Polie Bear: Alphaville’s Army of One
by Alphaville Herald on 18/02/04 at 10:36 am
Yesterday I received the following intriguing piece of spam from Nick, ex-roomie of Van’s Free Money for Newbies, where he was Julia, and ex of the Royalty Cash scam house, where he was Sanjiro, and sometime member of the Armone mafia:
xxx (4:07:18 AM): I need a new account, anybody wanna give/sell? (lost my best one thanks to the inevitable faggot bear again)
This could only mean one thing. Polie Bear had struck again! Yes, the very same Polie Bear who twice deleted Van’s Free Money property. Polie, the tireless warrior against griefers and scammers. The AVH hadn’t talked to Polie’s 14 year old typist in a while, so we figured it was high time we looked him up again.
Urizenus: First of all, congrats on getting your house on the Daily Show!
Polie Bear: Thanks!
Urizenus: It was so funny, Rob Corddry kept wanting to shoot you. “Shoot him shoot him!”
Polie Bear: LOL!
Urizenus: And he was saying “look at that bear staring at me!”
Polie Bear: Hehe…
Urizenus: Too bad they cut that stuff out of the show.
Polie Bear: Yeah, I know.
Urizenus: So anyway, you got Nick terminated?
Polie Bear: For the 5th time.
Urizenus: How did you do that?
Polie Bear: I reported him for making fun of my Sim.
Urizenus: that’s against the rules?
Polie Bear: Yes, it is, it is harassment.
Urizenus: what did he say about your sim?
Polie Bear: That at least he does not have an ugly polar bear head, and ugly fur.
Urizenus: and that got him banned?
Polie Bear: yeah
Urizenus: wow, so how many people do you think you have gotten banned in your days?
Polie Bear: if Nick counts as one person and not 5, I would say 3 or more
Urizenus: Do you remember who the others were?
Polie Bear: one of them was What The F**************ck
Polie Bear: others, I do not really know, but I am sure I banned more people than that
Urizenus: And let’s not forget that twice you got Van’s house deleted
Polie Bear: yeah, lol
Urizenus: So what is your secret? How do you get the attention of the game monitors?
Polie Bear: I don’t know if there really is a secret, but you just try to tell them as much as you can within a few minutes, be nice, and that usually does the trick…
Urizenus: Is there a GM that is particularly receptive to you? (I mean that listens to you well)
Polie Bear: Starbladeprtx usually actions against Nick
Urizenus: Did he know all these sims were run by Nick?
Polie Bear: maybe, they might be able to see his contact info
Urizenus: How does Nick keep getting new accounts?
Polie Bear: he seems to just buy game codes, trade accounts with friends, people give/lend/sell accounts to him, etc.
Urizenus: ic, so here’s another question…
Urizenus: I saw that some mafia guy tagged you and would only lift the tag for money. How much money did he want?
Polie Bear: nobody ever demanded money from me
Urizenus: oh I thought you said something like that on stratics
Polie Bear: oh, I was referring to a complaint I made to Maxis but they misread it
Urizenus: maxis misread it?
Polie Bear: yeah, they sometimes do misread my reports [here is their reply]
We received your complaint about another player making you an enemy on their friendship web and or demanding Simoleans in exchange for removing the enemy link. Unfortunately this does not constitute a Terms of Service or User Agreement violation unless the friendship web note is vulgar in nature. This is part of the game design. Players need to weigh carefully who they offer a friendship balloon to while playing the game. EA/Maxis can not remove players from friendship webs nor can we break friendship rings of enemies.
If you would prefer to avoid contact with this player while you are in the game, please make sure that the other player is added to your ignore list and that you have them banned from your lot if you are a property owner.
EA Player Relations
Urizenus: well, why do you think they would ban Nick for calling your fur ugly, but not ban a mafia guy for tagging you?
Polie Bear: because if you report a scammer, or someone trying to make you pay to remove a tag, you get the message saying “Thanks for your report but this is not a TOS violation…”
Polie Bear: … because [tagging] is a supported feature
Urizenus: but saying a sim has ugly fur is a violation?
Polie Bear: yeah, it is harassment, now if only I knew that when Van was around
Urizenus: well that was my question: Van was calling sims ugly every day from day one. sims with glasses, sims with bear heads, sims with hats, black sims, sims with colored hair…
Urizenus: It’s especially odd that he could say racist things to black sims but maxis wouldn’t do anything about it, but they will do something when Nick says your fur is ugly.
