Second Life Winterfest and Cheap Shopping
by Alphaville Herald on 09/12/10 at 2:22 am
by Justine Babii
After freakishly early and severe winter storms buried many of our European friends and icy weather has crept into places in North America not used to such things, why not also celebrate the cold here in the virtual world?
The annual Second Life WinterFest kicks off this Friday, December 10, and runs through Saturday, December 18. There are many different activities this year, some of them ho-hum rehashes of events from past Winterfests, [please - no more Torley Linden Winterfest machinima -- the editrix] and a couple of new offerings.
Snowman building is always a crowd pleaser, and the LOLs wend their way from there through the scripted fun of sledding, snowboarding and skating to musical performances to 24-7 “festivals” with mazes and freebies. A complete schedule, complete with SLurls, can be found here.
Of course the event I’m looking forward to most is pelting Lindens with snowballs Thursday, December 16 from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM and again on Friday, December 17 from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM.
Really though, being a recovering fashionista, I came here today to tell you about a couple of places to get some very inexpensive holiday and winter themed clothes. Just because the economy has everyone tightening their belts, doesn’t mean you have to let your avatar suffer last year’s fashions. I know that there are scads of places on the grid that have some great freebies and holiday gear right now, but I’ll share two I just found.
The first is a very easy hunt going on here: the For The Love Of (FTLO) Ice Festival
You are looking for snowflakes that look like this
They are hard to find unless you crank down your graphics settings as low as they’ll go, then you’ll find them everywhere. Seriously, that’s a pro tip.
This hunt has some neat clothing, some hair, some furniture, and is generally a great way to pick up some good swag. If you’re in a shopping mood, stay and peruse the shops and there are more than a few there that make some excellent things.
Basically everything you see in the pictures except out skins and the hair on the right is free and available at this hunt. (Including the eye make-up I’m wearing on the left, but it only works with Viewer 2.x). There are a ton of wonderful freebies there, take your time, enjoy it.
If hunting for things is not your forte, try LVS & Co at Bugtussle
My friend Carol, (who you see modeling in the following pics) swears by LVS. When we landed, we immediately spotted a Greenie shopping, which I took for good luck, sort of like having a ladybug land on you.
This place is amazing. In business since 2004 or so, LVS & Co has a whole slough of holiday themed clothing, from sexy to silly, for just 10L.Yes, 10L. Each picture below is an outfit than can be yours for just 10L, and this is just a small sample of what’s available.
So, if you’re looking for something to wear while you pelt the Lindens with snowballs, there you go! I know that LVS changes its inventory often, and I’m not sure how long the FTLO Ice hunt is going, so getting to both of these places sooner than later is strongly advised!
James Freud
Dec 9th, 2010
The only thing remotely interesting about this article is the comment I’m about to leave….. *clears throat*
My balls are cold….so I call them snowballs.
hobo kelly
Dec 9th, 2010
Well mischief makers, sometimes balls are just balls I reckon…
Iffin you all go to Search in that thar Second Life and type in
holiday market
one entry will come up and it is for the Sculpty Republic Holiday marketplace
and theys got one of them thar nicest holiday markets ive come across so far in my second life search fer the xmas spirit, cuz I sure as hell aint a gonna find it in RL this year thats fer shur bah humbug
Little Lost Linden
Dec 9th, 2010
Holy shitballs and snowballs!
Winterfest is now upon us!
In the words of Ash from Evil Dead 2:
had enough
Dec 9th, 2010
Why not just give it away free since the buyer doesn’t not really own what they are buying and it could be deleted by LL at a later time?
Give us ownership of what we buy and then people might pay money for the worthless crap in SL.
Dec 9th, 2010
Everything on the internet is public domain. Pay for nothing, ever.
Nelson Jenkins
Dec 9th, 2010
@ Anyone thinking of replying to edna
Don’t feed the troll.
Pappy Enoch
Dec 9th, 2010
I aims to run me sum Lindens down in my pick-em-up truck.
Snowballs, hell. Git banned the right way!
Yep Fan
Dec 9th, 2010
What are you management of? The Herald? The Internet?
Dec 9th, 2010
Go getem Tiger
Dec 9th, 2010
Nelson, anyone who has been here more than a day has figured out who exactly is the troll on this site so give it up or grow up. By definition, “trolling” is what you are doing. Your personal fears are nobody’s business but your own.
Nelson Jenkins
Dec 9th, 2010
@ edna
1/10 for effort. Troll harder.
