Angry Elf King to LL: Stop Blocking Our PG Events!!!
by Pixeleen Mistral on 12/01/11 at 1:21 am
Wayfinder Wishbringer of the Elf Clan is very unhappy with Linden Lab – and believes that the struggling metaverse service provider may be attempting to drive PG sims out of the walled garden of Second Life.
The angry elf’s evidence? The shocking inability of PG sim owners to post to SL Events due to what seems to be an automated keyword filter run amok.
Elf Clan King Wayfarer Wishbringer (left) and IBM chairman Sam Palmisano (right) (file photo)
Has the frenetic cost cutting at Linden Lab – which started last spring when 30% of the staff were dismissed – finally gone too far? Or is this part of a calculated plan to scuttle the PG portion of the virtual world? Wayfinder points out that the recent surprise price hikes on non-profit and education organizations was a body blow to the PG community – up to 8% of the grid.
With the PG-friendly .edu community in flight, it is troubling that event descriptions with seemly innocuous phrases such as "Is this description good enough?" appear to trigger the Lab’s watchdogs, who then suggest moving to an adult or mature rated region. According to Wayfinder the problem has persisted for months.
In another post at the Elf Clan Social Network site, the elf king discusses the economics of Second Life virtual land "ownership", which are challenging in the extreme – even for large communities. Without events, communities cannot attract new members, are unable to make tier payment, and wither and die.
Is this to be the fate of Second Life?
Wayfinder offers some hope to those who hope the Lab is not trying to kill PG Second Life with what many long-term players agree is an honest appraisal of the Lab, saying, "The only other explanation that makes sense is basic incompetence and apathy… which is always a possibility with this company. So, incompetence, apathy, laziness, or intentional shutdown of PG sims? Which is it, Linden Lab?"
At0m0 Beerbaum
Jan 12th, 2011
two words:
Stop playing.
two words
Jan 12th, 2011
Incompetence in the language. Change the wording.
Jock Stockton
Jan 12th, 2011
Although incompetence, apathy, and laziness are likely in their own right, I’m going to have to go with overwork from excessive layoffs on this one.
Jan 12th, 2011
That doesn’t make much sense. What with the planned teen grid merger, and continuing “disneyficiation” of the grid, flushing PG would be completely counterint….
Oh. wait. Linden Lab.
Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
Jan 12th, 2011
This is ironic, since when they started Zindra there was a bug where you couldn’t hold events on Adult rated land for months.
Speaking of which, here’s a fun bit of lore from that era when maturity ratings were new:
Some friends who own individual sims told me that when they called concierge to complain that they could not hold events on their adult rated land concierge told them to change their sim rating to PG so they could hold events, even if the build and the events were not PG. That lead to a lot of non-compliance with the rules (which were new at the time, so people understood them less than they understand them today). The non-compliance was overlooked in some cases where concierge told people to break the rules but not in others.
One extreme example of the fallout: There were some AR wars between individual sim owners and Zindra land owners who felt they were being unfairly treated, since Zindra land owners couldn’t change their land rating so they couldn’t hold events. Jill Winger was the owner of the Cumfort Zone, which was one of the most trafficked sex clubs in SL before it was relocated to Zindra and killed by apathy and/or corrupt dirty tricks from the DPW. Jill was perma banned while running AR attacks on non-compliant individual sim owners. IDK if the AR attacks were the direct or indirect cause of her banning, but just before she was banned I remember she was fired up about it and fanatically trying to recruit more people to AR individual sim owners who were not compliant with the ratings rules. The Cumfort Zone is now run by her friend, Eclectic Smythe. It’s doing alright, has a decent crowd there sometimes, but it never recovered it’s leading position in the sex club sector.
Senban Babii
Jan 12th, 2011
Recently I’ve been looking at events a lot more than I normally have done in the past and there are always loads of PG events running so I don’t think we can just say that PG events are being blocked.
Okay maybe the keyword filter does have some kind of bug?
Find different words to use until the bug is fixed.
Find different ways to advertise your events to your target audience.
Be creative.
