Bradley’s hack cj johnson account
by Alphaville Herald on 11/05/04 at 9:15 pm
Well, it seems like just days ago that we were posting a series of stories on how cj johnson was running a series of clones – in particular a clone of Lead Architect (called Lead Archetict), and was using them to scam people out of a number of valuable rares. Now it appears the Ubiquitous Mr and Mrs President Bradley have hacked cj johnson’s account and seized his ill-gotten gains. (Is there honor among thieves? Guess we answered that question.) This completes a series of account hacks for which the Bradley’s have taken credit, including Evangeline, former AVG CIA director Fans, and Calvin Creek Government President Seth Galloway, among many others. Am I wrong in thinking that the situation in AV is completely out of control?
The following chat log was provided by Mr-President.
[03:42] cj johnson: Hello are you there ?
[03:42] Sim President: Yeah, what’s up?
[03:42] cj johnson: Mr.President s
[03:42] cj johnson: some thing very sad has happened to me
[03:42] cj johnson: my account was
[03:42] cj johnson: hacked
[03:42] cj johnson: and permently suspended
[03:43] Sim President: How do you know it was hacked?
[03:43] cj johnson: My whole computer was hacked sir
[03:43] cj johnson: i had to reformat it
[03:43] Sim President: How do you know for sure?
president_avg: [03:44] cj johnson: Well when some one is having a converstation with me in microsoft word …
[03:44] cj johnson: that had total controll
[03:44] cj johnson: the opend word and started to talk to me
[03:44] cj johnson: Mr.President
[03:44] cj johnson: im in dier need of help here
[03:44] cj johnson: i have things for sale on ebay
[03:44] cj johnson: I need my account back
[03:45] cj johnson: i have so much money and so many rares
[03:45] Sim President: Who hacked you?
[03:46] cj johnson: 2 st benards 2 tigers 2 simmys 1 afghan 1 robo cat 2 cheethas and over 50 mil
[03:46] cj johnson: I don’t no who hacked me
[03:46] Sim President: How’d you get all that??
[03:46] cj johnson: I have been working very very very hard
[03:47] cj johnson: i was trying to make a part time living off the game sir
[03:47] cj johnson: Is there any thing you can do to help me
[03:47] cj johnson: ?
May 11th, 2004
I talked to ur cousin CJ u didn’t deserve any of that stuff!!! That stuff was all scammed from helpless sims. I’m happy for once that you got hacked…u deserved it
Kristi Hilts'
May 11th, 2004
Ok, for the first time ever, I’m actually posting a comment. I have to say, I’m sorry CJ but you deserved it. Now you know what it feels like when you scam other people. I hope this has taught you a lesson. I have no sympathy for you or any of your kind, you all get what you deserve in the end.
May 11th, 2004
serves you right you clown. Amatuer thief got hacked by a much smarter crook. GG CJ you knob =P
Crime does’nt pay, unless your the smartest or biggest.
- RB
May 11th, 2004
Want to post that 10 more times RB, lol j/k. But CJ, you got it, and I hope you rot.
May 11th, 2004
The server stuffed up. multiple posts happen when that occurs
- RB
May 12th, 2004
Now that’s a good one. HAHAAHAHAHAHA. A hijack program that comes into your computer, opens up MS Word, and starts *having a conversation* with you??? LOL. These people have been playing the Sims too long. Why do you believe this, Uri? What sort of magical hacking tool do the Bradleys have? And why do you keep believing this urban legend? And can anyone ever call Maxis and see if they can get a confirmation that other players with other ISP numbers, etc. are playing someone’s account?
May 12th, 2004
It is possible. However, it is preventable. Don’t open strange files sent to you in e-mail.
May 12th, 2004
What ‘magical’ hacking tools could do this?
Knight V7
The list goes on, but those are probably the more well-known ones that you could easily read about online.
With most of them these days you only need a small knowledge of computers to download the client (trojan) and admin (hacker’s view) tools. Then all you need to do is come up with a clever (or sometimes not-so-clever) way of getting it onto another’s computer. Such as creating a self-extracting zip file that not only unzips a real and legitimate program, but injects its payload into the computer as well.
It’s not so unimaginable even if you haven’t seen the latest trojans floating around. Ever heard of Remote Desktop, WinVNC, or PCAnywhere? If you have, then it doesn’t seem so strange to have a program on one computer that can remotely control someone else’s.
This is not to say this is what happened in this case, but let’s not be ignorant and call the idea of it happening magical.
May 12th, 2004
Well, in another thread, it seems that stealing money and griefing is considered ‘funny’ by them. So if this is all true, this is a very funny case!
