Interview with Selene Moon on Wicca and Witchcraft in Alphaville
by Alphaville Herald on 21/01/04 at 12:54 pm
Recently, Selene Moon came by the offices of the Alphaville Herald and asked one of our staff members why we haven’t written any stories on the Wiccan community in Alphaville. Good question! And while there are some key Wiccan community members that we want to interview eventually, we thought we would start by talking to Selene, who is a 15 year old girl that has been seeking out some of the Alphaville Wiccans and witches to learn more about their religion and craft. Here is her story.
Urizenus: How long have you been on TSO?
Selene Moon: well, i played some on my cousin’s sim, but I’ve only had my own sim since Christmas
Urizenus: since this last Christmas?
Selene Moon: yeah, my cousin got it for me so I’d stop bugging her lol
Urizenus: haha, so how often were you on before?
Selene Moon: whenever she’d let me lol
Urizenus: every day?
Selene Moon: not every day…maybe twice a wk?
Urizenus: so how old are you now?
Selene Moon: 15
Urizenus: ok, and when you were visiting with your cousin’s account you got to know a lot of sims that were in the craft?
Selene Moon: well not as many as i wanted 2
Selene Moon: but i looked in AV and found piper [halliwell]
Selene Moon: she’s awesome…r/l witch in Chicago, she writes books [on witchcraft, her web page is here, -Uri]
Urizenus: lemme ask some dumb questions here…
Selene Moon: ok
Urizenus: do you make a distinction between witchcraft and Wicca?
Selene Moon: well yea
Urizenus: what is the diff?
Selene Moon: witchcraft is spells and stuff
Selene Moon: Wicca is the religion
Urizenus: which are you interested in?
Selene Moon: well Wiccans do witchcraft too
Selene Moon: so both
Urizenus: ok, makes sense!
Urizenus: Are your friends interested in both Wicca and casting
Selene Moon: my friends on tso?
Urizenus: yah
Selene Moon: well i just moved to av so so far yea
Selene Moon: piper and hippie and them
Urizenus: what city were you in before?
Selene Moon: jp
Selene Moon: with my cousins sim
Urizenus: is there a bigger community of Wiccans in alpha?
Selene Moon: i think so
Selene Moon: more places
Urizenus: what do you mean by places?
Selene Moon: more houses for witches
Selene Moon: pagan and stuff
Urizenus: oh, ok, but what makes a house witch-worthy — lots of gargoyles and such?
Selene Moon: well like
Selene Moon: one place has a circle
Selene Moon: and ceremonies
Urizenus: ok, what happens in the ceremonies?
Selene Moon: there’s one coming up for esbet
Urizenus: what’s esbet?
Selene Moon: moon holiday
Urizenus: oh, so what do they do at ceremonies?
Selene Moon: i guess they’ll do a Wicca circle
Urizenus: what’s a Wicca circle?
Selene Moon: prayers, invoking, stuff like that
Urizenus: invoking?
Selene Moon: well yea
Urizenus: invoking what?
Urizenus): or who?
Selene Moon: where u invoke the goddess or god
Urizenus: ok, explain this, who is the goddess?
Selene Moon: well
Selene Moon: which one lol
Urizenus: your favorite!
Selene Moon: its like…the Christians have their god, we have ours
Selene Moon: but we have more lol
Selene Moon: i like Aphrodite lol
Selene Moon: goddess of luv
Urizenus: ic, I thought she was a greek god
Selene Moon: well yea
Selene Moon: but Wiccans use them
Selene Moon: and Nordic too
Urizenus: ic,so you can borrow any pagan gods that you choose to?
Selene Moon: well yea, why not? lol
Urizenus: I dunno, maybe the Norwegian ones don’t work as well?
Selene Moon: it depends on what u want.
Urizenus: I mean, what is Thor going to do for you?
Selene Moon: give you strength
Urizenus: oh yah, I could use some of that
Selene Moon: make you strong lol
Urizenus: ok, well, do you guys cast spells in the game?
Selene Moon: not spells yet,
Selene Moon: haven’t seen one
Selene Moon: but did see a prayer
Selene Moon prayer to…?
Selene Moon: well, like light and health to a person
Urizenus: oh a prayer for someone. but who did they pray to?
Selene Moon: they sent energy
Selene Moon: she was sick
Selene Moon: its like praying for Christians
Selene Moon: but there’s no third party lol
Urizenus: but what deity did they pray to? oh no one?
Selene Moon: well if u have healthy energy
Selene Moon: u can send it to a friend who’s sick
Urizenus: ah, ok…
Selene Moon: the gods u pray to for stuff for yourself and for more power.
Urizenus: how many witches do you think there are in alpha?
Selene Moon: at least 3 lol
Selene Moon: 4…5…i met some
Urizenus: so who are they?
Selene Moon: piper [halliwell]
Selene Moon: …harley
Selene Moon: hippe…
Urizenus: just hippie?
Selene Moon: old hippie he’s a sweetie.
Urizenus:… so is he a warlock?
Selene Moon: NO
Selene Moon: male witches are NOT warlocks
Urizenus: ok, what’s the diff?
Selene Moon: warlocks…betray their coven and oaths
Urizenus: oh, so they are witches gone bad?
Selene Moon: yea
Selene Moon: u can have a female warlock
Urizenus: oic, how come we never hear about them?
Selene Moon: because ur not listening lol
Urizenus: hmmm, that’s what everyone says to me
Selene Moon: ask a real witch
Selene Moon: she’ll know
Urizenus: so how do I tell the diff between a real witch and a poser
Selene Moon: well, my aunt said u can see it in their eyes
Urizenus: hmm, but I guess I wouldn’t know what to look for
Selene Moon: u said some of your friends were Wiccans
Urizenus: yup
Selene Moon: are they different? in thier eyes?
