Archive for 'Hacktivism'
Noam Chomsky, Anonymous Speak Out on Rap News

#Occupy2012 video documents live manifestation of Prophetseer Emeritus “Turn off your TVs for a start” Featuring a healthy dose of pepper spray – which sources on the UC Davis campus recently learned is basically a food product – the latest Rap News release from TheJuiceNews continues Robert Foster’s grand tradition of “turning bollocks-news into socio-poetic/comedic [...]
Full StorySLCC 2011 Drama!!! Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media

Mysterious threats leads to last minute SLCC program revision – a pattern of harassment? The first indication I would be playing another round of Second Life as a real life alternative reality game came a few hours before the SLCC 2011 panel discussion on Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media. I was eating lunch, [...]
Full StoryCosbycoin Hack Pops Bitcoin Forum Bubble

CosbyCoin “zing” takes offline Bitcoin - a peer-to-peer virtual currency – has reached the point in the media hype cycle were the inevitable backlash takes hold, and the Bitcoin ecosystem becomes a target for high visibility hacks. The latest incident took place yesterday, when the forums were converted into a Cosbycoin ad site, complete with pictures [...]
Full StoryAnonymous to Launch HackerLeaks

Not too long ago Peter Ludlow noted that the recent prominence of Internet activist groups such as Wikileaks is symptomatic of a new generation of hacktivist culture that is quickly transforming from a small underground subculture into mainstream culture for a younger generation. Calling this new generation of hacktivists “Generation W,” Peter Ludlow observed that [...]
Full StoryzFire Xue Slams Redzone Enemies

Threatens critics with animal control – hopes for security system to delete accounts Controversial zf Redzone developer zFire Xue told me he believes that Linden Lab has failed to provide Second Life players with an adequate security system, saying "DMCAs take too long, stolen objects are passed off to alts, Linden Labs does nothing to [...]
Full Storyzf Redzone Security Breached – SL Passwords Compromised?

Is Redzone playing guessing games with 2200 customers’ SL passwords? The firestorm of criticism surrounding the zf Redzone Second Life security system may be only the beginning of zFire Xue’s troubles. A shadowy group of Second Life hactivists claim to have breached the Redzone server’s security, gaining access to the server database and discovering cleartext [...]
Full StoryGeneration W: WikiLeaks Ignites a New Generation of Hacktivists
While the traditional media and the United States government continue to fixate on the individual Julian Assange, a not so subtle cultural shift is taking root worldwide: Hacktivist culture is rapidly morphing from a small underground subculture into mainstream culture for a younger generation, not just in the United States, but worldwide. Julian Assange and [...]
Full StoryRap News Asks Hillary Clinton – How Does It Feel To Be Leaked On?

How Ad-supported user-generated content subverts the mainstream media [UPDATE: TheJuiceMedia have pointed out that they depend on donations to fund their productions and do not sell advertisements, so some clarification is in order. I am not suggesting that TheJuiceMedia have adopted Google's ad-supported free services business model. Instead, they are subverting the model by taking [...]
Full StoryProkofy Neva vs. Robert Wright – The Video

Conspiracy theorist denies hearing voices in her head Over the years, many have wondered if the rhetorical excesses of Second Life resident Prokofy Neva might be the result of an overly immersive approach to online roleplay. Sadly, this does not appear to be the case, as Catherine Fitzpatrick (the real life typist for Second Life’s [...]
Full StoryShock! Uri Flaks for the Kremlin Again!
Soviet/4Chan conspiracy exposed. Over 9000 memes and counting. In this telling interview, Herald founder Urizenus Sklar reveals his connections with the sordid Anonymous, and by doing so on Russia TV…well. Connect. The. Dots. Clearly Prokofy Neva was right: This is all part of the Kremlin/4Chan plot to take over the world, one meme at a [...]
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