Archive for 'Legal Issues'

Residents of 400 Dreamland Sims vote to Ban PR and Marketing Flacks!!!!!

Residents vote unrepentant flacks off of 400+ islands! In one of the most significant developments in the history of virtual worlds and Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Residents of the Second Life gated community Dreamland have voted to ban unrepentant PR Flacks from their 400-500 Sim region. Conservative estimates suggest that Dreamland consititutes 10% of the [...]

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LL Swings Ban Stick, Stays Mute on Chat Log Leaks

Asking questions that Linden Lab will not answer by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk This week started on a happy note, as the Lindens completed their temporary weekend ban from answering the phones and began nibbling their way through the monumental task of resetting passwords for 660,000 avatars (or is it really 260,000?) after [...]

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SecondCast #30: Privacy and Private Jokes

Johnny “Jazz Hands” Ming is back, with the latest episode of Second Life‘s favorite podcast, SecondCast. In Episode #30 we talk to Mark Barrett, who created the site, which has caused no small amount of controversy among SL residents. SLStats, until Mark altered the site, tracked how much time you’d spent in Second Life, [...]

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SecondCast #29: zzzzz . . .

Second Cast Episode #29 is out, and it’s a real snoozer! Actually, I haven’t listened to it yet (I missed the taping yet again, unfortunately), but as Johnny Ming puts it in his show notes, “The show was so riveting that Cristiano fell asleep.” The crew also interviews SL resident Tony Tigereye, owner of the [...]

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Poof! LL’s Smoke and Mirrors Do Away With Starax Statosky

Starax Statosky is no more! Linden Lab’s magic wand has apparently done away with him. The master scripter, whose own magic wand had become one of the most popular SL diversions over the last six months or so — even being featured by kingpin Philip Linden at a talk at Google — no longer appears [...]

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SL’s Second-Class Citizens Lead a CaddyShack Second Life

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald sports desk Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a miracle — It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole!–Caddyshack (1980) Philip Linden takes advantage of unverified labor during the Holly Kai Ocean Nine’s opening day In [...]

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Plastic Duck On the Air This Thursday

The Duck is back! Even a letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from Linden Lab PR operative Catherine Linden couldn’t stop him. At long last, the infamous CBC interview with alleged griefer extraordinaire Plastic Duck — who took third place in competition for the Herald’s coveted 2005 Avatar of the Year award — is being [...]

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SL Residents Protest New Members

SL’s third birthday celebration was not without its excitement and controversy today — although it wouldn’t be SL if it had been, would it? To voice their dissatisfaction with the new registration requirements — or lack thereof — put in recently by Linden Lab, a group of residents got together to protest what they say [...]

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Happy Birthday SL: Snapzilla Closes in Protest!

Happy Birthday, Second Life! Although it’s not such a happy birthday present that Snapzilla is offering up to Linden Lab today. Everyone’s favorite SL photo-sharing site has closed its doors for the day today in protest of Linden Lab’s new all-ages policy: To coincide with the third anniversary of Second Life’s launch on June 23rd, [...]

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New Crimes, New Punishments

The New Scientist is running an article in its May 20th edition all about crime and punishment in the virtual world — one of the Herald’s favorite subjects. In fact, most of the piece could have been ripped from the Herald headlines — and probably was. Of course, it features yet another interview with mafia [...]

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