Reaction to Dissention Weekend Attacks
by Alphaville Herald on 05/05/08 at 8:16 pm
A sense of ennui
By Tillery Woodhen
Car stalls due to black cube rain
Sunday’s attacks by DiSSENTiON knocked out many sims, often trapping residents in lagged sims, crashing neighborhoods and limiting teleports. But, in spot conversations with those affected, no one really got angry.
Annoyed, absolutely. But not raging. A few people, like one who’s rezzer started autoreturning everything, including legit tenants, was very upset. But many simply waited for the individual sims to reboot.
Many people were simply enjoying themselves or doing basic work. This reporter was caught in the first attack while on a Sunday drive to a party. I was essentially trapped in Columbia sim, the car effectively useless. But the scenery was impressive.
The blocks came flying from the sky past waterfront estates and condo towers somewhat like meteors. In other sims, such as Burnet which also holds a small town, the blocks completely filled the valley. Residents attempted to return the objects but they came too fast and too many for much to be done. However, after what seemed like an automated sim restart, the problem was largely gone.
A second attack came later in the day. In Burnet, locals were enjoying some peaceful fishing. Again they seemed roll in and filled the valley, blocks in the next sim to the west clearly visible. But again, there was no panic. Frustration was expressed, but no panicked rushing to return the objects as they splashed into the local fishing hole. Those present said, essentially, just wait a bit, it’ll stop. Much like a spring rainstorm.
So the reaction, at least in one location to attacks… meh.
May 9th, 2008
“hey “DinkyHockerShootsSmack!” you are truly a paragon of internet humor by making the accusation that other people are _nerds_. on the internet. good job in your insult originality there.”
Yes, zero in on one term in the message and act as if it invalidates everything I’ve said. Also, I wasn’t trying to be humorous. And I’ll add to that the fact that I get maybe a half hour per day online, most of it devoted to communicating with coworkers and tech service contract holders. So, your “look in the mirror” attempt at shaming me fails. These developmentally arrested lumps spend most of their free time online, as I would imagine you do as well, judging by your crybaby response.
Pathetic “collective entity” statements like PN used to employ, and now this wannabe PN group who also think that Borg-like statements are cool, are nerdy fags who need to quit fixating on the net. No need to come up with some “original” term. If the shoe fits, and all that.
At any rate, if my comment annoyed you, perhaps it’s time you put down the soda and chips and went for a walk outside, yourself. Your sniveling reply indicates that a diet probably wouldn’t hurt you either.
May 9th, 2008
May 9th, 2008
2/10 same attempt, little originality, troll harder
i find it humorous when people bitch at the PN about being unoriginal and then try to troll them by calling them “nerds” or “fat” or e-insult-of-the-day
i mean, there’s so much to work with. nexis is using his golds from whoring out PN as his own personal adfarm to build a ten million dollar inflation pump in the Mohave. if you’re going for low-hanging fruit, he’s bald at like 19. it’s not as if there’s a dearth of material here.
Penance Sautereau
May 10th, 2008
Simple, inarguable fact; if you devote time, energy and effort into perpetuating a coordinated griefing attack, even one as lame as this one, you’re at LEAST as pathetic as you call those you harass, have stunted social skills, are WAY too easily amused suggested your life is lacking something, and are clearly a lonely nerd if you’re net-savvy enough to pull it off and have enoughfree time to bother. That complete strangers you don’t know and likely will not meet for real spend a few hours aday sitting on poseballs cyberfucking dressed as animals or whatever bothers you enough that you feel some divine right to go harass them for being different, well…
At best it says you’re a hypocrite for spending a few hours a day online just to harass them. At worst it suggests far deeper issues you should really talk to a real flesh and blood person about.
All the “Grow a pair” and “cry moar” comments in the world won’t dilute these basic facts about you. You’re losers being mocked for failing to have any significance at all, is that REALLY the kind of attention you wanted?
May 10th, 2008
“i find it humorous when people bitch at the PN about being unoriginal and then try to troll them by calling them “nerds” or “fat” or e-insult-of-the-day”
Hey boy genius, do you understand, AT ALL, using someone’s own tactics against them to try and make them think about how stupid they sound? These are the same type of stupid-ass things they say to people continuously. But hey, we don’t hear YOU trying to wax avuncular and scold THEM, do we? Wonder why that is? Could it be you sympathise with their plight because your mommy and daddy didn’t hug you enough either? More than likely. Get over it.
