Winston Omega Storm — Post 6 Grrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 09/06/11 at 1:22 am
[I had no idea that last week's post was #100 and I want to sincerely thank Senban for her research! For the 101st of Post of my Post 6 career, I thought I might hit a furry sim as we haven't featured a fur in a while. Like a noob, I was standing and gawking at the BaY Club when Winston was trying to TP. After I apologized for blocking the landing spot, we struck up a conversation, and to my delight Winston agreed to pose for us. It is with great pleasure that I introduce the lovely and talented Winston Storm, Post 6 Model. ~Timothy Morpork]
My name is Winston Omega Storm, and I am a hermaphrodite Anubian jackal, and I love every moment of being sexy.
However, don't let my exterior fool you, inside is a fighter with good aim. I enjoy first person combat sims as well as good roleplays. I don't mind being touched, rubbed on and felt up, but if you hurt me I'll bite.
In the ever expanding world of Second Life, I am an escort at the BaY club, also know as the Bondage and Yiff club. I have my own little corner of the world, ever so small, but it's a place that is mine. Also in this world I'm all over the palce, clubs, parks, communities, I just love this world. You can usually find me at the BaY, dancing to music and/or chatting with friends, having a good time. You may even find me bent over for ya, after of course, you've paid, them my smexy little rump is all yours.
Besides being a kink indulger, I just enjoy having a good time, regardless of how it is done. When ya catch me on a good day, I'm one of the nicer people you can find in this world, don't be shy, gimme a poke!
When it comes to getting naughty I'm totally submissive in bed, or whatever I'm being pressed against while I'm taken. I admit with a smidge of pride I can be a tad of a cum whore.. I mean, c'mon the stuff is so warm and tasty! I'll do just about anything once, and even then I'll still do just about anything I'm told or asked to do.
I've never written a full on bio before, but this is what I have for ya, if ya have questions all ya got to do is ask, I'm an open book!
Pappy Enoch
Jun 9th, 2011
Well, thank Gawd the Herald am back in fine form, talkin’ about fake body fluids and whatnot.
Jun 9th, 2011
Please, coud the Herald write something besides Post 6? Timothy must be the only person who is writing anymore.
Jun 9th, 2011
What do you mean you haven’t done a furry in awhile? What about Nelson?
James Freud
Jun 9th, 2011
Wow. First published story since May 27th…..wait, even that one was a “Post 6 Retrospective”, cause you know, everyone was just dying for one of those……so let’s make it first published story since May 19th and it’s a Post 6 Grrrl.
Great site you’ve got here guys. You should be proud.
Senban Babii
Jun 9th, 2011
“I want to sincerely thank Senban for her research! ”
You’re welcome Timothy
It’s amazing what you can do when you’re sitting at your desk bored
Senban Babii
Jun 9th, 2011
“When it comes to getting naughty I’m totally submissive in bed, or whatever I’m being pressed against while I’m taken. I admit with a smidge of pride I can be a tad of a cum whore.. I mean, c’mon the stuff is so warm and tasty! I’ll do just about anything once, and even then I’ll still do just about anything I’m told or asked to do.”
Ohhh! I’ve figured out what’s happened to the Herald! We’ve all been wondering why there were no stories being written, various theories have been floated but I finally worked it out
The Herald has been bought out by Craigslist and is now being used by whores to advertise their services.
Horton HooNoo
Jun 9th, 2011
Nelson is a troll, not a furry.
Dontspill McGinnis
Jun 9th, 2011
@ Senban
“The Herald has been bought out by Craigslist and is now being used by whores to advertise their services.”
Are you making an offer? If so, I have my own stepladder.
(It even has rubber steps….)
Senban Babii
Jun 9th, 2011
“It even has rubber steps….”
Ahh glad to see you practice safe sex :3
Wait. Dwarf. Stepladder. You wouldn’t happen to be Casanunda would you? O.o
Jun 9th, 2011
“Nelson is a troll, not a furry.”
Nelson is the Tiger.
Go getem Tiger
Dontspill McGinnis
Jun 9th, 2011
@ Senban
“Wait. Dwarf. Stepladder. You wouldn’t happen to be Casanunda would you?”
No, I am not he. However, there is a reason he was only the the worlds second greatest lover..
Senban Babii
Jun 9th, 2011
Dontspill, is it me or is this conversation heading towards you asking me if I have any dwarf in me? 8D
Jun 10th, 2011
@Winston Storm “In the ever expanding world of Second Life”
OK but I thought the metrics said Second Life had stopped expanding and was now in a period of contraction.
Where’ve you been all this time, under a primramid?
Though I didn’t find time to read the rest of what you said, but anyway nice cock! as that’s all it ever comes down to.
