they are banned then I wouldn’t class them as a threat right? The people who are a threat already figured out how to get round it!
“That is widely supported btw, in the form of nagging ppl that get banned inworld and in here on sl herald blogs…and blabla there heads of that the found a magical way to avoid bans/detection”
Since when is people complaining about something, support for it. I really fail to see the logic in this.
“READ what he writes, he slant the PPL and Modular as a whole…that is pure bullshit to do so.”
Really? So if a convicted pedo-rapist-murderer gets released and applies to be your babysitter, would you trust him? Of course not. And that is exactly why so called security system creators backgrounds are important.
“Most of those ppl are more skilled then any of you pseudo wannebee slr gurus here (no offence, if you take one fine wont sleep less over it)”
I lol’d too hard at this. If you knew half of who posted here you would realise how lame your comment is. Not I of course. Poor ol’ Tux has no fame at all.
“Plus shit never hit the fan”
“you must have missed that “special” edition about the fact the CDS never got banned, and certainly not there client. ”
Of course the CDS never got banned, it is outside Linden jurisdiction by their own TOS. Also, it does nothing wrong from a TOS point of view.
“Kindah easy to pretend the suck while there approved/ blabla all you want.”
Erm, not being banned does not mean approved. Ask any Linden, you will find out you have just made something up, unless you was told that, then you was lied too.
“I doubt half here ever took time to simply im Skills hak and simply talk to her. ”
Actually, I did. I met with them, all of them. We spoke at length. Ask them. They didn’t detect my client (they wouldn’t of understood it anyways). They didn’t eject or ban me. I got more information with my client than they would ever tell anyone. I figured out exactly how it worked, and how to break it.
“The only thing what i read here is ppl that got nothing better to do then to stomp a company in the ground for there EFFORT to make sl just a lil bit safer (not defending there system)”
It has nothing at all to do with making SL a bit safer and has everything to do with L$ and data collection as a failsafe.
“Kindah strange! Because before CDS, there was….REDZONE (SIMILAR SYSTEM)…were are the comments on that system ? Nowere what does that tell me. Its a piss poor attempt to piss in a jar called emerald. ”
REDZONE was beat in under an hour from release. No one is trying to piss in a jar called emerald because it is already filled with shit – XD.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 7th, 2010
@ the tux
You allready did now what i thought you would do.
You flatter yourself skillwise i know half what is posting here …
YOu mistake yourself for being the only one with “skills” kindah funny and cute at the sametime too…
I rest my case…because its is pretty pointless..talking too the “christians of sl ” here…
BTW the LOGICS lays in the fact that many keep complaining there banned, THUS the system is STILL USED gridwide…..
You full of it like most here and datamine is BS, the never logged passwords i think you like to believe the masspanic caused by indeed pseudo programmers here that you consider very special ppl Tux…
Jun 7th, 2010
@ the freak (last time – am bored)
“You allready did now what i thought you would do.”
I have no idea what this sentence means.
“You flatter yourself skillwise i know half what is posting here …”
Actually, I don’t. If you read me last post you would see I said I had/have no fame. And I have previously said the I see myself as ‘slightly more technical than the average resident’.
“YOu mistake yourself for being the only one with “skills” kindah funny and cute at the sametime too…”
See above.
“I rest my case…because its is pretty pointless..talking too the “christians of sl ” here…”
Again, I have no idea what you are talking about.
“BTW the LOGICS lays in the fact that many keep complaining there banned, THUS the system is STILL USED gridwide…..”
Yes, because the system marketing has played on peoples fears. I guess it wouldn’t have been so successful if it was marketted as: A centralised security system which will only ban people who have no idea what they are banned for and have probably never copybotted anything in their lives (unlike the creators). Real copybotters will still come and clone your stuff (probably more chance with the device in place – to show how you have wasted your L$!
“You full of it like most here and datamine is BS, the never logged passwords”
I never said it did. I said Modular Systems compromised RegAPI by capturing data from the sign ups. And this means they have access to username, password, email, ip, etc. Just because you didn’t see proof of passwords being collected, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Certainly Jcool/Fractured is of that mentality.
