Post Six Grrrl Ava Fleming

by Alphaville Herald on 02/12/05 at 10:24 pm

The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Ava Fleming! Ava has a personal consulting business within SecondLife to help you with all of your personal consulting needs and says that she loves riding her SL horse! Our thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this Post Six Grrrl.

Hi! I’m Ava Fleming…some of you know me already! I am a personal consultant for SecondLife, and I run a new firm called Flemings Consulting, Inc. I help people here to be their most attractive. I was really thrilled to get the opportunity to work with Heart and Joe to do this photo shoot for SL Herald. I feel that they are both extremely classy people and very professional. I would like to thank them both for the chance to get to shout out to all the SL Herald fans, and to show everyone just how exceptional one can look here. I hope you all enjoy the photos. And if you ever get a chance to work with Heart…go for it! If you need help in game just IM me. Things I like to do here: My consulting business, putting together my store “Rock Artist”, please stop in…and riding my SL horse! Do have some things in the making, but you will have to stay in touch to find out what they are! Anyways…enough said! Enjoy the photos and give me a shout, if I can help you with anything in game! Nice meeting everyone out there!!! :) ~

Ava Fleming

54 Responses to “Post Six Grrrl Ava Fleming”

  1. Fallen Hasp

    Dec 10th, 2005

    nope im not reading any more of this garbage. Youre on your own.

  2. Ava Fleming

    Dec 10th, 2005

    Dare we think we heard the last from her? Thanks Manon…at least I’m brave enough to show my avatar. And I dont find her demeaning to anyone, cept someone who has low self esteem of themselves. I feel I did a good job, and sorry I actually stood up for Fallen. Was trying to be nice, and she (he) still came back with a attack on me. Oh well, forgive me for tryin….Hasp, move on to the next Post 6 girl, I’m sure she will enjoy your comments as well. And find her very pretty also,…so try to be nice!

  3. Kennedy Hope

    Dec 10th, 2005

    OMG AVA…BEAUTIFUL!!! I see no stereo types here at all. And you are not making women look bad, only good gf. When I first started SL everyone was brunette and cloned. I couldnt wait for more blond hairstyles to come out. If anyone feels threatened by your perfected avie…then they have issues. I myself am blond, and I think someone has a issue with blonds in the game. They can be just as pretty as the brunette, reds or blacks, and it has nothing to say against women in RL. Cant believe that someone can be so vicious agains a gorgeous blond, with awesome blue eyes. One of the more realistic avies I have seen in the Herald! I would love to see you do a second photo set! These are awesome!

  4. Matthew

    Dec 11th, 2005

    Thankfully Hasp has left and ventured onto new territory on the site. With their presence gone, lets get back to the issue at hand, how attractive Ava is. Its unfortunate that the photos selected do not, I repeat do her justice, but beyond her outward appearance, is a very kind, warm, loving, friendly and unique person. She is always offering a hello to anyone in her vicinity, helps those in need, especially new people without hesitation and doesnt have a mean spirit disposition. Her personality never waivered here, even with the harsh criiticism of her appearance, she was even kind to her assailant here. If you read the blogs, you’ll notice how vindictive and mean spirited and for lack of a better word, idiotic Hasp had been. Never being truly constructive in her, yes ability to speak her mind, but do so, in a manner that doesnt insult the greater population of SL. Your lack of vocabulary and constant belittling of men and their manhood, affinity for porn, etc…has nothing to do with Ava’s appearance or anyones blog. Well, I don’t want to spend any more time on someone as trivial as they are, so needless to say…Ava you truly have put together a unique appearance unlike any I have come across, so congratulations on being unique when that is hard to come by here. More importantly, don’t change yourself ever and I hope you never lose the inner you, which truly outshines your physical appearance. As with Kennedy’s comment, please let’s see the Herald do a second shoot with Ava, in some better poses… I think that she has caused the most blogs for any Post 6 girl, that I have seen…which means she made an impact and I’m sure the Herald is happy with the traffic for her. Keep it up, Ava!!!!!

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