Urizenus: I don’t look people in the eyes
Selene Moon: ru a coward? lol
Urizenus: yep
Selene Moon: that’s no good lol
Selene Moon: eyes r the mirror to the soul.
Urizenus: ok, so how do you tell online? you can’t look them in the eyes here
Selene Moon: hmmm.
Urizenus: lol, so how do you know that you aren’t hanging with a bunch of posers?
Selene Moon: even if they aren’t witches, they’re still fun lol
Urizenus: ok, but maybe they are just into r/p
Selene Moon: yeah, but what is that saying?
Selene Moon: stare in the void too long and it stares back
Urizenus: which means?
Selene Moon: sometimes r/p can become real
Urizenus: ic… did you experience that?
Selene Moon: real gods, real goddesses…if u call to them even in r/p, they might say hi back.
Urizenus: oh oh
Urizenus: good thing I gave up the satanic church then
Selene Moon: well yea lol
Urizenus: so what are you hoping could happen in Alphaville. Are you hoping to build a large community of witches here?
Selene Moon: not build, find
Selene Moon: but it would be nice to meet more.
Urizenus what happens when you find them?
Selene Moon: learn more
Selene Moon: always learn.
Urizenus: are some of the famous witches here — Piper for example — are they able and willing to teach you?
Selene Moon: i hope so lol
Urizenus: Well, has she been able to teach you some stuff?
Selene Moon: not yet but i did see her house
Selene Moon: it has….energy kinda
Urizenus: why is her house special?
Selene Moon: well
Selene Moon: have u ever gone somewhere and had a cold chill down ur spine? and its not cold?
Urizenus: yes, when I go in my bathroom
Selene Moon: ewwwwww lol
Urizenus: but I get it…
Urizenus: anything you want to add?
Selene Moon: just…to not play with stuff u don’t always understand
Selene Moon: no more Satanic churches ok? lol
Urizenus: hmm, haha, but that sounded a bit like the voice of experience
Selene Moon:
Selene Moon: u can get hurt too
Urizenus: I’ve heard this from a lot of Wiccan friends on TSO
Selene Moon: well, then u know
Piper Halliwell
Jan 26th, 2004
The Wiccans are not offended? Well I am now. You don’t class Catholics or Baptists with Satantists, please either have the decency to allow us the same respect or refrain from speaking of us at all. And we ARE a religion, not a “lifestyle”. You know so little about us to be so demeaning.
I have yet to run into any persons of the Catholic, Jewish, or any faith pushing or hawking their beliefs in TSO, why would you expect Wiccans to?
I also would like to see anywhere on my profile or that of my house any mention of my personal web site. There is not and never has been. Where did you get it? Probably from the Sitting Duck Radio site which is a RL radio station…not a TSO one.
I welcome people into my home. If they ask me if I am WIccan, I say yes. If they ask me what Wicca is, I say it is a nature based religion. If they want to know more I tell them they have the Internet at their finger tips. And suggest meditation…a sound thing for anyone to do, Wiccan or whatever. Its very calming.
Stella Dives
Jan 26th, 2004
I agree Catseye. It was entrapment. So, It doesn’t count. The ends do not justify the means. Anyway, his little stunt didnt count for many reasons. It didnt count because even if incorrect information appears in an interview, there is still ample opportunity to post corrections after reading an article. Dyerbrook needs to back away from the crack pipe. But, Ive said that like 500 times already. Personally, I would have banned Dyer from the blog. Not because of what hes posting or the length of his posts even LOL but because he misrepresented himself in an interview. I think he should lose his privledges for that behavior. In RL, he could get into trouble for that. It wasnt funny or clever. It was moronic and a sign of poor character. Thats my opinion on it and nothing Dyerbrook says makes what he did OK or changes my position one lil bit. Dyerbrook is nothing more than an obsessed stalker-type nutjob with a hard on for Uri. ewwww.
Jan 26th, 2004
Greetings and Merry Meet A/all.
It’s been a while since I’ve read here and even longer since I’ve posted. Sorry I haven’t been seen in AV for a while, I’ve been exploring SWG along with some other folks W/we A/all know from TSO. I see that Dyer’s taken it upon himself to malign yet another non-mainstream group from AV.~~shakes head~~~ And doing so by fraud. Sigh….you really need a life little man. You’re a sad twisted little person who has no purpose in life other than attempt to achieve your 15 minutes of fame in a blog about online games. If this were My only option in life I would probably just kill Myself now. I have to give you this much tho Dyer, you play a clueless 15 year old well…..or were you really being interviewed? The style of writing, turn of phrase, etc makes me wonder if you aren’t exploiting your own children by using them to further your little fantasy life. That is if you really have kids. Maria, Julianna, Catseye, emerald, mikal, toy, good to see A/all of Y/you as usual. I really need to make it back to TSO sometime and say hello to A/all. Piper, Old Hippie, Samhain, and Stella, nice to know that there are Wiccans and Pagans in AV that I was unaware of, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you eventually. I really don’t wanna get involved in this madness of debating with Dyer again. It’s unfair to fight a battle of wits with one who is unarmed. I want to leave this thread with a thought tho, a positive one in the form of lyrics to a song by Dar Williams.
Dar Williams The Christians And The Pagans
Amber called her uncle, said We’re up here for the holiday,
Jane and I were having Solstice, now we need a place to stay.
And her Christ – loving uncle watched his wife hang Mary on a tree,
He watched his song hang candy canes all made with red dye number three.