Polie Bear: either Maxis loves him, or nobody reported him for that, so that was why he was not banned sooner
Urizenus: Well, do you think there is reason to suppose that Maxis was protecting Van?
Polie Bear: maybe he has many accounts, and Maxis does not want to lose money maybe?
Urizenus: Well, what are you up to otherwise these days. Doing anything fun in alphaville?
Polie Bear: yeah, just hanging out with friends, but I am a little scared of the people in Alphaville now…
Urizenus: scared of what people in alphaville?
Polie Bear: Nick’s friends, after I terminated him, he started a “revolt” against me
Urizenus: So they are going to tag you?
Polie Bear: yeah, but it is funny when I play games with them, while they boost me up the lists
Urizenus: you or your house?
Polie Bear: my house
Urizenus: so you are getting a high visitor count thanks to all the taggers?
Polie Bear: yeah, thanks Nick for the hours!
Urizenus: So do you really not like Nick or are you sort of friends with Nick?
Polie Bear: it is funny, because one minute we’re best friends, the next, we’re the worst enemies
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: so what do you want to say to Nick now?
Polie Bear: he says he “ownz” me, but I think he needs spelling classes, and I own him
Urizenus: Anything else you wanna say?
Polie Bear: Nick can try to make my friends enemies, but they are still friends. nice try.
Urizenus: k, thanks Polie!
Polie Bear: anytime
Aurora Ivy
Feb 18th, 2004
Hey Don’t forget you got me suspended to >=| And I’m your best friend And as my comment? Im not the one NOT being your friend u r
and you spell Ownz the same way as nick ^_^ Signed ~Icy~
Polie Bear
Feb 18th, 2004
Yes, that did happen. But at the time, you were supporting scammers. I wanted to only get Nick but somehow got you too. And if you want me to say it, I ownz Nick. =P
Feb 19th, 2004
Polie im sick of you doing this. Must you continue to badger nick? Im so sick of it, yet im not even going to bother tagging you or reporting you. You know why? Because im not gonna stoop to your level of intellegence.
Polie Bear
Feb 19th, 2004
I continue to report Nick because it seems he is still greifing other players. One of them is me, as I think he started spamming Maxis with reports on me, and one got me flagged. So yes, I will continue to report.
Feb 19th, 2004
Your doing no different though polie. Just in a different way. Your griefing nick in a different way. And its starting to affect his real friends. I.E Not van.
Polie Bear
Feb 20th, 2004
People do call me the scammer of scammers, greifer of greifers, because I only use their tactics on them. Once Nick stops his harassment and scamming on others, I will stop reporting. Remember he also used the report button as a reporting tool, so don’t act like it is just me doing it.
Feb 20th, 2004
“People do call me the scammer of scammers, greifer of greifers, because I only use their tactics on them.” BULLSHIT! You don’t deserve the titles. Using someones tactics on them is just as bad as being them. How’s the old saying go? Two wrongs don’t make a right? Hmm..”Once Nick stops his harassment and scamming on others, I will stop reporting.” Earth to Zach, base here. Nick doesn’t harass anyone, it’s called goofing around. *cough mood-killer *cough* He also hasn’t scammed anyone in over a month. Roger, over and out. I use the report button when I see something worth reporting. A comment about sexual preference, racism, or other such things. I DO use it as a tool. You use it in a war you’re fighting, that’s not only pointless, but that you were only fighting with me. Well, guess what, I WIN! =)
Feb 20th, 2004
http://shadowboy12.tripod.com/poliescrimes.html Check it out I guess..just my little venting page..
Feb 20th, 2004
Kimberly says:
When nick isnt on you talk about how much he is a dick and shiizzz so umm heres your chance to talk to him and you iggy
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* says:
because I am busy
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
you’re afraid of me
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
you’re afraid to say it to my face
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
because you’re a woose like that
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* says:
I am busy you asshole
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
“I am busy you asshole”
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
is that supposed to offend me?
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* says:
Let’s get a beer and cake and fuck ourselves all fuckin’ night long! says:
well, it didn’t work
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* says:
go to hell
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* says:
Zachnorn *MAXIS ROCKS!* has left the conversation.
ohohohohohohohooooo, guess Polie isn’t so nice now huh? :X
Polie Bear
Feb 20th, 2004
You have a right to be mad at me. After all, I did do most of the flagging/suspending/banning to you. I did say that, because of you continually inviting me to the chat, even bypassing my ignore. As for your venting page, I really couldn’t care less. In fact, your anger makes me happy!
