Brandie Glas – Post 6 Grrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 04/05/10 at 11:39 am
[One of the things I like about Post 6 is that often times the models have a good enough experience that they refer their friends to me. This is the case with this week's model, Brandie Glas, who is, I think you'll agree, as beautiful as she is a great person. It is an honor to introduce this week's model, Brandie Glas. ~Timothy Morpork]
Hello Herald readers,
I have been here for a few years now and I am a great fan of the Herald and the Post 6 feature. I am amazed how Timothy manages to find so many beautiful and talented people to pose here week after week, with all of their different themes and looks, and I got such a huge surprise last week when I stopped by to find it was one of my oldest friends Debbie Hazelnut as the Post 6 Feature! She was looking so gorgeous as always. She and I go back a long way and have shared so much here in Sl, so I thought ……… if she can do it!
So as soon as she came online I messaged her, and asked her to introduce me to Timothy, which she did and I was thrilled when he agreed I could do this, so here I am.
Now, a little about me, I live in the UK and have a very busy life with a wonderful family and friends, but I just love Second Life and have to confess to being quite addicted, but hey! where else can you lay, or dance on a beautiful beach with awesome friends on a rainy day? ( and we get quite a few rainy days here ) or shop and not have to carry the bags? Or fly over a beautiful sim and watch a breathtaking sunrise or cuddle up with someone special and watch the sunset, and all in the same day?
So for me Second Life is many things, I have met the most amazing people here , who I hope will be my friends for a very long time, I tried building and creating and found it to be great fun, but never really mastered any of it….. some day maybe!
I will stop babbling now , but I would like to thank my friend Debbie for introducing me to Timothy , and especially thank Timothy for making this possible for me , I had a blast!! Hope you like the pics
May 4th, 2010
nomnomnom.. this elf can bake my cookies any time!
Levity Monday
May 4th, 2010
“Alphaville Herald. Always fairly unbalanced”
“Muckraking virtual newspaper investigating the darker side of virtual life”
Nice enough girl, though, and nice to not have seen people taking it out on the models for a couple of weeks.
marilyn murphy
May 4th, 2010
i really like this lady. her avatar is wonderful too.
Levity Monday
May 5th, 2010
I was too quick to throw those quotes at this posting.
Leafing through older editions of Post 6, I now see that it’s not unusual for this column to feature people who simply come into SL to have a good time with their friends, not rock the Linden boat or live out some dark, secret fantasy.
I’d been wondering about the low response to some of the latest postings, but that’s not as unusual as I thought, either. Unfortunately, it seems easier to find fault than to applaud a good job of presenting a nice person. I fell into that same trap.
So, let’s just assume that a low response means that readers are happy. And why wouldn’t they be?
Brandie, you seem a nice girl. You show taste in how you present yourself, and you obviously know what you want from this life. (So what if you’re not the world’s greatest grammarian?) The pictures, especially the first two, do you justice.
May 5th, 2010
@Levity, I think you are right. It’s nothing to point and laugh at here. A pretty avatar, a nice written bio, no prim boobs, Gor, stripping, escorting, family roleplay, dolcett or anything else to pick apart.
Again, Timothy presents the best picture first, that’s absolutely adorable, nice capture, well done. Brandi looks relaxed, natural, sexy, the really pretty girl next door. The second and third drop a bit in my interest but others probably love them.
Skye D.
May 5th, 2010
Love the ears. What a cutie!
And yes, these last few weeks of “normal” and “seemingly well adjusted” has been a nice change of pace.
May 5th, 2010
Came to see HOT chixxx with dixxx, was disappointed. 1/20 would not read again.
The Hulk
May 6th, 2010
Hulk all hot and sweaty now. Hulk like!
Jumpman Lane
May 6th, 2010
THIS lady had the sense to wear her own lights. the pix came out great. lets see morpors NEXT ones
Big Gay Hulk thinks this gal is a tranny
AGAIN this girls pix turnt out nice
Diane Garsdale
May 6th, 2010
@ Levity
“simply” should come after “SL”, and for the sake of parallellism it might have been better to add “to” before “rock” and “live out”.
Call it even?
The Hulk
May 6th, 2010
Jumpy scared to play for both teams!
Big Gay Hulk take Brandie any day over Jumpyman’s butt, but if Hulk had nothing else, Hulk give big green surprise to Jumpy.
May 6th, 2010
Beautiful avatar and fabulous pic’s well done Timothy
Jumpman Lane
May 6th, 2010
Big Gay Hulk end up with a foot in his green ass
May 7th, 2010
This looks like the first time Post6 hasn’t been completely retarded. Cute avatar, good bio. Hopefully this will set a bit of a standard. A bit tired of the whole ugly chick, huge boobs, miniature waist, gorean stripper escort permanoob with a child avatar family that seems to have been every single Post6 before this one. Then again, I’m a month or so behind on my blog readings so maybe this isn’t new.
Yay for fairly “normal” cute/hot avatars.
Down with ugly glamazons with facepalm inducing fucked up role play.
May 13th, 2010
The difference face lights make is amazing.
I always use them and I’d suggest that the keen photog keeps a set to lend to models; that is unless you want the nasty old dark photos they used to publish here of black cats in coal cellars
Sep 3rd, 2010
“Man, you makes me, with the last photo so much hungry for you…”
Thank you, that you are…
Tempel of Yerushalem
anti JLU
Sep 26th, 2011
Pfft bunch of noobs, the go horney on a avatar that does not even look that good lol.
Sep 27th, 2011
My avatar is smoking “hot”. For pixels, anyway LOL.
Thing is though, if I ever get in this Post 6 I couldn’t possibly live it down without some…slobbering on the sides…
No thanks, LOL!