@fararden and sure Nelson’s a furry, regardless of what cock he uses to express himself on this site and through his comments.
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 10th, 2011
@ Bunjie
No, I’m still a troll, not a furry. At least not the stereotypical one. Feel free to call me a fag[got], though, because I’m quite sure that I’m still homosexual.
On that note, decent pics, decent write-up. I abhor the concept of prostitution (especially in SL… no idea who would bother paying for it when anyone with any semblance of social skills can get laid in an hour tops) but hey, to each his own. Probably makes more money than I do with that sexy avatar, eh?
Winston Storm
Jun 10th, 2011
No, I have not been hiding under a pyramid, and when i say ‘ever expanding’, I am referring to the user created content, such as my avatar that I worked very hard to make look as good as it does, any idea how hard black is to work with in detail? While things are down in SL, content is always being created, either it be a piece of junk made by a n00b, a tool made by a troll ( No offense Nelson <3), or be it a super awesome space ship with 40 rooms, 12 escape pods and a toilet that will wipe your virtual ass, something is ALWAYS being made.
@ Nelson Jenkins
Thank you for the compliment on the pics, I'm happy the way they turned out.
marilyn murphy
Jun 10th, 2011
i think he is sorta asking if you want a dwarf in you.
hobo kelly
Jun 10th, 2011
didn’t anthony weiner just do this? how about some creativity here instead of just copying someone else’s memes? unoriginal.
Senban Babii
Jun 10th, 2011
“i think he is sorta asking if you want a dwarf in you.”
Hehe yes, that’s what I was getting at.
Dontspill: Do you have a little dwarf in you?
Senban: No
Don’tspill: Would you like some?
Senban: O.o
Dontspill McGinnis
Jun 10th, 2011
Actually, I’m a step ladder salesman..
You ladies and your one track minds!
Orca Flotta
Jun 10th, 2011
[i]Actually, I’m a step ladder salesman..
You ladies and your one track minds![/i]
Dontspill is the tiger
Go getem Tiger
Winston Storm
Jun 10th, 2011
@ Hobo Kitty
Original? I’m as original as it gets
Jun 11th, 2011
YAY Tiger!!!!!!!
(Nelson is still my most favorite Tiger
Senban Babii
Jun 11th, 2011
“Actually, I’m a step ladder salesman.. You ladies and your one track minds! XD”
I am vaguely disappoint
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 12th, 2011
Man, comments pretty much died… I need to write a troll article or something.
Persephone Bolero
Jun 12th, 2011
@Nelson I’d say at this point we really don’t have any other options.
Jun 12th, 2011
@Nelson Jenkins
Perhaps a forum like I’ve been asking for over a year would solve the issue of us having somewhere to vent and post news PROTIPS to be farmed into articles?
COME ON PIX GIVE US A FUCKING FORUM, FOR FUCK SAKE! don’t leave us hanging like trash in the wind!
Senban Babii
Jun 12th, 2011
Jun 12th, 2011
YAY! Go getem Tiger
marilyn murphy
Jun 13th, 2011
@nelson: a troll article is easy. write about that gorean furry shemale master who keeps his/her neko slaves in old gateway computer boxes scattered around the land he/she is squatting on. describe how she is a fat loser female typist who lives in her dads basement. instant troll material.
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 13th, 2011
@ marilyn murphy
Or I could just write about how I love the cock.
marilyn murphy
Jun 13th, 2011
or that.
Jun 13th, 2011
Go getem Tiger
Jun 14th, 2011
My eyes bleed.
Jun 22nd, 2011
Nelson is not the stereotypical furry. Yet he loves the cock. I’d say that is pretty much a stereotype. (And it’s not like furfag and troll are mutually exclusive)
hobo kelly
Jun 22nd, 2011
so like I was walking through SL8B the other day… trying to avoid those Pod Cars that the whacko Crazy Cat Lady badmouthed about running all over the Durango sim and then they show up as the official Pod Cars of SL8B, haha you gotta love that, anyway, while avoiding Pod Cars AND walking along in SL8B I passed a place called the Transgender Clubfoot Club House or something like that, and it had a place that was raised up somewhat above the road level where it was round and had places for people to sit in the round and commiserate in group fashion about how desperately uncomfortable they are having to live in their own skin or something like that… but when I looked up there to see what I could see, I saw that there was a pretty good group grope going on right then, there were quite a few of them there and they were all sad and emo and complaining and stuff, but… THEY WERE ALL FURRYS…!!?? I didn’t even know that animals cared about stuff like that. I didn’t even know that Furrys could even form higher thought patterns to where they could even care what kind of reproductive organs they have. Hell most of them would have to bathe in Nair to even start to tell what they have down there, and the other half are animals that carry their reproductive organs on the inside of their body so they would need Steve Irwin to sex their cloaca before they would even know to turn on the Furry Disphoria. I guess that was ONE weird thing I saw at SL8B…
Jun 23rd, 2011
You’d be surprised at how many furries are also trolls. Or, at least, how many attempt to be trolls.