He told his niece, Its Christmas Eve, I know our life is not your style,
She said, Christmas is like Solstice, and we miss you and its been awhile,
So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table,
Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able,
And just before the meal was served, hands were held and prayers were said,
Sending hope for peace on earth to all their gods and goddesses.
The food was great, the tree plugged in, the meal had gone without a hitch,
Till Timmy turned to Amber and said, Is it try that youre a wtich?
His mom jumped up and said, The pies are burning, and she hit the kitchen,
And it was Jane who spoke, she said, Its true, your cousins not a Christian,
But we love trees, we love the snow, the friends we have, the world we share,
And you find magic from your God, and we find magic everywhere,
So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table,
Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able,
And where does magic come from? I think magics in the learning,
Cause now when Christians sit with Pagans only pumpkin pies are burning.
When Amber tried to do the dishes, her aunt said, Really, no, dont bother.
Ambers uncle saw how Amber looked like Tim and like her father.
He thought about his brother, how they hadnt spoken in a year,
He thought hed call him up and say, Its Christmas and your daughters here.
He thought of fathers, sons and brothers, so his own son tug his sleeve, saying,
Can I be a Pagan? Dad said, Well discuss it when they leave.
So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table,
Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able,
Lighting trees in darkness, learning new ways from the old, and
Making sense of history and drawing warmth out of the cold.
Blessed Be A/all, Merry part and Merry Meet again
Darksoul, TSO AV
Sylvanus Darksoul, SWG, Eclipse server
Master of naadirah in both realms
Zoey Danielson
Jan 27th, 2004
Merry Meet All/all,
Stands and applaudes Sir Darksoul !!
Thank You Sir for posting that song it says so much in such a simple way Sir. I have no problem stating I am Wiccan and also a sub. I am proud to be both and as my brother Mikal stated earlier We/we live in America and are free to make our own choices. I myself feel if you do not like my choices then please go live Your/your life and leave mine alone. To All/all those trying to make contact with other Wiccans feel free to contact me. I would love to share and learn with You/you.
*bows in respect to All/all and steps off soap box*
Blessed Be All/all.
Zoey Danielson
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
So nice to hear from all of you. Darksoul, we miss you. Mikal and I are on the Wanderhome server in SWG. Come visit us sometime. I won’t give our names here for fear that Dyer carry his crusade to yet another game.
I do not know much about Wicca, very little. I have met Wiccans in this game, and some have been very good friends. They have never offended me or anyone else to my knowledge, unlike Dyer.
Dyer is the true evil in the world. People like Dyer were behind the witch burnings in Salem. People like Dyer happily marched the jews into the gas chambers. People like Dyer stalk, beat and murder homosexuals for no other reason than being gay. People like Dyer don the white robes of the Klu Klux Klan. All of these smug in their idea of their own moral superiority.
And Dyer does not even have the moral fibre to admit his behaviour as Selene Moon was deceptive and hurtful. In his wanton rush to injur Uri, he did not even consider the other kind hearts he would hurt. And when it was drawn to his attention, he clearly did not care.
The true evil has been revealed, and it is Dyer.
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Dyerism: The belief that the means justify the end, that it is okay to trample the hearts and feelings of others to prove some obscure and unimportant point, or to strike out at yet another.
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Correction. Dyerism.. the belief that the end justifies the means. Still groggily sipping my morning coffee, but even groggy I can dance circles aroung Dyer’s small mind.
Jan 27th, 2004
Good to hear from You again Sir Darksoul. And that’s very true Mistress. The evil has been revealed. A fork-tongued serpent that spews forth venom every chance he gets. And now there is a name attached for A/all to see. Reminds me of a past President and how my people were treated by ones such as he. X-( People, like him Mistress, are responsible for the killings at Wounded Knee . . the massacres of thousands of women and children in peaceful villages . . . for the march of my people on the “Trail of Tears”. Pure evil, stupidity and fear shines forth in those that kill and attack others because of faith, skin color, lifestyles, etc.
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Advice to subs: I have heard instances where Dyer has entered a skill or money lot where subs are and he has harassed those subs. He does things like tell them to leave, that their Master is calling. He also tells them not to be polite, that no-one wants them to be polite there, making the assumption that everyone else there thinks like he does. He makes a scene (not the BDSMers) and often the sub will leave the property so as not to cause the home owner and other guests distress.
I am thinking that this is not right, that the sub has as much right to be on that property as Dyer does. I suggest you stay, tell Dyer you are putting him on ignore, then do so, and let the owner or roomie present decide if they want to put up with Dyer’s ranting on their property or not. Do not be rude, do not argue, do not distress others around you. If he is on ignore, you cannot hear him, and you may happily continue what you are doing.
Dyer will try to convince the owner or roomie(s) to boot and ban you. I would bet that most of them will not appreciate being told what to do by Dyer any more than we do. If you are booted, take that up with your Master or Mistress.
That is my advice to subs, but of course you should discuss it with your own Master or Mistress first.
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Yes Mikal, you are right. Much wrong has been done in the name of moral righteousness. *Hugging you and crying tears for your people.*
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
There are some suspicions that Uri and Dyer may be one and the same person. Whether or not that is true, I am done with playing with Dyer and feeding his idea of his own self-importance. Goodbye Dyer. Get help. I’ll talk to the rest of you in game.
Jan 27th, 2004
I as well tire of the senseless battle with a man who goes to another arena while the battle rages on…
Goodbye from Catseye will see you in game if you wish to discuss how evil I am
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Umm.. one last farewell to the mind behind Dyer, possibly Uri, and whoever else he may be.
You are evil. Your heart is dark. This frightens you, and you take your refuge in self-righteousness. You do more harm this way than if you were to just accept the darkness within you as part of you, learn about it, discover it is not bad, and learn to play with it. Look how fascinated you are by us, how obsessed you are. You can’t stay away from us.
