Archive for April, 2011
Drama Philter — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[I met Drama Philter a couple of years ago and have been enchanted ever since. I was thrilled to bump into her again the other day, and even more thrilled when she finally agreed to pose for Post 6. She is one of the most genuinely funny people I have ever met, and certainly one [...]
Full StoryCould Sims 2 Baby BBQ Seriously Help SL Survive?

Or will Second Life users’ hate and fear of change destroy the metavese? by Omelet ex-Linden, concerned shareholder Recently I was talking with my last two inside-the-Lab contacts – Sensipoo and Hubris Linden – about Second Life’s trajectory, which inevitably ends in oblivion. As usual, Sensipoo Linden broke into tears at the thought of criticism [...]
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