“i think you like to believe the masspanic caused by indeed pseudo programmers here that you consider very special ppl Tux…”
No, not mass panic – but mass care. I would call many of these ‘psuedo programmers’ some of SL’s greats, more than worthy for inclusion in the SL historical halls of fame (before LL deletes that too). I certainly put more faith in them than in your placebo posts. And yes they are special, as is everyone in their own way.
Don’t be, you don’t need to read/post if it upsets you.
Sweetpea Adored
Jun 7th, 2010
Why so serious? Skills Hak is will be unimportant when people realise they are being taken for a ride with stupid monthly fees for something that costs nothing to run and a database that is full of epic fail. just wait till some of the content creators themselves get banned by it for nothing more than telling the truth about it
Jun 7th, 2010
wow freak must be stamping his lil feet that we’re all beating him
um, son… born in, oh, i’m guessing 1980. i know more that you can possibly imagine and born way before you.
i’ll continue putting the screws to emerald/modular until they’re gone.
simple as that. Anyone in-world asking me how to defeat cds and redzone will get help.
we’re all laffing at you, freak. now go back downstairs and stop posting here.
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 8th, 2010
@slz: we’re all laffing at you, freak. now go back downstairs and stop posting here.
Thats useless. Because unfortunately his learning curve has the shape of a square wave and he keeps bouncing off the first rising edge forever.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 8th, 2010
So funny and pathetic at the sametime.
Im maybe younger, atleast i got a excuse then as you just pointed out so nicely. Your the ones that got a high hat on and diss a company that wont move because your 40 year+ old sorry asses cannot make DICK stick to them.
No loosers…im going back UPSTAIRS…your allready in the basement right here were you suckers belong. Thats how i see carry on post you pseudo knowledge here and pretend you know and discovered the wheel and pretend your such a good skilled men.
Fact remains….your name aint no were to be found on the grid. And if its there the only groups you see you guys are in a tabloids as the sl herald.
The one laughing is me hah.. emerald is here to stay and im pleased to know that idiots like above cannot do shit about it rather then complain and bitch like lil nerds.
Im maybe stupid, maybe stuborn, maybe i got a steep learnng curve..atleast im not a wanker that pretends he skilled enough that the can take on a team like modulair. LOOSERS..lool..
*walks out of the basement now, start smelling like corpes here old ones that is*
Oww for the old fart that claims he knows more then me because he is older. Get a rl life, or a wife and kid you cannot scare me with im the older tactics man. GROWUP ..
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 8th, 2010
@Gundel Gaukele
YOur guys want to push your sl bible upon others as the absolute truth.
Fact remains that half you suckers never tried the CDS or even came close to trying because you were ALLREAD biassed like hell.
Were i come from the call that pre-judging. Then some idiot starts to make its life work to work around the cds. I hope skills get your guys flagged she is skilled enough aswell as that entire team.
I hope your world will shrink there in sl.. that would be great knowledge.
In the meantime Gunkel keep on posting here be a king of the intellect hill…
Like i care lolz…to me your nerd number 500 or so that have no actual life besides bullshitting with a bunch of forumgeeks here.
And me? Im just having a blast with you guys! Because you do not seem to get that im not intimidated by your so called intellect thats the blessing of being dumb …
Signed Forrest gump asswhipe lol.
Jun 8th, 2010
@ the freak *sigh*
“Fact remains that half you suckers never tried the CDS or even came close to trying because you were ALLREAD biassed like hell.”
I approached Skills – FACT
I met them – FACT
I got more information than your little mind could cope with – FACT
I bought CDS – FACT
I figured out how to bypass it – FACT
I figured out how to make it – FACT
I remade it – FACT
All the above in less than a couple of days – FACT
Hardly a lifetimes work – FACT
I lol’d because they didn’t detect me in their home – FACT
I am still lmfao – FACT
And you are still bawwing – FACT
Now don’t go getting upset because you haven’t hit puberty yet, it happens to everyone I assure. All those hormones bouncing around inside you. It was such a long time ago for me now. But I don’t ever remember chucking my toys out in public like you just have. Good entertainment though. Keep it up!