*Whispering in your ear… * Do I frighten you? Laughing, well I should. I am the Alpha Female boy.
*Grabbing your shirt collar and pulling you to me, my scent filling your nostrils…, and just staring into your eyes..*
*giving you a sweet kiss on the forehead, like a mother’s and pulling back…*
But I am not available to you… Goodbye.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Jan 27th, 2004
I agree with My Ladies advice to the subs/slaves.
And as for Dyer,,,,,,
I and the ones under my Protection will Go where we will, when we choose. We will continue to BE what we are and if Challenged or Harassed by Ignorance or Intolerance We WILL fight.We don’t fear you, and we won’t be put down by you.
We Defy you.
To the Wiccans.
Take our advice,, Don’t take him Lying down, He WILL attack you again. His kind of Narrow minded hatred cannot abide any school of thought other than his own. He has Branded you as evil, for the crime of being different from him. and you can expect his attentions are not so easily dissuaded.
Salem exists as a state of mind in some.
Unles you stand up, the Burnings will continue.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 27th, 2004
Wow, Lady Julianna that’s some kind of comedy you write… do you have a day job with Mad TV??
People really go for that stuff??
“Alpha female” bwahahahaha…
Leaves, laughing hysterically…
Stella Dives
Jan 27th, 2004
To the Wiccans.
Take our advice,, Don’t take him Lying down, He WILL attack you again. His kind of Narrow minded hatred cannot abide any school of thought other than his own. He has Branded you as evil, for the crime of being different from him. and you can expect his attentions are not so easily dissuaded.
Salem exists as a state of mind in some.
Unles you stand up, the Burnings will continue.
OMFG you are kidding me right? So his attentions wont be so easily dissuaded . . WHO CARES? Are we supposed to be scared or something? are we supposed to rise up and charge into battle with a dimwit? For what reason? Why should we be concerned what that moron thinks at all? He cant touch us any of us. The only person he really hurts is himself. He hasnt affected my life at all. Not one bit. HE HAS NO POWER OVER ME. You know, this isnt Lord of the Rings LOL And, honestly, Dyer isnt even a worthy opponent. Burnings? OMFG yeah OK whatever.
Lady Julianna
Jan 27th, 2004
Uri is Dyer. That’s what some of us think. The following quotes are taken from the Detroit Free Press, in an interview with Uri.
Link to article:
Quotations of Professor Ludlow/Uri:
Ludlow’s character and others began questioning Electronic Arts’ real-life responsibility — as a sort of governmental caretaker — to police its game.
Ludlow said that after his newspaper criticized the company’s handling of the incident, he received a warning in early December from Electronic Arts that he had broken game rules by advertising an outside Web site on a game message board, a rule many other players routinely break without repercussions.
Ludlow editorialized that Electronic Arts should be more proactive against exposing real-life teens to the darker, sexual elements of the game, insinuating that chaos reigned in the virtual cities of “the Sims Online.”
Sound familiar? What do you think?
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 27th, 2004
“Why should we be concerned what that moron thinks at all? He cant touch us any of us. ”
I hope you are right in this chere, I have spent enough time in my life fighting Racism and Bigtry to know, If you don’t fight for yourself, No one will do it for you.
Right now, Dyer would like to see people like the Wiccanns Banned from this game because he disagree’s with their religion. You think he has no power, but the Negative press he generates DOES effect how people think of you.
How would you feel being Booted and Banned from TSO because of being a Wiccan?
It doesn’t end there. In my province in Canada, the Human rights commission is hearing cases of Wiccans who have been denied teaching positions because of their religion.
A Provincial Candidate was Ousted from his own Political party because he openly stated to being a Wiccan.
Racism and religious Intolerance are WRONG. He may be hiding behind, “It’s only a game” But TSO is also a Public forum from which he wants you Banned.
No chere,, keep telling yourself that he can’t touch you. Maybe you will be right, But i doubt it.
Jan 27th, 2004
toy cant believe Uri and Dyer are the same person…. simply girls feelings and as most know toy is very seldom wrong in her feelings
as far as dyer coming to a skill lot that this girl is at and harrassing her… bring it on big guy toy would welcome shredding you in front of vanillas toy is sure all would get a good laugh at you dyer
Stella Dives
Jan 27th, 2004
I cant see Maxis banning witches from the game. That doesnt make any sense. In fact it sounds paranoid. And, truthful comparing Dyer to the witch trials is really offensive to me. You are giving Dyer way too much credit. Should the situation necessitate, Im sure Wiccans would fight back. And, Id be right there supporting them. But, I dont even feel threatened. Just bored to death.
Jan 27th, 2004
Dunno (shakes head, looking at floor, clears throat).
this one would be very disappointed if Uri were Dyer. Other posts on other board would indicate either (1) Dr. Ludlow has a personality disorder or (2) he is extremely clever at impersonating two characters to create a false debate about VR journalism. The latter is possible, of course, but this one has doubts that the good Professor would fabricate in that way to support his research … this one is well aware of the temptations that play on an academic, but doesn’t get the sense that this is what is going on here. this one does not rule it out (and has seen stranger things, LOL!), but would be surprised and disappointed.
Nevertheless, deferring to the opinions of others and only throwing my $0.02 into the ring ….
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
Why should we believe that Uri is a university professor? He may be a student, knowing just enough to insert an academic argument here and there. Dyer sounds like a student to me as well, probably first year, because his attempts at academic argument are poor, his skills in this area unhoned. And any responsible academic would not be able to bring himself to manufacture data or twist data as Dyer does, so first year at best.