Oh and one more thing: You DID scam under Sniffle which is why you deleted him. So don’t lie.
Feb 20th, 2004
I continually invited you to chats? PFFFT I invited you to 1/4 as many chats as you did to me. So don’t go and be a burnt bitch and accuse me of YOUR doings. That also goes for bypassing your ignore. You did the same, and it naturally happens in MSN, fucker. And lastly, don’t use my quotes. And yes, I admit, I scammed ONCE under Sniffle, what of it? I didn’t delete him because I scammed, I deleted him to do something other than scamming, such as the Armone family. So, in a comeback to your stupid-ass post, “fuck off and go to hell.” Oh wait. That’s something you would say. Let’s be creative then.”LOOK AT ME DADDY IM SHOOTING THE FUCKASS BEAR DADDY AHAHA LOOK DADDY IM SHOOTING HIM DADDY AHHAHAHA LOOK DADDY IM SHOOTING THE FUCKER AHAHAHA!” .dot.
Carlos Sanchez
Feb 21st, 2004
Like your house polie? Like the burnt carriers polie? Like the sixteen tags polie? Stop doing this to nick.
Feb 21st, 2004
I could be wrong but I think that this whole war between Polie and Nick and whoever is involved is just WEIRD.
Other things that are weird…
Aurora Ivy — your new nick is Ora Rose, correct? (The Aurora Sim disappeared and the Ora Sim was created on around the same day; your profiles are similiar, ie you both had/have the rose pic in your profile; you’re both “best friends” with Polie Bear, I assume Ora is your recreated Sim. Am I wrong?) So you’re currently living at a place (one of the FM spawns/spoofs) w/members of the Merrill family. Is this just a joke or have you reverted to old form? I remember reading something about this back in December and you said you weren’t associated with the scammers any more. So is this house just a spoof of the original FM or what?
The house profile says you ownz Polie.
Does anything make sense anymore? UH NO.
Also, I have a friend in Alpha who is a bear. A few months ago, she went to FM and Evangeline dissed her fur and other bear features. My friend immediately reported these insults as harrassment to Maxis, who, in turn didn’t do shit about it. They sent an email saying they’d look into it but Evangeline didn’t go anywhere.
Soooo explain to me whey they listen to Polie, but not other bears?
That is all — thanks.
Polie Bear
Feb 22nd, 2004
After the posts made by Nick and Carlos Sanchez, you will see who is really being abused here. And they don’t listen to anyone when they are at a scam house. Aurora Ivy is not a scammer, she told me she was just there to be with friends and not scam.
Aurora Ivy
Feb 22nd, 2004
HannahB shut it! Ill live whereever the hell I want I don’t scam nor tag so you shut it >=| Most you people deserve to get scamed on how judgemental you all are!
Thank you Polie My good friend for sticking up for me…HannahB and syl and others who stalk em you disgust me *Sticks out tongue* BLEH
Feb 22nd, 2004
HannahB, you have no right to intrude here, I just want to say that. Dont go calling this “war” weird, you dont know anything about it. Maxis doesn’t listen to Polie just because he’s a bear, they listen to him because he reports so much. Why, you ask? Because he’s weak. He has no honor, pride, or respect for others, and has to cower behind Maxis. And he hardly makes up for it in personality. I hope that helped a little. Oh and Polie, you are the one being abused now. And you wanna know why? Because you abuse everything else. You abused me, and anyone else you reported, as well as the report feature. Good vigilante? I think not.
Feb 22nd, 2004
Oh, and something I meant to post all along, but never did. Polie, they never banned me for the comment about your fur. You reported and they looked into it, but banned me for language, just like most of the other times. It was for telling Kim to fuck off. Just wanted to make it clear that the last 3 times you reported me and got me banned, it wasn’t what you reported for.
In short, I own and you’re a fool! hehe.
Polie Bear
Feb 22nd, 2004
Either way, I alerted Maxis. That is what counts. And I don’t abuse the report button, I use it as a tool to help the game. We don’t need scammers and greifers like you. You are right about one thing. I have no respect for scammers nor greifers. Now quit with the “I own” stuff, we are not animals. Well I play one, but I am not one in real life.
