Archive for February, 2011
The Triumphant Return of Jimbo Quality – Part 3

Jimbo Quality and the Scarlet Pimple Hell, The Story’s Epic Contusion. by Jimbo Quality After a couple of days at the Herald Bunker in Jessie, life was good. Better than good in some ways. Miss Pix keeps the fridge well stocked and doesn’t seem to notice I’m mooching from it, the couches are soft and [...]
Full StoryRod Humble: Current SL Players Key to Growth

Better shoes might help, too Linden Lab CEO Rod Humble believes giving current Second Life players better tools for content creation is a key to increasing interest in the struggling virtual world. The new leader of Second Life said Friday that first step in getting more players to sign up is "to have more people [...]
Full StoryA Secret Garden in Second Life

Why is adding a memorial to Linden Memorial Park so hard? by suzy Honi One of the greatest secrets of Second Life is a huge region owned by the Linden’s but open to everyone. The land is beautifully landscaped and formed with beaches, flowers, woods and streams. It is one of the most beautiful open [...]
Full StoryVeronika Dimanovic — Post 6 Grrrrl

[I would like to give a special thanks to Shyayn Lusch for giving me a couple of weeks off and sharing with us a couple of fantastic Post 6 Grrrls. Do yourselves a favor and check out Shyayn's store, Shag. Veronika Dimanovic is perhaps the most modest and unassuming Post 6 model ever to IM [...]
Full StoryThe Triumphant Return of Jimbo Quality — Part 2

Jimbo Quality Finds a Home: the boring part in the middle of a three part series. by Jimbo Quality, haiku master and munitions technician After awakening from my year long slumber and finding the Herald offices gone, I was happy to see my invisible friend Jeebus log on. He was surprised I was awake, I [...]
Full StoryThe Triumphant Return of Jimbo Quality – Part 1

by Jimbo Quality, Haiku master I didn’t know what time it was, or where I was, all I knew was that someone was shaking me. “Jimbo,” a voice kept saying, “you have to wake up, the Herald needs you.” I awoke and to my surprise it was Justine Babii, the cute little Post 6 Photographer [...]
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