Archive for 'Legal Issues'

Simulating A Gambling Crackdown

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Thursday Robin Linden stimulated metaverse simulated casino owners to come up with an acceptable euphemism for simulated gambling today with the announcement that the Lab will no longer “accept any classified ads, place listings, or event listings that appear to relate to simulated casino activity”. A few Second Life [...]

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FBI Investigates Metaverse Casinos

G-men to consider punishing players? by Onder Skall Reuters reports that the FBI have been snooping around Second Life’s casinos and debating what laws are being broken here. After all, playing unregulated Poker for money is illegal – which of course means that those of you who’ve been playing Poker all this time have been [...]

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Another Bad Hair Day: Virtually Blind Enters Fray

Same or different? Virtually Blind calls attention to the radical differences in the hair designs. (Image on right from Virtually Blind) Herald readers will recall a recent article by Seola Sassoon on the alleged design copying by Rach Snookums. Now Benjamin Duranske (Benjamin Noble in SL) an IP lawyer currently working on a novel has [...]

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Gorean Copyright Fight

Ethics of copyright violations divide Gorean community by Curious Rousselot For over a year, a Gorean copyright fight has been raging over the ethics of distributing the novels of Gor in Second Life. John Norman’s Gor novels are the basis for the Gorean role-play – and some eager Gorean scribes have ignored real life copyright [...]

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Chilling Effect? SL Hockey League Skates Over NHL IP

by Fiend Ludwig [Editor's note: When we sent Fiend Ludwig to cover the SL Hockey League, he found the gameplay impressive, though it looks like their merchanidising scheme could use some help from a virtual zamboni.--Walker Spaight] I have watched hockey for as long as I can remember. In the winter when it is cold [...]

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Harvard Law Mock Trial: Jury Votes Bragg 6, Linden Lab 3

Since our interview with Bragg Attorney Jason Archinaco we’ve heard plenty of pontificating about the Bragg vs. Linden Lab case from the breathtakingly uninformed, but what would happen if a group of Harvard Law students held a mock trial? What would the jury decide? What would be the nature of their deliberations. Well, now we [...]

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Is the SL Infringement Honeymoon Over?

There is a very interesting article by John Bringardner in covering a number of issues surrounding Intellectual Property in Second Life. The topics range from copybot, to Bragg vs. Linden Lab, but the issue that caught my attention was the following: Will the same brand owners that have spent millions trying to crack down [...]

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Is Second Life Being Used for Money Laundering? Could it be?

Raph Koster has pointed to a sobering post by Kenneth Rijock, on the World-Check site. World-Check is a site that tracks risks world-wide, and Rijock is an attorney who has a rather interesting resume, to say the least: He has more than 25 year’s experience in the field of money laundering, as a practising laundryman, [...]

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Linden Lab *Still* Hates Academic Freedom *and* the Free Press

It seems like just yesterday we were complaining about the Linden policies on academic freedom and free press. Not long after, we addressed Lindens about the matter face to face, and I do mean like in Real Life (remember that?). So we were eager to see what changes would be made to the Research Ethics [...]

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Colonia Nova: Civilization on the frontiers of Second Life

Confederation of Democratic Expands [editor's note: Saladin Salyut was a member of the original team that proposed the Colonia Nova project and will be a landholder in what is hoped to be a new democracy in Second Life. Here Mr. Salyut describes the project and their plans.] by Saladin Salyut Colonia Nova has opened to [...]

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