I’ll add that if what I say is so stupid, why are you replying? Strike a nerve or two?
Lonely teardrops.
When you cry, do the tears fall on your manboobs?
May 10th, 2008
penance don’t you have some sexual reassignment surgery to be at
May 10th, 2008
PROTIP: Pissed off SLers always call any griefing attack pathetic. It just means they’re pissed. Unfortunately it comes with the territory.
Penance Sautereau
May 10th, 2008
I dunno Anon, let me check.
*checks calendar*
Oh yes,there it is, my lopitoffame is scheduled the day after your brain extension implants surg…. oh wait, sorry, penile extension.
Ehn no matter, for you it’s the same thing either way. The artificial inflating of the tiny shriveled organ you think with.
Dibs on the window bed in recovery.
TrannyPet Barmy
May 10th, 2008
TrannyPet Barmy
*the only/real one*
May 11th, 2008
>These are the same type of stupid-ass things they say to people continuously
then they’re not original or funny, just like you’re not original or funny
>I’ll add that if what I say is so stupid, why are you replying? Strike a nerve or two?
because it’s fun raging you
May 11th, 2008
“PROTIP: Pissed off SLers always call any griefing attack pathetic. It just means they’re pissed.”
PROTIP: it means they find it pathetic.
Lord Kamina
May 12th, 2008
Captain, I’m detecting massive quantities of BAWWWWW and butthurt in this sector.
May 12th, 2008
“”PROTIP: Pissed off SLers always call any griefing attack pathetic. It just means they’re pissed.”
PROTIP: it means they find it pathetic.”
PROTIP: You have to be pissed to think that epic win is pathetic.
Penance Sautereau
May 13th, 2008
@DiSSENT; Um… no sweetie, they say it because it’s the truth hon. I haven’t been pissed off at griefers in months, since the few feeble fail attempts at griefing me I ever get anymore are boring in execution but provide great amusement for my friends when I freeze the little twips and let my friends shoot them with all manner of humiliating toys. The odd part is the griefers rarely ever think to tp elsewhere or log off.
Sorry sweetie, but telling you your “griefing” shows how pathetic you are has nothing to do with anger, it has to do with apathy.
Do something WORTH caring about, something interesting enough to stir emotion. Then I might care enough to get angry. Your tired shit was old before it was born.
May 13th, 2008
“then they’re not original or funny, just like you’re not original or funny”
Thanks for making my point, boy wonder.
“because it’s fun raging you”
No, because you’ve been successfully trolled by regurgitated unoriginal and unfunny rubbish.
THAT’S the real joke here.
And your “rage” crap is just another UNORIGINAL response. I hear teh windchimes of irony. You kids and your haggard memes and cliches. Really must be something wrong in your brains to find the same old shit useful or funny, over and over and over and…
Let’s not forget who initiated our exchange here. It was you pissing and moaning like a little bitch about my comments.
rage moar emo kid
Lord Kamina
May 14th, 2008
@ DinkyPlexusSucksCock
We don’t have to talk to you on an intellectual level because it’s much more fun annoying the hell out of you.
We get a hilarious reaction and an angry rant each and every time.
May 14th, 2008
Seems we all got off topic here, but seems like that doesn’t matter because the events of this article happened close to what, 2-3 weeks ago?
May 14th, 2008
yeah ok i know how that works, just keep accusing me of getting trolled repeatedly and you are the winner rite
“hey ur a nerd lol troll’d brah hi5″
took you two days to come up with a response too ty for finally answering
Dinky HockerShootsSmack!
May 14th, 2008
“took you two days to come up with a response too ty for finally answering”
Yep, unlike you, I have a life outside the internet. I find it hilarious those that you’re still on my hook, after all these posts. I suppose you need attention from somewhere, because it’s pretty obvious your parents aren’t giving you any, and probably never have.
Sorry I made you wait. I’ll bet you were checking back every five minutes for those two days. Lawl.
May 14th, 2008
@Everyone that is butthurt, miffed, pissed off or raged into their basements from the never ending stream of entertainment this particular post has delivered:
Lord K has it exactly right, if the target keeps responding then the LULZ keep rewarding.
(Well those r my words not his – but u get the point)
U could make the case that anyone that has responded (in favor or against) has clearly demonstrated that they’ve no life, but we the disScendants already know that about OURSELVES and Thrive because of it.