Dec 9th, 2010
There you go again. It is a sickness for you my homophobic friend.
Nelson Jenkins
Dec 9th, 2010
@ edna
I think I’ve told you before that I’m gay, haven’t I?
II Singh
Dec 9th, 2010
Old edna doing his/her best to spread “christmas cheer” some things never change.
Dec 9th, 2010
Go getem Tiger
Dec 9th, 2010
This new virtual world looks like it could be fun. I laughed when the person talking said that this virtual world has fixed all of the problems that the other virtual worlds has. To bad LL doesn’t have that type of thinking.
A Furry
Dec 10th, 2010
i think the real reason you like it is it doesn’t have furries in it.
Judge Joker
Dec 10th, 2010
“Everything on the internet is public domain. Pay for nothing, ever.”
Please explain that to your mum, I hate having to pay $1 a time fee.
Dec 10th, 2010
Yep these are some pretty nice items I might check out a few of them myself. Also as a reminder I would like to tell everyone to watch out for scams on Xstreet/the SL Market Place, don’t Buy, or use Stolen Content. Please give a Fuc* for our creators in SL.\
Here is a list of a updated list of known Copybotters.
Randy Whitefalcon
Vagyna Soup
Juggalette Bates
Sinful Babii
Yonkushime Tigerfish
Dirty Dikes
Yep some of these are over 1000 Days Old.
Here list of Copybot supporters
DarkMatter Steamer
Giselle Blackheart
Here is the massive Copybot Supporting Groups in SL.
Crimson Urge (Located @ Arcadia Twilight) BloodLines Clan.
Smiggles Decuirs Groups, Location Unknown. (Gorean RP)
If it were me I would stay away from the supporters of such stolen Items in SL. Fact is they known about it and do nothing, and in my eyes its just as bad, although The supporters have many Copybotters in their groups in SL.
Information is (FREE) Do as you wish, in fact some of these accounts have already been banned.
Nelson Jenkins
Dec 10th, 2010
@ Kinoko
That’s not even scraping the surface of copybotters. I know of many who keep trying to make alts. A group of creators I’m a part of get one or two of them banned within an hour of account creation, every single time.
He bawws about it on his company blog, which is just a whole bunch of hot air (he’s been hyping some big new thing for 2 or 3 years now, and every few months puts out another hilarious blog post about it, yet no details at all). Fucking hilarious. He even pretends that he handed off the company to about 3 other “different” people, yet They All Talk Like This As If They Have A Sexual Attraction To Their Shift Keys As Well. (I’m serious, the website, their blog, their twitter account, even their SL Wikia article is All Written Like This.)
Dec 10th, 2010
@ a furry LOL
@ Nelson Go getem Tiger
Senban Babii
Dec 10th, 2010
“Sinful Babii”
JFC! You nearly gave me a heart attack then as I skimmed that list, I thought it was my name O.O
Hopeful Fap
Dec 10th, 2010
I’d be sinful with you Senban.
Senban Babii
Dec 10th, 2010
@Hopeful Fap
Sadly you’re probably stuck with being sinful at my pictures and most of those are a bit out of date now. Maybe I should get off my backside and finally log in again? It’s been three months, I’m sure the wanted posters have all been taken down by now?
What the hell.
/me grins, swishes her tail and……………….logs in
Senban Babii
Dec 10th, 2010
First time I’ve logged in in three months and the instant I arrive, someone is hitting the infohub with a sky full of Captain Planets XD
It wasn’t me, I swear! The cops will never believe a Babii was an innocent bystander XD
had enough
Dec 10th, 2010
a furry” @Yep
“i think the real reason you like it is it doesn’t have furries in it.”
Hell any place without fur-fags must be good. Going to have to check it out.
Nelson Jenkins
Dec 10th, 2010
@ had enough
Oh hey troll, long time no flame.
had enough
Dec 10th, 2010
Must be the
Dec 11th, 2010
Go get em Tiger
A furry
Dec 11th, 2010
@had enough
You have something against furries,because it’s weird and you don’t understand it? Isn’t that the reason people are homophobic?
II Singh
Dec 11th, 2010
okay new mantra Go get em HITLER Tiger
had enough
Dec 11th, 2010
@ a furry
Lick me
Dec 11th, 2010
LOL @ Singh. I like Nelson
Reading the above post ” eep!” turning and looking at Nelson “Go gettem Tiger