Archive for 'Hacktivism'
Generation D is for Disruption
Gene Simmons: Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars Kiss bassist Gene Simmons announced he is fighting back against the “popcorn farts” – that would be Anonymous – for having launched Operation Payback. Anonymous, with its latest operation, has declared war against the media giants. But the content czars are not going to [...]
Full StoryMPAA’s p0wned by Anonymous
Hactivists use MPAA web site to spread anti-copyright message The cyberwar between the Anonymous hactivists and recording and motion picture industry interests heated up earlier today when the site was hijacked to display an anti-MPAA message in support of the embattled Pirate Bay bittorrent tracker site, then redirected viewers to the site. As [...]
Full StoryOperation Payback is a Bitch: Hactivism at the dawn of Copyright Controversies
As operation Payback is a Bitch finished up its second week, things seem to be winding down. For those unaware of what went down, here’s a recap: The operation is launched by Anonymous against the entertainment companies, in particular MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA (The Recording Industry Association of America) and their [...]
Full StoryWhy Does Jeanne Whalen Have a Hardon for Julian Assange?
Little did I realize when I began to investigate this story that I would fall into another interwebs rabbit hole ™. It seems that this was not the first time Whalen has engaged in a disinformtion campaign against Assange and Wikileaks, and thanks to John Young of Cryptome we have an inside look at the desperation of her methods (Young trolls her and the WSJ for good measure). We are left to ask, who is this woman working for?
Full StoryUrizenus Sklar’s Real Life Avatar Appears on The Aloyna Show
Hactivism hard to stop — chances of Lakers / Celtics rematch unclear Earlier this week, Herald founder Urizenus Sklar sent his real life avatar – Peter Ludlow – into the television studio to chat up Alyona Minkovski on RT. Ms. Minkovski – who was born in Moscow but raised in California – took time away [...]
Full StoryHacktivism, Governance, and Copyright Debates 4chan Style
Operation Payback follows The Wrong Hands vs Justice League Unlimited script Terra Nova is the term used to describe our weird existence in the digital realm that we call virtual worlds. Edward Castronova claims that we are in the process of exodus to these worlds. Equally interesting to note is that, as new worlds, our [...]
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