It’s the rest of you /fuck/tards that are in denial of /life/ service. LMAO
Lord K
and anyone else I may have missed…
I applaud!
The rest of you tards
WAKE the FUCK up!
U have been already been absorbed
(u just don’t know it yet)
May 14th, 2008
>I’ll bet you were checking back every five minutes for those two days.
eh, not really, i got SLH on my rss feed with a bunch of other stuff, pop in here in 15 minutes and see if the SLH has posted another article on something dumb like this shuless thing
May 15th, 2008
“PROTIP: You have to be pissed to think that epic win is pathetic.”
Pro-protip: you have to be quite some loser to think that lulzcubing a computergame is epic win.
May 15th, 2008
I still wonder, how does me playing this MMORPG now and then not have a life? Cause I’m sure convinced my life is a pretty good one. Car, house, spouse, kids, dog, job… All pretty peachy. for a life that you say isnt.
How do you classify the difference between life and no life? I’d say, a heartbeat and neural activity makes the difference. And I have never seen a zombie use a computer.
May 15th, 2008
And the winner of the FIRST ANNUAL Patriotic Nigras acting award goes to:
(drum roll!)
N3X15, for his por^H^H^Hbetrayal of his former buddy d3adlyCodec to the FBI, who paid him a little visit just last week!
Congratulations, N3X15, for winning this prestigious award, and for keeping the PN fooled for so long while you fed info to the FBI the entire time to keep your ass out of JAIL.
May 15th, 2008
It looks like DiSSENTiON is ready and waiting for them in their new video:
Although I’m skeptical about this whole fbi thing. So many unauthorized psyops going on right now. They seem to be increasing too…
May 15th, 2008
oh let me try this too, i love madlibs:
And the winner of the FIRST ANNUAL National Weather Service acting award goes to:
(drum roll!)
the reincarnated zombie of John Lennon, for his por^H^H^Hbetrayal of his former buddy Philip Linden to the FBI, who paid him a little visit just last week!
Congratulations, the reincarnated zombie of John Lennon, for winning this prestigious award, and for keeping the National Weather Service fooled for so long while you fed info to the FBI the entire time to keep your ass out of JAIL.
May 15th, 2008
oh let’s give it another shot:
And the winner of the FIRST ANNUAL Exploding Whale Society acting award goes to:
(drum roll!)
GUTSMAN’S ASS, for his por^H^H^Hbetrayal of his former buddy “that one guy from Rain Man” to the FBI, who paid him a little visit just last week!
Congratulations, GUTSMAN’S ASS, for winning this prestigious award, and for keeping the Exploding Whale Society fooled for so long while you fed info to the FBI the entire time to keep your ass out of JAIL.
May 16th, 2008
If you’re skeptical about whether the FBI showed up at Deadly’s place last week, ask him yourself. Then ask him who he thinks might have alerted them.
Witness X
May 16th, 2008
I wouldn’t dismiss it if I were you – for example, the PN think they’ve ejected a spy, but they recently threw out an old-time, highly respected nigra and missed at least two furry spies that are still active and logged onto the the IRC even as we speak. Smooth move, ^ban^, every time you turn around you make it worse for us.
One of the furry spies is almost certainly NexisTurnsOnHisBuddies above, and I’m pretty sure one of the others is the law enforcement agent Nexis has been working with. Just look at who’s been let into the group in the last four months.
Feb 4th, 2009
Hey buddies – you all say you dont care about this, but you think this is a serious “attack”?
It would be come more interesting if the cube would have goatse on it. Still don’t mind it?
We can also put an aggresive follower script in it, meaning you simply have 20 10x10x10 cubes with goatse on it sticking at you. Still don’t care?
We can make it say things – sounds – particle spam. Drag you away, and then, taking down the sim.
We can place little cubes, 2 at every sim – enter one simple cmd – “/42 lulz” and they go off, cubes with goatse making particle spam, self replicating, sounds, and dragging/following away, lagging you so badly your computer fails and second life gets closed, – still don’t care?
Meh, we can do so much buddy, so much….
Witness X
Feb 4th, 2009
DiSTeMper = RIP
Congratulations on a stupifyingly short run, Jordan and Josh. But don’t worry, the best is yet to come.
Sep 21st, 2009
Soma addiction and lying.
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Dec 24th, 2009
Huge boobs.
Big boobs. Pamela anderson boobs. Gigantic boobs.
Big boobs.
Dec 24th, 2009
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