Caete Chevalier — Post 6 Grrrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 30/09/10 at 11:16 am
[I was wandering around the grid one day and bumped into a petite and gorgeous gothy avie named Caete Chevalier. I snooped her profile, struck up a conversation and convinced her that she would make a great Post 6 grrrrl. It was a pleasure to work with, and is an honor to introduce the lovely and talented Caete Chevalier, Post 6 Grrrrl ~Timothy Morpork]
I’m Caete and although many have pronounced my name in some rather unusual ways, it’s pronounced Kate or Cat, depending on which regional dialect you prefer. Either works for me though as just about everyone calls me kitten or kitty since I wandered onto the grid back on 06 with my dear friend Jessica. One would gather that I am of French heritage based upon my name but I’m actually just a good ol’ Texas girl who sometimes lets her inner kitty out.
When I joined SL, I was amazed at all the uniqueness that existed and just how expressive some folks were with their prims. I suffered through the first few months with a cast on my mouse hand which made my early building attempts very frustrating. I gave up and went the route of dancing in SL to make some Ls in those days. It was a challenge for me though as I’m as petite in SL as I am in RL and that was not the norm then. Being shorter was an advantage though as I didn’t have to worry about losing an eye to the 7 foot glamazons that everyone just "had" to be. About the same time the luster was wearing off the fun of that profession, I was introduced to April Heaney and her wonderful work. I started working for her a short time later after demonstrating my skills at deducing the issue and what caused it to happen, patience in explaining how to fix it repeatedly and not screaming RTFM!!
That job allowed me to purchase my first parcel of land. I still own it although it has my cemetery built on it now. I opened my own little oddball shop called Something Wicked This Way Rezzes. Yes, it’s a mouthfull to say, so I tend to just call it "my shop". My line of goods is just kind of silly stuff I happen to like and did not find a similar line in SL. It’s mainly a hobby, a way to blow off the day’s troubles and relax. If you need an unusual coffin style or gravestones, you might want to drop by. It’s also got Caetehenge in front for those times when one needs a stone circle for druidic sacrifice….
During my time here I’ve seen folks and shops come and go. I’ve been involved with a few of them from a product standpoint. I’ve modelled, I’ve tested, I’ve debugged. I’ve spent hours as a test subject for Dari’s Haus (yes, I’m that Caete Chevalier), I have helped bring the Omega Combat System online and am one of the GMs there, and I’m still with April and The Omega Concern.
Something I’ve noticed that is constant though is the expression and creativity of SL’s residents. After four years of flying the ether of the grid, I still find places that make me purr and amaze me. It’s that freedom of expression that we have, to create what we like and if others like it, then yay \o/ and if they don’t, well, the grid is a big place, always another region to prowl. Thank y’all for the honour of being the Post 6 Grrrl =^_^=
Pappy Enoch
Sep 30th, 2010
Bout time we done got back to the important stuff: cha-cha bingos.
Don’t y’all mess wif Texas: that am my job
Bunny Brickworks
Sep 30th, 2010
Great to see you here, Caete. As a long-standing and devoted customer of The Omega Concern I have always appreciated your fast and competent support and it’s nice to see the pixels behind the IM.
Too bad the pics suck as usual but that’s surely not your fault.
Sep 30th, 2010
I smell fish, self-loathing, insecurity, and catpiss. Bunny Brickworks must have slithered out of her hole again.
Skye D.
Sep 30th, 2010
Aww…Caete is a cutie! And a smart one at that!
And as a fellow Texan, she surely gets a thumbs up from me!
General Drama
Oct 1st, 2010
Girl, you got a crick in your neck? Looks like you went to the Bombshell McGee School of Beauty.
Nelson Jenkins
Oct 1st, 2010
You need to see a doctor about that neck.
Gaara Sandalwood
Oct 1st, 2010
I’m not too big on necrophilia, to be honest here.
Mary Elizabeth
Oct 1st, 2010
She seems like a nice lady. It’d be nice to see her outgrow the tats and collar. They’re sort of the first “edgy” look. Some women adopt immediately after the noobie stage.
Oct 1st, 2010
Microsoft has apparently bought Second Life from Linden Lab.
Nelson Jenkins
Oct 1st, 2010
@ Edna
Pix! Pix! I got this one!
IntLibber Brautigan
Oct 1st, 2010
Well, that story confirms that LL closed their Brighton office, as I have previously stated. Putzo is now a putz.
Nelson Jenkins
Oct 1st, 2010
@ IntLibber Brautigan
I hate to call you a dumbass, but if you read the article closely, you would notice that they closed the office on the 30th, dumbass. (I’d say “today” but it’s already October over there and in whatever timezone AH is set to.)
Oct 1st, 2010
@ Nelson Jenkins
Al Gore made a rule that when he invented the internet that false stories are not permitted to be posted. Therefore it is true. Besides, LeBron has now confirmed this story to be true.
Nelson Jenkins
Oct 1st, 2010
@ Edna
Oh, I didn’t know that! Thanks, Al!
I was actually just pointing out to IntLibber that 1.) he’s a dumbass for believing this article and 2.) he’s a dumbass for interpreting it as the Brighton office closed way back when he says it did.
Microsoft may have interest in Linden Lab, but I don’t have any interest in whether or not it’s true.
IntLibber Brautigan
Oct 1st, 2010
That I knew in advance what was being actioned on at the highest levels of the company before you putzes saw anything in public only confirms that my sources are superior and you are the dumbass.
Nelson Jenkins
Oct 1st, 2010
@ IntLibber Brautigan
Noticing that many of the employees of an office are now in a different country is nothing secret, but it doesn’t mean that the office was closed, either, because it wasn’t. Long story short, the office closed on the 30th (if you can believe this article), not before, as you vehemently claimed. Timing is everything.
Darien Caldwell
Oct 1st, 2010
Hello Kitty! *spanks*
Bunny Brickworks
Oct 2nd, 2010
@ Greta
Awww… butthurt?
Oct 4th, 2010
protip: USE windlight, amateur.
Leaky Leftigan
Oct 4th, 2010
Butthurt? Really? Did you really just use the word “butthurt”?
Maybe if you stop trying so hard the cool kids will like you again.
Picard's Wonky Eye
Oct 4th, 2010
/me jots down protip from John and says “I don’t know about Timothy, but I always take protips from anonymous internet posters who don’t link to their work or share their avatar name because it’s well established that people who post semi-anonymous sneeringly crabby and derisive protips on the internet are probably really good at what they’re talking about, they’ve just never really done a lot with it because it’s just too much bother and the world probably wouldn’t appreciate their true genius anyhow. Keep the protips coming John, they’re like gold!”
Orca Flotta
Oct 6th, 2010
* The poses are … well, ick.
* Lighting and set are suiting the gothy model nicely.
* Caete is really one of the brighter Post 6 girls and kinda SLelebrity. Deffo brings the Post 6 column up one or two notches. She should’ve been treated with a better photo session.