Learn to swim.
marilyn murphy
Jan 12th, 2011
@senban:: yes, if you are going to play in an environment, learn to play in that environment.
the environment has been badly handled forever. commonly i poo poo the idea that sl is going under. every year sl is failing according to many learned pundits, and it still chugs along. i imagine the reason many leave is just boredom finally. if you play sl for a week you can get hooked on the social scene pretty easy. so you play it until you dont anymore because….just because you go do other things. the fact that the grid underperforms is well known in a weeks time and you either deal and stay or you dont.
frankly, and i am stating an opinion that is 8 years in the making here, to give linden labs the ability to think thru a plan to eliminate pg areas thru conivance rather than just suddenly announcing it, is giving them way to much credit.
Darien Caldwell
Jan 12th, 2011
So am I the only one wondering what IBM chairman Sam Palmisano has to do with any of this?
Is he mad his PG events get blocked? Does he like playing an Elf? Enquiring minds want to know!
Jan 12th, 2011
TM: “That doesn’t make much sense. What with the planned teen grid merger, and continuing “disneyficiation” of the grid, flushing PG would be completely counterint…. Oh. wait. Linden Lab.”
LOL, exactly TM. The point exactly, and eloquently stated.
To readers of this blog: Pixeleen did a fine job in writing this article, capturing the intent of my original post precisely. Unfortunately, some readers seem to have missed that point. So let me spell it out more clearly: It’s not that anyone is saying Linden Lab is intentionally trying to remove PG sims from the grid (although as TM brings out, I don’t discount anything when it comes to this company). The point I was making in that article is that intent or not… that is what they SEEM to be doing. And like both Pixeleen and TM verify– that is just goofy business conduct and management.
Linden Lab has a very bad case of “never thinking things through”. Their entire operative history screams lack of foresight. Yet they continue on in such course, as if somehow expecting things will go differently than they have in the past. This is not sensible– or even sane– business process.
For those who don’t understand how such things work– the title of my article was to catch attention and make people think. It’s not that LL *is* trying to kill PG sims (although, who knows?). It’s that they are effectively doing so… both through failed policy and price gouging.
I mean seriously folks, look at the past three years of Linden Lab operation. Can anyone point out to me ONE THING that they have actually done right, that had lasting positive effect on the grid?
Let’s see, getting rid of ad farming after 5 years of screaming. Yeah that was good. Slowly, cumbersomely switching to HTTP textures after 5+ years of screaming… yeah, that was almost kinda good. Basically folks, I can count on one hand positive, lasting steps. Now shall we list the EXTREMELY NEGATIVE, SEVERELY DAMAGING things the company has done over the past three years? Nah, I don’t have that kind of time this morning, or even today– which is what it would take to list all the issues in detail.
At0m0 Beerbaum: “Two words: Stop playing.”
At0m0, I both agree and strongly disagree. Here’s why:
I’ve been on SL now for over six years, and no personal insult intended, that continues to be the lamest response I have continued to see people post on these boards over the years.
“Stop playing”, “If you don’t like it, leave”, “Don’t let the door hit you in the…”– well you get the idea. Such suggestions boil down basically to the same thing: “Don’t stand and fight for what you believe or what is right. Instead abandon all your friends, investments, creations and business ventures and slink away.” Understand what I mean?
Don’t take insult. It doesn’t mean your sentiment isn’t at all valid– it’s just redundant, condescending, and fails completely to see the overall picture or consider important variables in these issues.
Mind you, you are in core concept RIGHT. These days it is becoming more sensible overall for people to simply abandon the platform and pursue more beneficial and profitable interests. Some would say that is the course of wisdom (which I take it is what you mean, and I would agree as far as core concept goes). But it is a suggestion that totally ignores societal needs, friendships and investments.
That basic statement fails to take into account numerous elements involved, especially with large groups. Even individuals find it difficult to leave their friends, their community, their major investment in inventory and homes here. For me to leave Second Life, I would have to shut down the activity of Elf Clan (and Elf Clan is not a small group). In short, more than MY situation is involved here. There are many people involved.
So while logically I agree with you, “The company stinks so stop doing business with them”… conceptually with all variables considered, that advice really isn’t all that realistic or viable.
That said, people ARE leaving Second Life, in droves. As my article points out and Pixeleen repeated– SL has lost 30% concurrency in just the past two years. Sim count is DROPPING, not increasing. In its history some 20 million people overall have found the SL product to be unworthy of their time. So I’d have to say that where possible, people are indeed taking your advice.