We only have Uri’s word that he is a professor, and I don’t know if any of the real world press picking up on this blog have bothered to check his credentials out.
Be careful on the net about what you believe. I did a demonstration of sorts with my kids one day. My teen son, daughter, and one of their friends were huddled around the basement computer. On my way to the laundry room I glanced at the screen and noted the chat room they were in. I went back upstairs to my computer and logged in. I pretended to be a 16-year-old girl, and an older adult can pull that off easier than a kid can imitate an adult. I was chatting with them, heard a noise, and my son typed “Cat just knocked something over.” I typed back, asking which cat did it, and named off our cats. A stunned silence followed. Then the questions flew.. “Who are you? Where are you?” I gave them a bit of a scare, typing back “I know you and I can see you.” But I could not scare them for long, I love them. And I started to laugh, and typed in “Ignore the insane laughter from upstairs.” After a second I heard cries rising from the basement… “Mom!” After that, we had a good discussion about people not being what they seem on the internet and pointed out that I had them believing I was a 16-year-old girl.
This is one parent who pays attention to what her kids do on the net. I check cookies, and internet history. They figured that one out, but being teens, they get lazy and don’t bother to cover their tracks all the time, so I catch them. And I walk by their computers.. looking at their screens.
But as vigilant as I am, I don’t succeed in keeping them from everything I would like to. Determined kids find ways to do what they want. In the end it all comes down to how you raise your children, talking to them, warning them of pitfalls and traps and potential dangers, and most of all about the basic values you have instilled into your children. At some point you have to trust that you have done the best that you can, and hope that something got through.
If you have not bothered to have this kind of discussion with your kids… then you should worry. Ah heck, being a parent, I worry anyway, lol! Part of being a parent.
But back to my main point… Uri, present your credentials. A university professor would have some mention or presence on his university website. Give us a link so that we may see that you are what you say you are.
Jan 28th, 2004
Lady J –
in a quick search i was able to uncover the following, one of which is a link to a u mich website and unlikely fabricated:
i feel comfortable that this person exists and is a professor. it leaves open, however (1) whether this person is uri and (2) whether uri and dyerbrook are the same person.
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
Thank you Tskelli.
Always a delight to see you my dear.
I checked out the link and I accept that Peter Ludlow is a professor at U of Michigan. Thank you for the links.
Now, are Uri and Dyer one and the same? It is interesting that neither have spoken up in response.
Regardless of whether they are one and the same or not, I would question the professor’s motivation. What is your purpose here professor?
Like Dyer you seem to be pretty choked by TSO’s suspension and termination of your account. Dyer has really argued the point with me of how unfair it is that I should be able to link to my website, which contains no links to an exploitative website with cheats or anything like it, while you could not link to yours. That sounds to me like Uri being upset and crying.. “It’s so unfair..” This is the cry of a six-year-old, not a man.
I think you have an axe to grind and that you wish to discredit and damage TSO and Maxis. I think you might be willing to go to great lengths to do so. And yes, I still think you are Dyerbrook. So many of your arguments as quoted in the press sound like Dyer’s opinions as expressed here.
I am disappointed. For a university professor, you are demonstrating a profound lack of maturity, Dr. Ludlow.
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
You are also demonstrating a poor ethical system, which I find truly amazing for a professor of Philosophy. I know linguistics are your field, but somewhere in your training you must have taken a course or too in ethics. Yet you are not behaving in a very ethical manner as Dyerbrook.
Jan 28th, 2004
It’s now official: Alphaville IS the most paranoid place on Earth.
I’d love to stay and chat about this more, but I have to get back to my flying saucer and report on what I did on the grassy knoll.
Uri/Dyerbrook/Will Wright/Elvis
Jan 28th, 2004
Uri is not Dyerbrook. Urizenous is Peter Ludlow of the University of Michigan. You can find his site on the web, complete with phone numbers, photograph, and lengthy curriculum vitae.
Dyerbrook is not Uri. I have known Dyerbrook since long before any of us knew the professor.
And, despite what Urizenous/Professor Peter Ludlow has said, I am not ThanksALotUri.
The professor may feel superior to anyone paranoid enough to consider the possibility that he is Dyerbrook. But I would point out that he not only has considered the possibility that I am ThanksALotUri, he is CERTAIN of it.
Maybe he should put that in his flying saucer/grassy knoll report.
Stella Dives
Jan 28th, 2004
I dunno. I agree. I think some of you have become hysterical. Witch burnings. Accusations against a really good friend of mine online who basically you owe a thank you to for providing this forum for you to express yourself anyway. Maybe its time for this thread to die? All reason has.
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 28th, 2004
Uri, Thank you for responding.
I will take your answer as Translating into “No, Uri is not Dyer.” I accept your word chere, and intend to move on.
I Agree with Stella that this Forum is far to Important to Bog it down with that sort of supposition.
I have read the past threads, and i Know Uri has always been against things like the Cyber Child prostitution (As Really, Any sane indevidual would be). Just because Dyer agrees with him in this point, does not make them the same person.
Uri was open and Intelligent enough to give us a Fair hearing, there has been no Mocking tone in his conversations with me or my toy And i am willing to accept him at his word.
Getting back to THIS thread though,, Yes uri, you were rather Thoroughly Hoaxed. I think As a professor, you are used to people coming to you to Discuss idea’s. If, However, you are going to act as a Journalist, either on line or off, you should be leary of people who Offer themselves Unsolicited for Interview. There are far too many people with Various axes to grind who will come to a reporter with “The-story-of-the-century”. If they have a germ of an Idea, By all means use it, but thoroughly research first. Just because someone has an idea for a story, Doesn’t automaticly make them the Best source of Information FOR the story.