I find it kinda funny when furries try to deny being furries. Just be yourself, don’t give a shit what people think.
If you’re a furry, be a furry. You don’t have to advertise it like cola, but you don’t have to lie about it or hide it either, much like being gay.
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 24th, 2011
@ Dubbleyew
I’m quite clearly gay, but not so much furry. Don’t have a Furaffinity account or whatever the fuck, prefer human porn, and don’t sit around whining about how nobody accepts me. Don’t like furry avatars? No problem, I’ve got a human one that I use half of the time anyway. Yet I do one troll Post 6 and all of a sudden I’m a full-fledged furfag… hey, show it if ya got it, that’s what I always say. Doesn’t work too well with the parole officer, though…
Jun 24th, 2011
@Nelson Jenkins
Hay Nelly, remember when you told us you went to a furcon and met that emerald Dev Lonely Bluebird?
And he bragged to you how he made copy exploit clients and if I remember correctly you was rather pissed off about it, and judging by your involvement in the business aspects of Second Life during those years it’s rather an understandable point of view.
I believe like anyone would that such a point of view helped fuel your involvement in blogging about and exposing the issues surrounding emerald gate, and not just because you perhaps enjoyed the mayhem unleashed.
And as you’re such a good researcher and statistician perhaps you could give us a run down of how many none furries attend furcons in those years and in what capacity you attended, either as a furry or as an anonymous masked raider during the previous years protests and mayhem directed at the furry fandom.
And as such did you and Lonely Bluebird attend with the same purpose to cause trouble, and should anyone whom ran those furcons in previous years, now think of you as a suspect for any damage or anonymous masked actions that took place that may or may not have damaged anyone’s suit or enjoyment.
Jun 24th, 2011
@Nelson Jenkins
I’ll give you three choices:
1. You went to furcon as an anonymous protester and caused trouble.
2. You went to a furcon as a furry, and you’re a 100% furry and a liar.
3. You went to furcon as someone curious about the fandom, and then continue to use furry avatars, which means you’re a closet furry.
Pick wisely.
Jun 24th, 2011
Well Nelson is very convincing there. If he thinks that to be a furry one has to have a furaffinity account and has to not like human porn and has to whine about not being liked it’s pretty clear he knows jack shit about furries.
While in reality one only has to have a liking for anthropomorphic animals in art and literature, nothing more to fit the title of furry.
A concept so basic and simple and he didn’t get that, proof enough for me he knows nothing about the subject.
Jun 24th, 2011
@ Bunjie: little known and oft denied fact.. the ‘anonymous protesters’ that picketed outside Anthrocon a few years back with their yiff in hell signs and afro wigs… were furries.
Of course anonymous will deny this high ànd low but the evidence is there and easy to find with the allknowing goooogle.
One could say that their trolling was qiote successful
Persephone Bolero
Jun 24th, 2011
Hey, I got a question. Do furfags have furfag hags?
Jun 24th, 2011
“Hey, I got a question. Do furfags have furfag hags?”
I bet you cannot say that 10 times really fast without goofing up.
Go getem Tiger
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 24th, 2011
@ Bunjie
You’re thinking of someone else, I’ve never been to a furcon and have no intention of going to one. I recall someone telling that story, but it certainly wasn’t me. Sorry you’re so confused.
@ DF
So you’re a furry, I presume? One of the worst things about furries is how they constantly bitch that nobody understands them.
Jun 24th, 2011
Go getem Tiger
marilyn murphy
Jun 25th, 2011
@ nelson:: i see….
@ bunjie:: assumptions all.
@ persephone:: yes.
@ DF:: who cares?
@ yep:: stop it.
Jun 25th, 2011
You know it’s the darnest thing Nelson. I hang around furries quite a bit but I never hear complaining about that. I do hear others bitch about furries quite a lot tho.
But anyway, kudos for not caring and just wearing the av you like despite what people will say. I still think you should trade in your weiner for one suitable for your species but that’s just my opinion
Nelson Jenkins
Jun 26th, 2011
@ DF
I dunno, I’ve got quite a lot of weiners, take your pick, the current rate is L$8,000 an hour. Felines, canines, human ones, anthro, herm, you name it, I’ll do you with it for 12 easy payments of $19.99. Order now and I’ll give oral for you AND a friend at no extra cost!
Persephone Bolero
Jun 26th, 2011
@Marilyn Well glad to see they’re getting all the benefits of an alternative lifestyle.
Jun 26th, 2011
YAY!!!!!!! go getem Tiger