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 8th, 2010
Look at you now…FACT ,FACT…
What you say about puberty you hitting it right now moron.
See your own stupidity right here…keep posting here in the herald its so…….
Emerald is here to stay—- FACT
The dont care about morons like you that bypass it —–FACT
The laugh harder then you do——FACT
Your riding your own cock——FACT
Your repeat is stuck slam the player—–FACT
Indeed i agree keep it going you suppose to be adult? LOOOOSER! ROFLMAO!!!
Jun 8th, 2010
What you say?!
Jun 8th, 2010
From what ive read in your last posts here, i would guess too that you are a minor. If you really are an adult, its even worse. you should be worried then.
Dont you have anything more to say about the topic?
Jun 8th, 2010
Doc, I am guessing the freaks 1980 is days old not year born. So that’ll be nearly five and a half years old. ROTFLMFAO!
OR he is a speshul person – XD
Terminus Est
Jun 8th, 2010
There is perhaps more to add on the subject, with reference to an apparent contradiction between LL’s ToS and CS, and a clarification to be found here…
“Information Displayed to or Collected By Other Users
Certain account information is displayed to other users in your Second Life profile, and may be available through automated script calls and application program interfaces. This information includes your account name, account type, the date your account was established, whether or not you are currently online, user rating information, group and partner information, and whether or not you have established a payment account or transaction history with Linden Lab. Further, you agree and understand that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible for information, privacy or security practices concerning data that you provide to, or that may otherwise be collected by, Second Life users other than Linden Lab. For instance, some services operated by Second Life users may provide content that is accessed through and located on third party (non-Linden Lab) servers that may log IP addresses.”
It seems this escape clause would enable LL a denial of liability if account holders’ privacy was breached. My reading of this is that LL hopes to avoid being sucked into litigation caused by claims against Gemini CDS, Onyx, Emerald, et al. However, it may not be a sufficiently robust defence, even in the USA. The reciprocal agreements between the US Federal Government and the European Union, for example, intended to protect the privacy of bona fide travellers, also extends into data being transferred for other purposes. In other words, LL may find that this clause would not excuse them as a party in a civil or criminal data privacy action.
In the specific case of Ashley W Stone, resident of the United Kingdom, LL may find, as they have a registered address in Brighton, England, that the Office of the Information Commissioner will not restrict its investigation into that individual alone but would also wish to interview Emma Williams, LL’s UK Operations Manager regarding possible breaches of privacy promulgated through the company’s servers.
One presumes that the said Mr Stone has sought legal advice regarding his involvement in the CDS project and any potential liability therefrom.
Jun 8th, 2010
that’s why they call him class action kingdon. between us showing people how to get around cds, as well as other such privacy breaches (read: emerald datamining), it’s just a matter of time.
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 9th, 2010
@Muziekfreak1980: Like i care lolz…to me your nerd number 500 or so that have no actual life besides bullshitting with a bunch of forumgeeks here.
Just a reader
Jun 9th, 2010
Been reading this entire topic.
Somethings are obvious here, this muziekfreak character has some points here. It is just the tone that makes the music (put it in better words)
For the rest , ive been in sl since 2004, i stopped using that pispoor program a while ago tho. Your all attacking a dude that does not know any better, the cool part is that some even pretend to be adult and throw it on age.
Funpart is, he atleast does not hide behind a fakename, and lots of intelligent re-marks that show how a bunch of old guys actually have no life.
Otherhand, this whole CDS thing, was doomed to fail nothing new at all. In fact based on my since 2004 expierences the ppl that venture or are still in sl are a bunch of loosers all together. I rather spend time with something i can touch rl, instead of waste my fragile time on a virtual world that does not even look good.
I see here (as i read it) that there scripters here (so hard to do not)
It does not make you special by attacking/lowering yourself to the leven of one dude that throws mud at you.