Regarding the reason for Maxis terminating your account. Yes, what you had in the way of links WAS a clear violation of TOS. Sorry about that, BUT,, I DO think that Maxis never would have noticed the violation IF your articles hadn’t put their feet to the fire in the first place. Others Violate TOS, and since Maxis can’t be everywhere at once in game, they get away with it Indefinatly.
I don’t think we will ever now if they simply noticed the violation while investigating your claims, OR if some Maxis Official said “Find a reason to get rid of this SOB, He’s making us look bad.” There is no way to tell, and the fact you DID have the Contraband links on your site did make your removal a defencable descision no matter the motivation behind it.
In the end though chere,, it doesn’t realy matter. You ARE back in game, you were even a guest in my on-line home. you are still Meeting People, and conducting interviews, and whatever your reasoning for setting up your Blog, it Really hasn’t been effected by your removal. Learn from what has happened to you, and be a Little Cagier next time.
“That which does not destroy us only serves to make us stronger”
I am sure Uri learned Volumes just from this thread.
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
How interesting, I did not get a reasoned response that I would expect from a Ph.D. level academic, and a professor at a university trained in philosophy and linguistics…
Instead I got an emotional retort and outburst..
You know.. Dyer’s style.
Jan 28th, 2004
Dyer is Uri. Now that would be amusing, wouldn’t it?
I’d laugh.
*Pats everybody on the back* Good show. See you around.
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
It is quite possible that I am wrong about Uri being Dyer, but I am not convinced. I am not certain of it either.
I do know this… something does not smell right here. A Philosophy Ph.D. unable to make an academic argument? My dears, that is their specialty, lol. A linguistics specialist using words like cuz or coz? On the other hand if he had studied youth culture or the linguistic trends in slang.. he would be able to impersonate a young person very well.. as Dyer did….
Hmmm… I keep coming back to that, don’t I?
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
Maybe Uri and Dr. Ludlow are two different people?
A student perhaps? A law student maybe? Nah.. lawyers argue even better, lol.
Lady Julianna
Jan 28th, 2004
All I know is that I think someone is pulling a hoax on all of us and having a laugh at our expense. Poof! Gone to another thread.
Lady Julianna
Jan 29th, 2004
Okay, new theory, lol. I know how universities work and how Ph.Ds work. They often have research assistants, usually university students, paid or unpaid. I think that sometimes the good Doctor may delegate the running of Uri both in game and here to a student. Perhaps all the time or perhaps not. I think that Uri is not always Dr. Ludlow.
Dyer.. hmmm.. he may be a student of Ludlow’s, or not related at all. But there does appear to be some partnership or sympathy at the very least between the two men (assuming that Dyer is a man).
Professor, step up and be honest. We are not laboratory rats running a maze. It is only ethical to fully inform research subjects about what you are doing. And I would remind you, we never did consent to being your research subjects.
Jan 29th, 2004
Julianna, Dyerbrook is not a student of the professor’s, and Dyerbrook is a man. The two of them are not related at all. I believe Dyerbrook started out, as I did, sympathizing with the professor, until the facts about the professor’s account termination became clear, and after he had more experience with the professor, as happened with me also.
To give my level of confidence that they are in no way related, I would guess there might be one chance in a million that the two are in cahoots in any way. That is my own estimation, from all I know about both of them.
However, your theory that someone besides the professor – maybe one of his students – sometimes posts here, is an intriguing one. I doubt that is true, but I have to admit it would explain some things which have struck me as strange and shocking coming from a professor.
For instance, deciding that I am another poster (ThanksALotUri) was, I thought at first, some sort of misunderstanding. Rather than ask me (or ThanksALot) about it, Uri just said I was him, and also said, “We know you hate me.” That I thought was pretty childish. Anyway, when it became clear that it really was me Uri was talking about, I clarified I was not that person. Then we immediately get back the condescending and flippant, “Yes, yes, Coco . . .” answer.
I go on Terra Nova at that point, to explain my view of the media coverage, and point out at the same time that I have been accused of hiding under a fake screen name and other juvenile in-game activities. The professor responds there – AGAIN – as if I had actually said the things ThanksALotUri said!
Then on this thread he accuses you guys of reaching heights of paranoia to think he might be Dyerbrook, in a similarly flippant and immature fashion. Did he forget he had just got done being certain himself, beyond all common sense and available evidence, that I was, myself, yet another poster? And he has never replied to me on this matter or spoken of it again. This would be more easily explained, too, if we actually had some grad students instead of the professor himself reading and responding to some of these posts.
However, I don’t believe – judging what I have seen the professor write and do on other sites – that anyone else is involved, by either speaking for him or playing as him in the game. I also doubt that he would be speaking as anyone other than himself on these boards. Even if he might be – which I doubt – I know it is not as Dyerbrook.
I think all this is just the way the professor is.
Jan 29th, 2004
I waded through most of the comments and, despite the fact that this interview (and Selene Moon) is apparently a hoax, I have a few things to say.
First, the religion is not called Wiccan. It is called Wicca. Wicca=wise; the religion is sometimes referred to as the “Craft of the Wise”. If you practice it, you are a Wiccan. *sigh*
Secondly, I’m disturbed by the fact that one of the supposed “premier witches” on Alphaville starts out her website by saying that Wicca is older than Christianity. It is not. Wicca is only about 70 years old. This is a fact. Check it. However, some of the Pagan practices upon which Wicca is based is older than Christianity. Gerald Gardner is credited as being the father of Wicca – in the 20th century.
Thirdly, this same site also shamelessly plagiarizes other sources and gives no credit to the original (published) author(s). It worries me that people see her as an authority when her site parrots other authors instead of being original. Now, she may be a very nice person, and has the credentials to back herself up. This, I do not know.