Feb 22nd, 2004
“Either way, I alerted Maxis”, which is precicely WHY you’re an idiot. That’s not what counts, that’s whats stupid as shit, because you have no reason to. You do abuse the report button. I have 10 different screenshots of you saying “is that reportable” or “is that harassment” or something as stupid, and finding out 10 minutes later that you did report. I’m not the greifer here, I’m not the one ruining anyone’s gameplay, you are by constantly trailing me and reporting me. And I am gonna fight back, I’m not a greifer, I’m a survivor. And don’t try to be funny here, this isn’t a fucking joke. Report me to the FBI for piracy and harassing you in an online game? Ok! Go for it. I will too considering you did the same exact thing to me. Oh, but wait. We’re both minors! So, not only will they ignore us, but they won’t and can’t do anything!
Feb 22nd, 2004
Nick, I’m sorry if you misinterprated my comment. All I meant by the “weird” comments was that I don’t understand what the hell you guys are all doing. I’m not saying you’re weird or that you all don’t have very very good reasons for the actions you’ve taken. I’m saying, as an outsider looking in, none of this makes any sense. How this whole thing got started, why you don’t just leave each other alone, etc. You said it yourself: “you dont know anything about it.” Um I KNOW I don’t know anything about it. That’s why I’m trying to find out more. Now, is it any of my business? No, not under normal circumstances. But the fact that there WAS an article here in the AVH makes it my business because I’m an AVH reader and suddenly I’ve been alerted to this issue and now I’m interested. Your “intrusion” comment set me back for a second, however, because I thought this was a public forum, not just another outlet for you and Polie to publically and verbally abuse each other. But I guess that’s what it’s turned into. Have fun you guys.
Feb 22nd, 2004
hmmm, HannahB makes a good point. If we have public thrashes we’re gonna have to explain what the thrashes are about.
But meanwhile, this Polie/Nick Thrash seems pretty senseless to me. How about we have a sitdown at the Alphaville Herald HQ and try to come to some sort of understanding. Or any other neutral location.
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
“I’m not the greifer here, I’m not the one ruining anyone’s gameplay, you are by constantly trailing me and reporting me. And I am gonna fight back, I’m not a greifer, I’m a survivor.”
Oh please, you’re ruining MY game. With you recreating then harassing me more. Maybe if you stopped that, maybe I wouldn’t report you. Think about that.
“Report me to the FBI for piracy and harassing you in an online game? Ok! Go for it. I will too considering you did the same exact thing to me.”
That would be silly to report that. I could report you for continually harassing me online, and I already reported you to Fans, who has connections to the FBI. You know he made you delete your music!
HannahB, I am trying to stop talking to him, but he keeps harassing me if I even try. See what an idiot he is? And yes, this is a public forum, as was Stratics, but it seems Nick ruined both. They locked a good thread because of all the mean posts that Nick made. I am only defending myself.
And Urizenus, I don’t think the Alphaville Herald HQ is a good idea. After all, he is trying to get me. Maybe Yahoo!
Who is harassing who? Nick is harassing me. he gave me 16 out of 17 tags. He trashed my lot TWICE! Me and other people spent over 2 hours cleaning each time. HE got my clothing racks bugged, which made me lost over 150k. HE is bashing me everywhere there is a Zachnorn or a Polie Bear username. And he says he is being harassed?! HA! I am laughing so hard, I can’t control it!
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
Oh yeah, and another thing. It was also you who is sending your friends to harass me, spy on me, and even make my friends enemies. If you are the one being harassed, then the world has stopped spinning. But yet, I see day turn into night, night into day. You’re not being harassed.
Feb 23rd, 2004
Gah why don’t you guys just stop period. Nick if you hate Polie ignore him.. Don’t go near him. Polie.. I know it’s gotta be hard for you and all cause to me it seems like the only point in playing sims is to make Nick’s life miserable. You always go around saying oh well it’s always all about Nick *NEWS FLASH* to you it’s all about Nick he’s the only person you ever talk about! EVER. If you hate Nick so much leave him alone! It’s not that hard!! Why Can’t we all just get along?! =P
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
No, I only make his life hell because he does the same to me. And he has you and Aurora Ivy behind his side, as well as others. I have no defense against him. The only thing I CAN do to try to stop this harassment is report. Again, I can’t leave him alone, because he keeps harassing me.