@Gundel Gaukelei
I do not see what a link to his youtube channel makes him a geek.
Atleast he does not hide or pretend to be somone he is not.
Maybe you should take that to consideration.
And no i do not know this guy, i dont like him neither do i hate him. I do respect his “spoken” mind tho. He does precisely the right thing to tick you guys off pretty hilarious.
Furtheron enjoy this bullshit. I do not even know why i read this its like Sl inworld drama queens all together. And even old ppl that force respect of youngster ahahaha so funny.
Muziekfreak1980 miles
Jun 9th, 2010
OMG he linked my youtube im so scared now and then to BOLD the things i said to you.
You just proven to me what kind of sicko you really are.
Hiding your name —–fact
Pretend to be a genius—-fact
Then sit on the high horses here in a tabloid——fact
Stalking——fact ..
You just made very clear what a bunch of redneck inbreds you are lol
And to imagine there all grandpa here rofl!! Enjoy your pispoor virtual world! Waste tons of cash and time to a absolete system that will never be yours to begin with.
Enjoy enjoy!! SURE AS HELL I DO !
Ps my youtube got dick to do with this here, you canbold all you want this nerd is preforming onstage thanks to youtube aswell i have over 150 members in short amount of time this nerd.
SO suck my tiny dick moron
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 9th, 2010
@Muziekfreak1980:my youtube got dick to do with this here
After we’ve seen you enthusiastically engaging in the vindication of a large scale data mining, I wasn’t expecting you to be offended by a simple hyperlink to something thats supposed to be open information.
@Muziekfreak1980: SO suck my tiny dick moron
Just curious: Did that ever work?
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 9th, 2010
@random readerAtleast he does not hide or pretend to be somone he is not. Maybe you should take that to consideration.
So your real name is “random reader” then?
random reader
Jun 9th, 2010
@Gundel Gaukelei
Please keep your comments to those were talking about.
That said, My real name is none of importance to this whole Jessica fletcher drama you guys are preforming here.
In fact most names i see here, are pretty known on this site. I never react actually due to the fact that most of you have tunnelvision conserning a subject spoken/discussed about.
The one with brains here, are the ones that DO not react. The sit behind a comp laughing basicly. I will join myself with that group once again. I made my point allready before, thats all i wanted to say and do.
And what others think of it, no really relevant to me at all. I have a 1st life to tend to thank god for that one
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 9th, 2010
@random reader The one with brains here, are the ones that DO not react.
Si tacuisses, philosophus fuisses – mansisses.
But acknowledged, you’re so not part of this. Rest assured it will be emphasised in the records (despite the irony that you are refering to your life with an ordinal).
Terminus Est
Jun 9th, 2010
For the avoidance of doubt, I should have specified that Mr Ashley W Stone, aka Ash Qin, is a resident of Yeovil, England.
My apologies are offered to any other person with the same name.
Jun 10th, 2010
I couldn’t resist:
Yeovil sucks BTW.
Thanks G for the original link – XD
Andrew M
Jun 10th, 2010
like @randomreader, I just sit back and laugh at the juvenile self-interested narcissism of those that spruik their mighty talents in some backwater forum. But this thread is just too ludicrous to not have a bit of a dig.
I use an Emerald viewer cos I like to create and learn and it’s a fine interface for what I do. I don’t want to steal other’s work, I’d like my own protected where possible…
And I make a point of listening to people..
… doesn’t stop me laughing at what they choose to say!
Jun 10th, 2010
Lol, you can just tell he still lives at home with mommy
His useless sim where sells, bikes (lol) paid for that 6 month subscription to CDS and now he’s pissed and trying to justify it lol.
Not that he has anything worth stealing
Jun 10th, 2010
Matter of time before we collect all of the rl names associated with emerald and modular.
Jun 10th, 2010
random reader sounds like, could it be?
an ALIAS of freak lol
Let’s consider:
“Been reading this entire topic.”
Congratulations. That entrance exam to kindergarten really paid off!