Elf Clan has, in our way, taken exactly the position you suggested– but in a more sensible manner. At one time we had eight sims on SL (actual group-owned sims, not a joining of privately held regions)… with a payment to Linden Lab of some $13,800 a year. Since October 2008 we have cut those sims one by one in protest of and reaction to Linden Lab decisions that made it increasingly difficult to finance those sims. Just last month we closed down our final “extra” sim– and now are down to one, ElvenMyst, at a reduction in overall cost of some 70% of what we were paying before. (Which actually, I’m good with that. We don’t mind at all paying LL 70% less than we were 3 years ago. Our group is functioning just as well. Elf Clan has never been about the land; it’s about people).
So yes, Elf Clan did “vote with our feet”… not in totally abandoning our friends and group (we tried that once before; it didn’t work)… but rather in reducing our financial support of Linden Lab. The only thing this company reacts to is money– so we removed a significant portion of our payments.
Does that mean Elf Clan has declined? By no means, for as you suggested At0m0, we considered and pursued alternatives. We examined several aspects of the OpenSim project and decided on one of the more powerful platforms, Inworldz. It is not yet to the point it meets all our needs, but it is getting there. Currently we have FOURTEEN SIMS on Inworldz, and those sims are beautiful and thriving. It’s not that we have abandoned Second Life. We’ve simply stopped putting all our eggs in one basket. We’re diversifying and expanding. At this time, Elf Clan is larger than we have ever been in our history– and we’re doing that without Linden Lab.
The basic point of my article, and the point Pixeleen skillfully relayed here… is that Linden Lab is driving away customers, for whatever reason is in their collective heads. This is a company that is on decline, that is making all the wrong moves, that is doing things (again, as TM humorously pointed out)… totally contrary to common sense and intelligent action. This is the worst of management gone wild.
So shutting down PG sims intentionally? Your guess is good as mine. But the overall effect, regardless of intent or cause? There’s not really much question that PG sims are being severely and negatively impacted by Linden Lab policies and support failure.
Senban Babii
Jan 12th, 2011
@At0m0 Beerbaum
“two words: Stop playing.”
That’s the bit that confuses me. Because according to the original article, he left back in 2006 and Elf Clan was falling apart.
Now it’s 2011 and he’s here again complaining and saying that Elf Clan will fall apart. Obviously it didn’t the first time round
“Wayfinder: No. In my case, I return to RL and the much more beneficial and more permanent things there.”
That doesn’t seem to have worked out, given that he’s back in here with all the less beneficial and less permanent things. Sucks to be an addict?
Jan 12th, 2011
I do not use SL very much either. I play other games and visit other worlds. I pretty much use SL as a 3-D chatroom to keep in touch with my friends since that is about all SL will let me do anymore with the lag. I do not complain anymore because I sold my sim,downgraded to a basic account,made backups of what I bought and removed the payment info. So now if the grid is laggy, I can now say ” I am getting what I paid for and what should I expect for free?”
After dumping money into SL for the last 6 years, being a free account is less stressful.
Gundel Gaukelei
Jan 12th, 2011
[_] incompetence
[_] apathy
[_] laziness
[_] intentional shutdown
Jan 12th, 2011
@Senban: Not only do you not know what you’re talking about, you seem to have a penchant for quoting out of context.
Elf Clan didn’t leave SL back in 2006 because the group was “falling apart”. At the time we left, the group had never been stronger, and we had more members than ever before. We left SL as a public statement against Linden Lab policies that severely
impacted land rights. Those policies still exist Senban, and in case you haven’t noticed… land value has dropped in the toilet as a result. Go figure.
We returned not because of your intentionally misquoted and misdirected “More permanent things”… but for the benefit of Elf Clan members who missed our group and felt homeless after we left. We returned for our people, not for Linden Lab or any supposed “permanency” of Second Life. We also returned because for a while there… a few brief months… it appeared as if Linden Lab had been trying to clean up its act. Unfortunately that didn’t last for any length of time.