Feb 23rd, 2004
Yeah, Okay. If he keeps “Harrassing” you.. put him on ignore. I tried to make you guys stop that one night both of you was at your house we made and agreement that you and Nick would stop. You both agreed. The next day what do you ya know you got him banned.. Then I told you we had an agreement and you said “I thought it was only for one day.” WTF! why would it be for only one day? It’s because you like the drama.. Seriously. It’s getting old. Just Stop.
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
First off, I try ignoring him, he just gets a trial, or an account from a friend and harasses me some more.
Second, you left me with the impression it was for the night. Next time, make it more clear you mean for it to be a longer period. And why would I like the drama of being tagged?
Feb 23rd, 2004
Why would I make it for one night? Next time i’ll be sure to make it as clear to you as possible! Whoa one night of not reporting Nick.. Must of been hard for you. So then the next day you couldn’t take it anymore the must report Nick withdrawl kicked in. You try to ignore him? Yeah okay, You follow him everywhere he goes.. Own personal stalker as you might say. You find him and you wait for him to say something that might be reportable and you jump on it. Even if he would be talking to someone else you would report him. Makes me wonder how you actually go out in the world knowing theres not a report button to hide behind. Someone could look at you weird and you would call it harassment.
Feb 23rd, 2004
Oh and you ask why would you like the drama of being tagged? Well you obviously like the drama of being tagged look what you’re doing.
Feb 23rd, 2004
Ok, I’ll start from the top here. HannahB, I am sorry for that comment, I was rwally out of line, and I appologize. Polie, again, you’re just trying to make me look bad in public. Why you ask? Because you can’t stand the fact that maybe, just maybe, you went too far. Call me an idiot? Please, I did NOT in any way shape or form, leave you with the impression that that truce was for one day. I made it clear as glass that I never wanted anything to do with you EVER again. So don’t feed me shit like that. And how many times do I have to tell you? I gave you the majority of the tags, not all but one of them. And I didn’t use that friveless exploit on your racks, I think it’s stupid. I can entertain myself with better ones like getting stuck in the ground. As Kim said, if you hate me so much, ignore me. But do you? No, you purposely keep me unignored so when I make one fuck up, you report. Of course I’m gonna get temps and friend’s accounts to come back and bitch you out. You’re getting me banned, anyone in their right mind wouldn’t just sit around and take it. As I said before, I’m not a griefer, I’m a survivor. Period. End of story. Shut up.
Feb 23rd, 2004
And I’m no longer going to play this childish game to you. I refuse to deface myself in public further, so I’m not going to stoop to your level of intelligence by bickering and bitching back in forth like idiots. Later.
Feb 23rd, 2004
And I’m no longer going to play this childish game with you. I refuse to deface myself in public further, so I’m not going to stoop to your level of intelligence by bickering and bitching back in forth like idiots. Later.
Feb 23rd, 2004
hi kim
Feb 23rd, 2004
Polie get out of my account, you are getting so annoying… All i need is just a little more proof and I can sue your ass
psssst nick you should do the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneoneoneone
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
Zip, EA could see that I did not change your password. They CAN look up IP’s. And you told me the username/password. So really, you couldn’t sue me for anything. If it was changed, look in your e-mail.
Nick, I know you’re trying to make me look bad, as well as Kim. Why else would you stalk me on every single Sims Online message board I post at?
Feb 23rd, 2004
OK, THIS is really the LAST time I post here. Polie, I did not, nor ever will, stalk you. In game, message boards or otherwise. It was your sole decision to give me the link to the thread. So don’t go spattering at me that I stalked you and all that crap. And I said you’re trying to make me look bad, which is not only humiliating me (heaven forbid) but publicly degrading YOURSELF. So, don’t take my lines, and don’t be a bitch. As they say, “cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.”
Aurora Ivy
Feb 23rd, 2004
Hopefully this gives you a conslusion that I wanna have a normal playing realationship with the both of you as good friends I can hang with whenever… ~Ora~ =)~~ @–>–
Polie Bear
Feb 23rd, 2004
Nick, do I have a website that harasses you? No. And I suggest you don’t lie about stalking me in game, I have a rich moron with 9 accounts trying to use them all to harass me. You may not be harassing me, but you’re sending your friends to harass me. So don’t be a liar. You know you’re sending trail accounts after me.
Aurora Ivy, I really don’t think you consider me a friend when you are always on Nick’s side. Oh no! I am using Nick’s toilets to flood his bathrooms! Oh no! I am commiting murder! While Nick made me spend 2 hours the same DAY trying to clean up my lot. Which you helped trash.