“Somethings are obvious here, this muziekfreak character has some points here. It is just the tone that makes the music (put it in better words)”
Not a character and not a freak, just a troll loser and emerald/moduler assbuddy
“For the rest , ive been in sl since 2004, i stopped using that pispoor program a while ago tho. Your all attacking a dude that does not know any better, the cool part is that some even pretend to be adult and throw it on age.”
so um, like you?
“Funpart is, he atleast does not hide behind a fakename, and lots of intelligent re-marks that show how a bunch of old guys actually have no life.”
Again, kinda like you huh?
“Otherhand, this whole CDS thing, was doomed to fail nothing new at all. In fact based on my since 2004 expierences the ppl that venture or are still in sl are a bunch of loosers all together. I rather spend time with something i can touch rl, instead of waste my fragile time on a virtual world that does not even look good.
I see here (as i read it) that there scripters here (so hard to do not)”
You might learn how to spell first. You’re yet another hypocrite making contradictory statements. Around since 2004 yet spend your time in RL. So again, you’re here because of? Sounds like a trolling alt for little miss freak lol
Caught ya! Nothing more than an obvious alias for freak lol
Terminus Est
Jun 10th, 2010
We are particularly interested in the location, presumably Canada, of the gentleman known in SL by a variety of names – Phox ModularSystems, Lonely Bluebird, and formerly PattehPh0x Katsu (before this identity was banned by LL). We believe his real name is Patrick Tyroler.
As to the character of Skills Hak, there are suggestions her real name is Simone Pepper and that she too is a resident of the UK.
It is presumed that the triumvirate of CDS constitutes Ashley, Patrick, and Simone, And that contrary to popular belief, Joseph Cook (Fractured Crystal and formerly Jcool410 Wildcat) is probably not actively involved in Gemini CDS, beyond having read-only access to the CDS records, which may be hosted on a server run in Ashley’s mother’s home in Yeovil, England. There is some further evidence that CDS may also be hosted alongside Emerald Viewer, Modular Systems and Onyx data by a company trading in Germany, and subject to the strict Federal Data Protection laws of that nation. Although LL does not appear to have a registered address in Germany, its Brighton UK offices would still come under the purview of another European member state in any matters of a criminal nature or indeed on any contraventions of the EC’s Privacy, Freedom and Human Rights legislation.
Any further information on these individuals would be appreciated.
Terminus Est
Jun 10th, 2010
@ Gundel Gaukelei
You refer presumably to “De Consolatione Philosophiae” by Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, in the following extract: “Iam tandem”, inquit, “intellegis me esse philosophum?” Tum ille nimium mordaciter: “Intellexeram”, inquit, “si tacuisses”.
I salute your erudition and your wit, Gundel!
Gundel Gaukelei
Jun 10th, 2010
@Terminus Est
You’re right. Its said to be based on Boethius work, but yet to be proven.
While using that quote makes me look like a poser rather than a literate, I thought it was the most efficient way of getting my point through and work around the language barrier at the same time.
I’ m very well aware of the self-referencial irony
Jun 10th, 2010
Well i know for a fact that the CDS system does not work. It has not detected me and my 22 alts. I even go often to skill hak sim and copy stuff from there. so Skills what ya gonna do? lol
Terminus Est
Jun 11th, 2010
Bryant’s comment raises an interesting point but in fairness to Skills and her colleages, they never claimed it would be 100% effective in detecting all malicious or doctored viewers.
Whether one can circumvent CDS does not detract from the unanswered question of whether the CDS database is in breach of LL’s own ToS & CS, or contravenes national laws on Data Protection and Privacy.
Demonstrating whether CDS is ineffective and of little commercial value is a separate matter, albeit instructive, if this thread is being followed by any landowners.
Bluefire Ghost
Jun 12th, 2010
I suggest you simply get the advice of people from this very helpful government site in the uk.
they will explain, not only the Uk position on data privacy and data protection laws but also the european laws. This organisation will, and i repeat this THEY WILL PROSECUTE those who maintain public or private databases that are usable by man or machine to process data relating to a persons online activities or personal identity including virtual identities.
