Archive for December, 2010
Gus Pixelmaid — Post 6 Dog

[This week it is an honor to introduce Gus Pixelmaid, Post 6 Dog. I believe that Gus is the first dog avatar featured here at Post 6, and while it may be an adage that in seeking job satisfaction one should never seek to work with children or animals, I must say that working with [...]
Full StorySecond Life Winterfest and Cheap Shopping

by Justine Babii After freakishly early and severe winter storms buried many of our European friends and icy weather has crept into places in North America not used to such things, why not also celebrate the cold here in the virtual world? The annual Second Life WinterFest kicks off this Friday, December 10, and runs [...]
Full StoryWill Twinity’s Avatar Sex Sell?

Metaversum GmbH promotes virtual sex – urges players to "get laid" The Twinity virtual world newsletter and web site are now playing the cybersex card hard – a turnabout after several years of relatively tame promotional efforts. Is this a cry of desperation for population – or a keen understanding the core audience? Whatever the [...]
Full StorySecond Life’s New Naming Policy

What’s In a Name? by Justine Babii Back in August, when the rumors of a change in the naming system were first starting to ripple around the metaverse, it didn’t occur to me that Second Life would be doing away with surnames. Protagonist, Murphy, Money, Serpentine and all of the other original 2003 names have [...]
Full StoryBeverly Winkler — Post 6 Grrrrl

[I met Beverly Winkler quite some time ago and fell in love with her avatar. I begged her to pose for us. She promised to consider and then never got back to me. When I bumped into her again months later at a completely different place it seemed too much like fate and fortunately for [...]
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