Of course, I realize that you don’t care about facts and reality and just enjoy yet again shooting your mouth off on the Alphaville Herald, so probably in one ear and — having nothing to block it– out the other, right? ; )
Is your position so lame that you have to use propaganda tactics and misinformation to try to make your point appear valid? Oh wait.. what was your point exactly anyway? All I really read was blah blah blah and a bunch of non-factual statements. Sux to be a troll, eh? ; )
You wanna battle with me dude, Elves do carry swords. ;D
Jan 12th, 2011
Scuse the triple post. Making a point, so that (hopefully) it is made and such nonsense dealt with.
Wayfinder: “Currently we have FOURTEEN SIMS on Inworldz, and those sims are beautiful and thriving. It’s not that we have abandoned Second Life. We’ve simply stopped putting all our eggs in one basket. We’re diversifying and expanding. At this time, Elf Clan is larger than we have ever been in our history– and we’re doing that without Linden Lab.”
Senban: “Now it’s 2011 and he’s here again complaining and saying that Elf Clan will fall apart. Obviously it didn’t the first time round.”
I think it’s pretty obvious what I refer to when I mention “propaganda, non-factual statements and misinformation”. No offense to the Herald but that’s why I don’t often post here these days. These clowns just run rampant, then I find myself wasting valuable and limited time debunking their nonsense.
Persephone Bolero
Jan 12th, 2011
It appears what we have here on the Herald is a contest for stirring the most drama in SL between furries and elves, and I have to admit that I’m voting for the elves at this point.
two words
Jan 12th, 2011
ummmm…. how’s the event listings on inworldz?
Jan 12th, 2011
I haven’t had to worry about events listings in Inworldz because we don’t have to worry about paying excessive sim fees there. Believe me, that has been a wonderful relief of stress… one that numerous of our members have commented on.
When we’re only paying $75 a month instead of $350, we can easily meet that fee out of our own pockets, as a group. We don’t have to constantly be trying to attract new members so that they will rent land and support our merchants, because we have no problem meeting the monthly sim fee.
So to be honest, I have no idea how the events listing works on Inworldz, because on that grid we’re able to do something we’ve never been able to do on Second Life: operate a sim for the sheer fun of it.
Senban Babii
Jan 12th, 2011
avec le pickle
That was easy! For my next trick I shall require a member of the audience 8P
Seriously though, you appear to be a dramawhore. And all I did was quote your own words. Not my fault you didn’t like them. Oh and I didn’t misquote your words; you misread your own words. You originally said you left to go back to more permanent things in RL I never said you returned to SL because of more permanent things.
Here’s the simple truth. We all know SL has technical issues. You’ve been around long enough to know that. We all know LL occasionally makes less than stellar decisions. Again you’ve been round long enough to know that.
But back in 2006 and now 2011 you’re effectively bawwing. The platform is what the platform is. It has good points and bad. But to dramawhore about how LL is trying to drive away your PG groups when….wait, I’m going to check something right this second.
k back.
Just logged in and saw hundreds of PG events listed. They’re managing to fight the evil machinations of Linden Lab, so why is it you’re having problems?
Oh and two IMs waiting for me from actual Lindens. Kakko ii desu ne? Therefore I’m clearly a propaganda agent, here to disrupt any kind of story which shows the Lab in a bad light, eh?
Or maybe you’re just a dramawhore looking for some free publicity? In the hall of mirrors that is….well you know the rest.
Oh and incidentally, the whole article here was about PG events and some bug causing difficulty in getting them listed. I do love the way you’re trying to say it was actually about other things.
Meep meep
Jan 12th, 2011
But to make this clear, as a follow-up… I am not here comparing Inworldz to Second Life– although such does come up from time to time. The point being made is that the simplest things on Second Life are not functioning– and Linden Lab doesn’t seem to give a flying fig. If anyone here wants to defend a company that can’t get simple CHAT right… hey be my guest. LOL.
If you really want to make comparisons between SL and Inworldz… know what happens when I file a support ticket on Inworldz? At the very least I get a reply. Quite often– the item is fixed within a short period of time.
Which is the point here, isn’t it? Not only that the SL Events listing isn’t working… but that Linden Lab hasn’t responded to and corrected an obvious and serious issue that numerous customers have complained about for months now. What, events aren’t important? Or maybe they simply don’t really care about PG sims all that much. You tell me. Your guess is good as mine.