Lastly, Dyerbrook said on the page which exposed the Selene Moon hoax “Those of you who have watched my philosophical debate with BDSMers and those who have already called me a “witch-hunter” will wonder if I am now yammering on about wiccan. I personally don’t want anything to do with the devil, Satan, paganism, and wiccan and witchcraft. I do find them all disturbing, and even evil, and I find it profoundly troubling that young teenagers and children are exposed to these things in this game.”
Goodness me. Research, honey, research. Satan and the devil are Christian creations. If pagans do not believe in the Christian God, how can we possibly give credence to the Christian Devil? He’s YOUR Big Bad, not ours! Methinks you find Paganism disturbing because you haven’t bothered to understand the reality; you only parrot the tiny glimpses you’ve been exposed to via bad television programs and movies. This is a good place to start, should you care to educate yourself before making blanket statements about evil and exposing children.
I find Rev. Jim Brown and Jerry Falwell and the Hare Krishnas disturbing…and evil…but I don’t judge Christianity by them.
Yes, I am a pagan.
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 29th, 2004
“I find Rev. Jim Brown and Jerry Falwell and the Hare Krishnas disturbing…and evil…but I don’t judge Christianity by them.”
It is really a rather good thing you don’t judge Christianity by the example of the Hare Krishna’s, They happen to be of Indian Origin, and i believe are derivitive of the Hindus.
To quote another of your entries:
“Goodness me. Research, honey, research.”
Just jerking your chain a Little chere, I understood what you meant and agree completely.
Be well chere.
Jan 29th, 2004
Much of the idea about Wicca being older than xtianity is taken from the writings of Margaret Murray, an anthropologist who wrote a handful of books on witchcraft in the 1920′s. Her basic idea was that there had been an unbroken tradition of witchcraft and Goddess worship that survived from prehistoric times thru The Burning Times until today. Murray’s works have been discredited in the past 70 or 80 years, but you are correct that some of the beliefs and practices have survived.
I believe that Gardner may have incorporated some of her ideas into his early books on the Craft. The existence of Dorothy Clutterbock (sp?) who initiated him into an ancient tradition has never been proven as far as I know. I don’t think this gives Wicca any less validity as a religion, however. I see it as a reconstruction and collection of shamanic practices of many pantheistic religions and cultures all rolled into one modern religion. I’ve known Wiccans who’s choice of pantheons ranged from Egyptian, to Celtic, to Native American.
Jan 29th, 2004
Julianna, mikal….if Y/you’re interested W/we have a guild on the Eclipse server that’s made up of mostly folks from the AV BDSM community. Yes the guild name is BDSM
. Y/you’d be quite welcome if you showed up there.
Piper Halliwell
Jan 31st, 2004
Merry Meet and good morning,
This will be my last foray to this web site so if anyone ie Gia would like to speak with me (like she should have before posting her message) it will have to be by email, yahoo or within TSO.
In saying that, Uri, I have decided against doing the interview you requested.
I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, anyone’s or any places “premiere witch”. I have been a practicing witch for 21 years. I do so within my own space, within my own brothers and sisters, and with great joy.
I am a hereditary witch and of eclectic bent…my beliefs of the origin of “my” Wiccan beliefs go back before Christianity and it is rather odd of you to question it since Wicca,unlike more mainstream religions is based on freedoms to choose your own way.
I was going to comment on your negativity, which is not our way, but you say you are pagan not that you are Wiccan so perhaps that isn’t so with you.
My “web site”, which was commented on, is in fact, a site set up to teach several new people in our coven. This site will not be put out in th search engines nor advertised. In fact when it is done, it will be on my own server under password. Rather than passing my BOS over to someone to be typed in, I got her to research areas on the internet for information, I read it, changed things which were not in tune with our beliefs and put them down for them to read when the time comes. Why is it in public now? To give several people access to upload items to it for me.
It was passed to the Webmaster of the SDR site by accident and is no longer posted. Like Uri, one would have assumed, before the attack, I would have been contacted.
Hate to quote Dyer as saying anything correctly
but he mentioned how I never shoved my religion in anyones face…and I don’t. I don’t hide who or what I am but I don’t shout it out either. I go calmly on my way, hoping each day to be a positive one for me and mine.
I am sorry you felt the need to attack.
Brothers and sisters, a family member of mine is pregnant and the baby may be in trouble. I ask, as you celebrate Imbolc, that you send some positive energy to Brenda.
Thank you and Blessed Be.
Lady Julianna
Jan 31st, 2004
I have talked with Uri and clarified his purpose. His purpose in referring to us was to point to an example of the evolution of a social group within the game. He was not clear about that, and I took him to task for using us as an example of the seamy side of Alphaville life, making us look dirty and vulgar. He said that was not his intent and he has nothing against us or BDSM, and that he liked to consider myself as a friend.
He also said that he does not permit his students to play his sim in game or do interviews or post comments on the Alphaville Herald.
I have come to the conclusion that he is definitely not Dyer. He listened to my arguments against a segregated adult server, changed his mind and agreed with me, and published my opinion. Dyer would never do such a thing.
From comments in the press I was unsure about Uri’s agenda. After talking to him, I believe he is sincere. He made a mistake with the press, and that is not hard to do with the press. I am sure that in any future press interviews he will clarify his reference to us. There may be no further press coverage anyway. The press loses interest quickly and moves on to the next thing.
I apologize to Uri for any distress I may have caused him. It is safe I think to return to his Blog.
Jan 31st, 2004
I’m not sure I’ve changed my mind about the idea of an adult-only server, since I only ever considered it a possible solution. I guess I would consider changing the game rating a better solution.
