Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

LL Swings Ban Stick, Stays Mute on Chat Log Leaks

Asking questions that Linden Lab will not answer by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk This week started on a happy note, as the Lindens completed their temporary weekend ban from answering the phones and began nibbling their way through the monumental task of resetting passwords for 660,000 avatars (or is it really 260,000?) after [...]

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Skywriting Something Awful — Satyr Sim Prim Hacks World Map

W-Hat associates take to the skies to air grievances by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk The skies over Satyr When I stopped by Satyr sim Saturday afternoon, SL resident Gene Replacement told me, “It is kind of dumb that it’s totally cool for people to sell chat spies but we’re not allowed to have [...]

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Plywood Plague Strikes TELUS Plot — Status Symbols Saved

PSFK Consultant Gunned Down, But Lives to Tell the Taleby Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk “We want to show that we are a fun brand. I’m a gamer… so I really enjoy it here… We are really here for the brand presence. Not for the virtual sales.”– Sparkle Dale, TELUS store manager. Christoesque griefer [...]

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Negative Coordinates: Griefing in the Unverified Age

by Fiend Ludwig Nukes at the Welcome Area “There were two; flying around and shooting each other, but they wandered closer to where I was building. So I said hello and gave them tea. They started pushing me and shot me once.” So a friend wrote me recently after a particularly unfortunate incident of griefing. [...]

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Griefers Take to the Waves at SLSF Cup

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald sports desk Welcome, Griefer– Philip Linden Sailor Espresso Saarinen (pink hair in the foreground) points out two suspected underwater griefers to event security just before being sent into orbit himself. Photo courtesy of Espresso Saarinen. Herald readers have observed that public events in SL always have a the possibility of a [...]

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SL’s Second-Class Citizens Lead a CaddyShack Second Life

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald sports desk Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a miracle — It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole!–Caddyshack (1980) Philip Linden takes advantage of unverified labor during the Holly Kai Ocean Nine’s opening day In [...]

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Plastic Duck On the Air This Thursday

The Duck is back! Even a letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from Linden Lab PR operative Catherine Linden couldn’t stop him. At long last, the infamous CBC interview with alleged griefer extraordinaire Plastic Duck — who took third place in competition for the Herald’s coveted 2005 Avatar of the Year award — is being [...]

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SL Residents Protest New Members

SL’s third birthday celebration was not without its excitement and controversy today — although it wouldn’t be SL if it had been, would it? To voice their dissatisfaction with the new registration requirements — or lack thereof — put in recently by Linden Lab, a group of residents got together to protest what they say [...]

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Happy Birthday SL: Snapzilla Closes in Protest!

Happy Birthday, Second Life! Although it’s not such a happy birthday present that Snapzilla is offering up to Linden Lab today. Everyone’s favorite SL photo-sharing site has closed its doors for the day today in protest of Linden Lab’s new all-ages policy: To coincide with the third anniversary of Second Life’s launch on June 23rd, [...]

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A SecondCast Offer You Can’t Refuse

You will listen to SecondCast episode #23, or we’ll send our guest — Sim Mafia boss Marsellus Wallace — around to your plot to break your virtual kneecaps while you’re napping in that camping chair. A hilarious and informative look at the purported escapades of Second Life’s mouthiest mafia don.

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