Be under no illusion. Second life is not a game it is a messaging system and as such the law rquires it and its users to have regard for privacy and protection of the individual.
Skills hak is looking like a turkey at christmas, all-be-it the last one in the shop.
Serendipity Seraph
Aug 4th, 2010
I will not be weighted down with DRM and DMCA compliant chains as if I were a criminal or untrustworthy to make the paranoid sleep better. I am neither and I have nothing to prove to anyone and I will not be crippled.
Aug 6th, 2010
Skill Hax is a dude for one, I have proof and for two, he’s an amateur. No one should be interacting with this con-artist thief.
LordGregGreg Exits Emerald Viewer Team | The Alphaville Herald
Aug 15th, 2010
[...] drama has plagued the group – most recently the Emerald developers have been at the center of a series [...]
Aug 26th, 2010
What I read from the guy defending CDS?
ZOMG We’re such l33t HaCkeRz and the rest of you are ScR1pT K1dD13s.
*Eyes Glaze Over*
Emerald is done and rightly so. Get over it.
& the big picture is....
Sep 14th, 2010
Wow, so Modular and Emerald are shot down in flames as we all know, yet a select group here seem to think it’s of utmost importance to continue to the point they now wish to track the real life identities of the people behind these failed resources.
What they did here in SL and the resulting removal of viewers and avatar accounts is the responsibility of Linden Labs to manage.
Everyone here is alleging the problem with Emerald and the now banned accounts was a breach of privacy as far as the data supposedly collected.
Now I find it not only absurd but also quite concerning to have found numerous links and among other things postings relative to the hacking of the voice program being reproduced here, and now I’m reading about a witch hunt where some of you here are trying to work out the RL identities of the account holders of these people.
Posting real life identities in a witch hunt forum??
You have to be kidding! How can you even begin to complain about what happened “in world” when you set out on a grand plan to identify those people in their real lives. One can only wonder about the intent behind your actions!
As it happens, I know some of the people who you seek out, not as a programmer or developer, but as a friend in SL. you know, someone you chat with and have a bit of a laugh. These people (in my eyes) are not sinister conniving criminals as some of you might like to paint them, but the moment YOU go out of your way to infiltrate their real lives and to expose their identities YOU are becoming real life criminals.
Perhaps it’s time to step back and look at where this is leading and ask yourself, how would YOU feel if your personal life was dragged out and threatened over a f##king game!!
You demanded LL act on these events, you got that.
LL chose their punishment and that should be the end of it.
annette afterthought
Oct 22nd, 2010
You know theres only two types of people: those that say there are only two types and those who dont.
I dont say that: I say that just because someone is against cds doesnt mean they are some crimlnal thats out to rip content creators. Fine you got a hardon for skills hak, well thats good because skills is infact a german man from germany that looks like a punched scrotum. Now onto your claims for cds. Yeah I know youre a troll but here goes. 1) skills crap is as a known criminal who helped fractured crystal to ddos some websites and abused a legal document in the form of LL TOS. The ddos alone is worth two years in any european or usa prison and yall should know this: skills hak herself ripped that code off from an open source script and simply modified it and added bits on
so stick that in your pipe and smoke it
Oct 23rd, 2010
@ annette
I was in defence of CDS after researching it and discovering there was no privacy invasion. Simple. The issue arises from the compilation and use of data (and the fact they have their heads up each others arses).
Personally I hold no love for any of them. But much was being done in June and it would have been harder if I was seen as a hater. Nothing on the net gives me a hard on.
Still its over (almost) em is dead, skills and j have had a knock, and SL is floundering. I am no longer bothered.
Finally, I don’t smoke a pipe. I prefer hand rolled cheese in rizla ;o)
Oct 23rd, 2010
We may be looking at the issue entirely the wrong way, too. What if it wasn’t the collection of IP addresses that was the problem, but the fact that they did it to Lindens? Linden Lab doesn’t care all that much about the individuals involved, I think that’s clear from their past behavior – but sniffing out Lindens? I’d be astonished if they didn’t have a problem with that.