Baloo The Tampon
Feb 24th, 2004
Chat Logs (not exact ones but almost similar)
Ora Rose: ugly lil person
Baloo The Tampon: *reports*
Ora Rose: :O
Polie Bear: yes ora kick him
Baloo The Tampon leaves the property
Baloo The Tampon enters the property
Ora Rose: wb
*10 minutes later*
Ora Rose has left the property
Baloo The Tampon: where’d ora go?
Polie Bear: server crash maybe
*5 minutes go by*
Polie Bear: Dont suspend my friends
*polie kicks baloo out*
…So now you’re mad because I suspended her?? Isn’t that what you did to nick? hmmm… I guess polie doesn’t like that does he? well all i have to say is “Dont suspend my friends”. >:)
Polie Bear
Feb 25th, 2004
Baloo, read the post in the “Stop the Cheetah Deleting Madness!” story for what I have to say.
Baloo The Tampon
Feb 26th, 2004
So…? Nick got over it quickly ,you idiot
Baloo The Tampon
Feb 26th, 2004
Oh yea one more thing… Polie’s a sissy, he gets offended by eveything. He does not know how to play a game. He depends on his “MOMI”. He probably doesn’t have any friends if he acts like this in RL because he would cry every time they start playing aroudn with him.
Polie Bear
Feb 26th, 2004
Baloo, do you think that all my tags is Nick “playing areound?” All this abuse too? What about acting like a best friend one minute, then trying to report me like mad the next? Do you really think that when I found out one of his friends was asked to screw up my hard drive, I just said “oh well Nick is just playing around?” When Nick became a scammer, I thought it was a joke on me. Until I found out that he enemy linked me, canceled or got that account banned, and it stayed there. If that is playing around, then I don’t want a friend like that.
Feb 26th, 2004
alright you guys. I’m calling the truce this time. this is getting old. Just stay away from each other or something. And remember. The last sim posting doesn’t win a prize.
Feb 26th, 2004
Uri I just have one thing to say. “Baloo, do you think that all my tags is Nick “playing areound?” All this abuse too? What about acting like a best friend one minute, then trying to report me like mad the next?” You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that Zach.. “Do you really think that when I found out one of his friends was asked to screw up my hard drive, I just said “oh well Nick is just playing around?”" I told you he did that of his own free will. “When Nick became a scammer, I thought it was a joke on me. Until I found out that he enemy linked me, canceled or got that account banned, and it stayed there. If that is playing around, then I don’t want a friend like that.” You don’t even deserve a friend like me and I don’t want you back, so hmph. Lamer much?
Aurora Ivy
Feb 26th, 2004
Hi I’m back I gotta post 1 more thing!
Baloo YOU FUCKER I’m pissed yes over a stupid suspension its my 2nd suspension and unlike you I don’t get as many accounts *Im not a money waster either like your faggit self* and so people in RL who pay for this account *’Cause I don’t
* Get very pissed off when it gets suspended. (am I a serious player) sometimes depends if assfucks like yourself come online you know the type of asses who can mess around with other peoples accounts and not give a damn with the get suspended Such as yourself
so…I hope your happy on suspending me cause it’ll be your last I may go and get parental controls so I can’t talk to you only people I have bookmarked.Yeah I’m done
p.s. Sorry uri
for venting out my lame anger on your comment page… Zipper is just a asshole
~Aurora~ *Gives Kiss of Death
have a nice day Zipper*
Feb 27th, 2004
people nick poli why dun u guys grow up you guys are acting like ass-wipes right now waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u guys sound like babies that need the bottle and diapers quit the shit hey assholes and if its affecting real life friends that is bullshit its a game people shut the fuck up and have fun thats what the game is supposed to be about fun not this quite the crap u fuckers
Baloo The Tampon
Feb 27th, 2004
Ora…. I use trials you dumbass, do you think im such an idiot to spend more money on TSO. HECK NO!
Baloo The Tampon
Feb 27th, 2004
P.S.: wanna try for one more suspension?
you know the 3rd suspension is ban
Aurora Ivy
Feb 27th, 2004
oooh I’m scared Baloo Try me! I’m not gonna say nothing reportable no more
so hah! I’m no dumbass either but you’ll see I got people everywhere in AV so…:) Oh well maybe you should watch your back too…