CJ Johnson should really be enjoying himself, since it is soo funny
or maybe it is not as funny as one thinks once it happens to yourself…
May 12th, 2004
Docosa, et. al. It *is magical thinking and it is all part of the urban legend phenom in TSO that repeats and repeats. 1) Griefer griefs. 2)Victim complains. 3) Griefer griefs more. 4) Victim begins to use tactics not unlike griefer to grief back. 4) Griefer gets more sophisticated. 5) Victim is hooked and can’t let it go and must grief back and is in a love/hate relationship with griefer. 6) Griefer and victim merge in a haze of griefing frenzy. 7) The tension is resolved by either griefer, victim, or uber-griefer from another scene being brought in to claim “hacking” has occurred.
All parties parade their sick s/m fantasies to the public and tell everyone they are either hacked or victims of lie campaigns. Um, this is interesting to watch? I don’t think so.
Of course there are trojans that invade your computer, duh. You use Spy bot or Ad aware or Norton or all above despite tekkies screaming that you can’t use them together and you keep them out. Let’s say that TSO players developed some really nifty virus that wasn’t like Netsky or SASSER or something that existing programs already keep out. Let’s say this program not only comes into the computer, but grabs a document where the person has written their name and password, or grabs cookies and URLs like those related to buddy.exe in the TSO client. Or whatever. But…there’s a program that can do all that and by itself open up your Sim and walk him around and delete your lot? By remote? And talk to you in MS word? Come on…
It’s that last bit that should signal that we are merely in the latter stages of the usual S/M hacking drama meme or routine in TSO, and just ignore it. You make a user name different than your Sim. You make a password that isn’t simple to guess that isn’t related to your Sim. You keep AV programs running, although of course you can’t hook up to TSO with Norton running, but you keep em on in e-mail. I’d like to hear more about the mechanics of how hackers not only hack and log on by remote but then walk around for hours deleting lots without Maxis or anybody being able to complain and stop them and identify their ISP. Could we get a comment on that please?
May 12th, 2004
wtg the bradleys he needed to be taken care of
Charlize Theron'
May 12th, 2004
Wahooo!! Finally!
May 12th, 2004
Wow, now this game is getting out of hand.
May 12th, 2004
CJ Johnson hasnt been hacked. He just wanted some publicity. Or maybe he has less luck scamming so he decided to go out with a bang, pretending he got hacked, create a new sim. Transfer his stuff to the new sim and start over again… It’s easier to scam with an unknown sim
Viva T
May 12th, 2004
Haha CJ Johnson just wants attention
Dante Dracos
May 12th, 2004
Face it folks….the Bradleys are untouchable. They are too smart and too good at what they do for anyone to be able to get near them.
Look who they have allegedly “hacked” so far:
Fans – A troublemaker who loved to harass people and thought he had RL authority.
Evangeline – No need to even think about this one
Seth – A secret scammer
CJ Johnson – Another scammer
So far I don’t see the problem…in fact I see them as heroes doing us all a big favor by cleaning up!
Love them or hate them, you’ve got to admit….they ARE “that damned good”!
Mrs President Bradley
May 12th, 2004
When is anyone going to get it? Why lie when you have nothing left? You didn’t have $50 million. Greedy men achive nothing. End of story. You lost so move on. Oh by the way the simmy looks great on my front lawn;)
P.s-Thanks for the yahoo:)
Seth Galloway
May 12th, 2004
I understand what it feels likes, when jackass’ have nothing better to do then hack accounts, because they cant get their fat ass’ up and make it the true way, the HACKER messaged me on YIM and said the following.
tsoreality: hello
galloway04_av: Hello
tsoreality: hi
tsoreality: wow
galloway04_av: What?
tsoreality: you such a liar
tsoreality: TAL:
tsoreality: TALK NOW
galloway04_av: This isnt CJ
galloway04_av: Bradley
tsoreality: I KNOW DUMB ASS
tsoreality: hey hey hey
tsoreality: i decided i liked this screen name too
galloway04_av: Uh.. ok
tsoreality: anyway
tsoreality: what you were doing yesterday wasn’t very nice
galloway04_av: What was that?
tsoreality: you know
tsoreality: claiming I had hacked your Yahoo account again
galloway04_av: Ok, whatever
tsoreality: and saying mean things to people
tsoreality: as “the hacker”
galloway04_av: ?
tsoreality: its all right here
galloway04_av: Uhh..
galloway04_av: galloway04_av (9:26:04 PM): why would i need his account
galloway04_av (9:26:12 PM): why would i want it
lisa_alphaville (9:26:19 PM): so this is seth then..
galloway04_av (9:26:33 PM): no
galloway04_av (9:26:35 PM): i am on here
lisa_alphaville (9:26:41 PM): ok well tell me who this is
galloway04_av (9:26:42 PM): because the real seth
galloway04_av (9:26:49 PM): is going around
galloway04_av (9:27:05 PM): and saying he is me (whoever I am) and saying i hacked himagain
lisa_alphaville (9:27:24 PM): well.. umm what are you doing right now by getting into his yahoo account?