Oct 23rd, 2010
Look Guise… CDS IS DEAD… TELEVISION IS FUC*** Priceless..
The Advantages.
1. No CDS Detected.
2. Downloadable Copybotted content & Viewers.
3. Spoofing Assets.
4. Never get detected by CDS OR Banned, just clean cache after u do the rips.
5. Use your Brains.
Why are ignorant people still thinking CDS still works lol, and why are creators so ignorant to fall for this crap. As I have said all evidence points to Skills Hak being a griefer community, as he was part of Emerald with JCool, Ph0x & Fractured who all got banned from SL.
The only reason I posted this is to Educate the Creators, and people that CDS does not work anymore, but is just simply here to cause problems for people, and illegally Datamine, we all know it. My account has been here before Skills Hak has since 2008, and people from 2005 have been accused too of theft people I know who don’t, although I do know people from 07 with actual evidence who do Steal from creators all the time, and I feel really bad for Vista, Truth Hawks, Mallory & Emotions who are constantly getting ripped because Skills Hak can’t do his JOB which he says he can and frauds people seriously…
When are people going to learn lol?
Feb 4th, 2011
Actually the truth of the mattre is cds fails and does so for like 5 viewers on my hard drive. The newest of which is made by neil and undistributed being chock full of crashers that work great for me on blue steel letigre and magnum.
1.You are greedy as hell over a virtual product that once purchased is not even yours.
2.You have no right to wave the tos and law in everyones face claiming superiority when we all know its not a moral document. Its written to screw content creators and end users leaving the lab owning all in world content.
3. Time and time again we prove you wrong about cds, I just ran a short but epic greifing run on no build insilico, crashed just fine for me XD. And they didn’t get my real ip or mac. Simply block the hosts in your hosts file, or you could use the firewall, disable voice and media, voila cds can’t tell what client your running. I stood in front of skills and xue spamming and telling them how rotten they are for abusing innocent second life people.
4.I have had a copy bot for 3 years and i have only backed up the content i had purchased, and its only common sense
what the hell is wrong with you people. Wait I know lets find everyone who has ever used a copybot and hang them by the neck until dead. If it actually happened i don’t think you would like your justice so much, that shit is hard to stomach once you ruin someones life over something this small and petty get some humanity.
5.You call them skiddies and shit but the truth is there software is better than whats around STILL to this day, i build on opensim with it in my sl avatar. I bet that burns your ass.
6.If the lab had the end users interest at heart this would have been fixed in a day, and it still could.
7.You can troll all you want but at the end of the day We are the ones who can move anything we want to opensim, crash any sim, take on anyone.
8.Forum goes down all the time and we always fix it, that will not change in the near future. Get used to eating dirt.
9.After pumping 2000$ us into sl and finding out all this crap and becoming what i am, i have every reasonable right under common sense and morality to back up my shit, fuck your tos
Feb 4th, 2011
Perhaps it’s time to step back and look at where this is leading and ask yourself, how would YOU feel if your personal life was dragged out and threatened over a f##king game!! “quoted from above”
Yeah being a goon is hard, strangers seek you out to harass or god knows what else. I had some jackass try it 2 days ago, it was scary and creepy as fuck but the bouncers beat him pretty good. . I never imagined that a video game was so important that you have to seek out a female and try to victimize her for it. I shall illustrate your absurdity with some simple truth. Next time this happens…….may god have mercy on you i will not. So come on second life copybot hero’s keep trying to fuck with me, take it to rl like your some kinda video game hero vigillante out to tell the world who i am so predetors and freaks can find me, This shit is getting serious and i bought a gun today
. who am i kidding i have to quit and move now because of second life.
And anyway WTF already, i’m just the forum greifer troll evil bitch i’m not even a bot poster. I don’t copy sh
your neko elf
May 15th, 2011
Stop ripping off content creators and violating our privacy Skills Hak. For EVERYONE, ENJOY!!!
~The Manifesto ~