Seems that Inworldz seems to respect our paltry sim fee and actually treats us like valued customers. I know we aren’t paying them $350 a month for a piece of virtual grass… and we still actually get customer service. And know what? I expect that situation will continue, even as they grow. Whole different kind of management there. They care more about the customer than about profit… and as a result they have loyal customers who are happily generating them earnest profit.
That’s what it’s all about– Linden Lab caring enough to give their customers a bit of respect– and conduct business with customer welfare as Job One. It’s not how much money you make that makes you successful; it’s what you did to get it.
Jan 12th, 2011
Senban: “Seriously though, you appear to be a dramawhore. And all I did was quote your own words. Not my fault you didn’t like them. Oh and I didn’t misquote your words; you misread your own words.”
Senban, a troll smearing yet more crap on the crap pile doesn’t make it any less smelly. Your intent was pretty clear and trying to rationalize your posts by taking your own words out of context doesn’t make it any less so. I already posted evidence of you misrepresenting facts on this very thread (which of course, you conveniently ignored). By your own words you seem to think this some kind of game where you bait other people for reactions. That sir, is being a troll, pure and simple, no matter what icing you smear on the pile.
Seriously guy, you are pretty transparent in such activities… as is your habit on these boards. You regularly attack people instead of discussing the issue at hand and yes, you use propaganda and name-calling and labels on a rather regular basis. People who stoop to that pretty much are screaming their position isn’t strong enough to stand on its own– and earn no respect from me. Imo you bring nothing to these posts but attitude and arrogance and self-back patting.
I really don’t care how many PG events there are on the list. How many more would be there if this bug didn’t prevent them from posting? Have you even considered that?
SL has all kinds of bugs that are problematic, irregular, affect certain sectors, don’t affect others, sometimes work, sometimes don’t. All one has to do is read the debates about group chat issues; there’s always some buffoon who claims the problem doesn’t exist because HE supposedly never experiences it and so he discounts what everyone else is experiencing. It must be THEM, not Linden Lab or Second Life. Uh huh.
I think Senban, there are enough JIRA posts on this issue to establish the reality of the matter. All the attitude and name calling you can muster doesn’t change that evidence… nor the attitude of Linden Lab that causes it to continue after months of being reported.
Jan 12th, 2011
(Hmmm makes me wonder if Senban is a Linden that regularly comes here to derail valid issues by attacking other users.)
Jan 12th, 2011
(He sure seems to defend Linden Lab a lot… sounds like LL policy in fact… it’s got it’s good points, its bad points, its ups its downs, you don’t like it… you’re to blame. Yeah, that’s Linden up and down…)
Jan 12th, 2011
(However you are right Senban, I totally misread your comment about “more permanent things”. My bad on that one. On the other issues… pure tripe and propaganda… as already pointed out above. You DO misquote and use propaganda dude. No question on that.)
Persephone Bolero
Jan 12th, 2011
@Wayfinder “(Hmmm makes me wonder if Senban is a Linden that regularly comes here to derail valid issues by attacking other users.)”
What was that swirling sound?
Oh, I know. That was Wayfinder’s credibility going down the toilet.
Jan 12th, 2011
LOL Percsephone… that was a joke. Senban calls me a dramawhore… I call him a Linden. Typical tactics here. Just making a point. If ya can’t make your point without calling names– chances are the point is garbage to begin with. If you found my credibility dying because I called him a Linden– that’s exactly the point. ;D
Persephone Bolero
Jan 12th, 2011
@Wayfinder It wasn’t so much you called her a name. Name calling has its pros and cons.
It was more your paranoid accusations. They raised questions about the rationality of your conclusions is all. Thus that downward swirling trip your credibility took.
Jan 12th, 2011
–Which btw, is why I usually don’t comment on the Herald. I’m too easily drawn in by the childish headgames these folks thrive on. They accomplish nothing, and all they do is hamper those who might be able to prompt LL to actually wake up and stop making repetitive blundering errors.–
Jan 12th, 2011
“It was more your paranoid accusations. They raised questions about the rationality of your conclusions is all. Thus that downward swirling trip your credibility took.”
Uh, again, it was a joke. ; )
They weren’t paranoid accusations… because they weren’t accusations. They were tongue-in-cheek satire. I had hoped it would be obvious as such. If not, oops!