galloway04_av (9:27:36 PM): well
galloway04_av (9:27:47 PM): i might as well do the crime if a am going to get b
galloway04_av: Might you know anything about that?
tsoreality: yes
tsoreality: i did that of course
tsoreality: a nice little chat with her
galloway04_av: So, you hacked my YIM again.. of course
galloway04_av: I dont care.. do what you please.
tsoreality: maybe its less complicated than that
galloway04_av: I mean, Im not the little jackass that hacks peoples accounts because they are such a big faget they cant do anything themselves
tsoreality: Listen Cody, it’s not nice to lie.
tsoreality: It doesn’t go well with the court.
galloway04_av: Uh.. Ohh..
tsoreality: Didn’t you say this to Lisa
tsoreality: “HAHAHAHHA
your dumber then seth
who do you think ??
Mrs B
your site will come down like seth did
sims first name?”
tsoreality: Your quite the comic.
galloway04_av: Huh?
galloway04_av: Im working on a program, I wasnt on YAHOO yesterday, but for a few seconds, that is when someone told lisa that I was going to steal her kids..
tsoreality: “I liked that pet of his.. what was its name …… Ersula.. she is a wonderful dog …………………. ………….
he will never see her again…… wait
maybe if he drops by my place he can
i perfer mrs. b ….. but sweet i need to get going……. thanks for the information”
galloway04_av: Why do you make lies?
tsoreality: And then began a conversation with shawndude_23
tsoreality: My wife isn’t THAT blunt, is she? “LEAVE ME ALONE
I dont talk to uglies”
tsoreality: Mr Steele must have been so afraid “wouldnt that be terrible, if i got into your game… HAHAHAHHHHAHAHAH”
Yahoo! Messenger: tsoreality has logged out. (5/12/2004 4:37 PM)
galloway04_av: lol.. You are hilarious.. Making up more and more lies as you go
This is a conversation with the hackers..
May 12th, 2004
Norton and TSO run perfectly fine together DB. =)
- RB
Mrs President Bradley
May 12th, 2004
Actually it wasnt me it was my husband. Seth you really should calm down:( It sure doesnt seem like it means nothing to you. Just admit it, your a scammer just like the rest of us. I did the city of CC a justice by eliminating you. Take it as a sign from god. You dont belong. So just leave it and go.
Your Love-
Mrs Bradley
May 12th, 2004
i guess your day isn’t complete without that heady sense of superiority over other inferior Sim, hmm RB? I spoke in shorthand. Of course TSO runs with Norton AV, plain old Norton AV with the yellow cross in the task bar. but I mean Norton Internet Tracker Zone or wtf it’s called, the blue globe. That thing stops buddy.exe from execution and forces you to manually approve every thing and even hitting “always approve” doesn’t work and it’s a PITA. So you have to come out of that blue globe thing to get TSO going. See?
May 12th, 2004
“I’d like to hear more about the mechanics of how hackers not only hack and log on by remote but then walk around for hours deleting lots without Maxis or anybody being able to complain and stop them and identify their ISP. Could we get a comment on that please?” – Dyerbrook
I tell you what, how about you volunteer to infect your computer with a trojan, and I will show you first hand?
It’s been awhile since I played with trojans, but I think I could remember where to dig up all my old stuff.
If you volunteer to infect your computer, then I could play on your computer as if I was sitting in front of it. I could sit and watch you move your mouse around on your computer, have a keylogger report to me what you are typing, even what you type in the password field as you login to the game. Then I would wait until I knew you were away from the computer, disable your monitor so you couldn’t see what I was doing even if you came back, and play TSO from your very own computer.
Maxis would not be able to track me. Because my computer would connect to yours, then yours would connect to the game. Therefore, only your ip address would show up according to Maxis. You’d have to get your ISP to try and track me, but you probably have some file-sharing program enabled (or I could just enable it myself if you don’t leave it on all the time) on your computer and that would render the search useless, as I would just be another random computer connecting to yours from your ISP’s point of view.
How’s that for mechanics? Like I said, I could show you first hand if you’re willing
Part of the ‘fun’ hackers have is that each computer presents new and challenging obstacles to overcome. So even if your computer doesn’t conform to the assumptions made above, I’m sure it would be a hoot to think up something that would work on your specific PC.
Note: I do not consider myself a hacker at all. Most of what I learned was in an attempt to open my eyes to what is out there so I could better protect myself. I’ve never even made a virus of any sort, I just played with pre-canned varieties between friends and I.
