Archive for April, 2011
Op/Ed: Profiles in Chicanery: Caine Constantine

by Le Creuset New Jessie President Caine Constantine He’s donned typical American apparel; blue shirt, high waist chinos, brown belt. The skin; a rugged “warts and all” look that would set one back several thousand Lindens, coupled with the hazel, sculpted hair he sports, Indeed, Caine Constantine bears the patina of the revolutionary capitalist in [...]
Full StoryMagdalenamarie Cooperstone — Post 6 Grrrrl

[The other day I got a "Hey, you should meet....she'd be a great model for you" from a reader and I followed up and had the good luck to meet Magdalenamarie Cooperstone, the beautiful and intelligent avatar to whom our reader referred me. During her shoot, I also got to meet a half dozen other [...]
Full StoryWhy The New Signup Site Is Not Helping SL

Hubris and sensipoo Iinden follow the path of the SL noob to displayname nirvana Hoping to counter a worrying trend of declining interest in Second Life, the Lab unveiled a new signup/orientation and dumbed-down “basic” viewer a week ago. Is mass acceptance of the walled garden of cyber delights just around the corner? Perhaps not. [...]
Full StoryWill Scratch Cards Save Second Life?

Linden Lab Enters Gambling Business by Journey Yellowlist, Herald Gambling Desk San Francisco based Linden Lab, maker of the Second Life disaster virtual world, announced today that it was killing its ridiculous and insulting failed to get enough traction from its virtual-pet campaign and will switch to a sure-fire, lag-free revenue stream: Metaverse-themed lottery tickets [...]
Full StoryNelson Jenkins — Post 6 Furry

[I do, contrary to popular opinion, occasionally read the comments, and when I saw that Nelson Jenkins volunteered himself to pose, and it was immediately seconded and thirded, I jumped at the opportunity to feature him. Nelson was charming and a pleasure to work with, and it is an honor to introduce him as this [...]
Full Story3 Sims That Will Make You Want To Return to Second Life!

by Cayce Urriah, Mandalorian Reporter Hoi Herald readers! It’s been some time, but with the total concurancy of SL dropping, it’s time for your favorite helmeted journalist to step in and show off some of the best sims in Second Life again. Even as griefers pummel the grid, even as Redzone revivalists plot to gain [...]
Full StoryDontspill McGinnis — Post 6 Dwarf

[I take pride in Post 6 being a place where all sorts of Second Life residents can show off their avatar, so when it was pointed out in the comments last week that we've never featured a dwarf, I went on the hunt for one. Luckily, the person who complained that we'd never featured a [...]
Full StoryLetter to the Editor: Doom and Gloom Not A Solution to Lindens’ Inner Stupidity
Hello, my name is Paola, I think you must be a very busy person and maybe getting lots of feedback and replies in your mail, I will try to be brief. I read the Herald today (I do not very often), and I was pretty alarmed with your statement about the future of Second Life, [...]
Full StorySL Population Crash Continues

How can player concurrency sink to 2008 levels despite 10,000+ new accounts per day? According to Tateru Nino’s SL statistics charts, the last 12 months have seen a 12% drop in concurrent online Second Life players, with concurrency levels falling to July of 2008 levels. Sadly, there is no sign of a turnaround in sight. [...]
Full StorySLCC 2011 — Lab Prepares For Repeat Resident Chalk Assault?

Will the news that the 2011 Second Life Community Convention is to be held in San Francisco sometime in August lead to a run on water, buckets, brushes and other cleaning supplies as Linden Lab shores up it’s defenses against a shrinking customer base? The Second Life mainland in real life – SLCC 2009 The [...]
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