Timothy Morpork — Post 6 Retrospective
by Alphaville Herald on 27/05/11 at 2:36 am
This week marks my two year anniversary as the Post 6 Photographer. I am celebrating by taking a couple of weeks off and running pictures of past models that have not been previously published here. Before I do that, though, I want to run this picture, of my beautiful wife Carol and I doing out own quickie version of American Gothic.

Timothy and Carol -- American Gothic
Besides showing off her beauty, I want to run a picture of Carol because I met her not long after starting as the Post 6 Photographer, and week in and week out she has put up with the craziness of this job. Post 6 is a wonderful thing and I’m proud to be the photographer, but it is a grind, and she has been there for me with support, encouragement, and some weeks even, with a hot new friend willing to model.

Magdalenamarie Cooperstone
All of the people I’ve met while working for the Herald is the best part of the job. From Pix and the other writers like Jimbo and Jessica to the past photographers like Marilyn and Justine, I’ve met some people that I consider myself blessed to know. The biggest number of people who have touched my life in this job are of course the models, who week after week impress me with their charm and talents and keep me coming back to this job. I love working with the Post 6 Models, and love most that most of them keep in touch and say Hi even months and months after their shoot.

Clawtooth Aker
So, this week you get a few shots from random models of the past. It is often the case that after a shoot I’ll have a dozen pictures that are good enough to use, and from them we have to pick three. It’s nice to be able to show some that I loved but didn’t use. I hope you enjoy them.

Ashyne Demonista
It is nice to celebrate this milestone here at the Herald, thank you for all the love you’ve shown me over the past two years, I look forward to the next two years. J
hobo kelly
May 27th, 2011
oh, and of course I would like to thank the Academy for having faith and sticking with me even when the screen tests were coming back bad, and my mom and dad thanks for having me and giving the world such a marvelous gift, and to Prokofy Neva who taught me all about beauty those many years ago and whose influences can be seen in my work even today, and of course I would like to thank Second Life and all the uber-geniuses who made a world where a mutt like me with a fake camera could rise to this level of international fame and acclaim and no-doubt mega financial success that will assuredly follow. xoxo XOXO I LOVE YOU ALL… GOOD NIGHT !!!
marilyn murphy
May 27th, 2011
he gets paid???!!!!
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
Your actual two year anniversary was on the 20th Timothy, two years since you published SeriNari Fall’s Post 6 (and what a way to start your stint!)
As your seventh model I count myself as an early Morpork and will no doubt some day be worth upwards of five dollars to the serious collector (although my original packaging is probably worth more lol).
So well done Timothy, you’ve lasted longer than any other photographer. You may not have created it but you’ve made it your own.
marilyn murphy
May 27th, 2011
pfft! two years is not in contention for longest time in that job.
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
Apologies Marilyn but I was going by the obvious dates. There were a lot of temporary photographers during your reign and it confuses just how long you held the post for. If you know the actual dates I’d be more than happy to add the correct information to the list in my blog
marilyn murphy
May 27th, 2011
lol, hey, its simply not important. i really dont know the actual dates involved, i stopped and took it up again twice. i think your composing that web site with the list of post six people is a very nice thing to do..ty for that. it is fun to be the post six photographer, and then again, its not so fun from time to time. like most things. i just get on here and mouth off with my own twisted sense of humor laughing in the background. all in all, post six was a good idea i believe, and it all leads back to uri. so hate it or like it, it is all his fault.
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
Curse that Uri and his fevered imagination 8P
Don’t worry about the dates thing, I’m going through each entry checking for who did what. I’d always intended to go back and do that otherwise people would miss out on the credit (or blame lol) that they’d deserve. It’s actually quite interesting going back that far in the Herald articles. You come across some real long-forgotten gems at times.
Pappy Enoch
May 27th, 2011
Where am the nekkid picture o’ me?
Happy Memorable Day to y’all US readers. I is already drunk.
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
Here you go Pappy <3
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
I think you’ve got more to celebrate than you realise
I’ve just been crunching numbers, working out who did how many Post 6 articles over the years. In reverse order…
AS – Alyx Stoklitsky (2)
SL – Shyayn Lusch (2)
DS – Delora Starbrook (5)
DL – Daeynaries Lane (7)
DM – Daphne Molinari (9)
HW/JS – Heart Wishbringer/Joe Stravinsky (10)
BB – Bunny Brickworks (33)
JB – Justine Babii (37)
MM – Marilyn Murphy (81)
But here’s the big surprise.
TM – Timothy Morpork (100)
This was your 100th Post 6 article, not counting party announcements etc. Had you realised?
Persephone Bolero
May 27th, 2011
I want to be a Post6 photographer. I never tried it on the other end of the camera.
What would be really cool is if I could do my own Post6 article again. I could take pictures of myself and do a whole new writeup all about me. And I could write it all in third-person just to make it sound all objective.
“Bolero says she doesn’t know why people are drawn to her, but she does her best to not let it go to her head.”
Oh! And then I could start a website http://www.persephoneisawesome.com. And I could post more pictures of myself there. And then we could have a Persephone is Awesome party to celebrate me and my awesomeness with 10m-high pictures of me on all the walls.
And Senban could come and talk about how awesome Eve Online is.
Yeah…I’m bored at work…on a Friday…before a three-day weekend.
Senban Babii
May 27th, 2011
“And Senban could come and talk about how awesome Eve Online is.”
/me stirs a handful of dead spiders into your coffee jar and grins
May 28th, 2011
I hope you didn’t pay for that dragon tattoo Timothy. Whoever “made” it grabbed it from google images ;3
Persephone Bolero
Jun 3rd, 2011
Timothy really should post another “best of.” It’s been three weeks already.