May 12th, 2004
Does anyone know who controls the sim Theresa the Douche-bag in AV? She keeps threatening my RL and saying very very very vulgar things to me. I’m really upset about this. If anyone can give me some info I’d really appreciate this. Thanks
Samantha Luscious
May 12th, 2004
Anyway, so I played the game back in the days of the free trial under the name “Samantha Luscious” and my first roomate was a mister cj johnson. It must be said that I scammed him of 75k because he wanted to use me to make his place a brothel, and me it’s star! So, anyway I told him to give me sum money so I could buy stuff for the place, of course he gave the money, and I went out and never came back. So, at least we know someone scammed the poor guy!
May 12th, 2004
I received the following series of emails and now realize this is not the leadarchitect that I have dealt with in the past – so here is one more item of proof that we have a problem. These emails came from
Question from eBay Member: TSO 4 ACCOUNTS FOR THE SIMS ONLINE (8104825706)
Dear bunnymu5,
How old are the sims and any male sims u own?
To view the item, go to:
Thank you,
Question from eBay Member: TSO 4 ACCOUNTS FOR THE SIMS ONLINE (8104825706)
Dear bunnymu5,
Please contact me asap on aim cjjohnsontso or yahoo tsoreality or email me at thanks
To view the item, go to:
Thank you,
Question from eBay Member: TSO 4 ACCOUNTS FOR THE SIMS ONLINE (8104825706)
Dear bunnymu5,
Hello seller of this item i intend to purshes this item … please contact me please send me and email thanks …….
To view the item, go to:
Thank you,
May 13th, 2004
May 13th, 2004
May 13th, 2004
Uri do you have A.D.D.? I fuckign told you president did not hack my sims online account. They hacked my Yahoo account. What dont you understand.
May 13th, 2004
Where above does it say they hacked your tso account. It only says they hacked your acct.
May 13th, 2004
Don’t worry all! I just received word that the Bradleys will be confronted by “the man” in the matter if days! Keep smiling, it will be over soon…
May 13th, 2004
Can’t they get arrested for this?
Mrs President Bradley
May 14th, 2004
Awwww… Wishful thinking.
Never was a fan of stupidity.
Viva T
May 15th, 2004
Mrs Bradley, Where is your husband Mr Bradley? why doesn’t he post here anymore? hmm, maybe he changed sex
Mrs President Bradley
May 15th, 2004
Where the hell did you come from? Nobody misses you. So sorry. Why dont you ask him. And dont worry my husband is more man than you’ll ever be you nasty whore.
-Mrs Bradley
May 15th, 2004
Maybe they got to him first lol…we have been planning this for so long…soon it will all come to an end…keep smiling!
Viva T
May 15th, 2004
Didnt he change sex? Oh i thought you were mr bradley
Mrs President Bradley
May 15th, 2004
Comming from you Viva… I dont think anyone gives a shit what you think.
May 16th, 2004
I love seeing people smile. I try to make someone smile at least once a day! Especially when I get the last laugh…carry on kids!
Mrs President Bradley
May 16th, 2004
Thats nice.
Viva T
May 16th, 2004
Give me Celesties new name on TSO NOW! I want to give his house back and money too please. Hurry before I delete everything! HAHAHA!
May 16th, 2004
Viva, I left the game to go to another game. I won’t tell you what game so please don’t ask me. You can keep everything I don’t care because everyone knows TSO is about to close.
May 16th, 2004
Yes it is about to close in the next five months. There is much better anyway…Where will all the drama go?
May 16th, 2004
Yes it is about to close in the next five months. There is much better anyway…Where will all the drama go?
May 16th, 2004
PS…wish me a wonderful vacation…I just love the Sunshine State! It’s great to be free!
Mrs President Bradley
May 16th, 2004
Ohhhhh… does that mean a visit?
I can’t wait!:)
Room 112 I’ll be there mon-fri 6:45-3:15
See ya soon.
May 16th, 2004 turn to step in. Let’s see..

Bradleys-Another wonderful performance. Good job, I envy you
Seth-Stop bitching like a baby.
leila-Get a life.
Viva-Fuck you, no one likes you, you’re a sluttish wench who needs to get laid. Piss off.
Chasity-You got no room to talk.
As for the ‘mechanics’ of hacking, I think they were explained well enough
I’ll shut up now.
Mrs President Bradley
May 16th, 2004
Well said.
May 16th, 2004
Why thank you
Viva T
May 17th, 2004
“Give me Celesties new name on TSO NOW! I want to give his house back and money too please. Hurry before I delete everything! HAHAHA!
Posted by: Viva T at May 16, 2004 10:50 AM”
Celestie, This isn’t me. Mrs President Bradley posted it under my name. So answer her, not me! Don’t you understand?! It’s easy to notice it is bradley who posted it! You really need BIG glasses
and..Bradley, stop posting under my name.
Urizenus, Please delete the post! Can’t you see IP-addresses?!
Viva T
May 17th, 2004
Nick, you forgot yourself
Nick-´a ugly dwarf