Post 6 Party Wrap Up: Tambourines & Dance Poles
by Alphaville Herald on 11/01/11 at 1:04 pm
by Socialista Butterfly
On Sunday, the Glitterati, Illuminati, Post 6 Models and all creatures great and small of Second Life gathered at Sinister’s for a houseparty for the ages. The sim filled to near capacity, but didn’t falter or crash – though it did send Post 6 Photographer Timothy Morpork and Herald Editrix Pixeleen Mistral into occasional bouts of crashiness, as per their norm. Club owner Someone Sinister and DJ Jasper Rock kept the party moving and it seems a good time was had by all.

Post 6 model Jimbo Quality rocks a sinister tambourine
Timothy Morpork has created a Flickr Group for images from the party, and if you tried to upload pictures earlier and were thwarted by the maturity settings, try again, they’ve been reset to Post 6 levels of NSFW. If the small sample here isn’t enough, check out the Flickr group, and if you were there and took a few, add them to the group! [conspiracy theorists will be studying these pictures for weeks - you don't think the tambourines are just tambourines, do you? -- the Editrix]
Do be sure and get through Timothy’s giant posting to see the great pictures posted by Saxoni Fernstalker! The flickr group is here:
Senban Babii
Jan 11th, 2011
“conspiracy theorists will be studying these pictures for weeks – you don’t think the tambourines are just tambourines, do you?”
I’m convinced my tambourine gave me communism.
But I’m also convinced I can pick up secret transmissions from Linden Lab on the fillings in my teeth so maybe the tambourines are innocent after all.
Saxoni Fenstalker
Jan 11th, 2011
Hey – thanks for mentioning my pics! The party was a blast — nothing but good clean irreverent fun! Clovis and I did find tambourines hidden in our inventories later. They keep whispering something to us in Russian.
Obvious Schism
Jan 12th, 2011
Great party. Many thanks to the organisers and all those who attended. I just hope I didn’t leave any splinters on that pole.
James Freud
Jan 12th, 2011
Glad I missed it.
I mean,
Damn, I missed it.
Senban Babii
Jan 12th, 2011
One of my favourite bits was I’m A Korean, strange but true.
It just cries out for a parody song along the lines of I’m A Gorean, don’t you think?
General Drama
Jan 13th, 2011
A parody of a parody? LOL, you are welcome for enjoying my request. Frankly I was surprised the DJ had the song and had the chutzpah to play it. It’s too bad some unwelcome vigilantes had to ruin the party for some participants, but they’re getting their comeuppance, so I’m told. Keep your eyes on the funny papers.
Senban Babii
Jan 13th, 2011
/me salutes the General
Hadn’t actually realised it was you behind the General Drama posts, it was good to bump into you again 8D