Of course, no way to tell really… I’ve seen Lindens masquerede on blogs before… hmmm…. ;D
Jan 13th, 2011
Back to the thread, as a note: someone back there stated they think a great deal of these problems is due to people being overworked because of the cutback in employees… and that I won’t deny. One finds it hard to believe that some 200 (?) people can adequately manage a system as complex as SL. However, apparently they couldn’t manage it before the labor cutbacks either. These problems have been going on for years.
As an example, it took them more than five years to figure out there was a texture issue, when they had been informed that not only was there an issue, but the exact nature of its cause. How long as group chat been totally messed up now? In short… how many Linden’s does it take to fix a major bug. Answer: No one knows. Never been done. ;D
(I love that joke).
Senban Babii
Jan 13th, 2011
Wow Wayfinder, I really got to you didn’t I? 8D
On a scale of one to ten with one being none and ten being loads, just how much froth is there spraying from your mouth right now? Is your eye twitching uncontrollably? Is the big vein in your head throbbing? 8D
Oh and yes, I’m so totally a Linden in secret. Didn’t you know? Everyone else does. I think tomorrow I shall wear my Super Secret Linden Decoder Ring just because I can. You really are paranoid though, aren’t you? Just because someone points out the flaws in your arguments, you assume they’re part of a secret conspiracy by the reptilian overlords that run SL? Perspective. Please try to gain some.
Incidentally you claim I attack and derail other users? Oh yes, didn’t you know? Huge history of that, I’m famous for it. Ask anyone. Oh wait, it isn’t true at all. You won’t often find me actually flaming and trolling, here or elsewhere. Usually I’m just making jokes or small points as part of the discussion. As in fact I did here until you made it clear that you were virtually incandescent with rage at the universe and too good an opportunity to miss
Oh btw, it’s Ms Babii to you, “dude” (o )( o)
Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
Jan 13th, 2011
I think Wayfinder is Prok in seekrit disguise. Shhh, don’t tell people! He’s bein sneaky, LOL
Jan 13th, 2011
@Senban: Yaaawwwnnn…
@Bubblesort: Ouch. Now that hurts. ;D
Pappy Enoch
Jan 13th, 2011
Ya’ll elfs needs to git Santy Claus after them Lindens. Tell ‘em they gits sacks o’ coal and bundles o’ switches next year under that-thar Xmas tree.
O’ course, if’n the fake world folds up an’ blows away, that mite be all they’ll git next year.
Pappy Enoch
Jan 13th, 2011
Oh yeah, maybe I are drunk, but what in the Sam Hill do IBM got to do wif elfs?
I been a-starin’ at the photygraf you done run and figured ya’ll am still hung-over from that-there shindig wif the Post 6 gals.
That IBM rascal skeers me. I don’t trust no feller in a suit nohow.
AM Oderngrl
Jan 13th, 2011
Sen honey,
Maybe it’s the AO?
Your sister in small points
At0m0 Beerbaum
Jan 13th, 2011
You misunderstand, I’m saying stop playing it because it’s crap
I practice what I preach, I havent played it in a long time now. I logged on once about 2 months ago out of curiosity.
needless to say, uninstalled the SL client after about an hour.
When I say “stop playing” I dont mean “stop playing and get out of SL if you dont like it” I mean stop playing because it’s a waste of time and you’re at the mercy of he whims of a company that merely got lucky in 2006, and totally botched their chance at making SL better, instead they cracked down on users, constantly fuck things up, and strip down the experience with every “improvement”
Do yourself a favor, uninstall that horseshit and move on.
Senban Babii
Jan 13th, 2011
“Sen honey,
Maybe it’s the AO?”
Ah well, in all fairness I did aim for a *slightly* tomboyish feel when I was putting it together. Maybe I went too far with that? Hehe oh well.
No other words were necessary
Judge Joker
Jan 13th, 2011
@Wayfinder Alphaville Herald Rule One, never comment on your own article unless absolutely necessary.
Jan 13th, 2011
@Wayflounder: It is just a game! Love it or leave it (or grief it as some have done)!
@Sen: WTG girl!
Senban Babii
Jan 13th, 2011
For your convenience, I just added up the number of words you’ve posted here on this comment thread.
That’s two thousand eight hundred and sixty sixty words.
101100110010 words
B32 words
две тысячи 800 и шестьдесят шесть слов
That’s some wow incandescent rage you’ve got going there. Really.
