Archive for 'Herald Literary Suppository'

The Elf Maiden and the Drow Prince

as told by Morgdah Graves[This story was told around a campfire in Avilion. Magical Affairs correspondent Curious Rousselot was given permission by Morgdah Graves to bring this story to our readers - the Editrix] Once, a long long time ago, there was an Above Ground Elvin family of the Sidhe. They lived in peace and [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life Part 8: the sordid history of the Big Brother fiasco part 2

Ah, yes it was so long ago — centuries by the high speed adrenaline rush passage of time that is Web 3.D, but we keep up as best we can, and you *do* want the skinny on what *really* happened in the Big Brother in SL hypervent don’t you? What if I told you it [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life, part 7: To whom it may concern…

by Gideon Television This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the Second Life immersion courses over the months since my first introduction to the shall we say, ethics involved with online relationships in virtual worlds, it’s proven to be very true….

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TV: The Cappuccinos

Zee delivers crowbar-enhanced newspaper by Inigo Chamerberlin [On the previous episode of The Cappuccinos: Street-smart Zee, having just joined "The Family" is eager to prove himself one of the goodfellas, and starts looking for an informant to whack while working the family numbers game. Philip visits the consigliere and returns quiet and subdued - but [...]

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Database Problems Cause Haiku Outbreak

Linden Blog infected – citizens seek poetic justice by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A highly infectious strain of Haiku has struck the official Linden Lab blob – affecting residents whose immune systems may have been weakened by chronic exposure to disappointing performance in their game world. As editors scrambled to find a new way [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life, part 6: My rod and my staff

by Gideon Television Forgive me, children, for I have sinned. It’s been two weeks since my last confession, In that time I have taken hallucinogenics, I’ve had impure thoughts about my neighbor Lanna, I’ve fornicated many times (with both women and animals) and become an apprentice to the current fad of guerilla bukkake. And frankly, [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life, Part 5: Helping You to Lead the Way

by Gideon Television I guess it was an innocent enough comment, right here on YesButNoButYes: “Is there any sort of drug scene in Second Life for Gideon to explore?” I’d been clean six months, but as soon as I read the words, the roof of my mouth went dry, and I got that weird itching [...]

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Memoirs of a Port Cos Girl, chapters 1&2

by A Slave [The following is the first installment of a serial work, written by an anonymous slave who spent much of her life on Port Cos -- a Gorean island in Second Life. Today, we present chapters 1&2 of the memoirs of a Port Cos Girl. -- U.H.] CHAPTER 1 I write because I [...]

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Herald Literary Suppository: Pencil Me In!

Humdog talks about prehistoric writing instruments. Loyal lifetime readers will recall the contributions from Herald reporter Humdog. Let’s see, there was her interview with Mrs. President Chomsky during the TSO Pet Culling scandals, her ever so insightful “History of the Board Ho” essay, and who could forget her review of Waiting for Godot, performed in [...]

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Herald Literary Suppository: Interview with Noam Chomsky on Mind, Representation, and Reality

Say what? An interview with Noam Chomsky? In the Herald? WTF??? Yes, dear readers, it’s true: for too long I have worried that the steady diet of griefer news, Linden screw-ups (known as “brownies” in the post-Katrina era) and nekkid avatars was turning all of you into drooling brain-dead pixel-zombies, seeking your daily dose of [...]

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