Jan 31st, 2004
Re: “I took him to task for using us as an example of the seamy side of Alphaville life, making us look dirty and vulgar. He said that was not his intent and he has nothing against us or BDSM, and that he liked to consider myself as a friend.”
Ugh. Looks like Lady J has a new sub. Where is my barf bag?! This is supposed to be a responsible shaper and molder of young minds in a university? What, Uri can run screaming to Maxis/EA and the media about a 17-year-old who *used to be* engaged in cyber prostitution a year ago and still brags about it (and we don’t really have any solid testimony about him other than him), and yet he can give the violent, enslaving ongoing and blatant perversion of BDSM a pass? Huh? And grovel all over Lady J., AFTER he presented it to the media to get himself in the papers, and now double backs when the media frenzy has died down so he can make friends and be popular in the game? Yuck.
Bob the Tomato
Feb 1st, 2004
Dyer…… do you ever agree with anything? You are a perfect example of a board Troll, disagreeing and finding an objection to every damn thing you see here, just for the sake of causing a problem.
I hope Uri’s new book contains a chapter dedicated to you, because I’m convinced you are a perfectly good example of the dodgy side of any online environment.
Oh yes, and my middle name is Larry…. my initials are BLT.
Feb 1st, 2004
dyers constant rambling would be much more amusing if he didnt constantly repaeat the same things over and over hehehehe…. never a new thought, never changing his constant ramblings, always giving a negative slant to everything… such a pitiful existence toy would think.. perhaps one day he will open his eyes instead of wandering about with closed eyes and mind
Stella Dives
Feb 1st, 2004
yeah seriously we all know you have an agenda to destroy the credibility of the good professor . . at any cost. And, see thats the thing though, youll do or say anything and nothing that comes from your piehole is believeble so really you are the only one here who has lost all credibility. You think youve played Uri? Baby you play yourself. Youre a joke in the eyes of every person unfortunate enough to stumble across your obsessive foamy ravings. Can you say stalker? See help. please. for the good of all mankind. And. please for the love of goddess do not throw up in my face the fact that i wont respond or “react” to your arguements. I dont respond because the is nothing to respond to. Your arguments are too idiotic to respond to or address. I would feel brain dead if i tried to explain. Its that far beneath me. the fact the you dont get it. The fact that you actually think your points are valid at all shows me any effort on my part would be wasted on someone as narrow minded as yourself. Its like emmm think what you want. Do you what youy want Dyer. Youve changed no minds here in these forums. Youve had no effect on anyone other than to cause a slight irritation similar to a hang nail. LOL You want to influence others. But you dont have enough game to do that. You have no power baby. Youre weak.
Everyone sees it.
Everyone is laughing at you.
Feb 1st, 2004
You know, Stella, I do understand, that in your pathetic, primitive, infantile belief system, you actually believe, that if you merely chant something, or “put a spell on someone,” or say something enough times, that it will somehow come true. If you say I am weak, or in need of psychiatric help, or that everyone is laughing at me, or that I am narrow-minded, or beneath brain-dead, why, it might come true. It’s a shamanistic approach to life, the kind of thing left behind by the Enlightenment, and oh, science, technology and a lot of stuff in the last few centuries. This notion that “something bad” will come back to me “threefold” is just that sort of primitive belief.
But guess what, it’s not true. I don’t feel weak, or diminished, or slighted, and I doubt very much that most of the 6000 visitors are laughing at me (and not you) or that any reasonable and sane minds out there, if there are any left in the universities unadulterated by Chomskyism and Daddaism and all the rest of that crap, will find me the laughingstock and not you. I’m confident in my arguments, free, and totally virile, because I have the conviction of my beliefs and the knowledge that I have laid them out logically and articulated them, even if I transcribe thought and/or speech, rather than present the still-prescribed artifact of written text with its own laws.
So there’s no way that I can be “dismissed,” or slink away with my tail between my legs, or do any of the sub-like behavior you grand dommes and witches would like to see. You are the weak and pathetic one, my dear, for falling for a rewarmed version of that old chestnut that man is powerful, and can control his environment merely by words. He — or she — cannot. Go on chanting your spells, they no doubt soothe your troubled mind, but I am resting comfortably in the firm knowledge that you have not hurt me, nor can you hurt me, nor can something bad happen to me in the game or in life, merely because you say or wish it so, or because you think my action with Selene was some evil deed that then follows with an evil punishment “three-fold”.
You would think in the year 2004, that we wouldn’t have to explain to children and adults, that words alone, despite their power, cannot hurt a person. You would think in a virtual game, in a virtual world, and in the blog related to that world, we would not have to explain or emphasize this. And yet we must. You are the one who is powerless and ineffective because you lack even the most rudimentary self-awareness and consciousness of anything higher than yourself and your own benighted goddesses with a small g.
Feb 1st, 2004
“You would think in the year 2004, that we wouldn’t have to explain to children and adults, that words alone, despite their power, cannot hurt a person.”
Ah, a fine admission, Dyerbrook, and what several of us have pointed out to you all along: namely, what happens in TSO is merely words! Textual words that accompany pixelated images. The images, as we all know, are restricted and not explicit or scandalous at all. And what we have remaining after that are simply words typed on a computer screen, words which, in your own admission above, can hurt noone. Thank you again for proving with your own words the point that many of us have made in several threads already.
Feb 1st, 2004
Except when those words link up to RL profiles and Real Sims, and lure people into RL encounters. And words can hurt the young, the underage, the weak, the impressionable. Words do mean something. It’s just that they don’t have the power to bring actual three-fold evil to anyone.