Archive for 'Business'

Invasion of the Virtual Body Snatchers

Most sorry for the delay in reporting this, but I was up at the Herald duck blind in Canada when the story broke and only just found it. Many of you will recall Chipsen Queso’s highly positive review of Asri Falcone’s fashion show. Now it seems that her account was hijacked and another mystery typist [...]

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Big Brother Linden is Watching You!

Big Brother — more demonic and horrifying than even Orwell could have imagnied. (pic stolen from Pirate Cotton’s site) There’s been some buzz on the forums lately about the extent to which the Lindens monitor convos in SL. I’ve always just assumed that in-game communications are unsafe, but perhaps that is a bit of paranoia [...]

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Bad Bots! Computer characters mugged in virtual crime spree

There is a really interesting article in New Scientist about a guy in Japan using bots to mug other players on Lineage II and then of course selling the loot for RL currency. The culprit running the bots — a Chinese exchange student — was arrested. By RL Police. Cool.

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Protest Continues as Former Gigas Officer Removed from Ouranos. By Lindens.

by Prokofy Neva Hank Ramos, a former GIGAS Group mall investor battling other GIGAS officers in a dispute that led to Linden Lab’s seizure of their land, continued his protest in the Ahern Welcome Area last night about a new development in his land-grab saga — his summary removal from the officers of Ouranos group, [...]

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The Messenger’s Message: There’s A New Newspaper in Second Life

No, the Herald hasn’t gone to a broadsheet format. The picture above is cropped from the positively newspaper-sized new entrant into Second Life’s fourth estate, the Metaverse Messenger, which launched today. A weekly that will start at six pages, the Messenger is the brainchild of Katt Kongo , an SL avatar with RL journalism experience [...]

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SL Land Heist! XLS Operatives wipe out Space Monkey Corporation

XLS Officers Sweet, Cyanide, and Xaphon Just a few days ago we reported a tale of betrayal on EVE online in which a corporation was infiltrated and its property (valued at about 16K US) was stolen. Just yesterday a similar heist went down in Second Life, when the Space Monkeys had 8K square meters of [...]

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Lindens Seize Land in Internal GIGAS Dipute

photo by Hiro Pendragon by Prokofy Neva Browsers of today were startled to see a lone, furry protester bearing a sign in the Dore Welcome Area populated by newbies, greeters, and Lindens. Coming in world, a reporter found Hank Ramos, an SL resident since November 2003, sporting the title “protester” and carrying a sign, [...]

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Sheeeeit! 1.8 billion for online game development in China.

Terra Nova and several other sources are reporting on a story in the Shanghi Youth Daily the Chinese government is about to invest $1.8 billion in on-line game development. I’m not sure what kinds of virtual worlds those efforts will yield, but if the result are some robust online worlds, and we turn Anshe loose [...]

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GTA San Andreas Banned Down Under. Is SL Next?

The following is by former Herald reporter Neal Stewart and was pilfered from his blog: “New York, NY – July 29, 2005 – Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO) said today that Australia’s Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC), the Australian entity responsible for rating films and video games, has revoked the classification of [...]

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Is the MMORPG Currency Crash of ’05 Upon Us?

Image source: WOW Gold Price Research According to new (?) virtual economy site Game Money Price Research, the virtual sky may just be falling. GMPR has an alarming set of charts up tracking the dive of almost all major MMORPG currencies against the U.S. dollar in the first half of this year. While GMPR’s methodology [...]

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