Persephone Bolero
Jan 13th, 2011
That’s MMDCCCLXVI, which is more than I too many.
II Singh
Jan 14th, 2011
@At0m0 Beerbaum
You echo my feelings towards SL. I did the same thing about two years ago and only tune in occasionally to the blogs to hear the news of its demise so I can piss on the ashes.
two words
Jan 14th, 2011
Wayfinder – “So to be honest, I have no idea how the events listing works on Inworldz, because on that grid we’re able to do something we’ve never been able to do on Second Life: operate a sim for the sheer fun of it.”
here’s your clue, Inworldz doesn’t HAVE event listings like sl, they don’t even HAVE search. so there you go, one thing you or anyone else has never been able to do in Inwordz, search!
marilyn murphy
Jan 14th, 2011
senban is ebul….eeeeebul i say.
who the hell is wayfinder? i need to get to know the new people more i guess.
Nelson Jenkins
Jan 14th, 2011
Damn, did I miss the flamewar? I gotta get with the times here.
Jan 14th, 2011
@At0m0: “You misunderstand, I’m saying stop playing it because it’s crap”
Yeah, that’s what thought. There were two possibilities, and seemed overall you were suggesting the course of wisdom. : )
@Judge: “Alphaville Herald Rule One, never comment on your own article unless absolutely necessary.”
Yup, I have to totally concur. Every once in a while I forget what a troll-hole this is.
No insult; that was part of its original intent. In Uri’s words way back in 2005, “Maybe we can give trolls a place to play and draw some of them away from the other blogs.” I always did like Uri’s sense of humor.
(Second thing I forgot was to recognize trolls for what they are and ignore them. Which rule I’m about to make an exception to because I just can’t resist in this case…)
@ Senban: No matter what you may care to claim about me or anyone else… I can say one thing– I’m not lame enough to actually waste my time counting the number of words you post. LOL. That’s just goofy.
That said and pretty obvious, taking Judge’s and At0m0′s advice– and moving on to more sane activities. No one has anything to prove here. We’ll let the Linden Lab trainwreck prove it for us. ; )
Senban Babii
Jan 14th, 2011
“No matter what you may care to claim about me or anyone else… I can say one thing– I’m not lame enough to actually waste my time counting the number of words you post. LOL. That’s just goofy.”
Cut and paste into Word, took something like thirty seconds. I was happy to expend thirty seconds of my life in the cause of ragging on you 8D
Oh and goofy? That actually sums me up nicely
I like this. Goofy. Today I shall be goofy
btw that’s now 3081 words, congratulations!
Incidentally, people denounce others as trolls when what they mean is that their argument has been torn to shreds by other people and now rather than accept the new evidence to inform their position, they choose instead to denounce those who disagreed with them as trolls. You’ve been proven wrong at every possible turn, this embarrasses you and so you choose to attack instead of re-evaluate.
You’d think that in 3081 words you would have been able to form at least the basis of a valid argument. If this were part of a study programme, you’d now be resubmitting your assignment. Painful when you think of it in those terms, isn’t it?
@two words
“here’s your clue, Inworldz doesn’t HAVE event listings like sl, they don’t even HAVE search. so there you go, one thing you or anyone else has never been able to do in Inwordz, search!”
It’s also worth pointing out that Inworldz doesn’t need events listings because when there’s only a dozen people there anyway, it’s far easier to simply tell them in person
Persephone Bolero
Jan 14th, 2011
@Wayfinder Your problem is that you turn your dissatisfaction with Linden’s services into an act of injustice.
Or at least you imply such with comments like this: “Such suggestions boil down basically to the same thing: ‘Don’t stand and fight for what you believe or what is right.”
Stand and fight? What you believe? What is right? You honor those who lost their lives at Auschwitz! What do you believe? That virtual elves everywhere should be able to search without problems? And the Polish Resistance thought they were fighting for a just cause. If only they could have seen someone with REAL problems!
Linden Labs will run their business how they see fit, and there’s nothing you can do to force them to do otherwise other than to reduce or eliminate the level you do business with them, like taking all or some of your business to this Inwolrdz you keep mentioning.
Of course, as many point out here, Inworldz lacks many of the features SL has, and that’s just it. We are limited in our consumer choices with this medium. It’s new and there’s few alternatives. So, when they’re dissatisfied, many people feel trapped and powerless. But that sense of powerlessness and lack of choice is not Linden’s fault. Just the dissatisfaction. That’s all their responsible for. And that’s not about right and wrong. It’s about satisfied or not. Nothing more.
When you couch your dissatisfaction in victim language, it’s hard for anyone, including Linden Labs, to take you seriously.
Horton Hoonoo
Jan 14th, 2011
Welcome to Herald. We love fresh meat.
Now- more pressing matters, Mrs. Hoonoo would like an audience with an elf named Figwit.
Not just any Figwit, mind you, THE Figwit.
Can you make this happen?
I can pay a LOT.
Jan 15th, 2011
Well dangsit, how does one turn off these email feeds here? LOL
@Persephone: Your opinion is noted. However, tell me… are you actually presenting that businesses / corporations do not victimize people, and that any such impression of such is nothing more than drama without basis in reality? Honestly?
IF Linden Lab conducted their company ethically and legally, if they kept their word and honored their contracts and if they spent their time working on product performance for the last seven years, if they worked to deliver what their customers are paying for (and their customers are paying a LOT), then yes, it would simply be a matter as you described– a company conducting business as they see fit and people being dissatisfied with that company.
But that’s not what has gone on here, has it? Linden Lab has repeatedly breeched promises, changed their TOS and forced /coerced such on their customers, have stolen customer properties (they have been sued, successfully, and suits are still pending), destroyed customer investments through totally self-serving policy changes, used bait-and-switch price hikes (and those things are just the tip of the iceberg), and basically run their business in a narcissistic and unethical manner that has cost their customers millions of dollars in lost investments and untold man-hours.
So are you really presenting that this is just “business as usual”?
Wow, people on this board are more naive and gullible than I thought. Linden Lab has a seven-year history of pure customer abuse, and you think my claims in these regards are “hard to take seriously”?
What would it take for them to royally tick you off anyway– directly raiding your bank account or stealing your car? Just how much does a company have to do before people take off the rose colored glasses and start standing up for their ethical and legal rights… at least in word if not by deed?
What exactly do you people think you are accomplishing here? Senban by being a blatant troll (despite typical denial) and trying to derail an otherwise viable thread by drawing attention away from the subject… what a waste of time (probably almost as much a waste as my replying to her. LOL). And you Persephone, by defending the company and presenting them as simply conducting business… are in fact enabling this company in further such activities.
I mean, you want to defend them go ahead. But don’t tell me I’m messed up because you decide to eat whatever garbage they throw at you.
What will it take– Linden Lab destroying Second Life before you folks wake up and see what’s really happening with this company? Get a reality check people. You have the stats the same as I. The last official poll showed Linden Lab with an 88% product disapproval rate. What does it take to wake you up to the reality of a business being mismanaged… declining… with a very possible eventuality of company failure. Historically folks, if you know anything about the trends of mis-managed companies, that is the direction this train is going.
No Persephone, I’m not misrepresenting, exagerrating, or incorrectly portraying anything. I’m laying it on the line. I appreciate you don’t agree and I respect that position– but at least respect mine in return. Over the past six years my published predictions regarding Linden Lab and Second Life have been pretty close to 100% accurate. So I don’t really think I’m over-reacting or presenting these issues in a skewed or unrealistic manner. You may not agree, but that’s what makes the world turn. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong.
And YES Persephone… I have at times discussed here the difference between right and wrong in their management of SL… not just doing normal business. You all still know what the meaning of right vs wrong is, yes? Or is everyone here so jaded that concept no longer has any meaning? Or do folks here buy the growing philosophy that profit makes right, no matter how it’s gained? Perhaps folks have the Linden Lab mentality that there is no need to worry about consequences for actions. Hey after all, Bill Gates pulled it off, didn’t he? Doesn’t matter how many people get hurt in the process… so long as he made MONEY, right?
Now on that I think I will really, really try to find that “cease notifications” button… because when people start discussing Auschwitz and the Polish Resistance in a thread about Linden Lab… it gets to be pretty obvious someone somewhere is fairly unbalanced… and I’m pretty sure it’s not all me. ; )
@Senban: I’d respond further but seriously, you’re a loon.